Digimon Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Magic Users Club Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Zoids Fan Fiction ❯ Blue ❯ Blue: Yami ( Prologue )
Note: I just finished reading a good vampire ficcy (Sunlight in the Rain) and it inspired this one. Ken, Daisuke, Katsuya, Yami, Yugi, Ayanojyo, Raven, most of the Anne Rice vampires (Armand a lot, and maybe even Lestat and Louis and some others).
Not for young and/or immature people. Possible rape, yaoi (possible Ayanojyo/Armand… actually, Armand and Ayanojyo will be sluttish), and a bunch of other stuff not for those people I mentioned who should not read this.
Starts off with Yami narrating. Also, I will have songs from Cowboy Bebop and other bands mentioned. I also, unfortunately, don't own Armand or any other Anne Rice vampire in this. And the vampires can't have sex! They bleed if they orgasm because Osiris does not have a torso, only head and limbs (or so I'm told, I still haven't read The Vampire Lestat or Queen of the Damned). And Isis and Akasha are the same person; no yami form (Ishtar is her yami form in Yu-Gi-Oh!) exists in this one.
And Yami and Marius are around the same age; only Yami is still looking seventeen (I'm making so that they made into vampires around the same time). All the anime characters (except Yugi) were turned into vampires at the age of seventeen (Yugi was fifteen).
Now that I've explained all of this, I shall start…
Blue: Yami
By Ryoko
As I'm walking down the dark street, it begins to rain. Not hard, but not drizzling either. The streetlamps don't work on this street, not that I mind; it just means I can feed without any disturbances, especially if I can lure some one into an alley.
But tonight, I'm meeting somebody. He does not know my intentions, to turn him into one of us. His eyes are bright, so opposite of most of us, and he looks… innocent, he acts it too… He does not know what I am; I am just his boyfriend to him, and a normal human being. I can hide my fangs well, when I want to.
I find the house that is his and his grandfather's. I climbed the ten steps to the front door and ring the doorbell. The door swings open and my companion is standing there, excited to be seeing me.
We met a couple months ago, at a club. I was with the other vampires who I hang out with, when Katsuya spotted Yugi. "Hey, Yami, that kid looks just like you, except younger," Katsuya pointed out. Upon further observation, I found she was right so I went up to him. He was wearing leather pants and a black shirt, with a black collar around his neck, the buckle in the front. I asked him if he wanted to dance, he said no, but he did want to stay with me; he was there with some other boy, but he had gotten drunk and had left the poor boy to fend for himself, I didn't object to his following.
In any case, he met my friends and they insisted they leave and let me alone with him, with which I agreed. So they left and later that night, I had to resist the urge to feed upon his young blood, and I walked him home. At his door he hugged me and told me his name. "Yugi," he whispered into my ear, then I told him my name.
We said good-bye, kissed one another on the cheek and went our separate ways. Soon after, I found a drug dealer on the street, stuffing several dollar bills into his pocket, and I fed on him right there, in the middle of the sidewalk, then I threw his lifeless carcass into an alley.
To continue, Yugi jumps at me, hugging me tightly, burying his face in my chest.
"I missed you Yami! Grandpa's asleep, so we have to be quiet and-" Yugi says, then I interrupt him.
"Yugi, I want you to come to my home tonight," I tell him. He looks up at me, worry in his eyes.
"But my Grandpa won't like it."
"It… It won't matter after tonight." I'm almost afraid of what I'm going to turn him into, it doesn't seem right, but then I remember the story Armand told me once, about the girl named Claudia, who was turned into a vampire at a very young age. The band of vampires he was with was jealous of her, so they killed her. I'm almost afraid that will happen to Yugi. But then, the vampires I'm with don't mind, they like Yugi.
Armand also told me this: Louis killed those who had killed Claudia.
Yugi and I are now walking to my home, where some of my friends might be. I take Yugi in the back way, through the unused kitchen.
"I smell a human," Katsuya calls out from the living room, then I hear shooting, she must be watching those shows of her's.
"It's only me," I call out.
"Hi Yami! You have a human with you, don't you?"
"It's Yugi, don't worry."
"Okay, I just forgot his scent."
I take Yugi's hand and drag him to the stairs and up to the second floor into my bedroom. I close and lock the door.
