Digimon Fan Fiction / Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Ultimatum 2: The Argetlahm Adventures ❯ Mission #4 - Veemon's Vengeance ( Chapter 10 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Argetlahm Bunks
Day 15, 1:43 AM
It happened again. Time after time, as fate would have it, Veemon woke up in a cold sweat. Wiping his face off, he rolled over in his bunk....
to find Kari, smoking a cigar.
"Was it good for you?"
"YYYYAAAAAUUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!" Veemon screeched, firing up straight in his bed. Slowly, he glanced around the bunk. Agumon and Patamon were fast asleep, oblivious to Veemon's wail. Yawning, he waddled out of the bunk and down the hall to the turbolift, headed for the bridge. He had to go to the bathroom, bad. Several minutes later, after a lengthly break, Veemon climbed back into bed... and fell asleep, for what seemed like forever.
Ultramagnus snickered. "Yeah, that's right, Veemon. You can just lay there hoping Gatomon will come back... but I can make sure that doesn't happen."
Veemon stood in the darkness with Ultramagnus. Is this really what Ultramagnus looks like? Veemon attempted to shout out at Ultramagnus, but nothing came out. Repeatedly he tried, but he couldn't hear a thing he was saying.
Ultramagnus folded his arms. "I see I can't really attack Ultimanium straight, so I have to do the next best thing... bust his soldiers' spirits up good. Have a last good look at Gatomon, Veemon..."
Gatomon phased in next to Ultramagnus. "...V....Veemon?! What are you doing here?"
"Shaddup!!" Ultramagnus growled, kicking Gatomon in the face and sprawling her across the ground.
As mellow and unobservant a digimon that Veemon was, he couldn't stand to watch something like this. Blindly, he lunged forward at Ultramagnus. "Vee-Headbutt!!!"
Ultramagnus swept Veemon aside, sending him crashing into the ground behind him. "Oh, did I do that? Alright, Veemon, I won't be defeated so easily. Anyways, you're probably asking yourself right now - 'what could Ultramagnus want with Gatomon?' - it's what I said earlier. Busting up battle spirit. You love Gatomon, don't you? Well, I can say you won't have the physcial satisfaction that goes along with your supposed love! Gatomon will be bred to the ultimate fighting machine, Megakimeramon! That hatchling that spawns from Gatomon will be the death of your friends, Veemon! And to think that there won't be anything you can do about it... kinda sad, actually."
Veemon tossed in his sleep.
Ultramagnus turned around. "Well, maybe there is... you'll see that I'm not entirely sadistic. You have 24 hours to find Gatomon. If you don't... well... she's gonna walk pretty funny next morning. Come and get her, Veemon. You know you want to."
"Urrrgghh!!!" Veemon growled, finally gaining control of his voice. "Give her back, Ultramagnus!"
"Quit bluffing, Veemon," Ultramagnus laughed. "As long as you don't have Davis by your side, you're defenseless! Well, I think I've been talking to you long enough.. I'll let you get back to sleep..."
Veemon twitched. Ultramagnus wasn't about to get away with this.
Lo rd Raul awoke to a loud rapping at his bunk door. In a grumpy fit, he climbed off of his top bunk and made his way to the door. "This had better be an emergency!" He threw open the door to see Veemon standing there.
"Raul," Veemon mumbled. "I need to talk to you."
Raul glowed a fierce yellow. "Make it quick."
"You do Additive Magic, right?"
Raul's glow instantly disappeared. "Business! Geez, Veemon! Why didn't you say so? C'mon in!" Raul shut the door silently behind Veemon as he walked in. Veemon sat down at Raul's computer.
"So," Raul laughed. "What can I make for you? Were you thinking of the Ragnarok you saw the other day?"
Veemon bowed down. "Well... no. Can you replicate electronics?"
Raul lifted an eyebrow. "....well... I guess. Why?"
Veemon handed Raul a D3. "Davis' D3. I swiped it from his room before I came here. I need you to make a copy of it."
"Can't only Davis digivolve you?" Raul asked, examining the D3.
Veemon nodded. "Normally. But the shot Ultimanium gave me nullified my digivolution restraints, at least that's what I heard from him. That's why Cody was able to digivolve me. (A/N - Chapter 7) If it still works I should be able to digivolve on my own."
"Well.. I guess. Since it's electronics, I can make a copy in a matter of seconds. I guess I don't need to charge you for it..."
Veemon smiled.
"...I wouldn't mind some labor pay, though."
Veemon handed Raul a twenty-dollar bill. "I swiped this from Davis too."
Raul pocketed the cash. "Thanks. Give me a second." He held the D3 behind his back for a couple of seconds, then swung both his arms out, both with D3s in them. Veemon took both.
Raul waved. "No prob."
As Veemon turned and headed back for the turbolift, Agumon rushed in. "Lord Raul! Did Veemon pass by here?"
Raul settled himself back into his top bunk. "Yeah, why?"
"Do you know where he was headed?"
Raul shrugged. "Can't say I do. He asked me to replicate Davis' D3 for him, though. I don't know what he would do with a D3, but..."
A thought ran through Agumon's mind. His eyes grew wide. "...no way! He couldn't think of..."
< br> The machinery pulsed with life around Veemon as he made his way slowly along the catwalk hanging over the engine room. It had to be around here somewhere. Ultimanium wouldn't move it for no reason. As he looked down on the massive chamber beneath him, a small purple light caught his eye. The J3 glistened with the ominous light day and night. Veemon walked into the elevator and lowered himself down to the engine room ground, and approached the J3 cautiously. The purple glow sheeted Veemon as he made his way closer to the probe.
Veemon scratched his head. "How do you work this thing? It can't be that hard if even Conker can operate it..."
No sense waking Davis, Agumon thought. Veemon's probably down there by now. He tossed the digivice to Raul. "Make me a copy of this."
Raul shrugged. "Whatever." He took two digivices in his hands and tossed them back to Agumon. "You won't be able to digivolve yourself, you know. I have a small amount of Ultimanium's shot left, though. You can use it if you want."
Agumon sat down and stretched his arm out. "Shoot me up."
Raul plunged the needle into Agumon's arm, Agumon letting out a stifled yelp. Raul disengaged the needle once its contents had been drained. "That should be it," Raul said. "You might want to go into an open area to test out the digivice... say, what would Tai say if he knew you had his digivice?"
"He's not going to know." Agumon muttered, as he dove out of the room and to the turbolift, after Veemon.
