D. N. Angel Fan Fiction ❯ dnanel rpg part 1 ❯ The Begining ( Chapter 1 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
By: Hokova ![Hokova RSS Feed](https://www.mediaminer.org/mediaminer/img/rss.png)
Humans: Alani,Yoh, ,Kate,Sora,Mitsuko (without a angel)
Angels: Oturo,Zeke,Aetheria,Roxas,
Alani stood outside the police station, staring at the clouds. one of them looked like a heart, another looked like a wyvern dragon (a dragon with no arms or legs, just wings). her parents walked out of the marble doors. she hated this school anyways, and now she had reason to hate it even more. she made a mural on one of the walls, and suddenly it was the end of the world. if her goody-two-shoes parents thought that she was a delinquent, she would act like a delinquent. big mistake. she got sent to the principal's office, and when she called him an idiot, that was when her parents were called in. when that happened, she broke a couple of windows to protest, and when that happened, the police were called in. all she could say was that her parents hated her, and she hated her parents.
,,Alani, look at what you've done!´´
"yep. look. isn't it nice when you get to go to a nice place like this building?" Alani said non-schalantly. She took her skateboard and started off to school, away from the police station. she wasn't sure that the school would let her in, but it was better than skipping school. because there, she could be with her best friends, lia and yoh.
Yoh got up and walked to school. "................." His mind was blank "Yoh why so glum?" Zeke asked.
"Nothing really Zeke..." Yoh answetred to himself.
"Your always so distant.." Zeke sighed.
Alani popped up beside him "yep, but i have the stealth of a ninja!" she smiled "i just got sent to the police. not good."
"Oh hi... not good..." Yoh said
"yeah, but it's all settled. i don't even care......."
"Hey do you know where I put my books? I don't remember"
"uh, maybe over there?" she pointed to his books
"Oh thanks...I'm just a little confused.." Yoh said.
Sora was walking to school happliy as always. 'Stop jumpingh around!" Roxas yelled.
"Hey it's not my fault you got hurt." Sora said.
"Great, Just Great" thought mitsuko. It was bad enough her entire reputation was coming from her cousin Daisuke at this school (he was there first, but still), and now she was the over smart freak because she was in 10th grade. Now, normally that wouldn't be a problem, at least not for her classmates. The only problem was that she was only 13, making her the smart kid who should go back to preschool. Even Daisuke's friends were telling him not to go near her if he valued his social life. There was one boy her age that was actually being nice to her though. He had pale blue hair, blue eyes, and he wore glasses. His name was Satoshi Hiwatari. While Mitsuko was thinking all this, she was running, since she had convinced diasuke to leave for school without her, and so now she was late. She was still stuck in her thoughts, when she happened to run into someone, causing them both to fall onto the sidewalk.
"Ow...Sorry are you ok?" Sora said. Helping the girl up
"ouch" thought mitsuko, as she landed face first on the pavement. she heard an "Ow" somewhere near her. She sat up, rubbing her head, when she saw a hand come into her line of sight. She looked up to see a boy about a year older than her that she had never seen before, which was odd, because everyone her age avoided her, but most boy in school that was older had a tendency to flirt with her. She shuddered just thinking about it. " Sorry, are you ok?" the older boy asked? "Hai, gomen nasia, that was my fault. I wasn't paying attention where I was." She said, taking his hand so he could pull her up.
"It's alright. I was think of something else." Sora said Smileing. 'Flirter...' Roxas laughed. "Shut up.." Sora mummbled.
Mitsuko noticed the boy was getting red. she thought she heard him mumble something that sounded a bit like "shut up", but it was very windy that day, and she had probably just imagined it. "Oh, this is why I dont know him. He isn't one of those @$$s that flirts with every girls who walks by. Sweet!" she thought, he might actually be nice! She decided to press her luck further. It's not like she had anything to lose. "So, what grade are you in?" she asked, hoping to prolong the conversation. Hell (No one cares if i cuss a little, so they?) she might even make a friend! Just then, a sudden gust of wind whipped through the area they were standing in. "crap, I can't believe I forgot a jacket!" she thought and shivered. Sora gave her his. "here take mine." Sora said.
Yoh had getten to school but didn't want to be there. "Th-Thanks" Mitsuko said blushing. Suddenly the dirt underfoot seemed very interesting. Then she realized. The fact that he hadn't answered the question didn't matter much, and he probably hadn't heard her with all this d@mned wind! Almost like it had heard her insult, the wind whipped past again, making it so she had to hold down her uniform skirt so that all the boys in the surrounding area didn't get a view underneath it. "I hate skirts so much right now!" she mumbled under her breath.