"Yugi, go sit on the bed," I instruct.
"Oh my God!" he gasps. I see what he is looking at. My coffin.
"Yugi, calm down…" I grab his shoulders.
"No, let go of me!"
"Calm down, I'll- I'll explain everything to you, now go sit down!" I push him toward the bed then I take off my coat.
Yugi is shaking, his eyes are wide with horror, his pupil's contracted. I go over to him and hold him, rocking him back and forth, until he is calm. Then I lay him down, with myself on top of him.
"Yugi, I'm a vampire."
"You're going to kill me, aren't you?"
"No… That is not my intent! I only wish to make you into one…"
"I-I can't! I can't be one!"
I look into his eyes. He is scared.
"Don't be scared Yugi, it'll hurt, but not long. I'll stay with you, don't worry…"
I begin licking his necking, feeling him writhe beneath. I soon begin sucking and kissing the tender flesh, my fangs grazing it, then blood comes out, but just a little. I drink it. I bite his neck, hearing him cry out.
I keep drinking until there's hardly any blood left. I quickly released his neck, then I bite my wrist, so my blood is running out and I quickly put it to his mouth.
"Hurry Yugi, drink it now!"
He nods and grabs my wrist, holding it to his mouth, drinking.
I have to pull my wrist away before Yugi can drink all of my blood.
"What the fuck is happening?!" Yugi cries out from inside the bathroom.
"You're body is dying, it's emptying," I reply.
"I hate this, how long does it last! AHH!"
"Not long, just endure it. You'll be fine. Then I'll take you on your first kill. You'll need to drink every night for the first few days."
Yugi just screams in response. I hear the door click open and Yugi peeks out.
"Are you done?"
Yugi nods and steps out, closing the door behind him. "You might not want to go in there…"
"I never need to use the toilet. C' mon, we-"
"What…? You're fangs must be growing." I grab Yugi's hand and lead him out of the house. We walk the streets, in search of a victim. We end up in a section of the city where the harlots hang out. I'm not choosy, so I go up to a young one; she looks to be in her twenties. She is wearing excessive make up and is wearing an extremely short leather skirt, a leather top that only covers her breasts, stockings with garters, and stiletto heels.
"You want a job?" I ask.
She nods.
"Follow me." I motion for her to follow Yugi and me.
The hooker is on my bed, screaming as Yugi drinks from her neck and I drink from her wrist. Soon she is no longer screaming, her heart has stopped beating, so I stop drinking and pull Yugi off her.
"What do we do now?" Yugi asked, wiping his mouth with the back of her hand.
"Get rid of the body."
"See the ashes in the fireplace?"
Yugi looks at me in disgust.
The fireplace in my room is large enough to accommodate a body, where I have gotten rid of my victims.
I turn on the gas in the fireplace and quickly light so that I don't burn. I grab the corpse and put it into the fire, closing the metal screen so that the smell of burning flesh doesn't escape.
Later that night, about around two, Yugi and I go downstairs. Apparently Katsuya's shows are over, because she is getting ready to go on the hunt. "Yami, wanna come with me?" she asks, slipping her leather trench coat on.
"No… But I think Yugi might, he needs to be… trained in this," I reply.
"You didn't? Oh my God! I can't believe you actually did it! Yugi, c' mon, get ready, I'm taking you out to hunt."
Katsuya returns with Yugi at around four in the morning. I am in my room, poking at the new ashes in my fireplace with the poker, checking to see if any part of the hooker hadn't completely burnt and turned into ash. Perfect; nothing but ashes. I hear the footsteps on the stairs and then my door is slammed opened, revealing Yugi, excited and ecstatic.
"How was it, Yugi?" I asked, taking a seat on the bed, and my back against a metal bedpost.
"It was awesome Yami! Katsuya took me to the top of a building and she jumped down! Then I did it, and I landed on my feet! This is so cool!" Yugi explains.
"Did you feed?"
Yugi nods. "Yes. Katsuya left the body in an alley." Yugi flops down on the bed, laying on his stomach, his arms crossed with his chin resting on them.
With a sudden impulse, I run my hand through Yugi's hair… To think, if I had been born at the right time, we wouldn't be vampires… We'd be regular humans, we wouldn't bleed if we decided to have sex and came… We could see the sun…
I snap back to reality. "Yes Yugi?"
