Daa! Daa! Daa! Fan Fiction / Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ [Kanata X Miyu] : Love Blossom ❯ Despair... ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“I can't believe it!” Sakura cries on Kanata' shoulder as Kanata drives to his place.
“I know how you feel Sakura… I know how it feels to be turned down by the one you loved!” Kanata expresses himself.
“What do you mean? Do you like Miyu?” Sakura raises her head.
“yeah… but things has changed! She likes Li…” he continues.
“What?. So that's what happened! She likes Li .. that's why she is being close to him!.. I.. I can't help it.. I better let Li go of me… he and Miyu deserves each other..” Sakura cries.
Later, the couple arrives at the Saionji temple.
“DAD! I'm home!” Kanata calls his dad but no one answered.
“Mr.Saionji?” Sakura looks around but she found no one.
Kanata looks at the kitchen, he only found a piece of paper lying on the table.
Sakura goes to the kitchen to see Kanata reading the note.
“what is it Kanata?” Sakura walks towards him.
“It's dad! He left a day ago… ha says that he's going to a pilgrimage which he usually does.” Kanata looks at the note then he crumples it tossing it to the trash can about a couple of feet away from them.
“Waah!!! PAPA!! MAMA!!!” Lou cries really hard.
“Don't worry Lou! Papa and mama are going to be back really soon!” Miyu carries her brother while Li just sits on the chair staring blankly into space.
“What is it Li?” Miyu approaches him.
“I felt guilty! If Sakura hadn't saw it.. damn! Sakura..” Li lowers his head.
“I.. I know how you feel Li.. it's just an accident.. things will work out..” She placed her hand over his head.
Then a doorbell rang.
“Who is it?” Miyu goes to the door.
“It's us! Chiharu! Rika! Naoko! Nanami! Aya! and off course me Christine!” the bunch of girls is at the door calling they're names one by one.
“What are you doing here?” Miyu opens the door.
“Well, did you forgot our project? Huh?” Nanami looks over Miyu's shoulder to find Li.
“Why is Li here? He's not part of our group!” Nanami exclaims.
“To tell you the truth.. he's in a emotional stress right now… he can't seem to get close to Sakura anymore..” Miyu lowers her head feeling guilty about what she did.
“Don't worry Li! We'll help you!” Rika approaches him.
“Thanks you guys, but I think that Sakura doesn't have the heart to forgive me anymore… I'm a total loser!” Li smiles in a cold and sad expression.
“Don't say things like that! I promise we'll help you..” Eriol is standing on the door looking serious.
“Eriol? Even you?” Li is surprised to see him in front of Miyu's porch.
“Since we've been in elementary… I know that you make this sentimental value thing get out of hand, So I studied you very well… every person you get mad at forgave you that time! I'm pretty sure Sakura can forgive you..!” Eriol smiles as he rubs his glasses using his clothes.
“But it's not all that!, I know that she can forgive me from things like that! What I'm saying is…is… is..” Li can't say what happened between him and Miyu as Sakura saw them.
So instead he ran away from the house..
“Li! Wait!” Eriol runs after him…
Meanwhile at the Saionji..
“Umm… Kanata… I can't get any sleep” Sakura opens Kanata's door while she wraps herself with her blanket.
“Sakura? Are you cold? Wait here! I'll make some hot chocolate for you… it seems that the rain caused you to get a cold” Kanata quickly stood up and he heads to the kitchen.
Sakura is really cold! She is shivering violently her face is red and she feels like her body is giving up.
Just as Kanata returns to his room..

”Sakura… here's your drink” Kanata hands her the milk but he couldn't grip it…
“What's the matter?” Kanata worriedly asks.
“Kanata… I can't… I can't exert my strength… I'm really weak..” Sakura leans her head onto his shoulder.
Kanata realized that she is extremely sick.. he felt her hot forehead as he stare at the girl who is half conscious.
“Don't worry Sakura! I'll go get the car! Don't move okay! I'll take you to the hospital!” Kanata quickly ran to the garage as he grabs the carkeys and a leather jacket.
“Kanata… Hurry..” She fell on his bed as her body gives in.
“It seems that the cold and the heartbreak took the toll on poor Sakura! -wha?” He is stopped to find Li panting near the steps.
“Li?” Kanata stares at him with a angered face.
“Huff.. where's Sakura?.. Puff” Li is also looking serious while Eriol is catching up behind him.
“And why do you care huh!? I thought you and Miyu are having a good time!” Kanata shouts at him.
“IT'S A LIE!!!” Li shouts back causing Kanata to freeze for a moment.
“I know that Miyu is kind and generous to her friends, but that doesn't mean that we like each other! We like each other as friends don't you get that!? The only person I love the most … is SAKURA!!!!” Li shouts while tears stream on his face.
“Li!.. thank goodness I finally caught up with you!” Eriol is panting behind Li when he notices Kanata.
“Oh Hi Kanata! Sorry for the disturbance.” Eriol smiles.
“Li… there's something I have to tell you… Sakura has a cold and she is really weak, she's inside! I'll take the car!” Kanata seriously discussed things with Li.
“What!? Sakura!!” He quickly runs to the temple with Eriol following him.
Li and Eriol arrives at where the unconscious Sakura is.
Li tries to wake her up by shaking her shoulders but he failed.
“Sakura! I… I can't let this happen to you!” he carries Sakura by himself.
They got in Kanata's car, Sakura and Li at the back.
“I know a hospital not far from here!” Eriol comments about it.
“Okay! Tell me where it is!” Kanata shifts his gear to overdrive.