D. N. Angel Fan Fiction ❯ Kleptomaniac ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own DNAngel. Sad for me, lucky for you. ^^


Author's Note: Hi! I'm back with chapter 1. I've decided I'm going to switch between character's P.O.Vs., but you'll know when it's who. Please R&R! I'd really, really appreciate it if you did. Oh, and Lady Samurai, you asked what made me write a DarkxDaisuke one.

Well, truth be told, I’ve been working on another for a really long time, and then I read your fanfic “Together Itsumo” and I was like, “WOW THIS FANFIC IS GREAT! SO IS THIS PAIRING!” and I went into this DNAngel craze all over again and then decided that I would write a DarkxDaisuke fanfic and then this idea just hit me. And now here I am, typing up a storm. You’re so inspirational. ;-; xD But seriously, you are.

Thanks to all my reviewers! I appreciate it a lot. Keep those reviews coming! =D


Summary: Dark's a klepto, and he's stealing to find just what he wants most out of everything. Then he finds it...him? He's promised Daisuke he's going to steal his heart! Daisuke disagrees, but Dark seems to be willing to fulfil that promise at all costs. DarkxDaisuke, KradxSatoshi.


Chapter 1


(Dark's P.O.V)

"WH-WHAT?!" Risa cried.

I cringed. Man, I knew this wouldn't be easy, but if she's going to scream like that this whole time...

"I'm really sorry, Risa, but--"

Her bottom lip trembled. "You--you're really breaking up with me?"

I nodded. "I have to."

She looked at me and did a shaky laugh. "You have to? You HAVE TO?! WHY? WHAT IS SO IMPORTANT THAT IT'S KEEPING YOU FROM STAYING WITH ME!?!"

I rubbed my ear. It really was starting to hurt from her screaming.

"Well," I said. "I'm changing schools."


"So, I'm not going to be at your school, I'm going to be at the one your sister goes to. And you won't be there, so I won't ever see you, meaning what's the point of going out?"

Tears began to well in her eyes. "But Dark...I can change to that school too! Please, don't leave me!" She said, and then burst into tears.

I actually felt bad doing this to her even if she was annoying. But I had to, if I wanted Daisuke...


Slowly she looked up at me. "Please, Dark..." She pleaded, tears streaming down her face.

I pulled her into my arms and began stroking her hair. "Risa, I'm really sorry. But...but this is how it has to be. I would give almost anything to stay with you. But I can't. I'm sorry." Almost anything...hah. The person I'm leaving you for isn't something I'd give for you.

She continued to sob into my shirt. I sighed, and pulled her back.

"Risa," I said. "Don't cry yourself to death over me."

She wiped her eyes and nodded, smiling. "I won't, Dark. Because I'm going to get you back when I switch to that school, too." And with that she skipped away, leaving me to feel stupid and angry.

I knew exactly what this meant.

She was going to turn into my stalker and try to blackmail me into dating her again.

"Oh, great," I muttered. "Well, there's nothing she can blackmail me with, anyways."

At least I hoped not.


(Dark's P.O.V)

When I got home from Risa's house (which was where I was when I broke up with her), I decided to call Krad.

I dialed Satoshi's number.

You see, Krad and Satoshi are dating. Satoshi's parents are basically never home, and Krad is almost always there. Okay, scratch that, Krad is always there. He's never at his house, and Satoshi's parents never seem to care that he's there, so he basically just lives there. He lives in their house, but they don't really take the time to notice it. And since Satoshi doesn't really like human interaction, Krad is always the one to pick up the phone, answer the door, etc.

Just as I suspected, Krad picked up the phone. "Heeeeeeeey, Dark!" Then he yelled, "Hey, Satoshi! It's only Dark, it's not Kyouko, don't worry!"

I laughed. "Kyouko?"

"This girl at our school who's obsessed with Satoshi. She got his phone number somehow, and she alwats calls asking for him. And then she tries to flirt with my uke right in front of my eyes and she knows we're dating! That stupid bitch..."

