D. N. Angel Fan Fiction ❯ Dark: In Love? ❯ Chapter 5: Troubling Conclusions ( Chapter 5 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Dark…In Love?
A/N- Well...things are going to start moving more from here on out! Hope you guys enjoy it though! Also, I don't own DNA!
As before...
'Daisuke's Thoughts'
'Dark's Thoughts'
As before...
'Daisuke's Thoughts'
'Dark's Thoughts'
Chapter 5: Troubling Conclusions
Daisuke had better nights, this one was turning out not to be one of them. It had been a week since he and Dark had crossed paths with that woman, the one called Night. Since then, they hadn’t got even one step closer to finding out who she was, not to mention what she had to do with them.
It didn’t help matters that Dark hadn’t shut up about her since, she was all he had been taking about, as if he was wholly obsessed with her.
‘What am I talking about, he is obsessed.’ “Damn it, I just don’t get math! I can break into a building that has the best defenses known to man and get out without a single scratch, but I can’t solve one stinking algebraic problem.”
Burying his hands into his red locks, Daisuke tugged roughly, the pain helping him to concentrate a little bit better.
“Dark…what are you thinking about? You’ve been awfully quite lately.”
‘Hmm? Oh, sorry Dai. I’ve had a lot on my mind lately. When do you think we are going to head out for the next item…I mean, it has been a week already.’
“Yeah, I know Dark. You haven’t stopped asking that same question the whole week! I mean, we meet that chick once and now you’re stuck on her.”
Daisuke felt his eyes widen at his own words as something struck him, “Oh…I get it. You like her don’t you!”
‘Don’t tease me Dai, she intrigues me, that’s all.’
An amused chuckle escaped Daisuke as he shook his head, looking into the mirror at his side and seeing a blushing Dark looking right back at him.
“Yeah, right. You never have shown interest in anyone, besides Riku for that short year and flirting around with Risa, but all Night had to do was waltz in and you’re stuck. She must have some really awesome chick power or something. I mean, the manly man Dark himself, has finally found a woman that won’t back down.”
Dark turned away, one of his hands clenching into a fist at his side, ‘Dai, you don’t understand at all do you…’
Noticing the serious and slightly broken voice that the phantom thief was now using, Daisuke tilted his head as he stepped closer to the mirror.
“Dark…is there something your not telling me? You know you can tell me anything, so out with it!”
Turning to face his partner, Dark let out a tortured sigh as he sat down on the edge of the bed in the reflection. ‘Alright…I’ll tell you Dai. I really don’t know what to make of it myself, I just hope that I don’t figure it out to late, if I do I have a feeling that something really bad will happen…again.’
Not sure what to make of that, Daisuke sat down as well and eyed Dark strangely. “What do you mean ‘again’? Have you remembered something that happened from one of your previous lives?”
Fisting his hands into his hair, Dark rested his elbows upon his knees as he stared at the ground at his feet. Daisuke was beginning to get a really weird feeling as he watched the phantom thief break down right before his eyes.
‘I don’t know and that’s the thing…I have this feeling that Night and I have met before, but I can’t see how that is possible, unless she is somehow involved in the curse that both Krad and I share. Then there is that as well, I mean, she had to have know that Hiwatari was Krad’s partner. She did say that she and the commander went way back, that could be the only explanation…right?’
“I…guess, but you really aren’t making any sence Dark. If this Night was part of the curse, then wouldn’t my family know about her? I mean, we grilled my mother and Grampa for several hours, they didn’t even know that there was another like you and Krad out there.”
Dark could understand where Daisuke was coming from, he had been there when they were asking about her, but for some reason it just didn’t fit. By the worried look that Daisuke had on his face, he thought the same thing.
‘There must be something missing. I mean, your grandfather was me once, right? He even remembers what we did, who we met, what we stole. Yet this Night knows me and I know I have met her before, so if she is part of our curse, so your grandfather must have met her as well. Unless her curse is a different one from mine and Krad’s, but for some reason I don’t think that explanation is right either. There must be something that we’re missing here, but what is it exactly?’
Daisuke shook his head as he fell back upon his bed, his arms spread eagle about him. Eyes locked on the ceiling, Daisuke tried to think but ended up coming to the same conclusion that Dark had.
