Danny Phantom Fan Fiction ❯ Danny Phantom Revisit Season One ❯ Mystery Meat 5 ( Chapter 6 )
“We didn’t do anything!” Danny said hurriedly. “Didn’t you see the ghosts fighting?”
“I don’t care who did what,” Mr. Lancer said, removing his hand from Danny’s shoulder. “Someone has to clean up this mess, and it might as well be you.”
Danny’s hands balled into fists and he clenched his jaw. He may be technically responsible, but Lancer didn’t know that. And punishing them just because they were in the center of it?
Mr. Lancer frowned at Danny and said, “You know what, I have another idea. Next week is Spirit Week, and to celebrate, the school’s counselor will interview everyone. You three will be first in line to talk to Ms. Spectra. I think it will be good for you, especially you, Mr. Fenton. We don’t want that anger spilling over into something destructive. Now come with me to get the supplies you’ll need to take care of this mess.”
Danny took a deep breath as Mr. Lancer led them into the school. Why was he so worked up about this? He’d never been so angry before, even when Dash wailed on him for no reason. He used to just take things like this without a fight. Now it seemed he found a spark of fight in him.
But what use was it? Taking his anger out on Mr. Lancer would only make things worse. He tried to bottle it up as they walked to the custodial closet. He would get control of his emotions.
Mr. Lancer made them clean up the bits of meat strewn about the campus. It took so long that they missed two classes. Danny ached from the fight he had with the Lunch Lady. By the end, he was actually grateful to go back to class instead of wandering around the school grounds picking up meat.
Word spread about a meat monster attacking the school. No one seemed to know she was a ghost. Didn’t matter to Danny. He wasn’t about to correct them. However, it was mentioned that a ghost fought the meat monster and won. Danny smiled at that.
Things were back to normal when he got home after school. His parents no longer thought Jazz was a ghost. What a relief!
That night, after everyone had gone to sleep, Danny floated down to the basement lab and hovered in front of the portal. He held the Fenton Thermos in his hands, but his mind was on the portal’s mysteries. The Ghost Zone was on the other side, but what was it like? Did he need special equipment, like in space? No, he was half ghost. He should be fine… Right?
But settled next to his apprehension was a feeling of excitement. And… longing. Something in his chest thrilled at the prospect of entering the Ghost Zone. Maybe he would feel more at home there than he thought.
With an unnecessary breath to settle his nerves, Danny went into the portal.
A swirling green tunnel greeted him on the other side. He quickly crossed the twenty or so feet to another identical portal, ready to see what was beyond.
The Ghost Zone was a mass of greens, from neon highlights to black shadows. Ectoplasm dripped up from a staircase that led to nowhere. Intricate but random patterns were etched into the sides of sideways buildings. Purple doors of various designs floated in the distance.
Upon entering the Ghost Zone, Danny’s chest swelled with a feeling of comfort. He felt rejuvenated like he just woke up. He belonged here. Or, at least, half of him did. What would it be like if he was in his human form? Now didn’t seem like the time to find out.
He wandered around, staring at all the strange structures. He picked out landmarks to help him find his way back. Behind the staircase was a door with a star on it. Around an island was a six-story building in an unnatural L-shape.
Once satisfied that he traveled far enough, he stopped in the green expanse and opened the thermos, pressing the release button. The Lunch Lady came out in a reverse whirlpool. Holding her head, she appeared dizzy. She looked around, gathering her bearings, then at Danny.
He rubbed the back of his neck and said, “The lunch menu is back to normal. Will you please stay in the Ghost Zone now?”
The Lunch Lady put a hand to her sternum and closed her eyes, smiling. “Yes, I sense order is restored.”
“Um,” Danny said, “do you mind if I ask some questions?”
“You may, sweetie.”
He hesitated, choosing his words carefully. “Why did you go through the portal? I mean, I know you were upset about the menu, but how did you know?”
“Let me ask you a question. What do you know about being a ghost?”
“Well… nothing, really,” Danny admitted. “I know I have powers, but I’m still working to control them.”
“No one taught you anything?”
Danny shook his head.
The Lunch Lady sighed. “Then I’ll have to give it a try. Ghosts have Obsessions, things we think about constantly and sense when they’re disturbed.” She paused, as though debating something. When she went on, her tone shifted to something darker. Not in an evil way, like before, but in a sad way.