Patamon hovered in, yawning. "Hey, Raul. You up? What was Agumon doing?"
Raul snatched up TK's D3 from the desk and copied it, handing it to Patamon. "..oh, wait a minute, you can't carry this. Use... Takeru's backpack." Raul strapped TK's light bag to Patamon's back.
"Eh.. Raul... what's going on here?" Patamon questioned. Raul drove the needle into Patamon's back, Patamon letting loose a high-pitched wail. Raul covered Patamon's mouth to avoid waking TK.
"Agumon is headed for the engine room," Raul whispered. "Go after him."
"Do it."
Patamon hovered away, somewhat perplexed. "..um... yeah, I'll do that..."
Veemon was reaching for a large lever on the J3 when he stopped to hear rapid footsteps in the background. "Veemon!! What are you doing?!" He turned to find Agumon behind him, panting. "Veemon, what are you doing up at this time of night?"
Veemon slowly started backing toward the J3, leaning up against it. "..I'm.... I'm...."
Agumon stepped up. "Veemon, if it's about Gatomon, don't worry about it! In the morning we'll get everyone together and go after her, and..."
Patamon hovered in. "..Agumon? Veemon? What's going on here?"
When Agumon turned back to Patamon, Veemon whipped around and hammered a large button on the surface of the J3. Slowly, the J3 crackled to life and the panel on the front lit up. "Third dimension!" Veemon wailed. "And hurry it up!!"
Patamon's eyes grew wide. "..V-Veemon?! What are you doing?!"
A breeze slowly accumulated in the room as the portal opened up. As the wind speed began to rise, Veemon took one last look back at his comrades before plunging himself into the technicolor tunnel ahead of him. Veemon and the portal disappeared right in front of Agumon and Patamon's eyes.
Agumon fired around to Patamon. "Get Ultimanium! Now!!"
Patamon nodded, and rushed through the air over to the turbolift.
MISSION #4 - Veemon's Vengenance
Commando operative mission. Infiltrate Techno Tower and locate/rescue Chosen Gatomon. Use of lethal force is authorized. Danger level is classified under Defcon 15. VEEMON alone will assault the center and claim operative GATOMON. Alone assault is highly discouraged, and reinforcements may be necessary.
Secondary objective - Assassinate Ultramagnus.
Good luck.
Veemon lowered a foot down onto the rough, polluted soil outside of Magnopolis. He would have to continue from hereonin on foot. Since the raid of the laboratory in the second Argetlahm mission, an anti-dimensional barrier was placed around the city to deter any dimensional shifts into and outside the barrier. Which wasn't to say Veemon wasn't ready to go the distance.
Veemon... digivolve to....
"Let's see you get by sheer rage, Ultramagnus," Exveemon scowled as he began to make his way down the hill to the city entrance. By the entrance to the newly-domed city were a pair of androids. Upon sight of Exveemon, the robots took aim with their energy blasters and began firing. Exveemon effortlessly sidestepped the beams and began a charge at the city guards. It didn't take him very long to get to the first guard and rip his head off, then he turned and used the lifeless body to absorb a laser blast from the other android. Exveemon drove a fist through the second android's body and tossed it to the side.
"V-Laser!!" Exveemon yelled, letting loose a barrage of light that blasted apart the massive city gates. The heavy chrome doorplates crashed to the ground, grabbing the attention of several more androids. Exveemon flung one through a nearby building window, and shrugged two more off. Exveemon wasn't losing stamina as he continued through the city streets, fighting the androids he could and avoiding the ones he couldn't. As he closed in on the city square, he had trounced nearly 50 androids barehanded.
Exveemon looked up, up, at the massive tower that arced up into the sky before him. "....Techno Tower - Magnopolis Center. This is the place." Exveemon cocked his head back to examine the top of the tower once more. Different colored beams stretched from the four corners of the city and connected at the top of the tower. There was clearly something up there, but it had to be left to Exveemon's imagination. He had to find Gatomon.
"So Veemon went to the third dimension?" Ultimanium sighed, sitting in the capship chair. It slowly turned to face Patamon and Agumon. "This is interesting."
"What are we going to do about him?" Agumon asked impatiently. "There's no telling what kind of crap he could get into down there!"
Ultimanium rubbed his chin. "Indeed... you wished to go down there to assist him?"
"No," Patamon squeaked. "We hoped to get him out of there before he gets killed!! What's wrong with you, don't you even care for your own teammates any more?!" Patamon buckled under the weight of TK's backpack slightly.
"It's not that," Ultimanium spoke. "I want you two to go keep Veemon safe. This oppritunity is perfect for testing out Veemon's new abilities."
Agumon tilted his head to the side. "...abilities?"
"I gave Veemon two shots recently... one was to destroy his digivolution restraints and the other... well, that'll have to wait. Anyways, the genetic material that allowed anyone to digivolve a digimon was taken from the genetic makeup from another familiar digimon."
Everybody waited.
"...Wormmon. Veemon is carrying Wormmon's genetic material inside of his body."
"Wait, wait, wait!" Patamon interrupted. "Are you saying he can DNA digivolve by himself?!"
Ultimanium nodded. "Yes. However, Veemon will only be able to combine the DNA fully when he is encountered by a situation that asks for it. Particularly dangerous ones, at most. I want him to DNA digivolve so he will be more powerful, and fighting for Gatomon is just the situation he needs. Agumon, Patamon, Lord Raul gave you the restraint vaccine too. I ask you to go down to the third dimension and escort Veemon."
After a long pause and exchanged stares, Agumon stepped forward. "We'll go."
"Excellent," Ultimanium stated. "I will open the portal from my position. It will be open in the engine room. Get down there and catch up to Veemon as fast as you can."
Both digimon turned and split without so much as a word.
"Master," the protocol android hummed. "Our forces have detected a defensive breach of Magnopolis. It's Exveemon."
Ultramagnus drummed his fingers on the desk. "Let him get to me. I want to deal with him myself. How's Minonim doing?"
"Minonim's deletion will be occuring in one hour. Good riddance to rubbish."
Ultramagnus laughed. "Excellent."
Minonim watched from his barrier confinement, next to Gatomon's. Slowly, Gatomon turned to him. "What're you in here for?"
Minonim sighed. "I couldn't say."
Ex veemon flung the door open of the lobby and marched straight through. As he made his way to the elevator at the far end, several androids approached him. Exveemon simply spun around with his fist to his side, bursting through the torsos of each android. As he reached for the top floor button, a beam of light flew from behind him and blew an android's arm off - one arm that was headed for Exveemon's head. He whipped around and checked behind him. Angemon and Wargreymon were standing there.
