Digimon Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Magic Users Club Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Zoids Fan Fiction ❯ Blue ❯ Blue: Raven ( Chapter 2 )
Note: Um let's see, Raven is going to tell a part of Katsuya's story, this is where he comes along in it, and I'll try to get into his psyche. He'll have a similar past to that in Zoids, except no Prozen like person, his parents die a different way, and another person will find him (the one who takes Prozen's place). Let's see of you can figure who the person who takes Prozen's place is (and Raven is not a villain type, Lestat just got to him).
I'm hoping to do Ken's/Daisuke's POV's next chapter, so any Ken/Daisuke freaks calm down, I'll shall please you soon…
Blue: Raven
By Ryoko
After Yami made me leave, I went downstairs, to wait for Katsuya. I hate when she watches those shows of her's, I can never go hunting with her then, unless I wait, but I have an insatiable appetite for blood, especially between nine and four at night, so I'm usually already gone when her shows are over, and she doesn't come back until it's almost dawn.
I sat down on the couch; Ken and Daisuke had still not arrived home. I would leave this place, these… no, not people, these creatures of the night, but I'm one to talk, I'm one of these creatures of the night, which I hate to admit, I still can't believe I lost that fight to Katsuya over a century ago. Anyway, if the other vampires didn't hate me and my mercenary ways so much, I could leave Katsuya and be on my own, but I fear the other vampires will kill me, including Lestat, and he was my "mentor" once, over a year ago. I hate him now.
I saw when he came back from Hell, half his face completely mutilated and his eye not there. I saw when Armand accidentally stayed out too long that same night, the sun got him. We all thought he was dead, I was glad he wasn't. I didn't even know him really, seen him a few times, very kind. Katsuya told me she knew him once, she misses him though, and Ayanojyo. Ayanojyo was in Japan when that happened, when he learned what happened, he didn't think Armand was dead. Ayanojyo and Armand were lovers, and still are, even when Sybelle and Benji were with Armand.
From what I heard, Sybelle and Benji saved Armand. Then I heard later that Marius turned the two into vampires and Armand wasn't too pleased.
I only heard these things; I've never confirmed it with anybody.
I sit down in the living room, no fire in the fireplace even though it's pretty cold outside. Yami and Katsuya keep telling me that fire can kill us, that's why we have no fire in the fireplace, because if it ever got out of control, we could die. I guess immortality isn't immortal after all.
I thought my parents were immortal, but they were murdered. My father told me to run into the woods and hide while the people that were to kill him were raping my mother. I did what my father told me to do, but I saw the whole thing; they hacked my mother to bits when they had done raping her and they decapitated my father. I was only five when this happened, but the memory is still so vivid.
For twelve years I lived by myself, living off stolen food. Nobody ever knew I had taken the food, I was always too fast. People tried to take me with them to their home, so I could be brought up properly, but I would always kick and scratch and bite and hit, and I would manage to squirm out of their arms and runaway.
One day, I stole a samurai sword when nobody was around and trained myself with the sword. I had also managed to get away with a sheath. I dressed like a samurai, though I was still young and people mistook me for a samurai in training, I stole food still.
When I was twelve, the people just let me be and I managed to get work, doing chores and getting paid. I had enough to buy enough food for the next day and I soon got settled in a tiny village, helping one of the farmers. They didn't make any money, but they paid me in food, giving me some of their crop and the wife cooking me meals, as I sometimes helped with the fish catching and chicken beheading.
In the middle of night when I was seventeen, I just woke up and left, taking my sword with me and some extra food.
It had been several months since I had left that farmer and his family. I camped out at night, stealing food again. This time, I had stolen a bow and arrow, so I was stealing less food and living off animals, mostly squirrels and other rodents that were easy to kill with the few arrows I had with me. Later I made arrows by sharpening flat pieces of stone and tying them to sticks.
The night I met Katsuya, I had decided to keep walking. I walked in the darkness when something hit the back of my head; splitting the skin and making blood come out. I fell to the ground, but got back up and I heard something rushing against the wind, so I moved out of the way and began running, finding shelter in a nearby town and collapsed on the road.
The next thing I remember is someone pouring water into my mouth and wiping off my face and neck with a cool, damp rag and a Katsuya leaning over me. She helped me to sit up and handed me a plate of food. I ate greedily, not caring how I acted or what I was eating. When I had finished, she gave me more water in a cup and I drank it all.
When I had finished, I sat there panting. I looked over to her. "Who are you?" I asked.
"Hmmm… I shall tell you another time. What's your name?"
I remained silent. My name hadn't been used in years, and I never really remembered it ever since my parents had been slaughtered. I sighed and felt her hand run through my hair.
"You remind me of something, a raven perhaps… Do you mind if I call you that?"
I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't care, I don't remember my real name anyway."
"No, nobody's called me it in years."
"So now your name is Raven. Oh! I bet Yami's looking for me! I'll be back tomorrow with more food, stay here, you're wound is still open. I don't want you getting hurt."