"Why not use the boys uniform?" Sora said. Roxas rolled his eyes 'Suck up.' Sora ignored him.
"great minds think alike!" mitsuko stated cheerfully. "I can't though, I tried that my first day with my cousin Dai's old uniform, and I only stopped having detention like, 2 days ago. And since I've been here for about 3 months, I really don't think I'll be trying it again."
"Dai?...Oh! You mean Daisuke Niwa. He's a legend in my faimly." Sora said. Yoh walked up. "Hey Sora. What's up." Yoh looked at Mitsuko "Who's she?"
"Daisuke? He's one of my best friends!" Alani heard them and walked over.
"Daisuke Niwa. You mean the guy your family worshies?" Yoh said.
"Really?" Mitsuko asked. "He's my cousin" she told the girl. She turned back to the boy. "My names Mitsuko Niwa, pleased to make your aquantince."
"Yeah whatever.." He said. Sora looked at her. "Can I meet him? Please!!!"
Mitsuko sweatdropped. That boy was RUDE!
"yeah, sure. U can stop by the house after school if u like." she said to Sora.
"YES!!!!THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!" Sora yelled, hugging her.
Daisuke walked by the school, and saw Alani. He walked over and sat next to her.
"Hey, Alani. What's up?" He asked. She looked at him, and said,
"I'm debating with myself about going to school for the next week or so."
"Oh." His expression was unreadable.
Sora was slient. "Y..your..Dai..Daisuke...N..niwa..." Yoh rolled his eyes.
"Uh, yeah, that's right. Daisuke Niwa. That's me." He smiled, but was confused.
Sora bowed. "It's such an honor to meet you! I wish to learn under you."
"Hey cuz, whats up? Or are your idiot friends still telling you not to talk to me for fear of your social status?"
Yoh sighed. "Sorry about my friend he worships you.I'm Yoh and he's Sora."
Alani and Daisuke laughed.
"Daisuke Niwa," Sora said. "I challenge you to a duel of Angels!"
"Can I join?" Alani piped up, a spark in her usually dull eyes.
"Sure that means Yoh can join to." Sora said.
"Wait what!??!?!?!!?"
Alani's angel, Oturo, appeared, and so did Dark.
Roxas appeared and Zeke also appeared against his will 'Sora you scare me..' Roxas said 'Yoh why are you making me do this?' Zeke asked.
Dark cracked his knuckles, and Oturo smirked.
"hi there Dark!" Mitsuko piped up. "can you tell Dai that now i am oficially mad at him, and that he can do his own d@mn homework tonight? And can i be the ref for this duel of angels thing? Pretty pretty please?" she also used her puppy dog eyes. She knew dark never said no to her when she did that.
'It's fine with Sora...but I hate this!!!' Roxas yelled 'Might as well do this' Zeke sighed.
Dark looked at Daisuke "Okay, Mitchan says that she's mad at you, and you can do your own damn homework, and Mitchan wants to be the referee for this duel." Daisuke nodded.
"Alright!!" Sora yelled.,,lets go!!" Roxas sighed. 'Sora says he wants to start..'
"ok, what is this competition going to be? Some things I am thinking of is giving Dark some 'friendly' competition with that high security crystal he'll be stealing tonight, but i doubt that seems fun to anyone but me. Whatever this is, if it involves stealing something, whatever is being stolen has to be high security, or else its not really a test of your skills. How about you all steal something from a different place tonight. And dark, that means NOT NOW. If you have something in mind now, tell me so i can hack the police records and make sure they are all on the same level security, so this duel is fair. If anyone is caught cheating Dark they are automatically disqualified. By cheating i mean that you cannot disable alarms, because the police know you have been there. You are not allowed to attack the police unless it is in self defense.You are allowed one look at the blueprints to find an entrance and an escape route. How does that sound?"
"Why can't we just fight?" Oturo asked.
"because Dark has a heist tonight, and Dai has to be strong enough to help with the sealing, 'cause I am not doing it alone, AGAIN!" Mitsuko said, tilting her head forward so that her eyes were shadowed, and proceding to glare at dark.
"Hey! I don't have a heist tonight! I'm free! Don't go making decisions for me! Dark protested.
"Sorry, you must have already done it."
"Yeah, but I agree with Oturo. I want a fight." Dark smiled slightly.
mitsuko sighed."fine, but don't hurt Dai, or Aunt Emiko will get you Dark."
"And why does everyone only care about Daisuke?" Alani asked jokingly. Daisuke looked at her and said,
"I care about you, and I care about lots of other people. And that means not everyone cares about me." He smiled, and she laughed.