Wargreymon smirked. "What's wrong, can't have fun with us, huh?"
Angemon blew on his smoking hand. "We're coming with you, whether you like it or not."
Wargreymon, Angemon and Exveemon advanced up three more floors, Angemon and Wargreymon tiring out nearly instantly from the onslaught of androids that flushed them out.
"Hand of Fate!!"
A beam of light tore through the husk of an android, shattering it. "Damn it, Exveemon! How can you handle all this?!"
Exveemon said nothing, instead tearing through another crowd of androids. Gatomon is reason enough. "Can you at least get me up to the top floor? I'll worry about Gatomon."
Angemon and Wargreymon stopped. "This entire thing is about Gatomon?"
Exveemon froze. ..heh.. shouldn'tve said that. "...well... yeah."
Wargreymon pointed forward. "Onward, then, in Veemon's mission to score!!"
Angemon leapt forward, combating another group of robots. "I'm doing this for the team!!"
Exveemon blinked. Was this happening? These guys just plain flat-out accepted his own motive! Maybe they would be worthwhile to take to the top. "Alright, guys! Let's hit it! Upwards!!"
Wargreymon smiled. "About time he talked." Using a claw, Wargreymon tore the elevator car and tossed it to his side. Everybody hovered up the long shaft to the top floor.
Ultramagnus slammed his hand down on the desk. "What the hell?! What are they doing here?!?"
"I have no idea, sir," the protocol droid droned. "perhaps we should install some better security on the top floors?"
"I don't get it!!" Ultramagnus yelled. "Veemon was supposed to be the only one coming!! He's got Mechagodzilla and fairy-man with him now, too! ... not to worry, we have plenty of defense left for them to go through..." Ultramagnus pushed a button on his desk. The entire roof of the building slowly slid off, exposing Ultramagnus' expansive office to the open air. He reached over for a microphone embedded in the desk. "Kaiser! Warp Megakimeramon up here!"
"Too late, Ultramagnus!" Exveemon bellowed. "We have you right where we want you!"
Ultramagnus turned in his chair to see Wargreymon, Exveemon and Angemon standing at the other end of his expansive office.
Gatomon knocked on her barrier. "Guys!! Am I glad to see you!"
"I see the welcome wagon has arrived." Minonim hummed.
Ultramagnus smirked. "Well, well. If it isn't Exveemon. I wasn't expecting you to make it up Techno Tower this far."
Wargreymon stepped forward, a minor Terra Force ready in his left hand. "Let Gatomon go, and we'll see reason not to hurt you."
"My, my. I'm shaking in my corporate foundation! I wouldn't worry too much, guys. It's not me you're going to be dealing with!! Megakimeramon!!"
All the digimon looked up at the gigantic shadow looming over Techno Tower. A gigantic monster was blocking what sunlight was managing to break through the clouds of pollution. "Friends," Ultramagnus laughed. "I'd like you to meet Megakimeramon!!
*As Megakimeramon lowers itself down upon Techno Tower, everybody can finally make out its features. It appeared just as Kimeramon - six arms, gruesome face, thick stumpy legs... however, the skin of the digital monster is made completely out of fused genes from over 50 species of digimon... many of them ones owned by the previous Digidestined from this dimension.*
MEGAKIMERAMON - 5th Stage Mega Digimon
Wargreymon backed away. "..5th... level Mega?!"
Ultramagnus' yellow hair flapped in the uproaring wind generated by the hovering Megakimeramon. "Ah, yes. A true wonder of modern science, Megakimeramon is. I don't recall there being any controlled digimon that powerful..." Ultramagnus turned to the group. "At least out of ones present. I was hoping to breed Gatomon to Megakimeramon to create a 6th stage Mega, but I think that's out of my reach now, thanks to cretins like you."
Exveemon nodded. "That's what he said in my dream. That's what drove me here."
Angemon turned. "What, being afraid someone was going to screw Gato before you?"
"Shut up!" Wargreymon commanded. "We have no time for this! We have to deal with Megakimeramon!"
Ultramagnus rested on his desk. "Well, I think Megakimeramon might have a bit to say about that. Hey! Megakimeramon! These weaklings want to stop you from mating with Gatomon!!"
Megakimeramon peered down at Ultramagnus with an expression of nervousness on his face.
Ultramagnus growled. "You're not going to let that happen!! Right?!"
Megakimeramon let loose a deafening shriek.
"Thought so!! Get them before they get you!!"
Angemon looked up at the diving Megakimeramon. "Uh oh." He shot out of the way as Megakimeramon drove a claw into the floor of Techno Tower, blasting off most of the top five floors. The force fields with Minonim and Gatomon hovered in midair a short distance away from the wrecked tower alongside Ultramagnus and his new servant.
"Master!!" Minonim yelped. "You can't have a fight like this over the city!! People'll be hurt!!"
"Quit your damn whining, Minonim!!!" Ultramagnus bellowed. "You're jinxing us!!"
Exveemon, Angemon and Wargreymon hovered in the air, lined up.
"Hand of Fate!!"
"Terra Force!!"
Exveemon and Angemon's attacks deflected harmlessly off of Megakimeramon's tough hide. The only attack to have any noticable effect was Terra Force, which impacted against Megakimeramon with an earth-shattering explosion, knocking Megakimeramon back in the air some. However, he ricocheted right back against the attack and swiped at Wargreymon. Wargreymon, being more agile than the other digimon in the air, was able to dodge the attacks with relative ease. Both Exveemon and Angemon wailed on Megakimeramon from the other direction, if having little to no effect. Megakimeramon threw an elbow back, nailing Angemon in the gut. As Angemon plunged down to the ground below, Exveemon and Wargreymon watched in shock.
"Damn it!!" Wargreymon yelled. "Don't go down already!!"
As Angemon fought to regain his balance, he flew once again into the fray and landed a blow on Megakimeramon's back with the Angel Wand. However, Megakimeramon launched another grasping attack with his claw. "Kaiser Crusher!!"
"Angemon!!" Exveemon shouted. "Keep it up!!"
Can't lose now. These are my friends I'm talking about here. I can't go down so easy, just because...
"Angemon!!" Lord Raul bellowed. "Catch!!"
Lord Raul, just shown up, hovered in midair off in the distance. He threw a slip in his hand as hard as he could to Angemon, catching it.
"...this.... this is the Crest of Hope!! Where did you get this?!"