“We have to find out who her partner is. She did say that her partner had school the next day, so that means that she has school with me. But damn it! If Krad knows about her too then he’ll be looking for her as well and Satoshi is really good at finding out things like that. I mean, he found out about us rather quickly, so maybe we could use this to our advantage and let Satoshi find Night’s partner first.”
‘No! Fuck that Dai! There is no way in hell that bastard Krad is going to get within fifteen feet of Night, I won’t let him. So no, we have to figure it out on our own and quickly. Time is running out, the longer we wait the more time that asshole has to find her as well. We can’t let it happen Dai, get up, lets go looking now! We don’t have time to waste! Move it Dai, damn it! Move or I’ll make you move!’
Daisuke was stunned, slowly sitting up he eyed Dark in the mirror and was even more shocked at what he saw. “Dark…you…you love her don’t you?”
Dark, who had been busy stomping about tugging at his hair and kicking nearby objects, froze in place as those words reached his ears. His eyes wide, Dark turned to look at Daisuke and found the normally clueless redhead, staring back with crystal clear and truth filled eyes. It was the truth that he saw there that had him collapse to his knees and stare at his hands as if he was someone else entirely.
Seeing that Dark had gone into some type of dazed state, Daisuke closed his eyes and mentally shook Dark, trying to knock him out of it. Opening his eyes and seeing that it had failed to work, Daisuke gritted his teeth and forced his body to change to that of Dark’s.
Then getting to his feet, Daisuke forced the still stunned Dark to run face first into the wall, sending a blast of pain throughout his body.
“Shit! What the fuck happened! What the hell just happened Dai?”
Noticing that he was now the one in control of their body, Dark rubbed his now bruised forehead and grunted as he got to his feet, nearly limping over to the mirror and leaning against it.
Daisuke was sitting back, a smug expression on his face, ‘well…so you finally decided to come out of your self induced comma. I was wondering what it was going to take, maybe I should use this more often.’
Growling, Dark smacked his right hand against the wall next to the mirror, his palm flat and fingers curled slightly. “Don’t even think about it Dai, this is your body too, remember. Next time we might just go flying out the window and end up as some smudge on the street.”
Daisuke just rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms, ‘yeah, whatever Dark. I just wanted you to answer the question, that’s all. So Dark, what’s your answer? Is it yes or no?’
Eyebrows furrowing, Dark’s eyes filled with confusion, “What question Dai, I don’t get it.”
Smacking himself on the forehead, Daisuke let out a tortured sigh, ‘Whether you love Night or not! Remember, I asked you if you loved her and you completely spaced out on me. You know, I swear if you do it again, I will turn you in to the cops myself!’
“Alright, alright. I get it.” Sighing, Dark sat down upon Daisuke’s bed and rested his chin in his jaw. “The answer is yes Dai, I do love her…but I don’t know why. Nothing makes sence anymore…I thought at first that I just thought she was rather sassy yet fine, but when you mentioned Hiwatari and Krad. I still can’t believe I just snapped like that, I just have a very bad feeling that Krad is the reason we have this curse in the first place, but I still don’t get where Night comes into all this.”
Stunned, Daisuke eyed Dark wearily, ‘you sure you’re the same Dark? I mean, you’ve been acting strangely since last week…but I guess Night is the cause after all. Well…how about we corner my dad and grill him for some answers?’
Dark snapped his head up to look at Daisuke, “I suppose that would work, but I doubt he’ll tell us anything. If your mother and grandfather weren’t forthcoming, then I have a feeling your father won’t be either. When does he get back anyway?”
Tapping a finger on his chin, Daisuke let out a soft humming noise, ‘Tomorrow afternoon I think, that’s what mom told me anyway. Don’t worry Dark, we’ll figure this all out yet. Now can I have my body back please, I do have school tomorrow and I promised to meet Riku early so that we could discuss our art project together. Besides, I might just get her to help me with my algebra homework.’
Chuckling, Dark shook his head and let their body shift, letting Daisuke take control once again. Curling on the bed, Dark let out a yawn as he watched Daisuke put away his still unfinished homework.
‘Goodnight Dai, hopefully tomorrow we’ll have figured another piece of the puzzle out.’