"how are these fights gonna work then?" Mitsuko asked, trying not to roll her eyes at her cousin. "We could make them like a competition, or a free for all. Whichever you people want."
'can we please just start!!!' Roxas yelled. He charged for Dark.
"FINE BUT NO KILLING!" mitsuko yelled.
'whatever.' Roxas said 'Heartless to me!' Roxas grew gray wings and flew into the sky.
Dark smirked, and Oturo cracked his knuckles. Zeke threw some fire balls. Oturo took a hose and sprayed the fireball.
Mitsuko sweatdropped. "where did the hose come from? Damn, and i thought only Dark was this weird."
'AAAAHHHH!' Roxas yelled he threw an energy ball at Dark.
Dark dodged and threw a fireball right into the middle of Roxas' stomach. Alani winced.
Roxas fell, but quickly rebounded.Zeke then threw a lightning bolt. Oturo pulled Dark out of the way. Dark kicked Zeke.
Zeke blocked. Zeke sensed something 'Hey wiat...Roxas! Did you hear that?' Roxas nodded it sounded like a demon. Dark looked at them and took advantage of their dropped guard. He sent Roxas and Zeke flying.
'what was that noise?' Mitsuko thought. Zeke was the only other one who noticed. Whatever it was, it did not sound friendly. Then she heard it again, but louder. "Dark..." she called out tentatively.
"Would you stop calling my name as if I'm the only other person here?" He hugged Alani, to anger Daisuke.
'Roxas saty on your toes!! I think it's Krad!' Zeke yelled.
Anime/Manga: D. N. Angel Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Fantasy | Type: Self Insertion | Uploaded On: 04.08.2009 | Pages: 1 | Words: 295 | Visits: 844 | Status: Work In Progress
![Hokova RSS Feed](https://www.mediaminer.org/mediaminer/img/rss.png)
Humans: Alani,Yoh, ,Kate,Sora,Mitsuko (without a angel)
Angels: Oturo,Zeke,Aetheria,Roxas,
Alani stood outside the police station, staring at the clouds. one of them looked like a heart, another looked like a wyvern dragon (a dragon with no arms or legs, just wings). her parents walked out of the marble doors. she hated this school anyways, and now she had reason to hate it even more. she made a mural on one of the walls, and suddenly it was the end of the world. if her goody-two-shoes parents thought that she was a delinquent, she would act like a delinquent. big mistake. she got sent to the principal's office, and when she called him an idiot, that was when her parents were called in. when that happened, she broke a couple of windows to protest, and when that happened, the police were called in. all she could say was that her parents hated her, and she hated her parents.
,,Alani, look at what you've done!´´
"yep. look. isn't it nice when you get to go to a nice place like this building?" Alani said non-schalantly. She took her skateboard and started off to school, away from the police station. she wasn't sure that the school would let her in, but it was better than skipping school. because there, she could be with her best friends, lia and yoh.
Yoh got up and walked to school. "................." His mind was blank "Yoh why so glum?" Zeke asked.
"Nothing really Zeke..." Yoh answetred to himself.
"Your always so distant.." Zeke sighed.
Alani popped up beside him "yep, but i have the stealth of a ninja!" she smiled "i just got sent to the police. not good."
"Oh hi... not good..." Yoh said
"yeah, but it's all settled. i don't even care......."
"Hey do you know where I put my books? I don't remember"
"uh, maybe over there?" she pointed to his books
"Oh thanks...I'm just a little confused.." Yoh said.
Sora was walking to school happliy as always. 'Stop jumpingh around!" Roxas yelled.
"Hey it's not my fault you got hurt." Sora said.
"Great, Just Great" thought mitsuko. It was bad enough her entire reputation was coming from her cousin Daisuke at this school (he was there first, but still), and now she was the over smart freak because she was in 10th grade. Now, normally that wouldn't be a problem, at least not for her classmates. The only problem was that she was only 13, making her the smart kid who should go back to preschool. Even Daisuke's friends were telling him not to go near her if he valued his social life. There was one boy her age that was actually being nice to her though. He had pale blue hair, blue eyes, and he wore glasses. His name was Satoshi Hiwatari. While Mitsuko was thinking all this, she was running, since she had convinced diasuke to leave for school without her, and so now she was late. She was still stuck in her thoughts, when she happened to run into someone, causing them both to fall onto the sidewalk.