"And how many times have you beat her up?" I asked. Krad never cared about gender. He was always one to beat someone up if you might him mad. And the easiest way to make him mad is through Satoshi.

"Uh...I'm about to do it again, so I think that'll make...six."

I laughed. "Great. And she's not dead yet?"

He groaned. "She's immortal, I swear. She's been in the hospital three of the five times I've beat her ugly ass, and yet she still lives. Her parents wanted to sue me, but they didn't, for some reason...probably because Kyouko thinks that Satoshi will hate her if they do. Funny thing, really, since he hates her for living. Maybe I should tell her that and she'll commit suicide."

"That's an easy way to get her out."

"I know, and I'm considering it. Maybe I should just kill her myself? You know, like shoot her in the head? Or stab her to death or something like that?"

"But wouldn't it be nicer to see her in pain and depression? After your fill of that, then kill her.”

Krad laughed evilly, and I could tell her was actually considering my words.

“Krad, don’t even think about doing what I just said.”

“Why not? Satoshi would support me, so I don’t care about you.”

“You’re such a great friend.”

“I know.”

“Oh, by the way, I’m coming to your school on Monday.”

"Oh. Why?"

"Daisuke Niwa."

"Daisuke Niwa? That kid’s so cute, and with his red hair and matching eyes, he’s so cute. If it wasn’t for his stupid bodyguard, I’d probably tackle hug him everyday."

"Bodyguard? Tell me everything you know about him.” A bodyguard? How rich was he to have a bodyguard? And why? Where were they then he was standing on the railing? I was so confused.

I could almost hear the smirk in his voice. “Why, is he your new interest?”

“You could say that.”

“Hah, good luck. Anyways, by his bodyguard, I mean Riku Harada. She’s almost always with him when I see him. She’s his best friend, but I really think she likes him. She doesn’t like Satoshi, and I think it’s because Daisuke likes talking to Satoshi. And if she doesn’t like Satoshi, then I don’t like her. He’s kind of shy, but then again he’s also pretty loud sometimes, too. I never really get to talk to him because when I walk up with Satoshi either Riku drags him away or he runs away. I think he’s afraid of popular people or something.”

"I think he's more of scared you'd beat him up, Krad."

"Eh, probably."


"Hey, Dark, why don't you come over?"

I thought about it. I was planning to try and figure out where Daisuke lived, but if I went to Satoshi’s, I could ask him questions about Daisuke, seeing he was friends with him. "...Okay, sure."


(Daisuke's P.O.V)

I was terrified.

I was terrified he might some how pop up at my school.

I begged, I pleaded, I cried to my mom to not let me go to school on Monday. She asked why.

"Because I have a stalker!"

"And just how did you meet this stalker?" She said, eyeing me suspiciously. "And where did you go Saturday night so late?"

I cringed. If I told my mom I was at the museum, she'd get angry at me. She doesn't like me there unless it's during the day. She thinks I'll get kidnapped at night. She's so overprotective it's scary.

"Hehehehe....well, mom, look at the time. I've really got to run to school," I said in a rush, dashing out the front door.

"We'll talk about that when you come home, Daisuke!" She called out the door.

I groaned. "Nooooo," I muttered.

"You'll talk about what?"

Riku came riding up beside me on her bike, and I sighed. "Nothing important..." Riku was my best friend at school. She had always been so nice and caring towards me, and she was truthful to me. But she didn’t seem to like any of my other friends, for some reason. But I didn’t care. She was still my best friend.

“Tell me, Daisuke.” She pleaded, slowing down so she was riding as fast as I was walking.

“I’ve got a stalker, Riku!” I blurted out. She started laughing.

“Who would want to stalk you? No offense,” She added quickly, giggling.

I decided to let her comment slide. “I don’t know his name. But I was at the museum Saturday night and I was standing on the railing on the balcony on the top floor.”

She looked at me, appalled. “You were standing on it?! Why?! Daisuke, you could’ve gotten killed!” She stopped her bike and set one foot down to balance herself, and then she smacked me in the back of the head. “You idiot!”

I rubbed the back of my head. “Yeah, well my stalker saved my life. I was falling forward when he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.”

