Devil May Cry - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Dante Takes a Wrong Turn ❯ A Previously Concealed Identity ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Oh yeah, another chapter. This time, it's all Vergil! Worry not, though, the next chapter is Dante's.

Chapter 3
Vergil walked down the halls of the empty library, taking quick glances down the aisles and the bookshelves. The place was deserted, as if no one had been there for months, or any time at all, in fact.
"Nice to know where all the funds are going," Vergil muttered.
He made his way to the back end of the library where they housed all of the ancient texts, and ran his fingers across the top shelf. Spying one book in particular, he pulled it off the shelf. This book greatly resembled the one Arkham carried on his person while working under Vergil...
He brushed the dust off and opened it. Skimming through a few pages, he realized that the book was written in an entirely dead language. He placed the ancient tome back in its place, sighing. Maybe he should have spent that entire decade after his mother's death studying demon texts. It just might have crossed a few things from his current list of problems.
Hm? Another book caught his eye. He was just about to reach for it, when--
"So, you're looking for the book of ancient legends. The tale of the demon warrior, Sparda?"
Who was that voice? Vergil turned around again, finding no one. He placed a hand on Yamato's hilt, and stood at the ready."Who are you? Show yourself!" He kept his eyes sharp and his wits about him. This voice, whatever it was, whoever it was... it was the same one as before, and Vergil couldn't tell where it was coming from.
Without warning, a sword seemingly appeared from thin air with the obvious intent of doing Vergil grievous bodily harm. He dodged it, and in the split second it took to sail harmlessly past, he noticed it was--Rebellion? Vergil's eyes widened slightly.
He watched it lodge itself into a wall, and examined it quickly. It was definitely Rebellion. Was this some Doppelganger of sorts?
"Who are you?" Vergil repeated to the empty space around him. "I demand that you show yourself!" He wasn't in the mood for games.
The disembodied voice gave an "Ah", of amusement. "To be able to dodge a weapon at a second's notice... I'm impressed. Not at all like other demons..."
Vergil felt something brush by, it was too fast, he had no time to react, then--
A hand clasped over his, and he felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end as the chilling voice whispered in his ear, "You might need to work on your guard, though."
This voice... Vergil shook slightly. Seemed familiar, and yet-- he was suddenly taken hold of by the shoulders and wrenched around, finding himself face-to-face with his assailant. He gave an audible gasp, as much as he tried to fight it back, for at that moment, his eyes met with those of--
Vergil stared on, speechless, into the eyes that belonged to his father. Or rather, a younger looking form of him. The same features... he finally realized how much he resembled his father, although... his eyes went up to his young father's hair, which was platinum blond rather than white. He could let that slide, for a moment.
He looked down at the rest of his attire. Vergil made a mental note-- Sparda could have walked past him countless times and if he hadn't already known what he looked like, Vergil would have mistook him for another one of the students, the way he was dressed, although there were things that set him apart from the rest... how he was staring fixedly at Vergil. Like he was a threat.
Vergil looked back up to his father's eyes, no longer shocked or scared. He was relieved, and mentally excused the attack made on him moments before. Of course the Legendary Dark Knight would attack Vergil, if he didn't know it was his own son.
Vergil had to make sure he didn't find that last little detail out somehow, even if it did mean his father saw him as 'another demon'. But then the expression on Sparda's eyes softened slightly, and he tilted his head to the side.
He doesn't look like he has any intention of doing harm... Sparda thought to himself. "Hmmm..." he rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "You're not exactly demon, are you?"
Vergil couldn't help but smirk. "And you're not human. This disguise is actually pretty convincing." Vergil tilted his head down slightly, recognizing that the form that Sparda held wasn't always that way.
Sparda took a step back, and smirked too, a little curious. "You mean, you saw right through this?" he made a motion towards himself.
Vergil nodded.
"So, then... you know who I am."
Vergil nodded again, then added, "Yes, but not through those legends passed down for so many generations. Those were bound to lose some fragment of truth along the way."
Sparda nodded in understanding. Then he suddenly snapped his fingers, realizing-- "I know then, who you must be."
That startled Vergil. He already knows!?
Sparda continued, "You must be a descendant of another demon that escaped 2000 years ago. As I recall, I wasn't the only one who rebelled against Mundus..."
Vergil gave an inward sigh of relief. So he didn't know the entire truth. "Yes. Yes, you're right." He had to play along for the time being.
Sparda smiled, then held out his hand. "Your name?"
The startled look came back on Vergil's face as he stared at his father's hand, held out towards him. A... handshake? he looked back up. "My name is... Vergil." he took his father's hand in his, certain he wouldn't be jeopardizing his future giving out his name, as long as Sparda didn't ask him his surname. Then again, he could make up an alias.
They shook hands. Then after that introduction, Sparda turned around and walked away. He had to go back and check up on things, make sure the person he was there for wasn't hurt...
Vergil stared at his own hand. To think, his father shook hands with him, considering him an ally, possibly an equal in the present state of things... he looked up to find his father walking away. "Wait--" he began.
Sparda stopped, and turned back around. "Hm?"
Vergil's words failed him. He was about to say something, but... "Lord Sparda, sir--" he stammered. Sparda raised a hand, quieting him. "Please, no formalities. I cut off my ties to the Underworld long ago." he smiled again.
Vergil gulped. "So, then... what do I call you?"
Sparda rubbed his chin. "Hmm.. Come to think of it, I have taken a human name in order to hide my identity..."
Vergil's eyes shone a little in approval. "So then, your name is...?"