She left and I fell asleep.
The next night I woke to Katsuya shaking me awake. "Raven, wake up… I'm back," she whispered right into my ear. My eyes shot open.
"Y-You're back… I didn't actually expect that you would," I said.
She grabbed my cheek. "For someone as cute and as wounded as you, of course I would come back. What hit you last night? You've a pretty deep cut."
"I don't know, something just hit me and I began running."
Katsuya nodded. "You wanted to know my name, and I thought I'd tell you."
"What is it then?"
"Masaki Katsuya."
"That's a nice name."
"It's alright. Here, I brought you some sushi this time. You drink sake?"
I nodded. "It's okay." She handed me a plate that contained several rolls of sushi, some rice and bread. Then she gave me a pair of chopsticks and I set right down to eating, stuffing the food into my mouth, I almost choked on it several times, but nothing major.
"I'm leaving in several days."
I put the plate down. "You don't live here?" I asked in surprise.
"No, I used to, but now I don't. Eat that, I can't."
I nodded slowly and picked up the plate and began eating again. I finished quickly and Katsuya handed me the bottle of sake and I took a swig.
"Why don't you live in Japan anymore?"
"Long story, I rather not tell you. I have to go now, sayonara."
For the next four nights, things continued like this, Katsuya giving me food and sake or water or both and we would talk briefly, then she would have to go. On the seventh night, things were a bit different. She didn't bring food or anything to drink and she was acting like she was going to hurt me any minute.
"Hmmm… I have challenge for you, but I have to tell you something first…"
I could feel her behind me, against my back, her cold hand touching my neck making me shiver. I stiffened as her tongue licked me.
"What is it?" I questioned.
"I'm a vampire. Now for my challenge, if you can keep me from biting your neck, I won't kill you." She laughed coldly and bitterly and I shuddered. I jumped up onto my feet, the place where Katsuya was keeping me was pitch-black, so I was fighting blind. I pulled out my sword but it was yanked out of my hands and thrown across the room. I cried out as she grabbed my wrists and yanked me down on the ground.
"Get away from me!" I shouted, thrashing as she pounced on me. I shouted out again, then again as I felt my neck being punctured by her teeth. I felt my blood being drained from my body and my heartbeat weakening with each of her swallows. I began hyperventilating just when she had finished. "Why?" I gasped. She didn't answer, instead giving me her wrist. She put it into my mouth and I began drinking her blood, I had no idea why either.
I heard footsteps and someone saying Katsuya's name sternly, but I still drank. Katsuya moaned and pulled her wrist away. I heard her stand up.
"Ya-Yami… I…" her voice quickly faded.
"What did you do?" the person asked.
"Nothing! I turned somebody into a vampire… I didn't hurt him or anything! The wound on his head would take forever to heal if I had left him mortal, and even then is would most likely become fatal! I did it so he could live…"
"I don't care! He probably would've been better off dieing! I even told you not to turn anyone into a vampire!"
"But you turned me into one!"
The person (male, by the sound of his voice) sighed deeply as if trying not to become violent. "Bring him to the inn."
"Okay…" Katsuya knelt down beside me. "Raven, I'm so sorry… Please, now stand up… You have to walk… It's not far…"
I sat up and Katsuya pulled me up to my feet. She helped me out of the structure and to the woods nearby. What happened next, was one of the worst experiences ever.
"Fuck! What the hell is happening?!" I called out.
"Your body's getting rid of things it doesn't need anymore."
After that, we went to the inn she and her friend were staying at. We went to the room and I sat down on the nearest chair.
"Yami, I did it for a good reason! I couldn't let Raven die! He's… he's too cute!"
"That's not a good reason," the man Katsuya called Yami crossed his arms.
"I'm sorry, okay! Get the fuck over it!"
"How can I? I told you never to turn anyone into a vampire!"
"You're acting like a parent! And you're not old enough to act like one!"
"I'm old enough to be your great, great, great, great, great-grandfather! And then some! So don't go around telling me how to act! I created you, and I could kill you if I wanted! I would just have to put this candle to your skin!"
Katsuya shut up and looked away, at me, as if looking at me for an answer. I was so out of it I just closed my eyes and groaned. My canines began to hurt and I just sat there, in pain, my eyes probably glazed over, no emotion running through me whatsoever.
"Just stay here Katsuya, I'll take Raven out." Yami motioned to me to follow him. Katsuya helped me off the chair and over to Yami. Yami grabbed my wrist and dragged me along, my feet stumbling over nothing. "You can walk properly, now do it," Yami ordered.
He let go of my wrist and I fell onto my knees, bending over. My teeth finally stopped hurting and I returned to my normal state. I quickly stood up. Yami began walking and I followed on my own.
While we walked, I kept my eyes on the ground, watching the dirt and gravel pass under me. Yami walked with disapproval in his step, stilling relatively pissed at Katsuya for making me.
