Danny Phantom Fan Fiction ❯ Save Me From The Darkness ❯ Chapter 2
There was no moon that night as the Manson family headed back indoors after the long night at one of their Clubs, Sam looking a little worn out from all the smiling she had been forced to do and the heels that had not only left her with blisters, but had allowed sweat into the cut on her foot. She knew she would be in trouble the moment they got into the house and she wasn't wrong as the door shut behind her father.
"You were sloppy tonight," he snapped, his wife standing back to allow her husband to grab their daughter roughly by the hair. She refused to let out a whimper even as the pull of several strands tugged on that wound from her fall. "You limped like a weakling and those smiles! If you could call those fucking grimaces smiles!" He thrust her into a wall, her back hitting the solid surface seconds before her head did. She blinked a few times as her body slid down the wall. Her vision was blurry and the pain in her skull that had dulled down a bit from earlier, came back stronger, the world before her starting to spin. "I should punish you in the worst way!" he spat, turning from her to look to his wife, but the woman before him just continued to glare at the downed teen.
"She was out in the yard today, doing god knows what, and injured herself," the red head stated. Her father had not known this, his blue eyes turning to join in staring at the raven haired teen. "Jeremy, I think that starving her this time is the right choice." He scoffed. Starving never worked. She was rebellious and unwilling to conform unless they did the most drastic stuff, not that it mattered when he knew that he wasn't the father of the small teen. He was sterile, but his wife had fucked around with another male to give him an heir... not that he liked the fact that she had done that, but he was given a child and that was all that mattered at the time. He was disappointed that she had given him a daughter, a child that could not keep his name, but then again she could bring them more wealth with the right marriage. "Think of it in this respect," his wife stated with a smirk. "If the starvation doesn't bring her to her knees in a few days than she is weak and easily mailable for you to punish her in the other way." Ah, he liked that idea. Maybe they could brainwash her into complying by doing both punishments. It had been a thought in the past, but they had never done it since the teen had been too young for such measures, but with her lack of refinement there was a chance she would never find a wealthy husband to marry her in three years time.
Especially with how lack luster she had been that night. "Sounds like a plan, Pamela." And with that he was gone, the red head glaring down at her child with malice. Calling the servants the small girl was taken into the kitchen to where a small door was revealed in the wall next to the pantry. It had one window that opened up toward the outside world, not that anyone could see it with all the rose bushes that grew there, but it was only to allow the space to heat up. Sam was thrust in there, half conscious, before her mother slammed the door. The door was covered again. This would be where the small girl would stay for up to three days when they punished her, but to her luck that would not be the case that night.
Danny had watched them enter the house, but had stayed outside as he waited for lights to be shut off before entering the home. He had heard some yelling, but after a few minutes it had stopped and then shortly after that the light in the room above the front door had come on. Another light came on downstairs, but with very few seconds spent in the room the light went off and then the other one did too. He had questions about that too. Where was the light for the girl's room? The one on the floor could be a kitchen or even a living room, but the one upstairs had obviously been the parents room. With what Tucker had told him about the wealthy families in the area, it would make more sense for her room to be in the back. Going intangible he entered the house and moved from room to room in search of the raven haired girl he had seen earlier that day.
He would have loved to call out her name, but he feared that her parents would hear him or she would refuse to answer because of fear. He had seen that in her eyes when her mother had called for her. It took a few tries, but when he found her room she wasn't in it. Nothing much was in it really. She had a bed and all the furniture that one would find in a bedroom, but there was nothing personal in this room to even show that she resided in it. 'What about that room downstairs?' He wandered downstairs, keeping watch on the space for a servant or even one of the parents to come walking around, but when he found where the light had come from he was even more confused and slightly worried. It was a kitchen, but the girl wasn't in there. He was about to turn and leave when the sound of someone groaning caught his attention. Looking back at the space where he could see the door to what had to be a pantry, he waited for the sound to repeat itself and when another sound came instead he knew it was Samantha.
"Why?" she muttered as she threw her shoes off. 'Why did I just have to climb that wall?' She pulled at the puffy sleeves of the dress, knowing that if she damaged it she would be punished more severely, but really wanting the suffocating outfit off. She feared what they would do to her after this period of starvation and she knew that before they could do what they usually did, she needed to escape. The only problem was that she didn't know how.