"The sun's going to come up in about an hour."
"Thank you Yugi."
When I hear the front door slam shut, I look out into the hall, then I hear a loud giggle.
"Who is that?" Yugi asks.
"Ken and Daisuke must be back," I mutter absently, looking back at Yugi.
"Oh… It's only Ken and Daisuke, they live here, Katsuya made them into vampires half a century ago. Two other vampires live here also, Raven and Ayanojyo. Katsuya made Raven only a month after she became one, and my friend Armand made Ayanojyo a week before he and I made Katsuya."
"Wow… you think I can turn someone into a vampire?"
"Yes… I wouldn't recommend it though, it's not irreversible."
"Why'd you turn me into a vampire then?"
"I- I don't think- I made you because I was lonely."
"But you have these people here-"
I sigh and look down at my lap. "No Yugi, it's different with you, I love you."
Yugi closes his eyes and sighs loudly. "Well, it's… It's just so weird-" he opens his eyes "-this situation. But I don't mind… being a vampire, I always wondered what it would be like to be one, and now I am one."
"Yami!" I look over at the doorway to my bedroom.
"What Raven?"
"Where's Katsuya?"
I shrug.
"Who's that?" he asks.
"His name is Yugi, I just made him several hours ago."
"Oh, someone new."
"You are not going to teach him your ways, you are not Lestat, go, now."
Raven shrugs. "Fine, whatever," he answers as he leaves the room.
"Who was that?"
"Raven, he… is one the few strange ones among my group of vampires."
Yugi sits up, kneeling, his hands on his thighs. "So I shouldn't trust him?"
I nod. "The only person who does trust him is Katsuya."
"Why only her?"
"She made him, only a month after she had become a vampire, back in Japan, where she was made."
"So who made Katsuya?"
"I did, and my old friend Armand, back in the eighteen hundreds, in feudal Japan. She was a samurai apprentice. We both drank her blood and I let her drink my blood so she would become a vampire. After that, we went back to France, with Armand's newly made vampire Ayanojyo, Katsuya was mine. Only a month had passed before Katsuya wanted to go back to Japan, so all four of us went back. I told her never to make a vampire, but she spotted Raven and couldn't resist, so she fought Raven then made him after she had won.
"I was disappointed in her for disobeying me, but I didn't kill him because Katsuya loved him and I couldn't hurt her like that. And so after a week in Japan, we went back to Europe, Katsuya, Raven, and me going off to England while Armand and Ayanojyo stayed in France. After that, we moved to this country. Katsuya and Raven went west, leaving me in this city. She did have an adventure, after visiting California; she went back to Japan after about spending half a century in California. I never left this city, knowing she would come back. When she did, she had two other vampires with her: Ken and Daisuke. She had made Ken and the next night, she coaxed Ken into making Daisuke. Raven had left her; he wanted to be back in Japan.
"Raven didn't come back until a year ago, and the only person he really even listens to it Katsuya."
"But when you-"
"Yes, I know, he obeyed me, only because I am much wiser than him, and I can kill him."
"Have you ever killed a vampire?"
"No. Armand almost died once, he accidentally stayed out too long and the sun came up, other vampires thought he had died though."
I take a glance at the window and see the dark sky fading to a pink and orange and red color. "Yugi, we must sleep now, the sun is coming up."
"Okay, Yami, but where do I sleep?"
"You can share my coffin with me, until I get you one, not unless you prefer sleeping the in same coffin as me."
Yugi shrugs. We get off the bed and I close and lock my bedroom door, then I lay down in the coffin. Yugi gets in on top of me, facing me. I grab the hinged door and close it.
It's pitch black in the coffin and I feel Yugi burying his face in my chest.
"Sleep well Yugi," I whisper.
"You too," he whispers back.
I close my eyes and fall quickly into slumber.
Ryoko: Ah yes, chapter one of Blue done. Incase you didn't notice, the title is from the song on Cowboy Bebop, the very last song played on the show, which is also called "Blue". And incase you're wondering, Ayanojyo, Armand, and the other vampires will come along later in the story.
Please review! I already have started on the second chapter!