"Ow...Sorry are you ok?" Sora said. Helping the girl up
"ouch" thought mitsuko, as she landed face first on the pavement. she heard an "Ow" somewhere near her. She sat up, rubbing her head, when she saw a hand come into her line of sight. She looked up to see a boy about a year older than her that she had never seen before, which was odd, because everyone her age avoided her, but most boy in school that was older had a tendency to flirt with her. She shuddered just thinking about it. " Sorry, are you ok?" the older boy asked? "Hai, gomen nasia, that was my fault. I wasn't paying attention where I was." She said, taking his hand so he could pull her up.
"It's alright. I was think of something else." Sora said Smileing. 'Flirter...' Roxas laughed. "Shut up.." Sora mummbled.
Mitsuko noticed the boy was getting red. she thought she heard him mumble something that sounded a bit like "shut up", but it was very windy that day, and she had probably just imagined it. "Oh, this is why I dont know him. He isn't one of those @$$s that flirts with every girls who walks by. Sweet!" she thought, he might actually be nice! She decided to press her luck further. It's not like she had anything to lose. "So, what grade are you in?" she asked, hoping to prolong the conversation. Hell (No one cares if i cuss a little, so they?) she might even make a friend! Just then, a sudden gust of wind whipped through the area they were standing in. "crap, I can't believe I forgot a jacket!" she thought and shivered. Sora gave her his. "here take mine." Sora said.
Yoh had getten to school but didn't want to be there. "Th-Thanks" Mitsuko said blushing. Suddenly the dirt underfoot seemed very interesting. Then she realized. The fact that he hadn't answered the question didn't matter much, and he probably hadn't heard her with all this d@mned wind! Almost like it had heard her insult, the wind whipped past again, making it so she had to hold down her uniform skirt so that all the boys in the surrounding area didn't get a view underneath it. "I hate skirts so much right now!" she mumbled under her breath.
"Why not use the boys uniform?" Sora said. Roxas rolled his eyes 'Suck up.' Sora ignored him.
"great minds think alike!" mitsuko stated cheerfully. "I can't though, I tried that my first day with my cousin Dai's old uniform, and I only stopped having detention like, 2 days ago. And since I've been here for about 3 months, I really don't think I'll be trying it again."
"Dai?...Oh! You mean Daisuke Niwa. He's a legend in my faimly." Sora said. Yoh walked up. "Hey Sora. What's up." Yoh looked at Mitsuko "Who's she?"
"Daisuke? He's one of my best friends!" Alani heard them and walked over.
"Daisuke Niwa. You mean the guy your family worshies?" Yoh said.
"Really?" Mitsuko asked. "He's my cousin" she told the girl. She turned back to the boy. "My names Mitsuko Niwa, pleased to make your aquantince."
"Yeah whatever.." He said. Sora looked at her. "Can I meet him? Please!!!"
Mitsuko sweatdropped. That boy was RUDE!
"yeah, sure. U can stop by the house after school if u like." she said to Sora.
"YES!!!!THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!" Sora yelled, hugging her.
Daisuke walked by the school, and saw Alani. He walked over and sat next to her.
"Hey, Alani. What's up?" He asked. She looked at him, and said,
"I'm debating with myself about going to school for the next week or so."
"Oh." His expression was unreadable.
Sora was slient. "Y..your..Dai..Daisuke...N..niwa..." Yoh rolled his eyes.
"Uh, yeah, that's right. Daisuke Niwa. That's me." He smiled, but was confused.
Sora bowed. "It's such an honor to meet you! I wish to learn under you."
"Hey cuz, whats up? Or are your idiot friends still telling you not to talk to me for fear of your social status?"
Yoh sighed. "Sorry about my friend he worships you.I'm Yoh and he's Sora."
Alani and Daisuke laughed.
"Daisuke Niwa," Sora said. "I challenge you to a duel of Angels!"
"Can I join?" Alani piped up, a spark in her usually dull eyes.
"Sure that means Yoh can join to." Sora said.
"Wait what!??!?!?!!?"
Alani's angel, Oturo, appeared, and so did Dark.
Roxas appeared and Zeke also appeared against his will 'Sora you scare me..' Roxas said 'Yoh why are you making me do this?' Zeke asked.
Dark cracked his knuckles, and Oturo smirked.
"hi there Dark!" Mitsuko piped up. "can you tell Dai that now i am oficially mad at him, and that he can do his own d@mn homework tonight? And can i be the ref for this duel of angels thing? Pretty pretty please?" she also used her puppy dog eyes. She knew dark never said no to her when she did that.
'It's fine with Sora...but I hate this!!!' Roxas yelled 'Might as well do this' Zeke sighed.