"Some old guy named Crazy Gennai. Quit worrying about it and fight! Use the crest!!"
Ultramagnus' eyes grew wide. "LORD RAUL?!"
As Megakimeramon advanced on the concentrating Angemon, a minor Terra Force fireball flew into him, knocking him down lower and stunning him. "Hurry up, Angemon!" Wargreymon muttered. "I can't keep him busy for long!!"
Angemon... digivolve to...
MagnaAngemon dove straight at Megakimeramon, armed blades flailing. The purple spires impacted against Megakimeramon, sending him down towards the ground again. MagnaAngemon kept the lock down as he threw Megakimeramon straight down into the highway beneath him.
Wargreymon looked up. "Exveemon! Worry about Ultramagnus! Me and MagnaAngemon'll take care of Megakimeramon!!"
Exveemon lunged straight at Ultramagnus, still caught off guard from Lord Raul's arrival. Still, he was informed enough to defend against Exveemon's hard punch that sailed his way. "Not so fast." Ultramagnus scowled. He grabbed Exveemon by the arm and slung him into a nearby skyscraper, Exveemon shooting out the other side. He quickly regained his bearings and rightened himself to dodge a blow from Ultramagnus, smashing straight into the building that he was once against. Ultramagnus quickly whipped around and delivered a hard backhand to Exveemon, sending him spiraling toward the ground, at least momentairly.
Ultramagnus dove down at the dazed Exveemon. "Die already!!" He went in a frenzy of punches and kicks, all hitting Exveemon. Exveemon was sent straight into the ground beneath him. Ultramagnus dusted his hands. "Good enough."
As he began to walk away, he didn't quite take in the enraged Exveemon behind him.
"Oh, yes. Exveemon. Haven't had enough yet? I see you're quite a match for my first form. Maybe you're physically tough, yes... but tell me..."
The barrier around Gatomon disappeared. She screamed as she began her descent from the heavens. Quite quickly, I must add.
"Do you have heart?"
Exveemon's eyes grew wide. "GATOMON!!" He took off into flight, skimming down across the street ahead of him. As he neared Gatomon's position, she was already a good ways toward the ground.
Ah ah ah ah ah.. nononononononono!! I can't let this happen!! GATOMON!! I'M NOT GOING TO MAKE IT!! Exveemon shot forward, faster than he believed he had ever flown straight before. Fighting through the air, he closed his eyes, expecting to have come to his destination... and Gatomon fell into his arms.
Exveemon had his eyes closed, teeth grit.
Gatomon blinked. "....Exveemon?"
Exveemon opened his eyes, not expecting to see Gatomon there. His eyes watered slightly. ".......eh.... hi?"
Ultramagnus fumed. "Curses!! You like her more than I thought! I'll just have to kill her myself!!"
Exveemon turned to Ultramagnus, outraged. "...YOU..." His D3 began to glow.
Davis was awakened by the soft blue glow that radiated from the screen. He had seen it before, alright. It was a DNA digivolve.
Exveemon.... Stingmon.... DNA digivolve to...
Ultramagnus backed away. "...huzzah?!"
"Desperado Blaster!!" Bolts of light impacted against Ultramagnus, sending him flying back through a shop window. Slowly, Ultramagnus fought back, deflecting the blasts of energy rocketing from Paildramon.
"I can't believe this!!" Ultramagnus screamed. "What else could go wrong?!"
Megakimeramon smashed down into the pavement behind Ultramagnus, part of him deleting. Wargreymon and MagnaAngemon both dropped out of the sky on top of him and pounded away at the grounded Mega. Bit by bit, Megakimeramon began losing energy.
Ultramagnus looked around hesitantly. "..D..damn you!! Damn you all!! Don't think you've got away with this, freaks!! I'll be back... you wait..." With a gesture, Ultramagnus disappeared into thin air, with some crackles of energy.
Gatomon waited down on the ground, while everybody else dedigivolved. Minonim hovered down to their position.
Veemon, Agumon and Patamon all centered around Gatomon. Minonim settled next to Gatomon. "Eh..." Agumon mumbled. "Gatomon, you have an probe next to you."
Gatomon nodded. "I'm quite aware of that. Everybody, say hello to Minonim."
Minonim's eye sensors lit up. "Hello, Argetlahm crew. It is a pleasure to meet you. I am Minonim, a past advisor to Ultramagnus. However, recently I was imprisoned for my ideas of peace that often conflicted with those of Ultramagnus. I was scheduled to be executed today, but I was held captive in relative proximity to Gatomon, so we were able to get to know each other before you all arrived. I would like to know if you would like my presence aboard the Argetlahm."
Patamon looked away. "...I don't know.."
Minonim bobbed in the air. "You would find me a very valued commodity. I have information on all the android models that Ultramagnus uses, as well as some military databanks. I think this information would be extremely appreciated by Ultimanium."
Lord Raul landed a ways away from the group. "Welcome aboard, Minonim."
Minonim lit up. "Oh, gracious thanks! I will work hard for your cause. Show me to your capital ship."
Raul looked back at the digimon. "We'll go ahead. Hurry up, we have to get back to the Argetlahm."
Agumon waved. "We'll be right there!"
As Lord Raul and Minonim made their way off into the distance, Gatomon looked back at her friends. "...everybody... I don't know what to say. I didn't think anyone was going to come for me."
Agumon scratched the back of his head. "Yeah, well, it was all Veemon's idea."
Patamon winked. "You know, Veemon, courageous type and all."
Veemon sweatdropped. "...um.. yeah, what they said."
Gatomon smiled. "Veemon planned all this?"
Agumon and Patamon stood behind Veemon, pointing at him. Veemon glanced around nervously.
Yessir, Veemon was the hero, or that was at least what Agumon and Patamon wanted Gatomon to believe, anyways. It worked.
Gatomon reached forward and pulled Veemon into a deep kiss. Both sides disembarked at around the 15 second mark.
Agumon dusted his hands. "Well, that was fun. Hey, Patamon, let's get back to the Argetlahm so we can wash these cooties off, huh?"
"I'm up for that." Patamon snickered, nodding.
** ******
So that's how things went. After a lengthly operation, all the digimon returned to the Argetlahm for a long rest, as well as a serious talking-to from their masters. Everybody was happy once again (Veemon = ecstatic), and relaxing ensued. Still, however, the fact was true - Ultramagnus was out there, and he wasn't beaten. His master plan had not yet been set in motion, and its effects would be drastic.
