Danny Phantom Fan Fiction ❯ Danny Phantom Revisit Season One ❯ Mystery Meat 2 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Danny lay in bed that night waiting for his parents to go to bed. One thing he could count on with them was that they weren’t night people. They tired quickly once the sun went down. However, before he could go ghost and sneak out, his ghost sense went off. Another ghost? So soon after the ectopuses? He had to investigate.


He crept all the way down to the basement, but the portal was sealed shut. No ghost got in that way, so why did his ghost sense go off? He stood still and listened, but silence reigned. Maybe his ghost sense was acting up like his invisibility and intangibility. He shrugged and left the room. Then he snuck out to meet up with his friends at the park.


Danny flew through the night air, admiring the stars and the wind in his hair. This was his first time flying in the open, and while the act excited him, he practiced invisibility so that hopefully, nobody saw him and freaked out.


Upon arriving, he circled the park looking for Tucker and Sam. They lived relatively close to one another and probably arrived together. After a bit of searching, he found them on their scooters at the park entrance. Like Peter Pan, he alighted in front of them, his legs spread out and his hands on his hips.


Laughing, he said, “‘Bout time you two showed up!”


“Not all of us can fly,” Sam remarked. She and Tucker removed their helmets and set their scooters aside.


Danny continued laughing, curling up slightly in the air. “Flying is fun!”


Sam pulled him back down to earth. “Alright, birdbrain. Are we going to practice or not?”


“Yeah, I wanna see lasers!” Tucker said.


“Okay, okay,” Danny said. “But there’s no guarantee I can shoot lasers.”


“You never know until you try,” Tucker said.


Danny looked around and asked, “Where should we do this?”


“C’mon,” Sam said, grabbing his wrist, “I know the perfect spot.”


Danny turned his legs into a wispy tail and floated along behind her. Tucker trailed after.


Sam led them behind some trees with bushes nearby. It was the perfect place for a secluded picnic, and good for secret training, too. There wasn’t much room, though, so Sam and Tucker stood among the trees to give Danny space to work.


“Try aiming at those bushes,” Sam suggested.


“Make them explode!” Tucker added.


Danny chuckled and turned to the bushes. “Okay. Here goes nothing!” He held up his hand, palm outwards, and imagined lasers coming out of it. The image didn’t seem right, and nothing happened. “It didn’t work, he said still looking at the bushes.


“You need to see the bushes as your enemy,” Sam encouraged.


“Yeah, like those ectopuses,” Tucker said.


“My enemy…” Danny muttered. This time, his mind’s eye conjured images of the green ghosts in place of the bushes. He raised his hand again and reached inside himself for his power. His palm and fingers tingled, and sparks came out.


“I’m doing it!” he said and concentrated on the feeling. His chest filled, and he funneled that energy to his hand. A beam of green light shot out and vaporized a hole in the bush. “It worked!” he shouted, raising his hands in triumph. A rogue beam blasted into the sky. “Whoops.”


“Be careful where you aim that thing,” Tucker quipped.


Danny practiced for ten minutes and then Sam yawned and said, “It’s time to turn in. I’m ready for bed.”


Tucker yawned, too. “You’re probably right.”


Danny flew around them, buzzing with energy. “I feel fine. Are you sure you don’t want to stay?”


“As fun as it is to watch you practice,” Tucker said, “I can only handle so much.”


Sam said, “It gets boring watching you do the same thing over and over again.”


“We’ll see you at school, Danny,” Tucker said.


“Bye, Danny,” Sam said.


“Bye, guys,” Danny said, slightly disappointed. They all waved to each other and he watched them go. Then he went back to practicing. He came up with different ways of shooting the ectoray like finger guns and fists. He could hold his power around his fist, which he thought would make his punches stronger. He punched a tree and left satisfying scorch marks.


He practiced for about an hour and then mixed in intangibility and invisibility. Flying around the park, he tested out combinations of his powers until he finally felt tired. He headed home with a smile on his face.





A few days later…


His mom worked on something at the kitchen table while he ate his normal breakfast cereal. Why did she have to use the blow torch right next to him? Wasn’t that dangerous? He took a bite of his cereal only to realize his hand and spoon were intangible. He hid them under the table, just in case his mom noticed. She didn’t, of course. He sighed and fixed his intangibility problem. She finished welding or whatever just as Jack walked in.


