D. N. Angel Fan Fiction ❯ Outcast ❯ Outcast ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Standard/Friendly disclaimer: I do not own ‘it’; I make no profits off of ‘it’. There for ‘it’ belongs to ‘it’s’ rightful owners and we all live happily every after.

A/N: So I figured I’d start fresh and begin back to the very basic beginnings. So your wondering what the flying hell do I mean? Well… first starting out I wrote a DNAngel story and it really didn’t suit the attention that I was expecting it to get. And it wasn’t actually suiting my standards as well. So I deleted it. Now, well now here I am back in the flesh hoping to capture the attention of a few stranded lines, for you to enjoy. Remember, It’s been a while since I have written anything so my writing might be slightly rubbish. But I’ll let you decide. Constructive criticism is welcomed as well. Enjoy your stay and remember to always review. Your reviews says it all.

Rating Pending upon story status. Please be cautious. This story may not be suitable for young viewers. Outcast   Part I   My love is someone who cares. Someone who can accept me for me. My love is someone who doesn’t complain. Someone who will stand. My love is something strong. Someone who will try and hold on. -Riku Harada


Their everywhere. No matter where you turn, who you look at… an outcast is everyone you see everyone you meet and just about… everyone you talk too. It doesn’t matter if your rich, poor, or in-between, everyone is an outcast. You might not agree with it, but it’s true. Think about it… hasn’t there ever been a point in time when you feel like you’ve just felt not included in something? Well… that’s considered what I call the outcast feeling syndrome.

Leaning back in my chair at home with the windows open, a small plug in fan going and the sound of the annoying sounds of the street below. I run my fingers through my hair and can only sigh. This is terrible. Absolutely terrible. I can feel the sweat rolling down my back and my hair feels absolutely unbearable to stand. Paper work sits out in front of me scattered, and my pen begins to leak all over. Shit. Life used to be so great when I was younger. Now it’s just complete… well shit.

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Riku Harada. I live in a six story apartment building in Tokyo, Japan (One of the largest cities in the Nation) that smells like mildew and sometimes the scent of herbs brewing at the next door neighbors. I happen to be twenty-one years old with really no life besides working and well… working. I have a twin sister Risa Harada who happens to be one of the nations top models. Which, don’t get me wrong I’m ecstatic that she’s being able to do something she’s always wanted to do and live in a large two story home and be catered to all the time. If anyone deserves it it’ll be her.

So, what is it that I do since I talk about me only working? Well during the day I work for Tokyo daily newsletter. Hoping that one day I’ll have the spot light and be able to finally get out of this dump hole of an apartment I live in. But the way that’s looking… it’ll never happen. The boss seems to give me the shit jobs. Making me clean up the messes his top notch writers have created and make sure that their stories are ready for the public.

Getting up on my feet and walking over to the window and taking a seat at the edge of the frame, I can’t help but to stare out and watch as those in business coats, and briefcases at their sides talk on their cell phones, stressing out about work and how their going to get everything completed before the day ends. I can’t help but to snicker. It’s only logical if they would create a plan the night before, write everything down and then they’ll be ready for the next day. No stress nor worries. But a lot of people don’t think that way. They just take the day as it comes and hope that they still have a job as they leave for the day.

As my phone begins to ring and a gush of wind brushes inside my apartment, I walk over and pick up my phone and curl my nose up. I know who this is going to be. My boss.

Answering my phone in a soft almost secretary voice I say, “Hello, Riku Harada speaking?” Sure, it sounds a little rubbish of me to do that but that’s the only way of being polite.

“Hi sweetie, it’s your mother.”

For once a smile spreads across my face. The only thing that could actually make me happy and sad all together. I miss the idea of living at home every time I hear her talk. It makes me realize all the finer things in life and she always checks up on me. Making sure that I’m doing alright and she sometimes comes and visit.

“Hi mom.” I said quickly as I take a seat at the edge of my bed, shooing a annoying fly away that keeps buzzing in front of my face, “How are you doing?” I ask, as I lean back on my bed and stare up at my ceiling wall. Watching those damn flies buzz around and knock into one another like a bunch of drunks. Entertaining indeed but psychotic no doubt.

“I’m doing good honey. How’s that job of yours coming along?” She ask as I can tell she’s working on either cleaning, cooking, taking the dog a walk, dishes, fixing her and dad’s bed, something.

I sigh deeply, “It’s going okay.”

A pause in-between. I knew she knew it wasn’t okay. That life isn’t great and that I want to come home but I can’t. Only because one: I need to get out on my own. Two: I need to show that I’m responsible. Three: Because well just because.

“Honey listen, if you need any help-”

“Mom everything is fine.” I smile sheepishly, “How’s Risa doing?” I softly said trying to change the subject quickly. And I know that Risa could be a new started conversation. There’s always something Risa is doing.