"Hey," came a voice from outside of the entrance to the little room. The amethyst orbs turned to look at it, sure that she had heard someone, but not sure who it was. Was her father coming to get her now? "Samantha?" Who was that? That voice sounded familiar and not like the harsh voice of the male whom she called father.
"Who is there?" she whispered, hesitant to trust whoever was on the other side. She had almost kept quiet, but something in the back of her mind urged her to answer, that there was nothing to fear from the person who owned the soft voice.
"It's me," he whispered. "The boy from earlier." It took her a moment to recall the two males that had passed by her home earlier that day and when she remembered the boy who had stuck his head thru the wall, she blinked. He was in her house?
"The ghost boy?" she asked back. He didn't say anything, sticking his head thru the door before her. She didn't scream, and he noted that she didn't look afraid, just worried. "You can't be here," she said as she stared into his blue eyes. "If you ge-" He shook his head before disappearing before her eyes. 'What?' Reappearing before her he smiled.
"What are you doing in here?" he asked, glancing around the small space. "Did your parents put you in here?" Sam debated on what to tell him at that moment. It's not like he could help her or anything, but in the end she just nodded. Danny didn't know what to say to that. He could see that she was holding back information and while he was sure she was afraid to tell him, that she did want to tell him more, but couldn't. What could he do to help this girl? He could help her escape, but when her parents came looking for her then she would be forced back into the place where it was obvious something dubious was happening. "Are you gonna be okay if I leave for a moment?" That seemed to freak her out, her eyes flickering with fear, and he wondered how much of what Tucker had said was true and how much more of it was hidden from anyone outside the family.
"I-I don't know," she muttered, her eyes downcast for a moment. He reached out, his fingers grazing her chin. She flinched at the simple touch, a response that made his eyes flash green. This girl was definitely being abused! He couldn't leave her here, not with the knowledge that if she was being harmed that it could turn out to be deadly in the end. Moving to grasp her around her body, still intangible, he pulled her out of the small space. Without a look around him , he flew out of the house and into the skies. She grasped him around the waist, her body curled into a ball as he took her to his home. His parents would help him, he was sure of it. While they might be upset that he used his powers this way, once they saw how she was acting he knew his mother would want to help get this girl out of the situation that she was in.
While they were flying he noted how small she was, her weight nothing more than that of a feather. Had she been starved as well? Was that why she was in that small space? Danny didn't dare ask her at that point, not with how scared she seemed to be. He found it rather strange that she wasn't all that afraid of him, but then again, he didn't know what her life was like at her home.
"Where a-are we going?" she asked, her voice so small as she refused to move her face from his chest.
"I'm taking you to my house," he stated. "My parents can hel-" She began to shake, squirming slightly against him. "Sam, it'll be okay, I promise." Her movement stopped at the name he called her, but she still shook softly in his arms. He hugged her tighter as they began to descend toward his home. The bright sign over the sidewalk lit up the space below them, the small girl in his arms moving her head to peek under them. Seeing the sign she moved to look on the other side of him as they disappeared into the home. He landed in the middle of his room, her eyes wide as she took in the new room. It was blue with white carpet, while on the walls were several items like posters of space and some others that had people on them. Sitting her down on his bed, the mattress sinking with her weight, he headed for his closet. Her clothing was soaked with sweat and some of it was torn. He wondered if she had done that herself or if it had happened at the hands of her parents, but again he couldn't ask her. Not yet anyway.
Pulling out a pair of old red sweatpants and a large white tee he turned back toward her. She eyed the stuff with unhidden confusion. "Too big?" he inquired. She shrugged, moving to grasp the two items, her eyes still examining the clothing. "What's wrong then?"
"I have never seen clothes like that," she murmured as she held the clothing close. Danny was shocked. She had never seen that kind of clothing? Sure, they were rich, but he was sure that even they would have known what sweatpants were... and a simple t-shirt... "Um..." She looked at him as she held up the clothing, but instead of finishing her sentence she went to pull at her dress, the pink material rather gaudy in appearance. Blushing he turned from her, shocked that she would move to undress before him.
