D. N. Angel Fan Fiction ❯ Phantom and His Maiden ❯ Chapter 1 "Room full of Paintings" ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Authors note: Well, I mainly would first off like to thank all those who reviewed the prologue. It wasn’t the best prologue to actually be written. I think I could have done better. But, for now, it’s going to have to do. I don’t want to become one of those authors who takes ungodly forever. (Sighs) Which I do have the tendency to do that. So, it might take from a day to a year before I update. (Grins) Sometimes it depends on how many reviews I receive also. But anyway, do please read and review. I hope you enjoy you stay!

Disclaimer: (Sighs) No, I don’t own DNAngel, if I did I wouldn’t be on here. Lol. Phantom and His Maiden   Chapter 1 “Room Full of Paintings”    

Wind blown through Daisuke’s hair as he glared helplessly at the two girls standing in front of him with hands on their hips and the most aggravated look on their faces. Daisuke knew he couldn’t get out of this one, and boy… did he ever feel like a complete idiot. He didn’t mean to flee away. It wasn’t his fault that at that time his heart was more in control than his mind. But he had no choice, he couldn’t run away again. No. That would look way to odd. Especially for a guy.

With a sigh, he bowed his head down and placed his hands behind him. His eyes followed towards his own two feet. Where he noticed dirt covered his shoes. What to tell them, what to tell them? That was the question that ran through the red-headed boys mind. What could he tell them? What could he get away with? He could always lie and say he had to meet Satoshi Hiwatari before school or even Takeshi Saehara. No, that probably wouldn’t work either.

“I-I-I had to use the restroom.” He blurted out. Which in all cases… he wasn’t lying… not completely. He did have to use the bathroom. So what could the two girls say? It wasn’t like he was making a crime for running away.

He blinked at his comment, bathroom? Out of all things I had to use the bathroom? Stupid, stupid, stupid Daisuke! Couldn’t you have came up with something a bit… smarter? Logical? Something that would be a hell a’lot better than… THE BATHROOM!

Both girls stood up straight and placed their hands at their side. Daisuke wanted to sigh in relief, for the two girls facial expression calmed down and their eyes blinked hesitantly at him. If a person would just look at the two girls closely they did resemble each other fairly well. It was only the hair that gave away which one was which and well… maybe also their personality. But if you just looked from a distances and didn’t know the two girls, a person would be sure to get the two mixed up for sure.

Riku smirked, “Well if you had to go to the bathroom you didn’t have to run off like that ya know Daisuke? It’s not like we’re going to yell at you or anything.” Riku gave a shrug at her own comment and slowly passed by Daisuke almost like nothing happened. But why? Why was she, Riku Harada letting him, Daisuke Niwa go so easily? It didn’t make any sense. None-whatsoever.

“Wow, that was strange for Riku letting you go so easily like that. Normally she’s the one that jumps down someone’s throat about stuff like that. I guess she must feel sorry for you Niwa-chan.” Risa exclaimed with her hands placed behind her back as she balanced herself back and forth on her heel and tip-toes.

Daisuke slightly jumped. Forgetting that Risa was still there he felt his heat rise high again, “Yeah.”
He didn’t know what to say to her. He felt… strange. Strange that she was still standing there acting as though nothing just happened. Which in all cases was great on his part, but also sad.

“Well I better be getting to class before I’m late too. I’ll catch you in class Niwa!” Risa exclaimed as she walked with a grin on her face and waving her hand high above her head. She acted so happy. How could a person be so happy about going to Home economics class?

Daisuke sighed, finally. he began to think slouching his shoulders and looked to the side. Seeing his friend running quickly towards him with a grin spread across his face and a book almost flung out of his hand.

Daisuke’s crimson eyes widen, “What the name of…” Daisuke whispered under his breath as he quickly stepped away, making the boy fall face flat on the ground.

“What the hell was that for Daisuke?!” Takeshi asked quickly getting to his feet, as people gazed at him like he had some type of problem. Which in all cases, a lot of people felt that way about Takeshi. He wasn’t shy about blurting things out just to make a complete jackass out of themselves.

Daisuke blinked, “What do you mean?! You was running like you was running from a herd of buffalo’s or something!” Daisuke retorted to his friends comment.

