Digimon Fan Fiction / Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Ultimatum 2: The Argetlahm Adventures ❯ The Beginning of the End ( Chapter 13 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Argetlahm Bunks
Day 18, 2:30 AM
Raul - (Voiceover) Last time on the Argetlahm Adventures... our heroes trekked around the Argetlahm in search of flags to cash in at my bazaar, everybody kind of hoping for new weapons of some sort. Glad to say, many groups found theirs, so I see a lot of arms manufacturing in the future! And when arms are manufactured, yours truly makes a buck!
This chapter, Raul hands out the munitions... let's say some people are a bit TOO powerful, even for Ultimanium's tastes. However, it has to be realized that extreme power may just be needed to defeat Ultramagnus... his newest plan, invading the fourth dimension, has some schematics in it that may even be too much for Ultimanium himself! Can Ultimanium and his gang outfit the Argetlahm crew for the perils ahead? Read on, and find out!
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"Wakey wakey, everybody!!" Ultimanium yelled over the intercom. "Everybody get down to the mess hall now! Raul's got some presents for ya!"
Davis glared up. "About time!"
Conker looked wearily-eyed down on Davis. "If he was going to give us all rewards so late, we could have actually slept before we went down there."
All the male bunk members stumbled out of their bunks in a half-asleep stupor and drowsily stumbled over to the turbolift. "I sure as hell hope this is worth waking up for." Rodent slurred. "I need a damn better gun to use."
Veemon skipped ahead of everybody, hyperactive as he was. "Lessee.. what can I get... I know, I'll just ask for a huge battleaxe! That's it!"
"I don't really know if I could use a weapon," Goku sighed. "I'm way too accustomed to my bare hands..."
Vegeta folded his arms. "True warriors do not need weapons to do their fighting for them."
"With all the weapons being thrown around, I wouldn't mind one myself." Izzy commented. "I would like to try hand artillery some time."
The turbolift clicked to a halt, and everybody stepped out into the expansive mess hall. The turbolift across the room also slid to a stop and released its female passengers into the cafeteria. All the tables of the mess hall were stacked off to the side, save for 3 that were lined up in the center of the room. Behind it was an enormous rack of weaponry. Swords. Guns. Everything you could think of. Raul sat behind one of the tables with a cash register in front of him.
Kari drooped. "I thought we were getting freebies."
Raul nodded. "Whoever doesn't have weapons. If they want more, they'll have to pay for it. With a sizeable discount, of course. Everybody line up and I'll start issuing weapons. Chrono Cross personnel first."
Everybody else groaned as Serge, Kid and Karsh shoved their way to the front of the line. "Whatcha got?" Kid snapped. "Can ya find something to replace a Spectral Dagger?" Kid slid the gleaming prism knife across the table to Raul. Raul stared down on the table for a second before looking back up at her.
"I think you're pretty set for weapons." Raul said. "Just a second." He put his fingers to his mouth and whistled. Another rack slid out partially in front of the weapons one, lined with various sets of armor. "I trust you're a dexterous fighter," Raul laughed, eyeing a suit of heavy, dark blue armor at the far end. "Maybe you want something light?"
Kid shook her head. "Nothin' here's light. I'm not an armor person."
Raul took the helmet off the blue armor and tossed it to Kid. "Try this."
Kid prepared to brace herself to catch the heavy blue helmet, but caught it with relative ease. "Hey, this is light!"
"Mythril," Raul spoke. "Lightest armor a person can get. Moderate defense, though. It'll help more than that skirt will. Serge, toss me the Tetra Weapon." Raul put a hand up and caught the handle of the dual swallow. He took another Mastermune off the rack and charged it with a black and white light, both forming on opposite ends. With a blast of energy, Raul soldered the handle to the two of the Tetra Weapon. Now alongside the red, blue, yellow and green flaming blades, there were black and white ones. "Don't call it Tetra, call it Setra. Ah, yes, Karsh.." Raul struggled to lift a suit of purple-tinted armor off the rack, dropping it onto the table. "Adamantium armor. Toughest stuff you can get. It goes good with axes."
