Death Note Fan Fiction / Death Note Fan Fiction ❯ Melodious Nocturne ❯ Fragile beginnings ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Authors note: Yeah, this is another idea that I had been thinking about for a while. If no one finds it interesting then I'll delete it. If people do and review I'll continue it. Here it is, please read, review and enjoy.

Fragile beginnings

It's been almost two hundred years since the Night walkers took over the human world. The uprising came swiftly, millions were murdered because of their refusal to be overpowered. It began with the murders of presidents, corporation heads and the leading scientists in the world. The more people that fell the faster the world around the humans became crushing until there was finally and international surrender to the Night walkers. From there the humans were grouped into three separate categories. The first category was nothing but breeders, men and woman whoms job it was to repopulate the world with other humans. The second group were categorized as bleeders, human individuals that are held like common cows and bleed for the Night walkers to drink. The final group, the uniques were groups of individuals that exhibit special abilities or special traits that the Night walkers find attractive. The humans are then renamed and kept as common pets, much like that of a dog or cat.

Mail glanced around, bright emerald eyes flashing from person to person attempting to decipher why they had all been brought to this room. This had only happened once before and that had been when he was first taken away from his breeder mother and father. He prayed that it wouldn't be anything as heart wrenching as that had been. Thinking back to that moment, when the group had come to take him and the other children away his breeder mother and father hadn't once seemed like they had cared, nor did it seem like they had managed to make an attachment to any of his siblings or himself. Instead they had willingly handed the group over as if they were cargo and since then he had been separated from all of his siblings. His three brothers had become breeders and his two sisters he guessed had become bleeders. He himself had been brought to this room where several other groups were being kept in complete silence awaiting their fate also.

He whimpered, he remembered the stories some of his siblings used to tell of the useless children that the Night walkers didn't want. Those select groups were tossed away and given to wild animals to eat. He didn't believe them at this point but right now anything could be happening. He was only sixteen, the age where they were taken away and given their rightful assignments but there was something about this lot that made him feel strange. Many of the groups had hair colours he had never seen before, bright yellow. He nearly felt himself reaching forward and touching one girls curly locks. He didn't understand, their hair colour was that of some of the Night walkers. He wondered if it could be possible that they were one of them, that they had somehow been misplaced and-

The silence was broken by the sounds of footsteps and doors opening. The group snapped to attention watching a young woman with silvery grey eyes leer at the group before a small smirk appeared on her face. She was a Night walker, they couldn't hide well. Even as stronger beings than humans their had their limits, the beasts were sensitive to sunlight, avoided anything to do with the Catholic church and possessed silvery grey eyes that, in Mails experience turned red at the site or smell of human blood.

She ran her fingers through her hair a few times giving it a windswept look before her smile faded. "Good evening. You all have been sitting here for a little less than a day wondering why it was you that was singled out from your siblings. Many of you have most likely realized that you share some features with some of the other children here, human children here. The blonds, yellow hair." She corrected at the slight puzzlement of some of their faces. She watched as a few reached up and pulled a strand or two to look at it. "For most of your lives you have been different from your siblings, taught differently and even watched better than the others. Many of you have never really paid attention to this sentiment but it had reasoning. It wasn't because you were any different really from your siblings but because you had been chosen because of your genetic design to because a unique. The blonds of course are as you can tell from this room a dime a dozen, your hair colour is what brought you to this point because you are a dying breed and you have been chosen by a Night walker to become their specialized pet." She glanced around the room finally resting on Mail. "And then there's you, the red head. We don't see your kind any longer, and those eyes. There hasn't been a unique with your attributes in over one hundred years. Shame, you're already taken though." She smiled watching the wide eyed boy.

He had so many questioned that he knew couldn't be answered at this time. His face had reddened to the colour of his hair when the woman had pointed him out. All the eyes seemed to be on him including that of the Night walkers that whispered softly to each other at the end of his speech. At least he had one answer to this, he had found out why he was brought here but now a whole new world opened. Who had bought him? Who was the person that had saved him from becoming a breeder or a bleeder or had this been planned all along. Was his new owner going to be kind to him like his breeder parents were? Would he still be able to do as he pleased while living with this person? Nothing seemed to be coming together but a tug on his shoulder interrupted his thinking.