Takeshi scratched the back of his head, “Oh,” he gave a weak grin, “I guess I did get kinda carried away there.”

Kinda? That’s not the word for the way you just acted. Daisuke thought slouching again, “No big deal.” he shrugged.

“So, did you ask her?” Takeshi asked as they began to walk down the hallway together.

Daisuke looked over at Takeshi with a confused look. There couldn’t be a way Takeshi found out… right? The idea that Daisuke wanted to ask Risa out?

“Come on Daisuke.” Takeshi slapped his friend across the back with a slight laughter in his vocal box, “everyone knows. You can’t hide it for to long. It’s out…”He snapped his fingers, “Just like that.”

“What do you mean?! I-I… I didn’t have no intension of asking Miss. Harada out.” Daisuke’s face flushed. He knew lying would only mean getting himself into a much bigger mess, but Takeshi… he had to do it. There was no other way. If Takeshi knew that he completely screwed up… he surely wouldn’t let his best friend live it down… at least not until next new school year.

“Oh come on buddy, you don’t have to lie your way out of this. We all know you have a thing for Risa.” He nudged as they both walked in the classroom, with students talking, yelling and whispering amongst themselves, a large spit ball came soaring towards the two boys, but in time Daisuke was able to dodge the ball as it landed on the chalkboard.

That would have been close. Daisuke thought raising an eyebrow at his friends last comment. So he was right. Almost everyone in school did know he had a think for the Harada twin. But she didn’t know. That’s something he wishes he could come out and say, just to say, “Risa I have a crush on you.” Sounds easier said than done doesn’t it? “Listen, I didn’t ask her out alright?” Daisuke exclaimed placing his books on his desk top and glared deeply within his friends dark brown oval eyes.

Takeshi blinked for a hesitant time. Not sure whether his friend would fib his way out of something or not. But starring deep within Daisuke’s dark-sadden, Crimson eyes… something seemed different, way different. Almost like… a different Daisuke maybe? “Okay, okay. I believe you.” Takeshi exclaimed holding two hands up as if he was getting arrested for something. “But just the other day you said-”

“Well that was the other day. I can change my mind and feelings now can’t I?” Daisuke snapped harshly at his friend, while not letting him finish his sentences.

Takeshi’s mouth gapped opened but he closed it. Not sure what to say. It wasn’t like Daisuke to snap like that. At least not at his friends anyway. Takeshi nodded and took a seat in front of Daisuke. Not speaking a word to him.

Daisuke sighed, taking all of the things he’s been dealing with in the last… hour or so. Taking his own seat he grasped a hold of a pencil that happened to be in his book bag. Gazing at it with those large, crimson eyes he began to space out…

What if my friends become to hate me? What if Risa finds out that I have a crush on here? What if she doesn’t want to be friends with me? If she doesn’t then wouldn’t that mean… I would be… completely… lonely? Without love? Why? Why can’t she love me… the way I… love her?

“Oh Daisuke. You there Daisuke?” Takeshi announced waving a hand in front of his friends face. “DAISUKE!” Takeshi yelled grabbing a hold of his friends nose and yanked.

“Owww!” Daisuke quickly awakened from his daydream and grasped a hold of his sore nose. “Don’t do that! That hurts!” He exclaimed rubbing it as it began to turn red. “You didn’t have to do that to me. You could have yelled.”

Takeshi gave his best friend an amused look, “I did yell. You was to busy daydreaming about dear Miss Harada. Now, if you would… can I please-please-please!!! Borrow your homework from last night?” He asked clasping his two hands together and bowed multiple of times.

Daisuke slowly looked down at his homework in front of him. Not sure whether he SHOULD give the boy his homework considering what he did earlier or not? “I don’t-”

“Oh please Daisuke. Please?! I promise It won’t take long and I completely forgot to do it last night!” Takeshi exclaimed as he began to slightly grasp a hold of Daisuke’s paper on the desk with his index finger and thumb.

“I gue-”

“Oh thank you thank you thank you!” Takeshi said with a wide grin and swung the paper around to the front of him and began to place his pencil down and went to down on copying his friends homework.

Daisuke blinked hesitantly but sighed. At the time… he didn’t care what someone could do to him. He felt like his life, was a disaster.