“So you know it’s a he?” She said, beginning to ride again.

“Yeah, I could tell by the voice it’s a male.”

“Hm...I see. But how do you know he’s stalking you? Are you sure he wasn’t just doing you a favor?”

“I know, Riku. I don’t even know how he got there, but he was there. And he told me himself.” I'm going to steal you, Daisuke Niwa. I promise you that. His words were burned inside my head. I shook my head, trying to rid myself of the thoughts, but they were still there. I won't forget you, and I won't lose you.

“He said he wouldn’t forget or lose me, Riku! I’d really think that’s promising to be my stalker!”

She sighed and smiled. “Oi, Daisuke, you’re probably overreacting. It’s probably nothing. He probably meant he didn’t want to see you die.”

“No, Riku,” I said as we walked towards the bike racks at our school. “I know, you have got to believe me.” Please, I’m begging you, don’t let him be here... The moment of when he kissed me kept playing back in my head. His hair and eyes, they were both a deep amethyst color, and his face was pale. His smile, and that smirk...the man was, Daisuke had to admit, handsome. A guy like that could get any girl he wanted, and yet he bothered himself with me. Why?

Riku groaned. “Daisuke, look at that. We have a new kid, because I’m sure I’ve never seen that car before.”

My whole body tensed. Surely life didn’t hate me that bad as to bring the man here. It couldn’t end up just like in those fanfics. Those people had horrible luck, not me...right?

I paled at the person who stepped out of the car.

Surely, I do have the worst luck you could ever imagine. Because he was here.

Riku looked at him, scowled, then looked back at me. Her obvious disgust was replaced with worry. “Daisuke, what’s wrong?”

“T-t-t-t-” I stuttered.

She narrower her eyes.“Spit it out!” She growled at me.

I lifted my hand and pointed at him. “That’s him, Riku! That’s him!” I shrieked.

She glared daggers at me. “Daisuke, not so loud! You don’t want to attract his attention, do you?”

I shook my head but continued to stare at him. Why was he here? How did he figure out I was here? Why was he at the museum on Saturday? Why me?

Riku pulled me aside and gripped me by the shoulders. “Look, Daisuke. I don’t know what’s gotten into you, I really think you’re running a fever or something." She put a hand on my forhead. "Weird, you're not warm. But, Daisuke, That’s Dark Mousy, and he goes out with my sister. There’s no reason for him to want to stalk you.”

I shook my head. “Riku, I know. I’m not sick, it was him. I’m sure.” I gave her my best pleading eyes. “You have to believe me. Please.”

She sighed and folded her arms across her chest, looking away. After a moment she looked back at me. “Daisuke, maybe you should consider therapy if you’re hallucinating. You’ve been acting really different, lately, too.”

I clenched my hand in a fist. This was my best friend, best friends are supposed to believe you when it comes to things like this! They’re supposed to support you! And here she was, saying I needed therapy!

“I do NOT NEED THERAPY!” I said, my voice rising into a yell. Everyone on the schoolgrounds looked over at us, including...what did she say his name was? Oh, yeah, Dark Mousy.

I made eye contact with him and he grinned at me. His smile was friendly, in no way implying he was here to stalk me, and that he wanted to be my friend. For some reason, I felt like I was overreacting. Maybe he did mean that he just didn’t want to see someone die. But..that didn’t explain...the...kiss.

He began to walk towards me, and Riku began to yell at me.

“YES YOU DO, DAISUKE NIWA! DON’T SCREAM AT ME, EITHER! YOU NEED THERAPY BECAUSE YOU’RE GOING CRAZY AND DON’T ARGUE WITH ME, EITHER!” She screamed. Her face was red from screaming, and she was taking deep breaths. Her face was twisted into an angry scowl, and her hands were down at her sides in fists.

I couldn’t believe she was acting like this! She was my best friend! Why was she being so cruel and unkind? This wasn’t like her at all.

“Riku, stop yelling at me!” I retorted.

“NO! Why should I?! You’re not listening to me and you know I’m right! You need therapy, Daisuke! You’ve been acting strange for a while now! I just want you to go there to be safe because I am worried about you!”

