Daa! Daa! Daa! Fan Fiction ❯ out of the question ❯ Chapter 2. Where's Miyu? ( Chapter 2 )

[ A - All Readers ]
Out of the Question

Disclaimers: Don't own them. Don't sue.

A/N: Again....one of those sleepless nights I've encountered. I've decided that I'm no good on 1st PPOV unless its angst so this is done on 3rd PPOV. Some OCCness might occur so gomen. -_-'

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Out of the question
Chapter 2. Where's Miyu?
Kanata woke up slightly dazed. A vague memory of what happened last night washed over him.

//That stupid Naozumo// he murmured as he readies himself for school.

Wannya greeted him as he entered their kitchen/dining room. Ryu flew over at him with Peppo close behind.

"Papa..." Ryu greeted. "Good morning to you too, Ryu. Peppo." He then took his place at their table.

"Where's Miyu?" he asked Wannya.

"Miyu already left. She said something about a festival, a committee and some stuff." Wannya as he prepares Ryu's food.

Kanata nodded. The festival will be next week and all that's left to do is build their booth. Why do Miyu has to be so worked up?

"I'll go now. Anything you want me to fetch at the store?" Kanata while putting on his shoes.

"I've already asked Miyu." Wannya answered.

Kanata nodded and went on his way.

"That kanata. He knows we still have to build the booth yet he choses to wake up late today." Miyu as she writes the things they'll probabaly need for the booth. She glances at the clock. "No wonder no ones here yet. It's still early."

"Good morning, Miyu-chan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" A shower of roses accompanied Naozumo's greeting.

"Good morning too, Naozumo." Miyu greeted without enthusiasm.

"Are you feeling well today, Miyu-chan? Feel anything weird?" Naozumo scooped closer.

"Eh?" Miyu sweatdropped. The ackward moment stopped when the rest of their classmates arrived.

"Miyu! Why didn't you wait up for me this morning.?" As Kanata entered the room.

Miyu looked up quite irratated. "I can't wait since there's still work that must be done."

"But..." Kanata trailed off when he had a complete of view of Miyu's face. She looks angry, tired, stressed and ready to quit all wrapped into one. "Fine. Here let me help you."

"Kanata and Miyu are having a fight then making up like an ordinary couple." Kurisu(1) enraged by the scene earlier.
**This scene is now where Kurisu dubs Kanata's and Miyu's voice in her dream/vision.**(2)

Kanata: Miyu! Why didn't you wait for me?
Miyu: Why should I wait for you Kanata?
Kanata: Because a couple must always be together...
Miyu: Kanata...
Miyu: Kanata...

**The scene was popped by Miyu and threw it somewhere far while Kanata pacified the raging Kurisu for destroying the remaining half of their room. The other half is completely destroyed.

"Kurisu, as class representative. I must help the committee in every possible way. We're discussing about the festival and not something else."

"Really? Kanata? I'm sorry." she bows down. "Oh, look at this mess. I'm sorry for making it." she puts on her construction hat and starts to rebuild the place much to their classmates' dismay that evacuated earlier.

Kanata then turned to look at Miyu but she's already gone.
On their way home, Miyu paused at the fork road.

"You go ahead without me. I still got to get some things for Wannya." Miyu turned on the other side.

"Why don't I come with you. I could help you with the bags." Kanata stopped her. Miyu looked at him with puzzled looks.

"Are you sick or something? Usually, you're happy to get home ahead of me. Besides, all I have to get are some Tofu."

"It's nothing really. Say Miyu, how are you feeling? Anything weird or out of place?" Kanata asked that confused Miyu more.

"You boys are acting weird today. I'm perfectly fine."


"Naozumo asked me earlier the same question. Well, I've got to go now. Ja!" Miyu started running.

"Miyu..." Kanata was left staring at her retreating figure.

"That Kanata. He's awfully weird today." Miyu's lost in thought that she didn't notice a mugger right behind her.
He grabs her bag and made a run for it.

"Stop! Thief!" Miyu running after her. He crossed the street and she followed. She didn't notice the approaching car nor the light that's still green.

A loud screeching sound was heard when all that she sees turn black.
"Huh?" Kanata as he stopped climbing the temple stairs. He felt that something had happened. He then shook his head and decided he need some relaxing bath to relieve some tensions. But still the feeling can't come off.
"Is Miyu home yet?" Kanata coming out from the bathroom.

"Nope. I guess that Tofu will not be our dinner tonight.

"I'll go call Aya and Nanami and ask if she's there.

After a few moments....

"So she's not in either house?" Wannya asked as Kanata hunged the phone up.

"You go ahead and eat without me. I'll go out and find her."


"Papa..." Ryu flied towards him and hugged him.

"Sorry Ryu, I can't let you come. You have to be here. Don't worry. I'll find your mama." Kanata dislodged Ryu from his chest and put him on the nearby chair. He then stopped when he realized what he had just said.

"I'll go now. Bye!" the feeling is there again.

"Huh? Where am I?" Miyu scanned the room. It's painted in white. Her view then landed on a boy and a little girl.

"Who are you?" She asked them.

"Look Aniki! She's awake!" the bundle of energy cheered.

"Shh...Yuki-chan. Not too loud." the boy pacified her. He looks vaguely familiar with those brown hair and eyes.

"You need to get some rest. I'm sorry for the accident. We'll pay you for the troubles. We'll also pay the hospital bills so you don't need to worry. All you have to do is to tell us your name and home phone so we could tell your parents." the boy told her in a formal voice.



"I. I can't remember anything."

Kanata left the store where they usually shopped their necesities and the attendant told him he'd not seen Miyu that day. He's now walking aimlessly on the city streets. //Miyu...Where are you?//


1. I don't know what to call her. On the first issue she's called Machi then around the 10th issue she's Kurisu.
2. Daa3 fans knows this all too familiar scene.

A/N part2: Actually this is not the real chapter 2. The original is longer but I've lost it. Gomen. -_-' Eneweiz, Thanks for the reviews. I hope you'll like this one too. ^__^*