“My Obsession is making sure children aren’t hungry. It stems from my life during the Great War.” She took a moment to gather herself, emotion filling her eyes. “Food was scarce, to the point of rationing. The poorer children – there were many of them – often went without food. I couldn’t stand to see them that way! I did what I could to help, even giving children my lunch and going hungry myself.
“When the menu at your school changed, I sensed that children were going hungry again. My Obsession took over and… well, you know the rest.”
“Yeah,” Danny said, stunned. It must have shown on his face because the Lunch Lady laughed – a tinkling, kind laugh, though it was tinged with sadness.
“It’s a lot to take in,” she said. “Do you have more questions, sweetie?”
Danny fiddled absently with the Fenton Thermos. “Yeah. What is this place? Why do I feel so at home here?”
“This is the Infinite Realms, where ghosts of all kinds dwell.” She pointed to a door behind Danny. “Each doorway leads to a ghost’s lair, but some lairs, such as the Far Frozen, are part of the realm. You can find them if you explore enough.
“As for why you feel the way you do, it’s because your Core belongs here. It craves the ectoplasm that is abundant in the realms.”
“My Core?” Danny asked.
“It’s like your heart, but more central to your essence.” She placed her hand on her sternum again. “It’s where your Obsession comes from, and your powers.”
“What’s my Obsession?”
“I don’t know. That’s something you have to figure out yourself.”
Danny thought for a minute. The Lunch Lady watched him patiently. Eventually, he asked, “What happens to humans here?”
“I do not know. As far as I know, no human has been here. You could find out.”
Danny thought about it. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”
“I’m right here if you need me,” the Lunch Lady offered. “Or you could return to your portal if anything goes wrong.”
“Yeah… yeah. I’m sure it’ll be fine. I can always transform back if I need to. Okay, I’ll do it.” He closed his eyes and let the white rings change him into a human. Nothing happened. He took a deep breath and smelled the Ghost Zone for the first time. Oddly enough, it smelled like Mountain Dew – citrusy and tangy. He opened his eyes and looked at his body. He was floating without feeling the tug of gravity. He laughed.
“It would appear humans are safe in the realms,” the Lunch Lady said.
Danny transformed back and said, “Yeah, guess so. That’s great! I don’t have to worry about accidentally turning human!”
“Don’t worry, you’ll get control of your powers soon enough.”
“Thanks, Lunch Lady.”
“Call me Helen.”
“Thanks, Helen,” Danny said. “So… I guess this means we’re cool now?”
Helen frowned in confusion. “Cool?”
“Yeah, it means we’re good. We don’t have to fight anymore.”
“Oh, I see. Yes! We’re… cool.”
Danny grinned. “Cool! Oh, I have one more question.” He looked down at the Fenton Thermos. “Why do I get so angry lately? I have this teacher, Mr. Lancer, who made me clean up after our fight, even though he didn’t know I was part of that fight. It made me so angry! But… I don’t know why.” His face was scrunched up when he looked at Helen.
She had her hand on her chin in thought. “I’m not sure. It could be because of your Core. Perhaps you as a ghost have an aversion to authority.” She chuckled. “I’m not surprised. You are a teenager, after all.”
“So it could be because I’m a ghost?” Danny asked. “What else is new?” he mumbled. “I thought being a ghost was all cool powers, not getting angry.”
“There are positives and negatives to everything,” Helen said. “I’m sure you’ll discover many new things about yourself.”
“Yeah, I guess so,” Danny muttered. He looked around, trying to think of what to say next. “I think I’m out of questions for now. Wait, how can I find you?”
“Maybe one day I’ll show you my lair, but for now, I think you ought to go home. I’m sure your family misses you.”
Danny waved a hand in dismissal. “They’re all asleep. But I guess you’re right. I should go home. Thank you for answering my questions.”
“You’re welcome, Danny. Thank you for taking the time to listen.”
“You’re welcome,” Danny said. “Well, see you around, I guess.”
Danny had a lot to think about on his way back to the portal. What was his Obsession? Would he go feral if he sensed something wrong? Helen was a nice lady who only acted crazy because of her Obsession. Did that happen to all ghosts? Would he be different because of his human half?
His mind turned to what Helen told him about herself. The information she gave seemed sacred – like he shouldn’t tell it to anyone else. Maybe a ghost’s history was something shared in the greatest confidence. He felt honored that Helen felt that way about him.
At the portal, he went invisibly and looked around before going through fully. No one was in the lab. They were probably all still asleep. The thought made Danny’s eyes droop, and he went upstairs to his room.