As Daisuke slowly looked over towards the doorway, like he had some sort of feeling almost like a six-sense, Risa stood in the doorway with her books tightly in the grasp of her arms, squeezing them up against her breast. Daisuke sighed. She was so beautiful. Her long Reddish-brown hair, her delicate skin color. Her red eyes soft, and lustful. How he wonder how men didn’t swarm all over her. But she was a bit backwards at time. Shy more like it. Which could be a problem.

She laughed hesitantly. As if what the other girl next to her wasn’t interesting and that she found it hesitantly strange, maybe? Her eyes slowly gazed over into Daisuke’s and stared for a moment. A smile spread across her face and she waved.

Daisuke’s face quickly turned bright red and tilted his head down. Oh how stupid he felt for starring at Miss Harada. Idiot! Daisuke thought. What’s wrong with you starring at her like that?! Don’t you know that you don’t have any chance with her? OoO  


Anna’s eyes widen with glee. The story, it was a story she, herself has never came upon. Oh, how much she enjoyed listening to her mothers way of story telling. She kept her mind cleared and her thoughts extraordinary to ones imagination.

“Mommy, don’t stop!” Anna cried tugging on her mothers shirt looking up with curiosity, love, and nonetheless… excitement.

Her mother smiled down and nodded. Continuing the true tale. OoO  


With the thought of that in his mind his heart pounded hard against his chest. Something didn’t feel right. Something felt completely wrong. What was this feeling that swarmed around his heart as he thought of Risa? A question he could not answer.

Sweat began to twinkle down his face. Stop thinking about her you idiot. Or something major is going to happen. Something you’re going to regret. A voice inside his head yelled but it began to distant itself quickly. His mind became fuzzy and his heartbeat began to slow it’s pace down. Plus! She’s not in this class anyway With you… so why get all worked up about it? His mind yelled one more time before actually disappearing.

What was that? Daisuke thought leaning back on his seat and sighed. Not ever having that experience in his entire life he looked at Risa and quickly dropped his gaze down to his homework. The thought of her made his heart ache. What’s wrong with me? Daisuke thought as the final bell rung and student began to take their seats in the classroom.

“Class, I would like to introduce you to Mr. Takahashi. He’s your new Mathematical teacher.” The principal exclaimed walking in with the teacher following behind. He happened to be a fairly young teacher. With stunning green eyes and blonde hair, It was a shame to see him as a teacher. At least… to the girls in the class.

“Thank you sir.” Mr. Takahashi bowed to the principal as he walked out of the classroom and shut the door behind himself. Mr. Takahashi turned his gaze upon the students of the class and a slightly smirk spread across his face. “Okay class since that is all over, lets get into work.” He announced looking at the lesson plans that was placed on his desk. A frown then caressed on his face.

Daisuke blinked. A new teacher. It was strange to have someone to come in the middle of the school year to teach. The last Math teacher he had got so worked up over the class that she completely quit. Let alone she was also having a baby. A new teacher. Daisuke thought leaning against the palm of his hand, I wonder how long it’s going to be before he actually quits too?

As the teacher looked up he cleared his throat. “I see that they have been giving you all some easy homework. Looks like this is the basic stuff that you should have already known.” The teacher hummed and looked at the class examining everyone in it and his eyes came upon Daisuke and stared. “Well throw your last nights assignment away… we’re going to start something new and fresh for the next little while to get you ready for your college entrance exam.”

Papers began to crumble and Daisuke noticed that Takeshi’s head quickly jolted up. A groan escaped his friends throat, as aggravation swept through the boys body. Damn it! Takeshi thought grasping a hold of his paper that he was working on while clinging it to it’s death. I did all of this copying for nothing?! I should at least get credit for doing it! He thought slowly turning around to Daisuke as an eyebrow began to twitch violently.

Daisuke shrugged, “Don’t worry about it Takeshi, it’s one less homework assignment.” Daisuke exclaimed trying to make his friend in a better mood than what he was.

“Easy for you to say. You have yours finished. Aren’t you by any chance a slight bit aggravated?” Takeshi asked handing Daisuke back his homework while watching as his friend grasped a hold of a new fresh piece of college ruled paper from his notebook and yanked it out. Leaving a perfect line going down it.

