Daa! Daa! Daa! Fan Fiction ❯ [Kanata X Miyu] : Wings of Heart ❯ Valentine's Day ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The Next morning...
The alarm clock at Miyu's rooms rings at exactly 5:30am…
Miyu : Oh man! I set my alarm clock too early… (rubs her eyes then heads to the bathroom)
Miyu : Todays Valentines day, It's the time of year when the girls in japan gives a guy some chocolates to show their affection… (Miyu said as she washes her face with water).
Miyuthen turns around thinking who she should give chocolate to. Miyucomes out of the bathroom then takes a glimpse of Kanata's bedroom door.
Miyu (looking at the door) : I wonder what happened to Kanata , I hope that his fine by now.
Just then Miyusees Kanata's door slid open, then comes out Kanata
Kanata (Stares at Miyu) : Oh! Good morning Miyu… (smiles).
Miyu (smiles back) : Oh Good! I guess your sickness is gone… right?
Kanata : Huh? Oh that! Yes ! I'm feeling much better! I had this … flu last night! Hehehe! (He laughed then scratched his head) [Obviously Kanata isn't love sick anymore!!]
Miyu : Good! Well… happy valentines day Kanata… (turns around and heads for the kitchen to prepare breakfast.)
Kanata : Oh yeah… Today's Valentine's day. (heads to the bathroom to take a bath.)
At school...
Kanataarrives just ahead of Miyuwhen suddenly, a bunch of girls surrounds Kanatahanding him chocolates and stuffs.
Miyu (Walks in with Aya and Nanami) : Darn those girls ! why won't they leave Kanata alone?!
Nanami (whispers at Miyu ) : You know Miyu, I think you're kind of… jealous .
Miyu (blushes then shouts at Nanami): WhaT!? I'm not jealous! Why would I be jealous about this kind of thing!? Get out of my case Nanami!
Nanami (Looks at Miyu mockingly) : Whatever Miyu
Kanatathen approaches Miyu, Nanamiand Ayawhile carrying a bunch of chocolates.
Kanata (looks at Miyu) :Hey Miyu! Can you give me a hand?
Miyu (looks at Kanata still blushing by what Nanami has said): huh!? No way! If you can't carry those chocolates then you should eat them until you puke!
Miyuwalks away stomping all the way to her classroom.
Nanamiand Ayagives Kanataa hand as they place the chocolates in his locker.
Aya : Sorry about Miyu Kanata, She's acting really weird about this things you know…
Kanata : Yeah… I can see that.
At the classroom,. Miyuis sitting on her chair while looking at some girls giving chocolates to their boyfriends.
Kanata (holds Miyu's shoulder) : Hey Miyu… you alright? What are you so mad about?
Miyu (Shoves Kanata's hand) : It's none of your business Kanata… get off my case!
Kanata (Sighs then looks away) :Whatever Miyu
Santa (Wiggles like a worm) : Hey look Kanata I got these chocolates from the girls at 7th grade!!
Kanata : You know why they gave you those chocolates? Look! (points out the boxes Santa is holding)
Santa examines the box to find out that those chocolates were REJECTS … meaning the girls in 7thgrade gave Santa some chocolatesthat tasted bad or expired.
Santa (becomes a chibi Santa then cries): Oh why does it have to happen to me every Valentines day!! Darn it!
Kanata (giggles at Santa then comforts him) : Don't worry Santa, I'll give you some of the chocolates the girls gave me.
Santa :Really thanks man!
Christineis examining Kanata's actions.
Christine (Talks to herself emotionally) :Oh Kanata, you sure are a loyal and trustworthy friend, you even comforted you bestfriend because he doesn't get some nice fine chocolates. Looking at you actions makes my heart melt like a chocolate… If you would know how I feel about you...
Miyuheard everything that Christinehas said . Miyulooks down at her table looking a lot serious. Then all of the sudden Nozomusurprises Miyufrom behind.
Nozomu : Hello there my little Miyu!
Miyu :Wha?! No.. Nozomu!? You almost gave me a heart attack! (Holds her chest while panting really hard).
Nozomu (Spins around like a retarded ballerina) :You know little Miyu… I am dying to eat some of those chocolate that you're going to give me.
Miyu : Sorry Nozomu… I'm not planning in giving anyone some chocolates today. Maybe next year.
Nozomu :NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! How could you (then a girl passes by his side). Whatever Miyu see ya! (Follows the girl while skipping happily).
Ms.Mizunothen enters the classroom…
Ms.Mizuno : Goodmorning class, well today's Valentines day. We're going to play a game. I have a box here containing the names of the boys in our class. The girls will pick one name then tell a brief description of the guy .
Miyu (Raises her hand) : Ms.Mizuno , I don't want to join.
Ms.Mizuno :Oh come one Miyu, this only happens once a year. Don't spoil the moment ok?
Miyu : I understand…
Ms.Mizuno (holds the box) : OK! It's time for the girls to pick !
Aya (pulls out a piece of paper from the box) : huh? Oh great! It's Santa!