Only time will tell where Ultramagnus and Ultimanium draw the line. Until then, stay tuned for more Argetlahm Adventures!
Day 15, 1:43 AM
It happened again. Time after time, as fate would have it, Veemon woke up in a cold sweat. Wiping his face off, he rolled over in his bunk....
to find Kari, smoking a cigar.
"Was it good for you?"
"YYYYAAAAAUUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!" Veemon screeched, firing up straight in his bed. Slowly, he glanced around the bunk. Agumon and Patamon were fast asleep, oblivious to Veemon's wail. Yawning, he waddled out of the bunk and down the hall to the turbolift, headed for the bridge. He had to go to the bathroom, bad. Several minutes later, after a lengthly break, Veemon climbed back into bed... and fell asleep, for what seemed like forever.
Ultramagnus snickered. "Yeah, that's right, Veemon. You can just lay there hoping Gatomon will come back... but I can make sure that doesn't happen."
Veemon stood in the darkness with Ultramagnus. Is this really what Ultramagnus looks like? Veemon attempted to shout out at Ultramagnus, but nothing came out. Repeatedly he tried, but he couldn't hear a thing he was saying.
Ultramagnus folded his arms. "I see I can't really attack Ultimanium straight, so I have to do the next best thing... bust his soldiers' spirits up good. Have a last good look at Gatomon, Veemon..."
Gatomon phased in next to Ultramagnus. "...V....Veemon?! What are you doing here?"
"Shaddup!!" Ultramagnus growled, kicking Gatomon in the face and sprawling her across the ground.
As mellow and unobservant a digimon that Veemon was, he couldn't stand to watch something like this. Blindly, he lunged forward at Ultramagnus. "Vee-Headbutt!!!"
Ultramagnus swept Veemon aside, sending him crashing into the ground behind him. "Oh, did I do that? Alright, Veemon, I won't be defeated so easily. Anyways, you're probably asking yourself right now - 'what could Ultramagnus want with Gatomon?' - it's what I said earlier. Busting up battle spirit. You love Gatomon, don't you? Well, I can say you won't have the physcial satisfaction that goes along with your supposed love! Gatomon will be bred to the ultimate fighting machine, Megakimeramon! That hatchling that spawns from Gatomon will be the death of your friends, Veemon! And to think that there won't be anything you can do about it... kinda sad, actually."
Veemon tossed in his sleep.
Ultramagnus turned around. "Well, maybe there is... you'll see that I'm not entirely sadistic. You have 24 hours to find Gatomon. If you don't... well... she's gonna walk pretty funny next morning. Come and get her, Veemon. You know you want to."
"Urrrgghh!!!" Veemon growled, finally gaining control of his voice. "Give her back, Ultramagnus!"
"Quit bluffing, Veemon," Ultramagnus laughed. "As long as you don't have Davis by your side, you're defenseless! Well, I think I've been talking to you long enough.. I'll let you get back to sleep..."
Veemon twitched. Ultramagnus wasn't about to get away with this.
Lo rd Raul awoke to a loud rapping at his bunk door. In a grumpy fit, he climbed off of his top bunk and made his way to the door. "This had better be an emergency!" He threw open the door to see Veemon standing there.
"Raul," Veemon mumbled. "I need to talk to you."
Raul glowed a fierce yellow. "Make it quick."
"You do Additive Magic, right?"
Raul's glow instantly disappeared. "Business! Geez, Veemon! Why didn't you say so? C'mon in!" Raul shut the door silently behind Veemon as he walked in. Veemon sat down at Raul's computer.
"So," Raul laughed. "What can I make for you? Were you thinking of the Ragnarok you saw the other day?"
Veemon bowed down. "Well... no. Can you replicate electronics?"
Raul lifted an eyebrow. "....well... I guess. Why?"
Veemon handed Raul a D3. "Davis' D3. I swiped it from his room before I came here. I need you to make a copy of it."
"Can't only Davis digivolve you?" Raul asked, examining the D3.
Veemon nodded. "Normally. But the shot Ultimanium gave me nullified my digivolution restraints, at least that's what I heard from him. That's why Cody was able to digivolve me. (A/N - Chapter 7) If it still works I should be able to digivolve on my own."
"Well.. I guess. Since it's electronics, I can make a copy in a matter of seconds. I guess I don't need to charge you for it..."
Veemon smiled.
"...I wouldn't mind some labor pay, though."
Veemon handed Raul a twenty-dollar bill. "I swiped this from Davis too."
Raul pocketed the cash. "Thanks. Give me a second." He held the D3 behind his back for a couple of seconds, then swung both his arms out, both with D3s in them. Veemon took both.
Raul waved. "No prob."
As Veemon turned and headed back for the turbolift, Agumon rushed in. "Lord Raul! Did Veemon pass by here?"
Raul settled himself back into his top bunk. "Yeah, why?"
"Do you know where he was headed?"
Raul shrugged. "Can't say I do. He asked me to replicate Davis' D3 for him, though. I don't know what he would do with a D3, but..."
A thought ran through Agumon's mind. His eyes grew wide. "...no way! He couldn't think of..."
< br> The machinery pulsed with life around Veemon as he made his way slowly along the catwalk hanging over the engine room. It had to be around here somewhere. Ultimanium wouldn't move it for no reason. As he looked down on the massive chamber beneath him, a small purple light caught his eye. The J3 glistened with the ominous light day and night. Veemon walked into the elevator and lowered himself down to the engine room ground, and approached the J3 cautiously. The purple glow sheeted Veemon as he made his way closer to the probe.
Veemon scratched his head. "How do you work this thing? It can't be that hard if even Conker can operate it..."
No sense waking Davis, Agumon thought. Veemon's probably down there by now. He tossed the digivice to Raul. "Make me a copy of this."
Raul shrugged. "Whatever." He took two digivices in his hands and tossed them back to Agumon. "You won't be able to digivolve yourself, you know. I have a small amount of Ultimanium's shot left, though. You can use it if you want."
Agumon sat down and stretched his arm out. "Shoot me up."
Raul plunged the needle into Agumon's arm, Agumon letting out a stifled yelp. Raul disengaged the needle once its contents had been drained. "That should be it," Raul said. "You might want to go into an open area to test out the digivice... say, what would Tai say if he knew you had his digivice?"
"He's not going to know." Agumon muttered, as he dove out of the room and to the turbolift, after Veemon.
Patamon hovered in, yawning. "Hey, Raul. You up? What was Agumon doing?"