Daisuke smirked, “What to be mad about? It’s not like it’s life or death of homework. I’ll just keep it just in case he asks us to do it again.” Daisuke mumbled while placing his homework into his notebook and put it away under his desk… <^>^>  


As the day had finally came to an end, Takeshi stopped by Daisuke’s locker with a large, grin spread across his face, “Hey Daisuke.” Takeshi waved big watching his friend slowly walk to his locker, “Can you do me a big favor? My dad said there’s going to be something big at eleven o’clock tonight and I just have to be there! I can’t miss it so can you do the cleaning for me in the art room? Thanks! I owe you big!” Takeshi exclaimed shoving a handful of books at his friend and quickly taking off. Not letting Daisuke get a word in edge wise.

A slight sigh escaped Daisuke’s mouth. He really wanted to go home. He didn’t want to stay after school for another hour. He didn’t want to even think about anything but home. How could he even be able to work in the condition he happened to be in? But without hesitation he sucked up the duty and slowly walked to the Art room. Not complaining all the way there.

Coming to a stop at the main entrance door he looked at the security that was placed on it. It finally dawned on him, “Damn it!” He groaned placing his head against the door while knocking his head back and forth against it. “How could I be so stupid and forget the wrong card?” Daisuke noted to himself but realized the talent he had been taught by his grandfather and his mother.

With that knowledge he looked from side to side to see if anyone was around and quickly flipped the plate up that covered numbers. If he remembered right this was one of those high securities which only means that there is four numbers. Four numbers which could be any various number. So which numbers? Thinking about it the word “ARTS” Rung through his mind, placing the letters into the numbers a smirk spread across his face, “This should be easy.” He muttered to himself placing in the numbers 2-7-8-7. It accepted the code and the door clicked opened.

As footsteps from behind him followed he quickly straightened his posture up and a grimace feeling filled his body. How he hated being so knowledgeable on this sort of stuff.

“Daisuke, what are you doing here?” A familiar voice asked that was a bit in shock or more so in surprised than anything.

Daisuke quickly spun around to meet Satoshi. A classmate and a semi-friend of his. If you wish to call him a friend. They never really did much of talking to one another. More a friendly smile or gesture and that was good enough. Sometimes Satoshi wouldn’t even give Daisuke that much. He was always to busy into something else. He seemed more like a loner. Not worrying about those who happened to be around him.

“Oh hey Satoshi, what are you doing here.” He asked rubbing the back of his neck trying to play out as everything was cool. That he didn’t do anything.

“Well I’m here to do clean up duty. I’m always the one who does it.” Satoshi exclaimed as he slowly glanced over Daisuke’s shoulder and back at him again, “How did you get the door open?” He asked blankly.

Daisuke Paused for a moment. His excuses has been very much of some help for him so why not make up another one? He couldn’t tell the blue hair boy that he knows how to do that kind of stuff. No way! That would mean trouble for him and that is something he didn’t need to get into. At least not at the moment. “I-I…”He paused, “We have the same thing at home. So it’s kind of a piece of cake. Well what are we waiting for. Lets get this done shall we?” Daisuke exclaimed quickly walking into the painting room with awe. It seemed so peaceful. He loved art work. But he never seen artwork like this before.

With paintings hanging on the wall showing their true colors, and the expressions seemed lust. It was a complete shock to Daisuke that another’s painting could be so good, so at peace.

“This is where I like to go during my free time.” Satoshi exclaimed looking around at the paintings that swarmed the two boys. “It’s so at ease. It shows the true talent of a person’s features. It shows what they know, how their personalities are, and… if they have anything special about them.” His eyes twinkled in the dark. Making the tiny hairs on Daisuke’s neck stick straight out.

Satoshi placed his hands behind him and turned the lights on, “So tell me Daisuke. Is there something you wish to tell me?”

Daisuke’s mouth slightly opened. Not understand what he meant by that. “I don’t think so?” Daisuke had stuttered backing up against one of the tables near by acting as if everything was alright and that he didn’t know what Satoshi happened to be talking about.

“Come now Dai-Kun. You can tell me. Your not normal boy are you?” His words split in every angle that Daisuke didn’t know how to take. His mouth opened no words could flow out. “Your no normal boy. No boy can open that code. No one. Even someone like myself couldn’t. So, tell me… how are you so lucky and be able to open something I cannot?”

