D. N. Angel Fan Fiction ❯ Small breeze turns into a huge storm. ❯ Chapter 3: So it begins. ( Chapter 3 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
I don't own any characters from DN Angel. And sorry for all the grammar mistakes, I don't have a beta. Samui speaks with * to Yuki and Yuki speaks with *to Samui, Daisuke with * and Dark *, Krad *and Satoshi * so you guys don't get mix up.
Chapter 3: So it begins.
*Dark?* Daisuke's eyes were shut and a strange reason Samui couldn't get near him. Studying her eyes closely at Daisuke, Samui just noticed the faded black wing that was currently in between her hand and Daisuke's heart. Blinking, Samui noticed it wasn't Daisuke anymore; in fact it's Dark who was standing in front of her. “It's you! You bastard!” Samui spat, while narrowing her white eyes. “Well nice to see you as well Samui.” Dark said while bowing his head, noticing that Riku was with him, or who was with Daisuke.
With out realizing it, Samui stepped around Dark's wing and headed towards Dark himself. Picking up Riku, Dark flew up into the sky, leaving Samui cursing. “That… That asshole!” Samui screamed as she plucked one of her feathers, and threw it straight towards Dark's figured. Skinning through the winds of the cold night, Samui cursed again, seeing that her feather missed Dark. Whistling passed Dark, making him turned right around staring at Samui. Her wings were spread out, anger written across her face, her eyes glared as a tear slipped.
“Fuyu no ame” Samui whispered, her hair covering her face, tears streaming down. A slight change in the air turned from west to east, making Dark lose his balance. Krad sat up on top of the building staring at Samui. “So she's back.” Krad simply said, and moved back away, spreading his wings. Walking into the ally, Samui slid down the brick wall until she hit the ground. “Why!? Why am I so weak!?” Punching the ground with her left hand and with the right wiped away the traces of the tears. *Samui, maybe you're not over him…* The tears swelled again in Samui's eyes, “NO! I'm over him!” Silence fell over Yuki, as she stared at the young woman crying.
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“Well.” Dark whispered, while landing full feet on the balcony. “That was interesting.” Riku struggled, until she was out of his arms. *What is with her?* “Don't you think that maybe, that girl is actually hurt from you?!” Riku yelled at Dark, taking a step in. “And where did you come from!?! You disappeared two years ago Dark!” Riku screamed letting out a frustrated sigh, staring right at him as if looks can kill. “I still can't believe you were here all this TIME! Why didn't you try to come back earlier!?” Riku screamed louder, earning some of the lights turned on. “Riku, is that you out there?” Risa asked stepping out side, seeing Riku in tears. Gasping Risa ran over to Riku. “What's wrong Riku?” Risa asked holding Riku closely to her.
“I broke up with Daisuke.” Riku broke down, falling towards the ground, with Risa stilling holding on. I really did say it… I... im sorry Daisuke…Wait Dark, he's gone…
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Samui struggled flying up, and over the building and landing. Folding her wings in, Samui flopped down and crossed her legs. Her wings twitched at the sounds in the sky, she looked up, and her bloodshot eyes staying at the sky. I must have cried too much. Thunder rolled around up above the clouds, feeling the first cold rain droplet on her cheek. Yuki stood beside Samui, she watched the rain droplet fall, running down her cheek until it hit the edge of her chin. Yuki kept on staring at the rain droplet, a few more droplets fell, and until rain it self started to pour down onto Samui.
Her wings twitched again, and wrapped them self around her, covering her from the rain. The Thunder rolled louder, causing Yuki to jump. “I HATE RAIN! I WANT SNOW!” Samui screamed with tears flowing down. Samui's hand came out, between her feathers, and her hand glowed a soft blue, circling her hand. “Tsuzumi” A light flashed in front of Yuki's eyes, she never seen Samui's magic before, and a bit scared to watch. “Let it snow, for 10 days… Let the temperature drop below -10 degrees… Let me be the one who holds every one's faith. The snow won't stop until I say so…” Samui's voice was flying away with the wind, that cold freezing wind, which came from around Samui. The sands in the Tsuzumi started to fall. “Let the 10 day storm begin.” Her voice was low; it reached all over the town, with the single breeze.
Rain had stopped by the last words, and the Snow had started to fall.
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Dark landed on the balcony at home, and let his wings dripped by the melted snow. *This is bad Daisuke.* Daisuke looked up at Dark, and what he saw was a one time thing ever… Dark actually had tears in his eyes… *I didn't mean to make Samui mad… Now I know… I Wish I never left her… The years that past, it must have been hard on her…* Daisuke watched as Dark, stayed together, trying to be strong. Dark wiped the tears away roughly. *Dark, maybe you should go talk with her?* “Daisuke it isn't that easily. She'll probably chop my head off before I get near her…” Sighing, Dark flipped his wings to rid the snow, looking up at the dark grey sky, clenching his fist while the snow fell.
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The curtains were open, the snow fell faster then before, the wind bashed against the window. Satoshi stood in front of the window, staring outside at a bright blue light glowing at top of 1 of the buildings. *You know Satoshi, Samui hates Dark more then I do.* Satoshi turned and looked at Krad, who was standing there with a huge grin. He turned back to the window, remembering how Samui looked, her tear stained face, bloodshot/emotionless eyes. Sighing, Satoshi rested his hand against the window. It's strange, but I hope she is all right… Krad stood there, still with that grin. I guess you can say he was actually itching to talk to Samui.
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Backing up, Yuki stared at Samui, who seem to stay still. Her head rested against her arms, which sat on top of her knees, up against her chest. “They will all pay… Dark will suffer for what he has done…” The bright blue light that surrounded Samui got brighter, as it swirled around her. Yuki stood still, her hands shaking, and her eyes filled of concern. Why do I still love him? He left me alone for all those years, and because of… Of... RIKA!! Her mind screamed out of control.
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Well it has been a while since I updated…. Mental blocks everywhere
-_- Anyways please review!!! So I know its all good! Right now I'm so fricking tired it hurts lol. It's 2:17am, and I'm up… If any one knows of my illness…. I will sleep tonight…. I think Lol anyways again please review! Plus I changed the name….