“How have I been acting strange?” I asked, folding my arms across my chest.

She pushed her hair back with one hand. “Well, a week ago you hung up on me--”

“My phone died, Riku. I told you that.”

“--and you didn’t call me back, after!”

“What does that have to do with being crazy? Absolutely nothing!”

“And then that one time when I tried to take you somewhere else when you were talking to Satoshi you nearly bit my head off before stomping off to go talk to him again!”

“I wanted to talk to him! What’s wrong with that?”

“I think you’ve got anger issues, Daisuke...” She said quietly.

I was speechless. Anger issues? Anger issues? She wanted to see anger issues? Well, I was about to have some serious anger issues with her for acting like this!

“I do not have anger issues,” I said through clenched teeth. By now everyone had inched their way close enough to hear the argument.

“Daisuke, you--”

“Hey, Riku, leave the kid alone. If he says he doesn’t have anger problems, trust him enough to believe him. After all, he’s your best friend...right?” Dark gave her a cocky smile and put and arm around my shoulder, and I could hear lovestruck sighs throughout the whole crowd. Yep, just like that, Dark was named King of the girls. Well, except for Riku.

Riku was fuming. “DARK! THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU!” She screeched.

Dark rubbed his ear. “Dude, Riku, your lung capacity is way too abnormal. Screaming that loud isn’t healthy.” A few people in the crowd giggled at his joke. This kid was my stalker? It seemed like a joke. He was too friendly and joking to be a stalker.

She gritted her teeth and growled. “JUST WAIT, DARK! I’LL TELL RISA AND SHE’LL BREAK UP WITH YOU!”

He sighed and shook his head. “Seems like your twin has been hiding things from you. I broke up with her on Sunday.”

Riku stood there, all her anger gone only to be replaced by shock. “Wh-what do you mean? Risa wouldn’t hide anything from me! She wouldn’t!” She said.

Dark shrugged. “Then maybe she told you while you were sleeping or something. I don’t know. Just...leave Daisuke alone about the therapy thing.”

Her anger returned. “Don’t interfere, Dark. This isn’t about you. I’ll finish my talk with both of you later.” She spun on her heel and stomped off.

Realizing the argument was over, everyone returned to whatever they were doing, ignoring me once again. I smiled up at Dark. Really, a stalker? I couldn’t believe it.


He grinned at me. “No problem. Can I talk to you for a moment, though?” He asked. I nodded.


I followed him to the side of the school, but I had a feeling this was a very bad idea.


(Dark’s P.O.V)


My ear was still ringing from having Riku yell at me, I barely heard what he said. Man, her and her sister...those lungs must run in the family.

Regardless of how much lung capacity the Harada sisters had (which was definitely a lot, I’m telling you) I needed to talk to Daisuke. And I kind of felt like stealing something, too. I grinned Yes, I need to talk to Daisuke.

“No problem. Can I talk to you for a moment, though.”


I continued to grin and led him to the side of the school. Oh, how naive he was. Did he forget my words? I’d have to ask him.

I shoved my hands in my pockets and sighed, my back facing him.

“I know you remember me.”

“....I do.” He said after a moment.

I grinned. “Great, then!” I exclaimed. “I’m glad you haven’t forgotten my face.”

“...No, I haven’t.” I could hear the suspicion in Daisuke’s voice, and I bet any money if I had turned around then and there, he would’ve had one eyebrow raised at me in a qestioning look.

“And now I’m going to come to the conclusion you haven’t forgotten my words, either.”

“I...haven’t forgotten them.”

I turned around and smiled at him. Then in a quick few steps, I closed the gap between us.

His face was inches from mine, and his lips looked so tempting...

“Daisuke,” I said softly. “Don’t think that I came here by accident. Don’t think I don’t mean those words, either.”

He titled his head to the side slightly, furrowing his eyebrows in a look of confusion. He was just so cute.

“You meant you didn’t want to see me die...right? By saying you didn’t want to lose me, you meant you didn’t want to see someone die. ...right?”