Santa : Well Aya, Make sure you include all the positive ideas don't tell them the negative ones ok?
Christine (holds one paper) : I wish it's Kanata! Kanata! Kanata!
She opens the paper…
Christine(looks disappointed) :Nozomu
Nozomu : Well Christine, I am glad that you picked my name! yeah! (Hands Chris some roses).
Ms.Mizuno :Well there's only one name remaining… It's Kanata's, So… who among these girls doesn't have a partner?
Miyuhides her face to Ms.Mizunobut unfortunately Mizuno caught her.
Ms.Mizuno :Oh Miyu! I should've known! Here take this. (Hands Kanata's name to her.)
Miyu (Blushes) : Oh no!
Miyu (looks at Kanata) : Oh man! What should I tell them about Kanata
Kanata(smiles at Miyu) :Don't worry Miyu! You can say anything you like! I won't get mad at you!
Miyu (seriously thinks of a description.) : oh man! What should I tell them!
Ms.Mizuno : Ok! Times up! Girls, please fall in line.
Ayais the first to describe.
Aya : Well you see, Santa is a abnormal person, he loves cactus man and loves to collect unique and strange stuff. His hobbies are very weird, he loves to collect material that is broken and places them in his collection for no reason… he studies ghost that doesn't even exist, that's all.
Ms.Mizuno (applauses) :Good! Next…
Santa :Why Aya!? Why!? Would you say such cruel things!! (Makes another chibi face then cries).
The girls describe their partners until it came to only one girl… Miyu.
Ms.Mizuno : OK! Miyu, it's your turn.
Miyu (blushes) : Well… what I think about Kanata?.. he's a nice guy. He's very responsible , he's really popular among the girls. But sometimes he gets really mad! And sometimes acts really weird! But I understand him very well, after all he's just human. Kanata is my childhood frie-(NYA!!) I mean Kanata's my cousin and we've been together since childhood. He's heart is more good looking than his appearance. He knows what's wrong and what's right. He's one of my best cousin. And I hope that after all this years, he's still be the same.
Ms.Mizuno : VERY good Miyu.
Kanatablushes as he stares at Miyuthinking about what she said about him.
Miyuwalks past Kanatablushing madly then sits on her chair placing her face between her arms pretending to sleep.
Class dismissal.
Nanami : Hey Miyu, I noticed that you haven't give anyone some chocolates.
Miyu : I told you, I'm not giving anyone this year.
Nanami :Ok! Suite yourself, see you tomorrow (waves goodbye).
Miyu : bye Nanami.
Nanamileft the room leaving Kanataand Miyualone.
Kanata (places his things in his bag then approaches Miyu) : Hey Miyu, are you going to stay here?
Miyudidn't say a word as she blushes…
Kanata (Sighs) : Whatever Miyu… I'm going home, be home early ok! (walks out the door).
Miyu (bangs her head on the table) : Darn! I feel like I am missing something…perhaps I should give him chocolates…(stands up then runs out the classroom…)
Saionji temple … 9:00pm…
Miyuruns towards the temple, as she reaches the entrance she notices that the lights were still on.
Miyu (panting): Oh man! Kanata's going to be so Mad at me! I promised him to be home early.
As Miyuopened the door, she saw Wannyawatching TV..
Miyu :Wannya? Are you awake? (gives wannya a shove).
Wannyafell on the couch signaling that Wannya's asleep…
Miyu (Sighs) : Next time , sleep in your room ok?
Kanata : Hey, I thought I told you to go home early!?
Miyu (startled by Kanata's voice) : Well I…I'm Sor-
Kanata : It's Ok! By the way,I left some food for you, it's inside the microwave. Help yourself ok? (Walks towards his room.)
Miyu (smiles) : Thanks Kanata
Kanata(stops in front of the door) :Miyu
Miyu (Blushes) :What is it?
Kanata (turns around then smiles at her) :About what you said earlier… Thanks.
Miyu : Not a problem… (Smiles)
Later, Kanatais doing his homework when suddenly Miyuknocks on Kanata's door.
Kanata : Come in!
Miyu(blushes) :Oh, Hi…
Kanata : OH it's you Miyu? What's up?
Miyu (Gets something from her bag): Well .. you see…
Kanata (blushes a little) : What is it?
Miyu (Hands Kanata some chocolates) : Happy Valentines day!
Kanata (Takes the chocolates) : Oh WOW! Thanks! By the way, why would you give me chocolates? I thought you said that you're not going to give anyone this year…
Miyu (blushes) : Huh?! Well… I just wanted to give some chocolates, I also gave Lou and Wannya some …
Kanata : Oh I See… well look at the time it's almost midnight. I guess you better get some sleep ok?
Miyu : huh? Oh yeah.. right good night! (closes the door).
Miyu (blushes) : I can't imagine Kanata acting like that… at the same time… I think it's nice if he acts like that…
Sorry for the late update, it's just that I have some things to do on my studies but I promise that I'll finish this story! :D
Reviews pls…