The silver eyed man above him pulled him gestured towards the door he had entered through hours before. He didn't speak but his look said it all, 'you are to come with me'. He gathered the only thing that he had been allowed to bring with him. A wooden violin that had been given to him when he was five along with the lessons that he was allowed to take at the hand of some kind Night walker. He never found out the name of the Night walker nor did he care as long as he could play he could be happy.

He followed the man for what seemed like hours throughout hallways littered with doors, all closed and he guessed locked before coming to an abrupt stop. From here the man opened the door gesturing for him to enter alone. "Here?" He questioned as the man nodded the slack look on his face never changing. That was another thing that made him distrust the Night walkers, none of them seemed to have expressions or emotions. He wasn't sure if it were true but they could imitate a smile and even a laugh but a majority of the time their faces were emotionless like that of a doll.

Mail entered jumping when the door behind him was slammed and locked from the outside. The clank echoed throughout the room giving this all a final feeling before he stepped back bumping into something. He slowly turned finding it to be an elegantly decorated footstool beside that of an expensive looking four poster king sized bed. A unexplained gasp left his lips before he moved backward against the wall. This room was simply beautiful compared to the homely living he had been given with his breeder parents. This all seemed a bit too much but he couldn't find himself to speak.

He moved forward testing the bed first, it was firm with just the right amount of give for a person to be comfortable when they slept. He smiled pulling the rest of his lanky form onto it and pausing, to the edge of the other side was a fine suit. Slowly he crawled towards it before picking a piece of parchment off the top and reading.

Dear Mail,
I hope that the room is to your liking. I went out of my way to make sure that everything is perfect for you when I come to pick you up. Up until this point you have lived your life as a typical human when you are exquisite and deserve so much more than just that. From now on at my hands you are to be given the best of everything and anything that you want. I have attempted even though these years of that nasty living you have before. I have since I first saw you, I knew that you would be mine. I have gone through great lengths to acquire you as have I gone through greater lengths to keep you happy. Have you been enjoying it? The violin and lessons that I allowed you? I heard that you fell in love with it and that put a real smile upon my face. When I was able to sneak away from business I would come and listen to your playing. Oh how beautiful you have become and your playing is simply divine.

Unfortunately I will not be able to come and meet you, my work has me a very long distance from you currently. I can only hope to hear your voice once I have returned. Don't worry, I have intrusted you into the hands of several individuals that I would intrust with my own life if I could die. They'll work just fine with you also. They have been instructed to give you any request as long as it's nothing that only insanity would bring to your lips. You are to be brought to my summer home and from there I will come to meet you. Before I bid you farewell I would like to surprise you once more. Under your bed is something very special from me to you. Change your clothing and play for me my little song bird. I would greatly appreciate it. Until we meet

He smiled slightly looking at his love that he had leaned against the wall on his entrance before smiling slightly. This was the man that had watched over him for so long. He was finally going to be able to meet the man that could answer all his questions and he would finally be able to under the Night walkers and what they really wanted with this world. Somehow he really hope that all this would work out. Somehow he knew that this would all work out for the better and that he would finally have the life that so many others had told him that he deserved. He closed his eyes picturing the future before remembering what the note had said.

Slowly he eased himself off the bed to peek under a gasp leaving him. Under the bed was another case that he slowly eased from under the bed where it was carefully place. He set it with tense hands upon the top of the bed and opened the case before pausing. His name read on the top, no, it said Matt. He wondered if that was what M had stood for on the letter. It didn't matter, he opened the lid gasping at the beauty of the instrument.

Get dressed and then play for me...

He stood heading towards the bathroom to complete his task quickly.

"Mr. President, the boy has been delivered to the room you designed for him. We believe that by now he has read your note and we have been notified that the suit you sent for his was moved to be worn about five minutes ago." The woman said clearly from the door adjusting her glasses to get a better look into the darkened room.