“Well, Risa is pregnant.”

My eyes quickly flew open. “Huh?” My sister, pregnant? Well that’s not really a shocker to tell you the truth. Then again… it kind of is. Risa isn’t the child type of person. She doesn’t know how to cook, doesn’t know how to take care of things properly, and she by far isn’t good with kids that’s for sure. Maybe she’ll have that mommy instinct to her after the babies born? Then again…

I could always be wrong.

“Yes sweetie, Risa is going to be a mom. It wasn’t something that we was all planning on happening…”

“Who’s the dad?” I ask rudely. I can’t help it. My sister isn’t married… at least the last time I checked. And she was seeing some guy who’s very wealthy and does a lot of painting.

“Some young man.”

Wonderful. Not actually something that’s helpful in any matter.

Mom really wasn’t the smartest out of the bunch. She never really asked the simple questions in life either. I sometimes wonder if she knows what day it is… how old we are, and that at this moment… she should be flipping out.

“Does this guy have a name?” I ask sounding slightly irritated. But honestly I’m not. I just lay here watching the flies above my head spin around and listen to the traffic outside the building; beeping their horns, yelling at one another, some shit everyday. Nothing really new.

A silent pause for a split moment and mother says, “I believe she said his name is Satoshi-o?”

Satoshi-o? What type of name is that?! I never heard of a person being called that. “Mom are you sure the name isn’t Satoshi?”

“That’s it sweetie. Satoshi. She said that he’s a multi-millionaire, has his own art museums and… he does his own paintings. I guess they plan on getting married after the baby is here.”

I sigh. My sister… getting married before me. Figures. A hot looking girl like her… surely she’d be married before me. Though, I would never admit that to anyone but myself.

Honestly, I thought that mom would have had a hard time dealing with the fact that Risa is having a baby before marriage evidently… I’m wrong. Or perhaps… “How are you taking the idea?” I asked suspiciously.

On the other end it got quiet. I don’t know whether or not that’s a good thing or a bad. Then came, “Well, I can’t tell you girls how to live your lives nor can I tell you whom you can marry or date. I guess I’m just going to have to take it with a grain of salt.” She slightly giggled over the phone. I know better than that though. She was hurting. Deeply.

Most parents dislike the idea of their children having children before marriage. It’s understandable I guess. It’s something no one really look forward into hearing. And sometimes… well sometimes it generates a bad reputation for a persons name. And for it being a wealthy man… such as Satoshi, he’s going to quickly get married. No doubt about that.

“How’s dad taking the idea?”

Another pause.

“Not to good. He’s very upset with your sister. He hasn’t talked to her since he heard about her being pregnant.” Figured. My father was unlike any other man. He came off cold and harsh but he loved both of us girls (Risa and I) dearly. He always wanted the best for us. Going to college. Working with great careers. Being married and then having children. He’s what you would call, “The old day father.”

I sighed. I had to get off the phone. Get some coffee or something and get working on my papers again. If not… then my career will be… down the drain.

“Mom, I gotta get going.” I announced softly, “I’ve got this paper I’ve got to get done and… well if I don’t.-”

“I understand sweetie. Well, whenever you get the chance, please come and visit your father and me. We really miss you.” My mother quickly interrupted.

I hesitantly smiled, “I will as soon as work slows down.” I always say that, but do I ever do it? No. They always have to come down and see me. How pathetic of myself. As a daughter, as a friend, as anything. I have no time for anything.

“Okay dear, well I’ll talk to you later then. I love you.”

“Love you too Mom.” Click. I hung up quickly and sighed. Placing the phone in the palm of my hands and looked down at the numbers. How ridiculous I am. I can’t even go visit my parents. I can’t even stay on the phone with them for at least fifteen minutes.

Getting my lazy ass off my bed I put the phone receiver down and grabbed a wad of money off my desk and shoved it deep in my jean shorts. I need a break. Just one little break from work. What could hurt going out getting some coffee, brunch, and whatever else? Nothing. Work can wait.

Walking out the door of the desperate, lonely apartment building that I so happen to live in, I closed my eyes and engulfed the air of traffic and the smell of food. My stomach growled as lunch time actually drew nearer.

Shoving one hand deep within my jean shorts pants pocket, and running the other through my thick auburn hair, I walk along the sidewalk. Listening openly to other’s conversations, “Damn-it! I swear… if that report isn’t on my desk but noon, it’s your job! Do you understand me?!” One guy yelled over his phone and then shut it off. Just as if nothing really had happened, glancing around the area. As if he never paid much attention to where he was walking.