Serge, Kid and Karsh all carried away their new wares, Karsh struggling under the weight of the thick adamantium.
"Conker? Berri? Rodent?" Raul announced. "Can you all come up here?"
All three stood up to the table. "Whatcha got for us, Raul?" Conker asked.
Raul dipped beneath the table for a second, and rose again. He placed three small, pitch white balls on the table.
"We don't use bebe guns." Berri scowled.
Raul grinned. "I wouldn't take these lightly. Anti-matter shells. Before you shoot it, it looks like a white pea. Upon impact, the explosion radiates to... I would say around the size of Jupiter. One each. I'll keep them for now, though... I don't imagine dropping one of these would be too pretty for the Argetlahm."
All three walked away. "He's gotta be kidding." Rodent groaned. "No bullet's that powerful."
Conker frowned. "I don't know, I've seen those Raul and Ulty use some pretty weird techniques."
"Digidestined." Raul barked. Davis, Tai, Cody, Kari, Izzy and TK all rushed up to the table.
"Takeru," Raul spoke. "You aren't getting your weapon right now, I'll show it to you after. Trust me, it's something special." TK stumbled away, growling.
"This had better be worth it." TK moaned.
Raul folded his arms. "Alright. Davis, Tai, since you already have weapons I can't give you freebies. You can have a 65% discount, though."
Tai held out a plastic slip. "Do you take credit?"
Cody sweatdropped. "...Tai, where did you get that?"
"Berri's bunk, where else?" Tai said, nervously. "It was the only drawer that was open.. you can't blame me..." (A/N - Chapter 4)
Raul nodded. "Yeah," He passed a card scanner up to Tai. "Don't bother with the PIN, I can always just hack it.... okay, what are you getting?"
Tai threw his arm on Davis' shoulder. "Another Ragnarok for my friend here."
Davis twitched. "ANOTHER one?"
Raul slid another long dark greatsword across the table. "Going the double-sword route? Don't feel too worried, Dave, some of the greatest asskickers of medieval times were double-sword wielders."
Davis struggled to stay standing with Ragnaroks in each hand. "...it's not that.... it's... heavy!"
Raul turned back to Tai. "Anything for you?"
"Nah, I'll be alright," Tai shook his head. "We could use some of that Mythril Armor though."
"Coming right up." Mythril armor crashed to the ground in front of Tai and Davis. Both digidestined eyed the armor ravenously before scooping it up to try it on.
Cody glanced down at the floor. "I don't think there's much here for me."
"You're only saying that because you can't afford it," Raul laughed. "If I give you the same discounts would it change your opinion any?"
Cody's eyes brightened. "Do you have anything that would suit me?"
"Oh, yeah, you're a Kendo initiate, I forgot. Here, I have just the thing for you." Raul reached over and detatched an obscenely long samurai sword from the rack and placed it onto the table. "A traditional Japanese sword would do the trick. They call it Murasame."
Cody glared down on the 5 foot long samurai blade with glossy eyes. Even throughout his days in Kendo class, no one was stupid enough to lend him a real sword to practice with. Glowing with enthusiasm, Cody swiped the blade up with surprising grace and joined his friends.
Izzy stepped up. "You have anything for me? Any good guns?"
Raul nodded. "Ah, yes. Izzy. Artillery, you said?" He stood and removed a clamp-like apparatus from the top of the weapon shelf and placed it down on the table. It had extremely complicated laser sighting equipment on the side, dwarfed by the 180mm cannon that lied immediately in front of it.
"Gods!" Izzy yelped. "What is that?"
Raul rapped down hard on the device. "They call these things Gunarms... hand mounted heavy weapons. I saved the best model energy Gunarm I had for you. Izzy, I present you the Missing Score."
Izzy glanced questioningly at the Gunarm for a second. He scooped up the heavy blaster and clamped it onto his arm, his hand disappearing into the end of the end of the cannon. "Hey, this is light!"
Raul shrugged. "It's only an energy weapon. Next?"