The man she spoke to was sitting turned away from her, the office around him shaped like a oval. Many things had been removed when they had taken over but it had the same basic shape as before. Things seemed less personal than before but the man liked it just the way it was. "Ah, thank you for that. Do you have the camera set up in his room with audio so I can listen and watch him. Even if it's for a few seconds?" He questioned turning the chair back towards him listening to her breath catch. "Is there a problem Laura?"

The woman shook her head frantically watching him. "No sir, it's just your eyes." She watched him nod but he offered no further explanation. "I will have everything in place sir, you will be able to watch him once he comes out of the bathroom sir." She bowed stepping back and shutting the door silently behind her.

A large screen in the midst of the office lower itself slowly in front of the man as he reclined slightly in his chair. He was silent watching the monitor switching several times before resting on the emptied room he had designed just for the boy even though he wouldn't even spend a night there. He deserved it, more than anything.

He smiled gently watching the boy returned and hoist his new instrument into his arms before beginning a slow gentle melody. The melody that for so many years he had listened to. The only thing that had managed to warm his icy heart, the melody that had actually made him fall in love with the boy for more than just his looks. The very sound brought shivers to his spine. The longer the boy played the more he leaned forward to listen, lingering on every note that passed between himself and the boy even though he was thousands of miles away. He breathed in deeply biting his bottom lip before it was all over. There was silence again, his song bird had finished his beautiful melody and was now placing the instrument back into its case.

Minutes passed as he watched the boy curl up into a ball and slowly fall asleep. He sighed finally laying back in his own chair, blue eyes shimmering brightly. "Sleep my beautiful angel, you'll be with me soon enough. I just hope that you'll be able to handle your duties as my new pet." He lifted the blood red wine glass taking a sip. "You look simply delicious."

"Good bye Mail." The woman said her face slack just like the Night walkers. His mother, the woman that had taken care of him for so longer was giving him up this easily. He couldn't believe this. She was the only woman that he knew of and now this was happening. "Good bye Mail." she said again hoisting him up and handing him to the group outside that had taken the rest of his siblings. Beside her was his father, his once expressionate face slack also.

"Please...don't let them take me! Father! Mother!" He cried reaching his arms out. The more he fought the farther away he seemed to become. The Night walker soldiers gently pulling him along as if not to hurt him arms. But why? He wasn't any different from his siblings that they had taken by force. These men treated him as if he were something special that wasn't allowed to be broken. He didn't understand. Nothing here was to be understood. "Mother! Please don't let them take me Mother!"

Mail jerked his way away before moving to sit up. A coach? He was inside of a moving car, this wasn't the bedroom that he had drifted to sleep in the night before unless even that had been a dream too good to come true. It was only then that he realized that he wasn't alone, the woman glancing at him with yet another slack face. "I-I'm so-so sorry miss." He cried moving further away.

She shook her head slowly, "Not a problem though I must say I am not your mother. My name is Anna." She tilted her head slightly. "You were laying on my lap because we did not bring a pillow for you to sleep upon. I apologize. It was up to us to make this trip as pleasurable for you as possible. Was the lack of pillow the reason for your animated dream? If so allow me to stop the automobile and retrieve a pillow to make your nightly ventures more pleasing." She watched him with a silvery grey gaze. her head tilted more when he shook his head. "Am I wrong for wanting what you want sir?" She questioned, "We were instructed to give you whatever you want. If a pillow is what you desire..."

Mail whined softly shaking his head again, "No! No! It was just a dream that I was bound to have Mi-Miss Anna." He cried. He wasn't sure why a Night walker, the kind that inslaved his people was being so cordial to someone like him. "I don't need a pillow I was just startled." he looked around the car again. This had been the second time in his life that he had been inside of one. The first time was to bring him to that place and this time he was heading, once again to some place he had never been before. "Where am I going?" He questioned softly not wanting to sound rude."

"Home." Was the simple reply before she sighed. "Not home. To the Presidents summer home." She straightened at the mention of the name president.

He paused looking at the woman, "President? Like of a really big business?" He offered.

She shook her head, "No Master Mail. President, as in the President of the Vampire world." The woman lifted her head proudly. "There are things you have not been told."

[I think I want to end the chapter there. Like I said...I'm unsure if it's any good. Hopefully it will be received well. Please review and tell me what you think!]