Too naive. Way too naive. I started laughing softly.

“Right?” He asked a little more urgently, as if doubting himself.

“Daisuke, don’t fool yourself into thinking that. You know exactly what I meant by saying that.”

His cheeks reddened. He was so cute when he blushed! Oh, god, could the kid get any cuter?

“B-b-but I’m not--”

“I made you a promise and I intend to keep it.”

“I don’t--I don’t understand what you mean by that promise,” He said softly, shaking his head.

“You don’t need to understand. But you will...soon enough. I have one more question for you, Daisuke.”

"Wh-wh-what?" He looked so scared and yet curious enough to answer my question.

"Did I steal your first kiss on Saturday?"

His breath was caught in his throat, and his was became red. He broke his eye contact with me, looking at the ground and nodding.

"Well, I'm about to steal your second one, too."

He lifted his head and was about to say something but I leaned down and pressed my lips against his, silencing him. His whole body tensed up the same way it did last time.

Oh, my poor Daisuke, it’s too easy to make you let your guard down. Better for me, though. My mind was smirking.

I pulled away and then pulled him into my arms. “Daisuke, I’m going to say it again. I’m going to take what I want...no, need most, and that’s you.”

He was still in shock, and I smiled.

“I’ll catch you later, Daisuke.” I said, leaving him and returning to the front of the building.

I saw Krad and Satoshi and some girl with long pink hair and blue eyes. Satoshi was standing there, and exasperated look on his face, and Krad was arguing with the girl.

I had a feeling the girl was Kyouko, and I had a feeling things were about to get ugly.


(Krad’s P.O.V)

I just wanted today to go like any other day.

Well, without the being annoyed to the point of murder by Kyouko.

But noooo, the gods had to be against me. I knew they were laughing their heads off at this.

Well, I hope they laughed their heads off and never got their heads back. I hate them.

I just take one step onto the schoolgrounds with Satoshi, and BAM. There she is, that blur of mad pink hair, running to tackle-hug my Satoshi.

My Satoshi. That meant that she needed to keep her hands off him.

I stepped in front of him in time and held a hand out, stopping her by pushing back on her head. She scowled.

“Krad, you get your hands off of me and stay away from my Satoshi!” She shrieked..

I laughed for a moment, and then glared at her. “Your Satoshi?! Who’s the one Satoshi’s dating?”

She growled. “It doesn’t make a difference!”

“It does too! And if you don’t leave him alone, I’m going to send you to the hospital again!” I removed my hand from her head.

"Just you try! My parents will sue!" She retorted.

"I've sent you to the hospital three times already, Kyouko! Where the hell were they then?"

She looked down at the ground, her cheeks becoming as pink as her hair. "I though...Satoshi would hate me if I did..."

I smirked. It was just as I had figured. And it was all working out just as I had wanted it to.

"Satoshi hates you for living, Kyouko. It doesn't make a difference, he still hates you."

Her eyes welled up with tears. Yes, that was right! Cry, bitch! Cry your ugly little eyes out! Cry until your body shrivels up from lack of water! I wish she would keel over and die right now.

"Satoshi...hates me for living?"

I nodded happily. "Yup."

"Satoshi?" She said in a feeble voice.

He pushed past both of us with a 'hn' and walked towards the school entrance.

"SATOOOOOOOOSHI NO YOU CAN'T DO THIS MEEEEEEE!" She wailed, bursting into tears. Mwahaha! It was a dream come true for me.

I wanted to leave and follow Satoshi, but my eyes were stuck on her as I grinned. I just really wanted to see her suffer. It was fun watching her, and a little bit after she finished he screaming after Satoshi I started laughing. I was going to laugh my head off like the gods up there. I wondered if their heads really had fallen off, seeing something this good happened to me.

"Krad." Satoshi said. I looked at him to see him waiting. "Are you coming?" He said.

I nodded happily. "Yup." I said, and went to catch up with Satoshi.


(Riku's P.O.V)

Ooooh, I was so mad.

I kept flipping out on any of my friends that dared to talk to me. I was so, so, SO unbelievaly mad.