“Come on Sue…” I hear another one say in a persuasive voice, “Dinner is all, and it’ll be just on your raise. How about that?” A short pause, “So I’ll see you around… I don’t know… six tonight? Okay. Sounds good.” What a sly old bastard.

I finally came to a halt as I came to an intersection. A group of us waiting around for the light to turn green as I heard one of the girls next to me say to another girl, “What I would do just to get some.” My eyes grew big. Maybe it’s one of those conversations that you accidentally overhear and you make it out to be the wrong thing? Or maybe… I’m just hearing the correct termination of what she just said. Either way… it sounded completely wrong and grasped my attention.

“I know what you mean. That guy Dark Mousy… on the billboard. They claim he’s a bachelor.”

“Really… who would have ever imagine. I figured all the women in the city would be up to grab that.” I hear her chuckle.

Dark Mousy. One of the most famous men from Tokyo Japan. Known to be one of the most prestigious men in the entire country. Surely the man had his rounds a few time.

“I also hear he’s in town looking for a women of his dream.”

“Honestly Cynthia, do you believe that bull?”

“Well… it was announced on the radio. They say one luck lady will be drawn from the entire country, and will be able to spend an entire month with him.” She coed. How immature.

The other women smirked, “You are so immature sometimes. I wonder why I even bother with your immaturity?”

“Come on Kari, your telling me that you wouldn’t date that drop dead gorgeous hunk?”

I smirked. He wasn’t all that cute; with long violet hair and deep purple eyes and stood every bit of six foot tall and weighed about One-hundred and ninety-seven pounds . He probably was a pure jerk anyway.

Kari smirked, “I never said I wouldn’t. But what would a guy like that want anything to do with a modern girl like us?”

She had an absolute true point. What man of his status want with a girl like us? He could have any female he wanted. So why is this man having such a hard time finding the right girl? Could it be because he’s running out of top models to do? Or is he trying to find someone to be with the rest of his life? (Which I highly believe is not true. But then again… what do I know of him right? He’s just the man on the billboard.)

As the light finally turned green, I made a quick pass, and came to a local shop called, Moonbuck. A coffee slash diner shop slash time to yourself shop. Probably the only enjoyable place to be to tell you the truth. Where people are friendly and the people are friendly and hardly anyone talks. It’s so relaxing, I’m surprised that I was lucky enough to find such a wonderful place like that in such a overly large area in Tokyo.

Opening the door and walking up the counter, the girl behind it came out from the back, with gum in her mouth and twisting her hair on one of her index she said snobbishly looking, “What can I do for you?”

Not something I was really looking forward to in my day but… oh well. I looked up at the menu and said, “I’ll have a Oreo-twist coffee and frizzle-fries please.” I smiled at the girl as she rang me out and rolled her eyes.

“Your total is fifty-yens.” I dug into my pocket and flung it at the girl.

She pulled the money to her and placed it in the register, “You may have a seat and your meal will be served to you here shortly.”

I nodded. What a rude little bitch. I understand hating your job but honestly… do you have to show the customers how much you hate it?

As I walk away and looked around there was no place to really sit. Everywhere seemed to be full. Besides a seat in the corner next to a man with a news paper hiding his face and not really paying any attention. Maybe… well maybe he wouldn’t mind if I take a the seat across from him.

Getting up the nerve, feeling my face quickly flush I strolled over and cleared my throat, “Erm, hope you don’t mind me asking… but could I um- is this seat taken?” I bowed slightly. I never felt so embarrassed before. Asking a complete stranger about a seat. How pathetic of me.

The newspaper dropped down on the table, “Polite. I like that.”

My mouth dropped as I quickly looked up. It was him…

It was him!

It was…

Dark Mousy!


But that’s impossible. What would a man such as himself want with a small little coffee shop like this?

He smirked, running his hands through his hair while closing his eyes, “I get that response all the time from females then they add, ‘Ohh can I have your autograph.’ sorry lady but I don’t work off the clock.”

Rude. Confident. Mother-. BASTARD!

My nose quickly arched as so did my eyebrow. God, I hate people like him. So confident in their appearances, so rude. “Well… I never planned on it to tell you the truth, and your table is the only one with a free seat. And believe it or not… I didn’t know who the hell you was.”

“Ouch. What big words you use. Well Please Ms. Allow me not to stop you. I’ll be on my way.”

“You are.” I bluntly blurted out.

He was about to get up with one hand on the table and the other on his button-up silk red long sleeved shirt. One eyebrow arched as a smile spread across his face and he slowly brought his face to mine. I flustered.

“And what do you mean by that?” he asked, “Want me to stay around?”

“ NO, I don‘t want you to stay around! Your just… your a confident, self-centered bastard.” I managed to angrily say.

