D. N. Angel Fan Fiction ❯ Mother's Embrace ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

AN: I just want to take a moment and thank splitpersona for making this fic possible. It was originally a small PWP one-shot I had planned and had run the idea by her. After a few comments and suggestions regarding how I could go about writing it, a plot popped into my head. This entire fic is built around one scene, but it won't show up for several chapters, and it should be obvious when it shows up. Hope everyone enjoys.
Warnings: Not much for this chapter, but there is a seemingly OOC Emiko and shounen ai mentionings.
Disclaimer: DNAngel is not mine. Also note that the title is not mine. It belongs to splitpersona who came up with something for a concept that I was stuck on while planning this, thus the credit goes to her.
Internal Dialogue
Daisuke to Dark & [Dark to Daisuke]
Satoshi to Krad & [Krad to Satoshi]
Daisuke watched warily as his mother paced around the living room of their home. He was sitting on the rather comfortable couch across the room from the two chairs his father and grandfather occupied. He couldn't understand why his mother seemed so enraged. The crimson-eyed teen had begun to notice over the last five years, since the destruction of the Black Wings, that Emiko was becoming increasingly hostile towards him, and he just couldn't understand why. The only thing he could think of was the fact that he had become rather close to the Hikari heir, but that didn't make sense to him; their friendship had started before the final battle between Dark and Krad. And there's no way she knows about the other stuff, he thought as his mother's pacing came to an abrupt halt, the short woman towering over him only because he was seated. Nineteen year old Niwa Daisuke was at a loss as to what was causing his mother so much anger.
“Explain this,” she demanded, her eyes trying to bore straight into her son's soul as if they would find the answers that way. “No,” she changed her mind. “First I want to know how long Dark's been back and why you've kept it from us.” The teen glanced at his grandfather and father before answering. For his part, Kosuke seemed to already know what was going on - with Daisuke, at least; no one really knew what had gotten into Emiko - and was keeping quiet. I wonder how dad always seems to know what's happening before anyone else… Daiki, on the other hand, was listening intently for the answer, though he was just as troubled by his daughter's behavior.
“The thing is,” the redhead started. “Dark's never been gone.” The look he was receiving from his mother at hearing that was one that told him he better explain now or this night would get much worse. “After the Black Wings was gone, neither Dark nor Krad had anywhere to go; they weren't trapped inside like we told everyone. They didn't want to continue with the pointless feud any longer, the source of their bitter rivalry having been destroyed.” Daisuke took a breath before continuing. “After they explain to us that it was the artwork itself that fueled their hatred, Satoshi and I decided that we needed to seal all of the remaining Hikari pieces in order to avoid this kind of problem in the future. Krad and Dark agreed, and we've been working at it ever since.”
“That certainly answers the question of why Dark is even still around,” Daiki spoke up, “but that doesn't explain the current situation,” his eyes lingered on the form of a seemingly young man sitting next to Daisuke on the couch causing the redhead to sigh. He felt Dark's reassuring hand squeeze his shoulder, encouraging him to continue with the reason they were now separate beings.
“Well,” his voice was quiet and unsure. “It seems that since there's really nowhere for his spirit to rest once my love has been returned, he became his own person. We can still hear each other in our minds, though.” He wasn't able to finish as his mother interrupted him, her attitude having gone to the opposite extreme.
“You've fallen in love, and she loves you in return?!” Emiko's face was a far cry from the earlier scowl, almost as if she was the same woman Daisuke remembered from his childhood. Now she was beaming with joy. “So when do we get to meet her?” Dark closed his indigo eyes knowing this wouldn't last. [She's really not going to like this, Daisuke.] I know, but it's not like I can keep it hidden; if I had moved in with Satoshi a month ago like we had planned, maybe we could have avoided a lot of this, but… The scarlet haired teen trailed off and turned his red eyes to his mother.
“You didn't let me finish, mom,” he kept his tone quiet. “Yes, I fell in love, and yes, it's requited.” His mother looked confused, and Daisuke sighed, mentally preparing himself for her reaction. He was so concerned with what she would say that he forgot to be uncomfortable with the fact that he was about to out himself to his family. “I've been seeing Satoshi, as in dating him, for the last eight months. We'd been close for so long that it was an almost natural transition, and earlier tonight, we admitted the depths of our feelings to each other.” And the glare was back, full force. Luckily, he was saved from the immediate backlash of her renewed anger by a question from his grandfather.
“That means that Krad is free, as well, doesn't it?” Daiki looked more skeptical than angry at the thought of the blonde angel roaming around unhindered.
“Yes,” Dark was the one to reply. “And I know that you probably don't believe that he can be trusted, but really, he can.” His cheeks tinged pink as he continued. “We've actually been together almost since the incident five years ago. The destruction of the Black Wings turned things around… for both of us.” Daisuke's grandfather's eyes widen somewhat at the news, but he otherwise showed no other reaction. A hint of a smile could be seen on the ever-silent Kosuke; it was at this time that he finally chose to speak up.
“That's good to hear,” his voice was sincere. “I want you to know that I wish the four of you happiness in your relationships. Heaven knows you all deserve it, what with everything you were put through back then.” Both young men smiled at the first ounce of support they had received all night, however, the peace wouldn't last for long.
“I want you out,” Emiko finally spoke, the quiet, harsh tone speaking volumes in and of itself. Her son seemed to shrink back into the couch, eyes wide; he clearly didn't expect her to display such unfiltered hate. She had never been this `severe' before. I don't understand how she could hate me so much… What ever caused her to be like this… so angry? She was never like this before… His thought went unfinished as a stinging sensation on his left cheek brought him out of his contemplations.
“Didn't you hear me?” Emiko yelled as Dark wrapped a protective arm around the young man who had housed his soul for nearly six years. “I said to get out! You are not my son!” The force of her words burned more than the slap to the face; he a pain in his chest as if the emotional blow had been physical, and all Daisuke could do was allow his counterpart to gently pull him up from the couch. His mind was completely blank from the shock of what had just happened, and he was frantically trying to pull oxygen into his lungs.
“Emiko!” Kosuke got his wife's attention, but he too was stunned and could not find the words to continue. For all his perceptive wisdom, he hadn't seen this coming. Daiki was no better. All they could do was watch as the dark angel guided Daisuke out of the living room. Out of his home, Kosuke's mind amended as the sound of the front door slamming echoed through house. Finally, the brunette composed himself enough to address his still fuming wife.
“I can't believe that you're the same woman I fell in love with,” his voice was quiet, sad. “I've watched you become this person, grow more harsh and distant for the past five years, but I never once suspected that you could be this cruel.” Kosuke's head dropped in a semblance of defeat. “What happened to the Emiko I knew? I… I just don't know anymore.” He let out a resigned sigh as he tried to meet her eyes, unable to catch even a glance from her. “I still love you, but I can't stay here with you, not now. Call me when my wife comes back.” Not even the sound of his footsteps and the front door closing for the second time in as many minutes could move the irate woman.
“What have you done, my daughter?” Daiki questioned, not expecting an answer as he left for his bedroom. The woman remained standing in the living room, her mind a flurry of confused thought. No one was there to see the single tear that slid down her face as the last vestige of her former personality made itself known, nor was anyone there to see the eerie glow of a pendant hanging loosely around her neck. Eyes once again as cold as ice, a truly sickening smile formed on her lips as she calmly took a seat on the couch. She had plans to make.
End of chapter note: The next several chapters will contain events of the past five years, so be ready for something resembling a rather long flashback. Then things will pick up right where they left off here, so be patient if you want to know what happens next. As always, I'd love to see feedback if you have the time.