“Okay,” she said. “Two more days, and it’s done!”


Jack only heard part of her words. “What did you say?” he asked, grabbing the device. “It’s done? The Fenton Finder is done! This baby uses satellites to lead you right to ghosts.”


Danny gaped. “It uses what to track what?”


His dad turned on the device and it beeped. In a female voice, it said, “Welcome to the Fenton Finder. A ghost is near. Walk forward.”


Danny jumped out of his seat and backed into the wall. The Fenton Finder beeped faster the closer it got to him. He gulped, but his parents looked confused.


“Ghost located,” said the Fenton Finder. “Thank you for using the Fenton Finder.”


Danny gave a weak smile.


“What?” Jack said. “Oh, that can’t be right!” He and Maddie looked at the Fenton Finder.


Danny felt relieved… until he spontaneously turned invisible. He looked at his disappeared body and quickly forced it back to the visible spectrum. He looked at his parents and sighed.


“Actually…” he said, “I need to tell you guys something.”


Jazz appeared out of nowhere and said, “That’s not all you need, Danny. You need guidance, and parents who can provide it.”


“Sweetie,” Maddie said, “I know what we do doesn’t make sense sometimes, but you’re only–”


“Sixteen,” Jazz said. “Biologically!”


Danny snuck away from the conversation and back to his cereal. He didn’t know how, but his parents seemed oblivious to his… ghostliness. They really were clueless!


Jazz continued her tirade. “But psychologically, I’m an adult! And I will not allow your insane obsession with ghosts–” she grabbed Danny “–to pollute the mind of this impressionable little child!” She looked down at Danny, who wanted to be anywhere but there. “Come on, you abused, unwanted wretch. I’ll drive you to school.” She glared at their parents and then steered Danny away.


“Hey, I was still eating breakfast!” he complained, but Jazz didn’t listen.


“Get your things. It’s time for school.”


“Right by the door,” Danny said, and the two left.


Back in the kitchen, Maddie said, “Huh, that’s weird. Jasmine never offers to drive Danny to school.”


“That can only mean one thing,” Jack said. “That’s not our daughter. That’s a ghost!” He ran after the kids shouting, “Danny, no! It’s a trap!” But they were already gone.





Later that day…


At school, Danny met his friends. He told them about his encounter that morning and ended with, “I think I should tell them.”


Sam asked, “Why? Parents don’t listen.” The three stopped on the stairs for her to rant. “Even worse, they don’t understand.” She threw back her head and yelled, “Why can’t they accept me for who I am?”


Danny waited for the onlookers to stop watching before whispering, “Sam, I-I’m talking about my powers. My problems?”


“Oh, right,” Sam said, blushing. “Me too.”


Danny complained, “It’s been a month since the accident and I still have barely any control! If somebody catches me, I go from geek to freak around here!”


Tucker raised his eyebrow. “Kinda like what you’re doing right now?”


Danny realized he was looking up at his friends, so he looked down at his legs to see they had sunk into the floor. He cried out in surprise, and Tucker and Sam pulled him up. His legs and waist returned to normal.


“Gah, darn it!” he whined. He walked the rest of the way up the stairs and his friends followed him. “If my dad can invent something that accidentally made me half-ghost, why can’t he invent something that turns me back to normal?” Without realizing it, he walked right through a vending machine.


“Danny,” Sam said, “your powers make you unique. Unique is good! That’s why I’m ultra recyclo-vegetarian.”


“Which means what?” Tucker asked.


Danny explained, “She doesn’t eat anything with a face on it.”


Tucker said, “Oh, who cares about that stuff? Danny, two words: meat connoisseur.” He sniffed the air. “Last night, you had Sloppy Joes.”


“Impressive,” Danny said.


“Meat heightens the senses,” Tucker said, puffing up his chest, “and my all-meat streak is fourteen years strong.”


“...And it’s about to end,” Sam said. “The school board finally agreed to try a new cafeteria menu. I wore them down.”


Tucker’s expression turned uncertain. “Wait… What did you do?”


Sam just smiled and walked into class.


“What did you do?” Tucker replied frantically.


A/N: Don’t worry, I won’t be copying scenes the whole time. I’ll make them my own for the most part. It’s just that some of the original writing is actually good.