The smirk on his face shinned, as he dropped his eyes down on by upper half of my body, “Hmm, now that could be a remark I wouldn’t mind hearing in bed.” His eyes, those violet eyes… they twinkled. He enjoyed the rude comments. He enjoyed his arrogance. He enjoyed making people mad. But why? “But you… your to small for my likings.” His eyes quickly came up and starred into my very own. “Probably not something I would mostly enjoy.”

My face, it grew hot. I felt every inch in my body violated. “Pig-head.” I muttered.

How could I hate a man so much, and never met him before? Could it be because of the way he treated the lower class of society form his class? Could it because here before me is a man with power, control, and probably one of the most drop-dead gorgeous men I have ever seen before?

I took the first option of my thought.

“Your one of the very few females that actually spoken to me like this. What’s your name?” He asked standing straight up. His shirt falling to waist, shoving one hand deep within his black pants he wears.

“What’s it to you?”

He shrugged, “Just generating some conversation between to opposite people is all.”

Now my temper was really bubbling. “And what do you mean by opposite?” I asked.

“Settle down doll. Don’t want you to blow and hernia or anything.” He smirked, “I’m just asking what your name is. I like a firer-ball like yourself.”

“Here you go Riku.” The waitress said with a smile. “I was wondering when you’ll be back in.” The girl’s eyes quickly glance up, “Ohh, I see you’ve met Mr. Mousy. He’s one of our regular customers. You a fan?”

No. I thought. I looked at him as his eyes glared down at me. If I said no would I be hated in here? Would I not be able to show myself In Moonbucks anymore? I took in a deep breath and said, “I honestly don’t know him all that well to say I’m a fan to tell you the truth.” Which was kinda the truth. I don’t know him all that well. But… from what I see from him… I don’t care to much for his attitude. But… maybe… just maybe I just got to see the bad version of him.

The waitress nodded, “Don’t worry Mr. Mousy. Riku is one of my favorite customers that comes in here. She’s extremely polite. Ain’t that right?”

If only she could see the way I was acting towards this asshole. I just blushed and looked the opposite way.

“Ohh, Riku… Your work in the newspaper was astonishing.”

My head quickly went the other way and looked up at the girl, “You really think so?” I forgot that Dark Mousy was standing right there in front of me. I could really care less now.

“Yea! I really think you did a great job on explaining the differences of the cultures.”

I hear a smirk, “You’ve got to be kidding me?”

I shot over and looked at the man in front of me, “What?” I asked bluntly.

“You did an article on the difference of the cultures? Boring Fire-ball. Extremely boring. Try to spice it up a bit doll.”

Doll. If he calls me that one more time…

“If you think about it… people aren’t interested in the cultures basics. We get or got that in school. Do something that’s overwhelming. Something that people wants to read about.”

I arched and eyebrow and leaned my elbows against the table. He frowned. He at least had good manners. But that’s all I’ve got to say about him, “And what do you know about writing?” I asked firmly.

He shrugged, “I know a little here and there. I am a star after all.”

I rolled my eyes, “Okay, how about this… stop thinking about yourself for at least… five seconds and put yourself in the lower class position.”

He leaned slightly over, “Don’t worry doll.” He softly whispered, “I’ve been there. I’ve done that. I’ve seen this, and I’ve seen that. I’ve done her, and I’ve done him. Honestly doll… get a clue. It takes a long way to get to fandom. You’ve got to strive on something.”

He was right. He was absolutely… one-hundred percent purely right. You’ve got to keep going. If you have something you want to do… if you want to do something… you’ve got to keep going. You can’t give up. That happened to be the first smart thing that ever came out of his bone-headed mouth.

“Plus, everyone has to have a beginning.” He shrugged as he pushed his chair in and softly muffled, “And we all have to have an end. It’s the same with your writing career.”

He then shoved both hands deep within his pockets and began to walk away and stopped shortly, “I doubt this will be our last encounter. I think fate brought us here. And I think there’s a reason for why you met me and I’ve met you. Just… I don’t think it’s a relationship term. Good-day.” He took out one of his hands and waved it and put it back in his pockets.

I watched. Mouth opened. As he walked out the door. I looked at the waitress as she shrugged, “Don’t worry Riku, he’s normally not this arrogant. He’s very nice once you get to know him.”

I shook my head, “I doubt that Mindy.” I said leaning back in my seat. Thinking about what he just said.


A/N: well a complete turn over from what I’m used to writing that’s for sure. And I know there’s a lot of unexplained parts in this. That’s really what there made for. Everything will be revealed sooner or later. And excuse me for the long chapter. It’s been a while since I’ve written a story over four-thousands words. I hope that you have enjoyed and will be back to read more of Outcast. Remember, please review! Your reviews are the only thing that keeps me attempting to quit writing.


Next Installment: Part II