Daisuke took a gulp, “Listen Satoshi, I don’t know what to tell you. I don’t know what answer your wanting out of me but whatever it is… I don’t have it alright?! So lets just get this stuff finished with and we’ll be all set to go ho-” With that a bucket from a top shelf had fallen over and came down on his head. Making him fall and not being able to see do to the bucket itself getting stuck.

“Oww.” Daisuke exclaimed rubbing the can bucket where it had hit his head hard.

Satoshi leaned against the wall and sighed. Pushing his glasses up on his nose he couldn’t help but shake his head in disbelief, No, he is completely normal. A none normal person would have stepped out of the way of that bucket. He is just a boy. Satoshi thought grabbing a hold of the bucket in his hand and yanked it off of his friends head. “Lets get done Daisuke.” He exclaimed as the bucket made a popping sound and he flung the bucket to a corner. Which corner? Daisuke couldn’t tell. He was still at shock with the bucket landing on his head.

“Oww, that hurt.” He muttered rubbing the back of his head and looked up at Satoshi who happened to have a smirk spread across his face. Trying not to laugh.

Holding out his hand Satoshi muttered, “Come on. Get up. Lets get this finished with alright?”

Daisuke nodded and grasped a hold of the blue eye, blue hair boys warm hand. A smile spread across Daisuke’s face. Maybe today isn’t going to be to bad after all. Since it is my fourteenth birthday today. He thought with a smile grabbing a hold of a mop and a rag. OoO  

As time quickly flown by Daisuke looked up at a clock. His eyes widen, “Oh no!” He cried out taking off gloves and dropping his mop on the floor. “I got to get home quick!” Daisuke exclaimed handing Satoshi his gloves and quickly said, “I promised mom I will be home in fifteen minutes!”

Satoshi blinked, “Okay.” He shrugged.

“I’ll catch you tomorrow okay Satoshi?” Daisuke said quickly in an almost instant run he felt his body tempter begin to rise. He knew what it would mean if he was late. Especially if it’s his mom that he’s late for. His grandfather would always let him off but never his mother. OoO  

Huffing while walking into the door he stopped and looked down. Noticing that the entrance way had a large hole in the center and that would only mean for him to jump. Why does she have to do this when I’m exhausted? Daisuke thought slouching down and took a large leap. His hands clasped a hold of the edge of the hole on the other side and yanked himself up. “That was close.” He announced slowly walking towards another door entrance as it gave off a shocking surprise.

What she trying to do? Fry me? Daisuke thought, as he took his coat off and wrapping it around the doorknob and quickly turned it. Getting shocked a bit but not much he panted as his red hair stuck up in various spots.

His mother quickly ran over to him, “Oh Daisuke! You did it!” She exclaimed giving him a large hug. His head hanged low as he got away from his mother and walked away from her. “Daisuke, where are you going? Aren’t you going to celebrate the end of your training?”

Daisuke sighed as he placed one foot on the step that was going up towards his room, “Not today mom. I don’t feel like it today.”

“How about that cute girl Risa? Did you ask her out?”

Daisuke’s eyes widen in terrify. “No. No mom. She just wants to be friends.” Daisuke exclaimed as he slowly walked up the steps and opened his bedroom door and closed it behind him.

A sigh escaped his mouth as he had fallen on his knees staring out the window watching as the sun began to slowly creep behind the trees and city. A feeling swept over him. A feeling he’s never felt before. Somewhat painful almost. The feeling of bones growing and skin ripping made Daisuke want to scream, want to cry out to anyone and everyone for help. But no words left his lips, just the ripping feeling…



Authors note: Wow, another chapter finished by me! Hip, hip hooray! Lol. Anyway, I’m hoping to add some action/Adventure with it. Well I’m going to have to, to have it end the way I want it too. ^.^ (Giggles) I know what your thinking… what a strange girl. But I’m excited that I officially finished the first chapter! (Does little dance) Now… onward to the next chapter of DNAngel!!!

Next time on The Phantom and His Maiden:

Daisuke finally figured out why his mother and grandfather made him do all those training. But, when stealing an item from the Hikari family… it only makes things worse. His close friend, Satoshi is there to trap him. Will Satoshi succeed in the capture of Daisuke or say Dark? Or will the Angel’s of Heaven be on his side?

The next chapter of The Phantom and His Maiden “ Her Song”


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