Danny Phantom Fan Fiction / Teen Titans Fan Fiction ❯ When Goths Collide ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Now youll get to spend some quality time in prison! Robin yelled into the face of Big Boom. The new criminal had wanted to make a name for himself, as many new up and comers did, by wiping out the Teen Titans. Obviously, it didnt work. After a glorious fight, the bad guy was being held up by his lapels in Robin grasp, his bomb was disarmed and the trigger destroyed. Starfire was floating by Robins side, glaring at Big Boom. Cyborg was standing between an irritated Boy Wonder and a victory dancing Beast Boy. Raven was standing back a ways, between the now deactivated bomb and the victorious super heros. The bomb was near a cliff at the edge of Jump City. Raven was admiring the view, staring over the ocean at T tower. Wow. I can see our house from here. she mumbled.
Robin was about to hand Big Boom over to Starfire to transport to the police when the villain in question spoke.
You should never underestimate your opponent, Wonder Boy, heh heh. Then, before anyone could react, a second detonator appeared in his hand. As he pushed the trigger, all eyes swung to the bomb, and only then did they realize just how close Raven was to it. She had just enough time to say, What? before the world exploded in light and sound.
Robin tied up Big Boom, who was now laughing manically, then turned back to where his friend and teammate had been standing.
When the dust cleared, there was nothing there. No Raven, no bomb, no cliff. The entire side of the hill they were on, all the way to where our heros were standing, was gone. Blown into the sea.
Starfire gasped, tears coming to her eyes. Cyborg just stared. Beast Boy screamed, RAVEN!!!!, turned into a hawk, and took flight. The crew was snapped into action by the scream and they all started searching for their fallen comrade. Starfire by air, Robin by land. Beast Boy turned dolphin and dropped into the water. Cyborg started scanning the area for any signs of her.
Big Boom, unnoticed now in the frantic search for Raven, was quietly chanting what sounded like a spell.....
Amethyst to Amethyst
Across space and time,
You may find her body
But will not find her mind.
(And because the author says so
And this story is romance)
Only with love
Will there be a chance.
Confessions of the heart
Secrets revealed
Only then will all be healed.
Purple lightning streaked across the sky from horizon to horizon, painting the entire, cloudless sky lavender.
He then broke back out in laughter.
Meanwhile, elsewhere on the planet.......
Danny! Look out! Sam yelled as she tried to maneuver the Fenton Thermos to recapture the Box Ghost. Danny turned and went intangible just before a large crate ended its life where he was standing.
I said Beware! Do you think I was kidding? the Box Ghost bellowed.
Jeez! How does this guy keep getting out? Tucker yelled, also brandishing a thermos.
Danny fired off a couple of blasts at the rampaging apparition. The ghost ducked and launched another set of crates at the angry halfa. All at once, three things happened.
Danny flew out of the way as Sam inadvertently took his place, not seeing the incoming danger and Tucker sucked the cube obsessed creature into the cylindrical cage.
Danny turned and saw Sam just as the crates flew into her, knocking her into the wall. She hit the ground and was buried in splintered debris.
SAM!! both boys cried as they ran to her side. They moved aside the wood scraps and Danny gently lifted her into his arms.
Sammy? Sam are you ok? Please, wake up and talk to us! Danny pleaded.
Ya, so we can go to the Nasty Burger. Ill treat you to a triple decker. Tucker looked on anxiously. Dang dude. I totally thought she would wake up to smack me for that one.
Danny didnt even take his eyes off of her. Please Sammy, please wake up. he whispered.
Just then, the sky outside was lit up a beautiful shade of lavender, bringing they boys attention to the windows. Had they still been looking at Sam, they would have seen her eyes open and glow bright purple just as the lightning flashed. And just as quickly as the lightning flashed, both lights were gone. Danny and Tucker looked back at their friend, to see her looking at them, a look of pure confusion on her face.
Uh, who are you, and why are you touching me? she said in a mildly annoyed monotone.