Raul snatched up TK's D3 from the desk and copied it, handing it to Patamon. "..oh, wait a minute, you can't carry this. Use... Takeru's backpack." Raul strapped TK's light bag to Patamon's back.
"Eh.. Raul... what's going on here?" Patamon questioned. Raul drove the needle into Patamon's back, Patamon letting loose a high-pitched wail. Raul covered Patamon's mouth to avoid waking TK.
"Agumon is headed for the engine room," Raul whispered. "Go after him."
"Do it."
Patamon hovered away, somewhat perplexed. "..um... yeah, I'll do that..."
Veemon was reaching for a large lever on the J3 when he stopped to hear rapid footsteps in the background. "Veemon!! What are you doing?!" He turned to find Agumon behind him, panting. "Veemon, what are you doing up at this time of night?"
Veemon slowly started backing toward the J3, leaning up against it. "..I'm.... I'm...."
Agumon stepped up. "Veemon, if it's about Gatomon, don't worry about it! In the morning we'll get everyone together and go after her, and..."
Patamon hovered in. "..Agumon? Veemon? What's going on here?"
When Agumon turned back to Patamon, Veemon whipped around and hammered a large button on the surface of the J3. Slowly, the J3 crackled to life and the panel on the front lit up. "Third dimension!" Veemon wailed. "And hurry it up!!"
Patamon's eyes grew wide. "..V-Veemon?! What are you doing?!"
A breeze slowly accumulated in the room as the portal opened up. As the wind speed began to rise, Veemon took one last look back at his comrades before plunging himself into the technicolor tunnel ahead of him. Veemon and the portal disappeared right in front of Agumon and Patamon's eyes.
Agumon fired around to Patamon. "Get Ultimanium! Now!!"
Patamon nodded, and rushed through the air over to the turbolift.
MISSION #4 - Veemon's Vengenance
Commando operative mission. Infiltrate Techno Tower and locate/rescue Chosen Gatomon. Use of lethal force is authorized. Danger level is classified under Defcon 15. VEEMON alone will assault the center and claim operative GATOMON. Alone assault is highly discouraged, and reinforcements may be necessary.
Secondary objective - Assassinate Ultramagnus.
Good luck.
Veemon lowered a foot down onto the rough, polluted soil outside of Magnopolis. He would have to continue from hereonin on foot. Since the raid of the laboratory in the second Argetlahm mission, an anti-dimensional barrier was placed around the city to deter any dimensional shifts into and outside the barrier. Which wasn't to say Veemon wasn't ready to go the distance.
Veemon... digivolve to....
"Let's see you get by sheer rage, Ultramagnus," Exveemon scowled as he began to make his way down the hill to the city entrance. By the entrance to the newly-domed city were a pair of androids. Upon sight of Exveemon, the robots took aim with their energy blasters and began firing. Exveemon effortlessly sidestepped the beams and began a charge at the city guards. It didn't take him very long to get to the first guard and rip his head off, then he turned and used the lifeless body to absorb a laser blast from the other android. Exveemon drove a fist through the second android's body and tossed it to the side.
"V-Laser!!" Exveemon yelled, letting loose a barrage of light that blasted apart the massive city gates. The heavy chrome doorplates crashed to the ground, grabbing the attention of several more androids. Exveemon flung one through a nearby building window, and shrugged two more off. Exveemon wasn't losing stamina as he continued through the city streets, fighting the androids he could and avoiding the ones he couldn't. As he closed in on the city square, he had trounced nearly 50 androids barehanded.
Exveemon looked up, up, at the massive tower that arced up into the sky before him. "....Techno Tower - Magnopolis Center. This is the place." Exveemon cocked his head back to examine the top of the tower once more. Different colored beams stretched from the four corners of the city and connected at the top of the tower. There was clearly something up there, but it had to be left to Exveemon's imagination. He had to find Gatomon.
"So Veemon went to the third dimension?" Ultimanium sighed, sitting in the capship chair. It slowly turned to face Patamon and Agumon. "This is interesting."
"What are we going to do about him?" Agumon asked impatiently. "There's no telling what kind of crap he could get into down there!"
Ultimanium rubbed his chin. "Indeed... you wished to go down there to assist him?"
"No," Patamon squeaked. "We hoped to get him out of there before he gets killed!! What's wrong with you, don't you even care for your own teammates any more?!" Patamon buckled under the weight of TK's backpack slightly.
"It's not that," Ultimanium spoke. "I want you two to go keep Veemon safe. This oppritunity is perfect for testing out Veemon's new abilities."
Agumon tilted his head to the side. "...abilities?"
"I gave Veemon two shots recently... one was to destroy his digivolution restraints and the other... well, that'll have to wait. Anyways, the genetic material that allowed anyone to digivolve a digimon was taken from the genetic makeup from another familiar digimon."
Everybody waited.
"...Wormmon. Veemon is carrying Wormmon's genetic material inside of his body."
"Wait, wait, wait!" Patamon interrupted. "Are you saying he can DNA digivolve by himself?!"
Ultimanium nodded. "Yes. However, Veemon will only be able to combine the DNA fully when he is encountered by a situation that asks for it. Particularly dangerous ones, at most. I want him to DNA digivolve so he will be more powerful, and fighting for Gatomon is just the situation he needs. Agumon, Patamon, Lord Raul gave you the restraint vaccine too. I ask you to go down to the third dimension and escort Veemon."
After a long pause and exchanged stares, Agumon stepped forward. "We'll go."
"Excellent," Ultimanium stated. "I will open the portal from my position. It will be open in the engine room. Get down there and catch up to Veemon as fast as you can."
Both digimon turned and split without so much as a word.
"Master," the protocol android hummed. "Our forces have detected a defensive breach of Magnopolis. It's Exveemon."
Ultramagnus drummed his fingers on the desk. "Let him get to me. I want to deal with him myself. How's Minonim doing?"
"Minonim's deletion will be occuring in one hour. Good riddance to rubbish."
Ultramagnus laughed. "Excellent."
Minonim watched from his barrier confinement, next to Gatomon's. Slowly, Gatomon turned to him. "What're you in here for?"
Minonim sighed. "I couldn't say."
Ex veemon flung the door open of the lobby and marched straight through. As he made his way to the elevator at the far end, several androids approached him. Exveemon simply spun around with his fist to his side, bursting through the torsos of each android. As he reached for the top floor button, a beam of light flew from behind him and blew an android's arm off - one arm that was headed for Exveemon's head. He whipped around and checked behind him. Angemon and Wargreymon were standing there.
