Death Note Fan Fiction ❯ "Dead Roses" ❯ Go on... ( Chapter 2 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Summery: Misa decides to go along with Takada's plan of living, but at the same time she can not except this ordeal brought upon herself and Takada.
-Disclaimer: I do not own death note, death note is only owned by their respected owners, creators, etc.
Chapter 2: Go on…
The day was a foggy bright, a serine day, Takada awoke in a cold sweat. She had a nightmare, a nightmare of her escaping that day, away from that burning church… Away from her captor's burning cadaver.
She screamed when she awoke from Mello's burning face yelling out; “ You and everyone else along Kira's side will burn in hell! Where you belong!!! ”
Takada wiped away the sweat in her four head.
“ It was only a nightmare. ”
She told herself. “ Mello can't come back to life, when killed…
AS Takada was planning to get out of bed, something was holding onto her sleeve. She looked to see who or what got her sleeve stuck, only to find Amane lying right next to her.
“ …Amane… ”
Just the other day… Herself and Amane agreed to forget the past. It was hard for me and Amane to just forget about the love we had for Light Yagami. Light Yagami was important for both of us… And damn… He still is…! It was already 9/6/2011. 3 months already have passed.
It took that long to make an agreement to forget about Light, and go on. It was painful, but the truth was painful.
And it wasn't like we had a choice to kill are damn selves… We we're on surveillance by Near of course…
And to try to commit suicide would be pointless. Two bitches in a house with nothing to do, but to go on…
End of chapter 2.
PLZ, comment and rate. And yes I know that I have to separate the summary and chapter. ^^ I just don't know how, I've been upset about that to some one PLZ help me! >.< LOL. ^_^ I'll try to figurate out. ^^