"Stop," Yami commanded, and I did. "Now look up." I looked up. "See over there, there is a young woman, she shall be your first meal. Try to get her to go with you, take her into the woods or in a dark area and feed off her. I shall follow in the shadows."
I gave a nod and murmured an okay to him. I began walking, and then after thinking up a story to tell the woman, I began limping, a giant smirk on my face. When I was close enough, I stopped smirking and put a hand on her shoulder. "Please, miss… Please, help me, I am wounded, I am ill."
The woman was scared out of her wits, but she slowly turned around. I pretended to be having trouble standing up and I coughed hoarsely for effect.
"Please, miss… plea-" I forced another hoarse cough.
"Oh, you poor thing, where do you live? I'll take you home and help you."
"Oh, thank you miss… Your help is greatly appreciated."
"It's okay." She helped me up and she walked and I limped straight ahead.
"My home isn't too far from here, just ahead a bit. The light should be off, I live by myself."
The woman nodded. "What's your name?" she asked me.
"Ra-" I almost told her my real name, but came up with another. "Ryoji… And yours miss?"
"Oh, what a beautiful name. That was my wife's name, before she died… She was with child when the samurais raped and killed her. I was lucky to get away, after they held me back and made me watch her torment. I was distraught for several years."
"That's so sad! We're almost there."
I looked down and smirked again, we were in darkness and I could hear Yami's almost silent steps along the dirt road. It was as if he were pleased with me, and with my playacting.
"Stop." I suddenly said.
"Thank you for your help miss," I said in my most sinister voice. "But it is you who shall need the help." I stood up correctly and covered her mouth with my hand, so as to stifle her screams, and then her moans when I bit her neck and drank her life. What delicious blood she had, like virgin blood… Like blood of one with child. I not only felt her life go, but her microscopic child's life too. And she had not even known she was pregnant either.
I found that she and my make-believe wife were both with child and dead with them too, ironic. I let her body fall to the ground and smirked.
"Well done, but I do find your story very disturbing, but it works," Yami complimented.
"How can you find my story disturbing when you too are a vampire," I replied. I closed my eyes and felt the darkness surround me. I heard Yami's steps and felt his embrace and his lips kissing my cheek. He then proceeded to kiss me on my mouth and I kissed him back, our tongues touching.
Yami pulled away. "We go now. Our ship leaves tomorrow night, and my and Katsuya's other friends are mostly likely to be back now." He released me and I followed him back to the inn.
When we got back to the room, Katsuya was gone, and there was a short note on the table.
I'll be back tomorrow night.
Yami's eye twitched and he walked stiffly over to a chair, massaging his forehead with his thumb and index fingers. "I can't believe she did that… Stupid girl…"
I sat down on the floor, at the low table. I wondered, if vampires were so susceptible to sunlight, then why was Katsuya going to be back tomorrow night? She was a weird one.
Later, two other vampires arrived, both male. One had straight magenta hair and green/gray eyes and the other was a brunette, his hair curled and his eyes brown. The one with the magenta hair sat down across from me and looked up at Yami, who was on the chair still, to my right.
The brunette went over to Yami and whispered something to him, Yami whispered something back, and they had a whole conversation whispering. The magenta haired one grabbed my sleeve quickly then let go. I looked up at him.
"Who are you?" he asked me.
"Raven," I replied.
"I'm Ayanojyo," he replied. "Who made you?"
"She left, I know, I saw in the woods leaving the village. I didn't tell Armand."
"Who's Armand?"
"The one talking to Yami. He made me a week before Yami made Katsuya."
"Armand… Armand…" Ayanojyo called softly.
The brunette turned toward Ayanojyo and Ayanojyo pointed over to me. "We have a new vampire amongst us."
"Hold on Aya," Armand said and he and Yami resumed their conversation.
Ayanojyo looked down at his lap shortly then looked back up at me and smiled kindly. "Armand is really nice… He and I are together…"
"As a couple?"
Ayanojyo nodded and blushed furiously.
It was the next night. Katsuya still hadn't returned, so Yami was scared for her, thinking she had possibly died from the sun or something else. He was even paler than usual and could hardly do anything, so while Armand tried to comfort him, Ayanojyo went with me to feed.
We found a lone monk, and while he tried everything in his power to ward us off (thinking that we were demons), I came up from behind and bit his neck while Ayanojyo bit the other side of his neck and we both drank greedily. We drained him completely then threw his carcass into the nearby stream. Then we continued along the stream path, finding a small camp of samurais. One was a boy of seven, an apprentice. He was at the stream getting some water when Ayanojyo lured him away and began feeding on him. I got the boy's wrist and we both drained him.
In all, I'd say we killed about eight people.
When we got back, things were packed and being loaded onto a cart. Katsuya still hadn't arrived. So we were about to leave when Katsuya hopped into the cart.
Yami gave her a stern look then slapped her across her face.
Ryoko: So there… I have finished the Raven chapter. He'll be back later though, I have this thing all planned out, with sequels! Please review!!!
And I am started on chapter four…