Wargreymon smirked. "What's wrong, can't have fun with us, huh?"
Angemon blew on his smoking hand. "We're coming with you, whether you like it or not."
Wargreymon, Angemon and Exveemon advanced up three more floors, Angemon and Wargreymon tiring out nearly instantly from the onslaught of androids that flushed them out.
"Hand of Fate!!"
A beam of light tore through the husk of an android, shattering it. "Damn it, Exveemon! How can you handle all this?!"
Exveemon said nothing, instead tearing through another crowd of androids. Gatomon is reason enough. "Can you at least get me up to the top floor? I'll worry about Gatomon."
Angemon and Wargreymon stopped. "This entire thing is about Gatomon?"
Exveemon froze. ..heh.. shouldn'tve said that. "...well... yeah."
Wargreymon pointed forward. "Onward, then, in Veemon's mission to score!!"
Angemon leapt forward, combating another group of robots. "I'm doing this for the team!!"
Exveemon blinked. Was this happening? These guys just plain flat-out accepted his own motive! Maybe they would be worthwhile to take to the top. "Alright, guys! Let's hit it! Upwards!!"
Wargreymon smiled. "About time he talked." Using a claw, Wargreymon tore the elevator car and tossed it to his side. Everybody hovered up the long shaft to the top floor.
Ultramagnus slammed his hand down on the desk. "What the hell?! What are they doing here?!?"
"I have no idea, sir," the protocol droid droned. "perhaps we should install some better security on the top floors?"
"I don't get it!!" Ultramagnus yelled. "Veemon was supposed to be the only one coming!! He's got Mechagodzilla and fairy-man with him now, too! ... not to worry, we have plenty of defense left for them to go through..." Ultramagnus pushed a button on his desk. The entire roof of the building slowly slid off, exposing Ultramagnus' expansive office to the open air. He reached over for a microphone embedded in the desk. "Kaiser! Warp Megakimeramon up here!"
"Too late, Ultramagnus!" Exveemon bellowed. "We have you right where we want you!"
Ultramagnus turned in his chair to see Wargreymon, Exveemon and Angemon standing at the other end of his expansive office.
Gatomon knocked on her barrier. "Guys!! Am I glad to see you!"
"I see the welcome wagon has arrived." Minonim hummed.
Ultramagnus smirked. "Well, well. If it isn't Exveemon. I wasn't expecting you to make it up Techno Tower this far."
Wargreymon stepped forward, a minor Terra Force ready in his left hand. "Let Gatomon go, and we'll see reason not to hurt you."
"My, my. I'm shaking in my corporate foundation! I wouldn't worry too much, guys. It's not me you're going to be dealing with!! Megakimeramon!!"
All the digimon looked up at the gigantic shadow looming over Techno Tower. A gigantic monster was blocking what sunlight was managing to break through the clouds of pollution. "Friends," Ultramagnus laughed. "I'd like you to meet Megakimeramon!!
*As Megakimeramon lowers itself down upon Techno Tower, everybody can finally make out its features. It appeared just as Kimeramon - six arms, gruesome face, thick stumpy legs... however, the skin of the digital monster is made completely out of fused genes from over 50 species of digimon... many of them ones owned by the previous Digidestined from this dimension.*
MEGAKIMERAMON - 5th Stage Mega Digimon
Wargreymon backed away. "..5th... level Mega?!"
Ultramagnus' yellow hair flapped in the uproaring wind generated by the hovering Megakimeramon. "Ah, yes. A true wonder of modern science, Megakimeramon is. I don't recall there being any controlled digimon that powerful..." Ultramagnus turned to the group. "At least out of ones present. I was hoping to breed Gatomon to Megakimeramon to create a 6th stage Mega, but I think that's out of my reach now, thanks to cretins like you."
Exveemon nodded. "That's what he said in my dream. That's what drove me here."
Angemon turned. "What, being afraid someone was going to screw Gato before you?"
"Shut up!" Wargreymon commanded. "We have no time for this! We have to deal with Megakimeramon!"
Ultramagnus rested on his desk. "Well, I think Megakimeramon might have a bit to say about that. Hey! Megakimeramon! These weaklings want to stop you from mating with Gatomon!!"
Megakimeramon peered down at Ultramagnus with an expression of nervousness on his face.
Ultramagnus growled. "You're not going to let that happen!! Right?!"
Megakimeramon let loose a deafening shriek.
"Thought so!! Get them before they get you!!"
Angemon looked up at the diving Megakimeramon. "Uh oh." He shot out of the way as Megakimeramon drove a claw into the floor of Techno Tower, blasting off most of the top five floors. The force fields with Minonim and Gatomon hovered in midair a short distance away from the wrecked tower alongside Ultramagnus and his new servant.
"Master!!" Minonim yelped. "You can't have a fight like this over the city!! People'll be hurt!!"
"Quit your damn whining, Minonim!!!" Ultramagnus bellowed. "You're jinxing us!!"
Exveemon, Angemon and Wargreymon hovered in the air, lined up.
"Hand of Fate!!"
"Terra Force!!"
Exveemon and Angemon's attacks deflected harmlessly off of Megakimeramon's tough hide. The only attack to have any noticable effect was Terra Force, which impacted against Megakimeramon with an earth-shattering explosion, knocking Megakimeramon back in the air some. However, he ricocheted right back against the attack and swiped at Wargreymon. Wargreymon, being more agile than the other digimon in the air, was able to dodge the attacks with relative ease. Both Exveemon and Angemon wailed on Megakimeramon from the other direction, if having little to no effect. Megakimeramon threw an elbow back, nailing Angemon in the gut. As Angemon plunged down to the ground below, Exveemon and Wargreymon watched in shock.
"Damn it!!" Wargreymon yelled. "Don't go down already!!"
As Angemon fought to regain his balance, he flew once again into the fray and landed a blow on Megakimeramon's back with the Angel Wand. However, Megakimeramon launched another grasping attack with his claw. "Kaiser Crusher!!"
"Angemon!!" Exveemon shouted. "Keep it up!!"
Can't lose now. These are my friends I'm talking about here. I can't go down so easy, just because...
"Angemon!!" Lord Raul bellowed. "Catch!!"
Lord Raul, just shown up, hovered in midair off in the distance. He threw a slip in his hand as hard as he could to Angemon, catching it.
"...this.... this is the Crest of Hope!! Where did you get this?!"
"Some old guy named Crazy Gennai. Quit worrying about it and fight! Use the crest!!"
