Devil May Cry - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Dante Takes a Wrong Turn ❯ Sparda and Eva Bonus Chapter! ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

w00t! A Bonus chapter for you guys, since I couldn't help but wonder what became of Sparda and Eva.

Bonus Chapter
Sparda sat in his chintz armchair with his feet propped up on the glass coffee table, sipping on… well… coffee. It'd been years since the events that took place in the University, although he couldn't quite recall what had happened, now that he looked back on it. He'd had more important things on his mind, he believed.
Important things, like living with his fiancée, whom he gained the trust of all those years ago. He smiled, and continued reading a hefty volume of poetry. Eva had taken the truth that he was the Legendary Dark Knight quite easily, to his surprise. Sparda had, in truth, expected her to deny that he was who he said he was, and leave him. But she was a lot stronger than that, he knew. It's what attracted him to her in the first place.
He flipped through the pages, recalling the moment when Eva had asked him only one question after the explanation, which was, “Why did you act like such a total asshole?”
He responded with something akin to, “It was pretty convincing, and I found that that was the manner in which human men act.” She shook her head slowly and mumbled something about `Superman', but he didn't quite catch what it was. Nor did he understand.
The demon closed the book suddenly, hearing rushed footsteps coming in his direction. He set his feet back on the floor and stood from his seat to find Eva running into the room, with something in hand. She stopped in front of him, to catch her breath.
“Is there something the matter?” he asked, wondering what it was that could make his wife-to-be look so frazzled. Then again, she has been acting rather strange lately... He couldn't help but notice that his wife had been having dizzy spells for the past few weeks, and she got tired so much more often that usual.Sparda shrugged the thought off and focused back Eva, who was still trying to catch her breath.
“I—we—“ she huffed, then handed him the object she was holding.
He took a good look at it. An oddly shaped stick it was, and there was an indentation in the center that for some reason… was blue. “Honey, what is this?”
Eva by now had caught her breath, and replied, “A pregnancy test.”
Sparda's eyebrows arched skyward. “…Pregnancy test?”
Eva nodded, smiling. “Yes. Dear… we're pregnant.
And if there was ever a record for quick-change of clothes, Sparda instantly broke it. His platinum blond hair went lily-white and slicked back from the shock, and his casual outfit was instantly replaced with his purple Victorian Era garb. He fixed a monocle to his left eye.
“…Really?” he asked, out of habit rather than disbelief.
She nodded again.
He mimicked her slightly, nodding his head too. Then his eyes rolled back into his head and he fell over, crashing through the glass table. Eva squeaked, and picked him up as best as she could, laying his near-lifeless form on the armchair, and caught sight of the glass remains of the table hovering in the air. The shards stood still for a moment before reforming themselves into the whole table.
Eva gave another squeal. “It WORKED!”

Sparda came to in a hospital bed. Last place he expected to be. He looked up to find Eva standing over him, looking very concerned.
“Ugh…” he breathed, “we're… having a child?”
Eva nodded and took his hand in hers. Sparda smiled, a little relieved.
“I really hope we have twins,” Eva said after a short moment of thought, then she bit her lip. Sparda gave her a look that said, “Why?” and he asked her so.
“Nothing, I just want to have twins, that's all.”
Sparda knew something else was the matter, but he dismissed the thought. A slight change of subject was needed. “If we do get twins,” he said half-in-jest, “What will you name them?”
Eva tilted her head and looked up, then after giving the question a moment of thought, she replied, “I was thinking… we could name them after those two guys in college… you know, Vergil and Dante? I thought they were cute…” then Eva added, “I hope our kids grow up to be just like those two!”
The Dark Knight's eyes widened in shock, and all he said was, “Okay then. Good night.”
The intercom blazed around 30 seconds later.
Dr. Phoenix, Dr. Connor, Dr. Walton, Dr. Taylor, Nurse Kelly and Nurse Martha, report to the coronary wing, patient 332183B is having a heart attack.
I repeat, Dr. Phoenix, Dr. Connor, Dr. Walton, Dr. Taylor, Nurse Kelly and Nurse Martha, report to the coronary wing immediately, patient 332183B is having a heart attack.”

(A/N: ...And that is how Sparda died. x3 Oh I feel so horrible giving him that kind of end, but still... that's what happens when his death isn't exactly specified in the game or any of the novels, hehe! )