Veemon bounded forward, knocking Izzy out of the way. "Hiya, Raul! Got any weapons I can use?!"
"Not really," Raul sighed. "Ulty told me not to give weapons to you. He's got a surprise for you though. Just step outside."
Veemon skipped away from the booth, and stopped a short distance outside the mess hall door. "Hey, Ulty? You here?"
Ultimanium dropped from the top of the open door and drove another needle into Veemon.
Ultimanium pocketed the needle, grinning. "Don't worry, Veemon. That's the last needle I'm giving you. I assure you, you are the most powerful Digimon alive right now, do you know that?"
Veemon stared at Ultimanium. "...um, no. Wait a minute, that last shot you gave me, that's what made me DNA digivolve, right?"
"No, that was the first one," Ultimanium snickered. "The second one and this one have yet to react with each other. Let's just say your Rookie form is going to be feeling Mega by tonight."
"What do you mean by that?"
"Give it time," Ultimanium laughed. Before Veemon could speak again, Ultimanium had already phased to the bridge.
"....ah, forget it." Veemon huffed.
Raul dropped a glowing white orb down onto the table. "C'mon, guys. Revel in your true power."
"What do you mean by that?" Agumon blurted.
Raul stood, the orb floating up to his chest.
"Digicores for all!!" Raul yelled, as the orb let loose a blast of rainbow light that sheeted the room.
Agumon.... warp digivolve to...
Patamon... warp digivolve to...
Gatomon... warp digivolve to...
Tentomon... warp digivolve to...
"This ain't normal, guys!" Seraphimon yelled as the white aura settled to the ground beneath him.
"I can't say I've felt power like this in ages!" HerculesKabuterimon gaped. "Still... I can't say the mess hall will retain its structure much longer if we stay like this..."
"It is a bit cramped in here..." Magnadramon said, in a powerfully deep voice. "Could we at least go back to normal for the time being?"
"You're telling me!" Wargreymon groaned, crushed against the wall by Magnadramon.
Raul rubbed his chin. "Hmm... good point."
HerculesKabuterimon was bending over just so his head wouldn't punch through the celing, Seraphimon was having trouble moving, the dragon Magnadramon took up nearly a quarter of the mess hall. Wargreymon was feeling it, of course. All four digimon returned to their Rookie levels, still woozy from the massive power surges they received at Mega level. "...trippy..." Patamon slurred, before collapsing.
Raul nodded. "Just to even things out a bit."
Agumon glanced back at his three fellow digimon, asleep from exhaustion. "What do you mean, 'to even things out'?"
"If you had any idea what power Veemon contains within him right now, you'd see why."
Everybody stood off in a corner, staring with wide eyes at the four digimon.
"Hey, any idea what we'll get?" Duo shouted.
"I'm heading down to the hangar right away," Raul responded. "I'd be more than happy to armor up the Gundams further, and maybe bless some of your weapons, if you're nice enough."
Duo grinned. "Sweeeet..."
"That is all," Raul spoke. "You have all been granted your enhancements, save for Takeru. I will be personally seeing to his reward. I trust you all want to get back to sleep. Good night, and I'll see you all at breakfast."
Everybody except for TK turned and started toward the turbolift. As TK turned to speak to Lord Raul, he spotted him and Magnus in a conversation.
"Hey, Raul. You got weapons for me?"
Raul grinned. "Of course." He took a pair of metallic-looking red gloves from under the table. Circuitry laced the surfaces of the gloves, pulsing with an eerie green glow. "We know you're a melee fighter. The most powerful fist weapon in existance - the Ehergiz."
As Magnus slid on the gloves, the glow expanded and a ring of green flame erupted around Magnus' knuckles. "Bitchin... That's raw Ki energy right there! How did you do that?"
"My secret."
Magnus shifted off to the bridge. Raul turned to his side to find TK standing there. "Oh, yes, Takeru. Would you like your weapon now?"
TK shrugged. "Is there a reason why I wouldn't?"