Ultramagnus' eyes grew wide. "LORD RAUL?!"
As Megakimeramon advanced on the concentrating Angemon, a minor Terra Force fireball flew into him, knocking him down lower and stunning him. "Hurry up, Angemon!" Wargreymon muttered. "I can't keep him busy for long!!"
Angemon... digivolve to...
MagnaAngemon dove straight at Megakimeramon, armed blades flailing. The purple spires impacted against Megakimeramon, sending him down towards the ground again. MagnaAngemon kept the lock down as he threw Megakimeramon straight down into the highway beneath him.
Wargreymon looked up. "Exveemon! Worry about Ultramagnus! Me and MagnaAngemon'll take care of Megakimeramon!!"
Exveemon lunged straight at Ultramagnus, still caught off guard from Lord Raul's arrival. Still, he was informed enough to defend against Exveemon's hard punch that sailed his way. "Not so fast." Ultramagnus scowled. He grabbed Exveemon by the arm and slung him into a nearby skyscraper, Exveemon shooting out the other side. He quickly regained his bearings and rightened himself to dodge a blow from Ultramagnus, smashing straight into the building that he was once against. Ultramagnus quickly whipped around and delivered a hard backhand to Exveemon, sending him spiraling toward the ground, at least momentairly.
Ultramagnus dove down at the dazed Exveemon. "Die already!!" He went in a frenzy of punches and kicks, all hitting Exveemon. Exveemon was sent straight into the ground beneath him. Ultramagnus dusted his hands. "Good enough."
As he began to walk away, he didn't quite take in the enraged Exveemon behind him.
"Oh, yes. Exveemon. Haven't had enough yet? I see you're quite a match for my first form. Maybe you're physically tough, yes... but tell me..."
The barrier around Gatomon disappeared. She screamed as she began her descent from the heavens. Quite quickly, I must add.
"Do you have heart?"
Exveemon's eyes grew wide. "GATOMON!!" He took off into flight, skimming down across the street ahead of him. As he neared Gatomon's position, she was already a good ways toward the ground.
Ah ah ah ah ah.. nononononononono!! I can't let this happen!! GATOMON!! I'M NOT GOING TO MAKE IT!! Exveemon shot forward, faster than he believed he had ever flown straight before. Fighting through the air, he closed his eyes, expecting to have come to his destination... and Gatomon fell into his arms.
Exveemon had his eyes closed, teeth grit.
Gatomon blinked. "....Exveemon?"
Exveemon opened his eyes, not expecting to see Gatomon there. His eyes watered slightly. ".......eh.... hi?"
Ultramagnus fumed. "Curses!! You like her more than I thought! I'll just have to kill her myself!!"
Exveemon turned to Ultramagnus, outraged. "...YOU..." His D3 began to glow.
Davis was awakened by the soft blue glow that radiated from the screen. He had seen it before, alright. It was a DNA digivolve.
Exveemon.... Stingmon.... DNA digivolve to...
Ultramagnus backed away. "...huzzah?!"
"Desperado Blaster!!" Bolts of light impacted against Ultramagnus, sending him flying back through a shop window. Slowly, Ultramagnus fought back, deflecting the blasts of energy rocketing from Paildramon.
"I can't believe this!!" Ultramagnus screamed. "What else could go wrong?!"
Megakimeramon smashed down into the pavement behind Ultramagnus, part of him deleting. Wargreymon and MagnaAngemon both dropped out of the sky on top of him and pounded away at the grounded Mega. Bit by bit, Megakimeramon began losing energy.
Ultramagnus looked around hesitantly. "..D..damn you!! Damn you all!! Don't think you've got away with this, freaks!! I'll be back... you wait..." With a gesture, Ultramagnus disappeared into thin air, with some crackles of energy.
Gatomon waited down on the ground, while everybody else dedigivolved. Minonim hovered down to their position.
Veemon, Agumon and Patamon all centered around Gatomon. Minonim settled next to Gatomon. "Eh..." Agumon mumbled. "Gatomon, you have an probe next to you."
Gatomon nodded. "I'm quite aware of that. Everybody, say hello to Minonim."
Minonim's eye sensors lit up. "Hello, Argetlahm crew. It is a pleasure to meet you. I am Minonim, a past advisor to Ultramagnus. However, recently I was imprisoned for my ideas of peace that often conflicted with those of Ultramagnus. I was scheduled to be executed today, but I was held captive in relative proximity to Gatomon, so we were able to get to know each other before you all arrived. I would like to know if you would like my presence aboard the Argetlahm."
Patamon looked away. "...I don't know.."
Minonim bobbed in the air. "You would find me a very valued commodity. I have information on all the android models that Ultramagnus uses, as well as some military databanks. I think this information would be extremely appreciated by Ultimanium."
Lord Raul landed a ways away from the group. "Welcome aboard, Minonim."
Minonim lit up. "Oh, gracious thanks! I will work hard for your cause. Show me to your capital ship."
Raul looked back at the digimon. "We'll go ahead. Hurry up, we have to get back to the Argetlahm."
Agumon waved. "We'll be right there!"
As Lord Raul and Minonim made their way off into the distance, Gatomon looked back at her friends. "...everybody... I don't know what to say. I didn't think anyone was going to come for me."
Agumon scratched the back of his head. "Yeah, well, it was all Veemon's idea."
Patamon winked. "You know, Veemon, courageous type and all."
Veemon sweatdropped. "...um.. yeah, what they said."
Gatomon smiled. "Veemon planned all this?"
Agumon and Patamon stood behind Veemon, pointing at him. Veemon glanced around nervously.
Yessir, Veemon was the hero, or that was at least what Agumon and Patamon wanted Gatomon to believe, anyways. It worked.
Gatomon reached forward and pulled Veemon into a deep kiss. Both sides disembarked at around the 15 second mark.
Agumon dusted his hands. "Well, that was fun. Hey, Patamon, let's get back to the Argetlahm so we can wash these cooties off, huh?"
"I'm up for that." Patamon snickered, nodding.
** ******
So that's how things went. After a lengthly operation, all the digimon returned to the Argetlahm for a long rest, as well as a serious talking-to from their masters. Everybody was happy once again (Veemon = ecstatic), and relaxing ensued. Still, however, the fact was true - Ultramagnus was out there, and he wasn't beaten. His master plan had not yet been set in motion, and its effects would be drastic.
Only time will tell where Ultramagnus and Ultimanium draw the line. Until then, stay tuned for more Argetlahm Adventures!