Dark looked at Daisuke "Okay, Mitchan says that she's mad at you, and you can do your own damn homework, and Mitchan wants to be the referee for this duel." Daisuke nodded.
"Alright!!" Sora yelled.,,lets go!!" Roxas sighed. 'Sora says he wants to start..'
"ok, what is this competition going to be? Some things I am thinking of is giving Dark some 'friendly' competition with that high security crystal he'll be stealing tonight, but i doubt that seems fun to anyone but me. Whatever this is, if it involves stealing something, whatever is being stolen has to be high security, or else its not really a test of your skills. How about you all steal something from a different place tonight. And dark, that means NOT NOW. If you have something in mind now, tell me so i can hack the police records and make sure they are all on the same level security, so this duel is fair. If anyone is caught cheating Dark they are automatically disqualified. By cheating i mean that you cannot disable alarms, because the police know you have been there. You are not allowed to attack the police unless it is in self defense.You are allowed one look at the blueprints to find an entrance and an escape route. How does that sound?"
"Why can't we just fight?" Oturo asked.
"because Dark has a heist tonight, and Dai has to be strong enough to help with the sealing, 'cause I am not doing it alone, AGAIN!" Mitsuko said, tilting her head forward so that her eyes were shadowed, and proceding to glare at dark.
"Hey! I don't have a heist tonight! I'm free! Don't go making decisions for me! Dark protested.
"Sorry, you must have already done it."
"Yeah, but I agree with Oturo. I want a fight." Dark smiled slightly.
mitsuko sighed."fine, but don't hurt Dai, or Aunt Emiko will get you Dark."
"And why does everyone only care about Daisuke?" Alani asked jokingly. Daisuke looked at her and said,
"I care about you, and I care about lots of other people. And that means not everyone cares about me." He smiled, and she laughed.
"how are these fights gonna work then?" Mitsuko asked, trying not to roll her eyes at her cousin. "We could make them like a competition, or a free for all. Whichever you people want."
'can we please just start!!!' Roxas yelled. He charged for Dark.
"FINE BUT NO KILLING!" mitsuko yelled.
'whatever.' Roxas said 'Heartless to me!' Roxas grew gray wings and flew into the sky.
Dark smirked, and Oturo cracked his knuckles. Zeke threw some fire balls. Oturo took a hose and sprayed the fireball.
Mitsuko sweatdropped. "where did the hose come from? Damn, and i thought only Dark was this weird."
'AAAAHHHH!' Roxas yelled he threw an energy ball at Dark.
Dark dodged and threw a fireball right into the middle of Roxas' stomach. Alani winced.
Roxas fell, but quickly rebounded.Zeke then threw a lightning bolt. Oturo pulled Dark out of the way. Dark kicked Zeke.
Zeke blocked. Zeke sensed something 'Hey wiat...Roxas! Did you hear that?' Roxas nodded it sounded like a demon. Dark looked at them and took advantage of their dropped guard. He sent Roxas and Zeke flying.
'what was that noise?' Mitsuko thought. Zeke was the only other one who noticed. Whatever it was, it did not sound friendly. Then she heard it again, but louder. "Dark..." she called out tentatively.
"Would you stop calling my name as if I'm the only other person here?" He hugged Alani, to anger Daisuke.
'Roxas saty on your toes!! I think it's Krad!' Zeke yelled.
Anime/Manga: D. N. Angel Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Fantasy | Type: Self Insertion | Uploaded On: 04.08.2009 | Pages: 1 | Words: 295 | Visits: 844 | Status: Work In Progress
This is from a D.N.Angel rpg,created here: http://www.pixelbee.com/forums/showthread.php?t=8155&pa ge=1
Aetheria and Kate belong to me and other characters to theyr creators.Not all mine! We all in that forum did it! All characters in there are main!
Humans: Alani,Yoh, ,Kate,Sora,Mitsuko (without a angel)
Angels: Oturo,Zeke,Aetheria,Roxas,
Alani stood outside the police station, staring at the clouds. one of them looked like a heart, another looked like a wyvern dragon (a dragon with no arms or legs, just wings). her parents walked out of the marble doors. she hated this school anyways, and now she had reason to hate it even more. she made a mural on one of the walls, and suddenly it was the end of the world. if her goody-two-shoes parents thought that she was a delinquent, she would act like a delinquent. big mistake. she got sent to the principal's office, and when she called him an idiot, that was when her parents were called in. when that happened, she broke a couple of windows to protest, and when that happened, the police were called in. all she could say was that her parents hated her, and she hated her parents.
,,Alani, look at what you've done!