Dark just decides to WALTZ into MY school and tell ME that I shouldn't be yelling at MY best friend. It was for the best!

He needs to at least go once, just once. Then I'll know he's okay.

But then again, maybe I was harsh on him. I felt really bad.

He was my best friend, after all. I was beginning to feel really, really bad.

I sighed. I was going to apologize to him in homeroom. It was the best thing to do.

Daisuke was so lucky I liked him enough to apologize.


(Dark's P.O.V)

Well, this morning was interesting.

I got yelled at by my principle for coming before I had a uniform. Really, now. He should be happy I came.

Well, then again, I'm forcing myself to come for Daisuke. Ah, that kid's lucky.

Or unlucky, depending the way you look at it.

I sighed, walking into my homeroom. I was lucky enough to have Krad in my homeroom. I walked over and took a seat next to him.

"Well, you seem oddly happy," I said.

He grinned. "I got to see Kyouko cry her little eyes out. And I'm planning on slamming her head into a wall later today, just for the fun of it."

I laughed. "You're evil, Krad."

"Hey, she shouldn't be trying to claim my Satoshi."

The rest of homeroom went without problem. I talked to Krad a lot. My homeroom teacher yelled at me twice. It was like any other school day.

Then first period came.

I was walking there with Krad, because Krad was in my first period. And then I saw Riku, standing there laughing with Daisuke.

I thought she was mad at him!

I thought he was mad at her!


I clenched my hand in a fist. Call me a jealous boyfriend if you want, but I didn't like her near him. I just knew that Riku would be the one to keep Daisuke from me. I knew it.

Krad smiled when he saw my expression. "Ah, chill. At least she's not as bad as Kyouko."

I sighed, but glared at Riku. She looked at me and glared back. She then grabbed Daisuke and dragged him over with a furious look on her face.

She pointed at Daisuke, who was avoiding all eye contact with me. Damn, guess I scared him. Oh, well, he'll get over it.

"YOU!" She screamed.

Krad laughed. "Seriously, that kind of lung capacity isn't healthy."

She glared at Krad. "Don't interfere while I'm yelling at Dark!" She snarled, giving him a ferocious glare.

Krad shrugged. "Sure, okay."

I closed my eyes and sighed. "What do you want, Riku?" I said, exasperated.

"What did you do to my poor Daisuke?! You did something, didn't you?! He sounds like a broken toy or something! He just keeps going, "Dark did it again,' and blushing and freaking out and he's FREAKING ME OUT AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!"

"Goddammit, Riku! Leave the kid alone! If he WANTED you to know what happened, he would've told you!"


Wait...did she just call Daisuke hers? Damn...didn't want all this drama in one day, really, but...

"Riku...are you dating Daisuke?" I asked calmly.

She stopped looking angry and just stared at me for a moment. "...No. Why?"

"Do you like Daisuke?"

She blushed. "N-no!"

"Then he's NOT YOURS!" I screamed.

She looked at me as if she never knew I could scream that loud. After a minute of recovering from that, she smiled smugly.

"Why do you care, Dark?"

I smiled just as smugly. "I have my reasons. Also, since he doesn't belong to you, you have no right to call him 'yours'. He's not an item."

She glared at me. "I know that! And I know Daisuke better than you do. So just do us all a favor and step out of his life!" She grabbed his arm and stomped off, dragging him with her.

Oh, yes, Riku was going to be a formidable opponent. But she was one I was determined to beat.

After all, I made a promise to my Daisuke.

And I intended to keep it.


Wow, this chapter was pretty long. I wasn't expecting it to be this long, but, oh well. It works. =D You know what else I wasn't expecting? All this drama. It's like, soap opera drama. I didn't even realize what I was typing, and then I read it back over and was like, "What the hell is this?! It's madness!" Oh, well, I love madness, anyways. So then I kept it. Don't worry, the latter chapter's won't be nearly as crazy. Mwahaha, poor Daisuke. He's so terrified.
Anyways, I'm sorry about all the drama. Do me a favor and review, ne? Then I'll know just what you thought! Until next time!