“I agree, goodnight Dark.” Letting out a yawn as well, Daisuke slipped off his plain t-shirt and pants before crawling onto his bed. Snuggling deep into the pillows, Daisuke let himself drift off to join the already snoring phantom thief.
A/N- There it is! I hope this chapter turned out alright, I have really been into dna lately so this is really been a good story to write right now, I've even gotten a few new ideas. Anyway, until next time...Ja Ne!
It didn’t help matters that Dark hadn’t shut up about her since, she was all he had been taking about, as if he was wholly obsessed with her.
‘What am I talking about, he is obsessed.’ “Damn it, I just don’t get math! I can break into a building that has the best defenses known to man and get out without a single scratch, but I can’t solve one stinking algebraic problem.”
Burying his hands into his red locks, Daisuke tugged roughly, the pain helping him to concentrate a little bit better.
“Dark…what are you thinking about? You’ve been awfully quite lately.”
‘Hmm? Oh, sorry Dai. I’ve had a lot on my mind lately. When do you think we are going to head out for the next item…I mean, it has been a week already.’
“Yeah, I know Dark. You haven’t stopped asking that same question the whole week! I mean, we meet that chick once and now you’re stuck on her.”
Daisuke felt his eyes widen at his own words as something struck him, “Oh…I get it. You like her don’t you!”
‘Don’t tease me Dai, she intrigues me, that’s all.’
An amused chuckle escaped Daisuke as he shook his head, looking into the mirror at his side and seeing a blushing Dark looking right back at him.
“Yeah, right. You never have shown interest in anyone, besides Riku for that short year and flirting around with Risa, but all Night had to do was waltz in and you’re stuck. She must have some really awesome chick power or something. I mean, the manly man Dark himself, has finally found a woman that won’t back down.”
Dark turned away, one of his hands clenching into a fist at his side, ‘Dai, you don’t understand at all do you…’
Noticing the serious and slightly broken voice that the phantom thief was now using, Daisuke tilted his head as he stepped closer to the mirror.
“Dark…is there something your not telling me? You know you can tell me anything, so out with it!”
Turning to face his partner, Dark let out a tortured sigh as he sat down on the edge of the bed in the reflection. ‘Alright…I’ll tell you Dai. I really don’t know what to make of it myself, I just hope that I don’t figure it out to late, if I do I have a feeling that something really bad will happen…again.’
Not sure what to make of that, Daisuke sat down as well and eyed Dark strangely. “What do you mean ‘again’? Have you remembered something that happened from one of your previous lives?”
Fisting his hands into his hair, Dark rested his elbows upon his knees as he stared at the ground at his feet. Daisuke was beginning to get a really weird feeling as he watched the phantom thief break down right before his eyes.
‘I don’t know and that’s the thing…I have this feeling that Night and I have met before, but I can’t see how that is possible, unless she is somehow involved in the curse that both Krad and I share. Then there is that as well, I mean, she had to have know that Hiwatari was Krad’s partner. She did say that she and the commander went way back, that could be the only explanation…right?’
“I…guess, but you really aren’t making any sence Dark. If this Night was part of the curse, then wouldn’t my family know about her? I mean, we grilled my mother and Grampa for several hours, they didn’t even know that there was another like you and Krad out there.”
Dark could understand where Daisuke was coming from, he had been there when they were asking about her, but for some reason it just didn’t fit. By the worried look that Daisuke had on his face, he thought the same thing.
‘There must be something missing. I mean, your grandfather was me once, right? He even remembers what we did, who we met, what we stole. Yet this Night knows me and I know I have met her before, so if she is part of our curse, so your grandfather must have met her as well. Unless her curse is a different one from mine and Krad’s, but for some reason I don’t think that explanation is right either. There must be something that we’re missing here, but what is it exactly?’
Daisuke shook his head as he fell back upon his bed, his arms spread eagle about him. Eyes locked on the ceiling, Daisuke tried to think but ended up coming to the same conclusion that Dark had.
“We have to find out who her partner is. She did say that her partner had school the next day, so that means that she has school with me. But damn it! If Krad knows about her too then he’ll be looking for her as well and Satoshi is really good at finding out things like that. I mean, he found out about us rather quickly, so maybe we could use this to our advantage and let Satoshi find Night’s partner first.”