"Um, I-I'll step outside while you do that," he murmured before doing just that. Sam blinked in confusion, but did just that moments later. When she was done she took another hard look around the room and noted that he had a computer in the far end of the room, CD's stacked next to it and a picture of a girl. Sam stood up and walked over to it. Holding it, she frowned at the other teen staring back at her. She was a pretty girl, but her eyes, they were so cold. The teal of her eyes reflecting her haughty nature. She placed the picture down upon the desk, the picture faced down on the surface of it before turning to look at all the books that littered the small space. She could tell that they were school books, but she had never seen any in person before. She was taught via a computer in the study, but the only one that she had seen had been the teacher's manual, and that looked nothing like the hardback books before her. The door creaked and with a quick movement the girl was back by the bed, Danny's eyes watching in shock as she stood stiffly before him.
"Sorry," she muttered, her eyes downcast again. It wasn't Danny who spoke though and Sam's head came up.
"I can see what you mean," the woman beside him remarked. The female was older than Danny, but her hair was red and her eyes a dark shade of teal. Jazz was shocked when Danny had woken her up, his tale about the abused girl drawing out her need to help others. She took in the small form before her, even the halfa's clothing seemed to swamp her. Her hair was cut short, just above her shoulders and looked mussed up. "You said her parents are rich?" she asked, glancing to her brother. He nodded as he too took in her appearance. He hadn't noticed much when he had first seen her, not when she had been sitting on the glass before him. She was about five foot four. Not small since she was girl, but she was too skinny and her skin was so pale he would have been sure she had never gone outside if he hadn't first came across her there. "Samantha, my name is Jazz. I'm his older sister."
The girl before them said nothing for a moment, her gaze a little dazed as she seemed to be trying to stifle a yawn. "Oh, you must be tired," Jazz said with a smile. Sam liked this girl, though she didn't like her as much as she liked Danny. He seemed to draw her and she couldn't say why. Whenever she met someone she immediately tensed up, sure that they were going to tell her parents if she did something out of place for her station, and yet, when she met Danny she had felt an instant feeling of comfort. She had known when she had seen him that he would do her no harm. "Are you hungry?" Blinking Sam went to shake her head, but her stomach beat her to it with a loud grumble.
Blushing she nodded, feeling so embarrassed at the sudden bodily sound. Danny smiled and disappearing he went to get her something to eat. Jazz pulled back the comforter, saying, "Don't worry, Saman-"
"Sam," she said, her blush deepening. The red head glanced over at her. "I don't like that name."
"Oh, okay, then Sam it is," was her response as she smiled at the raven haired girl. "We'll keep you safe." Sitting down on the bed she seemed thoughtful. Sam wondered as to what the other girl was thinking, but she didn't have to wait long as she got an answer. "Danny doesn't usually do this kind of thing, well, unless he feels really strong about it, but it's rather out of character for him to act first before asking for help." The raven haired teen sat down next to Jazz just as Danny reappeared with a salad covered in ranch dressing. The small girl didn't take it, not until he handed it off to her. He was getting and more upset with how she was acting and not because she was doing it, but the fact that it seemed she had been raised in such a way. She didn't seem to have any confidence or maybe she was just unused to being around others... The pair watched as the small girl ate her food, the movements quick, but hesitant.
They would just have to find out more about her situation and while Danny didn't want to push her he knew his parents would. They would be shocked and while they would try to be gentle when they saw how she seemed to act, but they would need more information if they wanted to help her. "Before we bring her out to mom and dad, we should give them as much information that you saw or noticed." Danny nodded. The small girl before them was done eating, but she seemed unsure what to do now with her bowl. The halfa took it from her hands and disappeared again. "You can sleep in here," Jazz said pointing to Danny's bed. "We'll have to put you in a guest room later, but I have a feeling that for tonight you would feel better with Danny instead of by yourself." Sam just nodded, looking at the bed with longing in her amethyst eyes. She could feel her eyelids getting heavy, but she didn't lay down, not until Danny came back and told her it was okay.
He felt so strange having to give her permission, but knew that it would take her a minute to get used to being able to do such things without a word from one of them. After she had gotten comfy he headed off to change, returning only minutes later to find Sam had long passed out, her body curled in a ball on one side of the bed. Sighing sadly at her, the halfa joined her on the twin sized mattress. It felt strange to share a bed with a girl, let alone a girl he had only known for less than a day, but it also seemed natural as he pulled the covers over them. "You'll never have to go back there," he promised as his eyes closed.