‘No! Fuck that Dai! There is no way in hell that bastard Krad is going to get within fifteen feet of Night, I won’t let him. So no, we have to figure it out on our own and quickly. Time is running out, the longer we wait the more time that asshole has to find her as well. We can’t let it happen Dai, get up, lets go looking now! We don’t have time to waste! Move it Dai, damn it! Move or I’ll make you move!’
Daisuke was stunned, slowly sitting up he eyed Dark in the mirror and was even more shocked at what he saw. “Dark…you…you love her don’t you?”
Dark, who had been busy stomping about tugging at his hair and kicking nearby objects, froze in place as those words reached his ears. His eyes wide, Dark turned to look at Daisuke and found the normally clueless redhead, staring back with crystal clear and truth filled eyes. It was the truth that he saw there that had him collapse to his knees and stare at his hands as if he was someone else entirely.
Seeing that Dark had gone into some type of dazed state, Daisuke closed his eyes and mentally shook Dark, trying to knock him out of it. Opening his eyes and seeing that it had failed to work, Daisuke gritted his teeth and forced his body to change to that of Dark’s.
Then getting to his feet, Daisuke forced the still stunned Dark to run face first into the wall, sending a blast of pain throughout his body.
“Shit! What the fuck happened! What the hell just happened Dai?”
Noticing that he was now the one in control of their body, Dark rubbed his now bruised forehead and grunted as he got to his feet, nearly limping over to the mirror and leaning against it.
Daisuke was sitting back, a smug expression on his face, ‘well…so you finally decided to come out of your self induced comma. I was wondering what it was going to take, maybe I should use this more often.’
Growling, Dark smacked his right hand against the wall next to the mirror, his palm flat and fingers curled slightly. “Don’t even think about it Dai, this is your body too, remember. Next time we might just go flying out the window and end up as some smudge on the street.”
Daisuke just rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms, ‘yeah, whatever Dark. I just wanted you to answer the question, that’s all. So Dark, what’s your answer? Is it yes or no?’
Eyebrows furrowing, Dark’s eyes filled with confusion, “What question Dai, I don’t get it.”
Smacking himself on the forehead, Daisuke let out a tortured sigh, ‘Whether you love Night or not! Remember, I asked you if you loved her and you completely spaced out on me. You know, I swear if you do it again, I will turn you in to the cops myself!’
“Alright, alright. I get it.” Sighing, Dark sat down upon Daisuke’s bed and rested his chin in his jaw. “The answer is yes Dai, I do love her…but I don’t know why. Nothing makes sence anymore…I thought at first that I just thought she was rather sassy yet fine, but when you mentioned Hiwatari and Krad. I still can’t believe I just snapped like that, I just have a very bad feeling that Krad is the reason we have this curse in the first place, but I still don’t get where Night comes into all this.”
Stunned, Daisuke eyed Dark wearily, ‘you sure you’re the same Dark? I mean, you’ve been acting strangely since last week…but I guess Night is the cause after all. Well…how about we corner my dad and grill him for some answers?’
Dark snapped his head up to look at Daisuke, “I suppose that would work, but I doubt he’ll tell us anything. If your mother and grandfather weren’t forthcoming, then I have a feeling your father won’t be either. When does he get back anyway?”
Tapping a finger on his chin, Daisuke let out a soft humming noise, ‘Tomorrow afternoon I think, that’s what mom told me anyway. Don’t worry Dark, we’ll figure this all out yet. Now can I have my body back please, I do have school tomorrow and I promised to meet Riku early so that we could discuss our art project together. Besides, I might just get her to help me with my algebra homework.’
Chuckling, Dark shook his head and let their body shift, letting Daisuke take control once again. Curling on the bed, Dark let out a yawn as he watched Daisuke put away his still unfinished homework.
‘Goodnight Dai, hopefully tomorrow we’ll have figured another piece of the puzzle out.’
“I agree, goodnight Dark.” Letting out a yawn as well, Daisuke slipped off his plain t-shirt and pants before crawling onto his bed. Snuggling deep into the pillows, Daisuke let himself drift off to join the already snoring phantom thief.
A/N- There it is! I hope this chapter turned out alright, I have really been into dna lately so this is really been a good story to write right now, I've even gotten a few new ideas. Anyway, until next time...Ja Ne!