"I was wondering if you would be able to handle a sword with this heavy an enchantment..." He reached behind him and slowly drew his sword from a sheath on his back, it making a sharp ring as it uncovered itself. Raul gently lowered the sword down unto the table. "Takeru. I would like you to have this."
TK's eyes grew wide. "...But that's your sword!"
Raul shrugged. "Nah, I'm getting pretty tired of it. I've been wielding it for the past several millenia."
"But you..." TK froze. "...millenia?"
"The point is, I think my sword, the Sword of Truth, needs to find a new owner. I believe you have the mental and physical skills necessary to wield the Sword of Truth properly. Come with me, Takeru. I shall take you into the training gym. I need to tell you some basic guidelines using the Sword of Truth. Follow me." Raul walked around his table and headed for the turbolift.
TK glanced down on the gleaming longsword placed on the table ahead of him. It was a fair-sized sword, about an inch and a half across, and 3 feet long, with the blade narrowing at the top to a fine point. The handle was wrapped in standard smithing iron, but the word TRUTH was emblazoned on it in a gold-type substance. The hilt curved upwards at both ends in a cresent, various runic letters inscribed on it. TK reluctantly reached forward and picked up the blade. Immediately he could feel some force of light course through him momentarily, before subsiding. He lifted the surprisingly light sword onto this shoulder and left after Lord Raul.
"You wield the Sword of Truth," Raul spoke, command in his voice. "I hand down the title of Seeker to you."
Raul paced by TK, sitting on a bench in the gym. "The Sword of Truth hones an enchantment not like other swords. The Sword of Truth is a weapon of retribution. The system by which it deals damage is unique from other unique weapons. Let's keep it simple - the sword remains neutral, a sword just like any other, under normal circumstances. By placing you under the title of Seeker, I hand the power to affect the sword's action down to you. The sword will only exert its true power on those who you deem truly evil. As well, an amount of rage needs to be directed towards the target for the sword to do its maximum effect. On the opposite end of the scale, it is virtually harmless to those you align with the good guys, or friends. Against neutral forces, or enemies you have little knowledge of, the sword will perform normally, just as the Ragnarok."
TK scratched his arm. "The neutral part didn't hit me too hard."
"Look at me, Takeru," Raul said. "You don't know me. You don't really know my true meaning on the Argetlahm, do you? I could be plotting to backstab Ultimanium for all you know. Still, I have helped on multiple occasions, which clouds your vision."
"Well, now that you mention it, you do act pretty funny."
Raul spread his arms. "Do your worst, Takeru."
TK blinked. "...huh? You mean, like slash you?"
"Attack with the Sword of Truth, Takeru," Raul commanded. "If you cannot understand neutral through words, than experimentation is in order."
TK bit his lip. Hesitantly, he reached back behind him and picked up the Sword of Truth. He examined the blade for a short second, before jogging up to Raul with the Sword in hand, stopping several feet away from Lord Raul. Closing his eyes, he spun and struck Raul as hard as he could with the Sword, expecting to see the enchantment come into effect. Nothing happened.
"Exactly," Raul said, nodding. "That is the neutral effect of the sword." The sharp edge of the Sword had impacted harmlessly on Raul's thick armor. While his armor was generally tough, even a sword travelling at the velocity TK threw it would make a sizeable dent in it. No sign of damage was visible. "I see," Raul commented. "You trust me somewhat, yet not enough to merit on the Sword. That is all I will tell you about the Sword. As Seeker, it is imperative that you learn the remaining secrets of the Sword on your own."
TK glanced across the room to see Vegeta training by himself. "Just a second." Cautiously, TK snuck up slowly behind Vegeta, him throwing punches and kicks into the air. "Hey, Vegeta! Heads up!!"
Vegeta turned to face TK as he brought the bright blade down on Vegeta's head. As the Sword beckoned down unto Vegeta's skull, a small burst of light was released, and the Sword froze in the air where TK held it, a good several inches away from Vegeta. As much as TK attempted to push the blade forward, it stayed where it was.
"Stupid child!!" Vegeta screamed. "What are you trying to do, get me killed?! Get the hell out of here before I get angry!!"
"Yaaah! Geesh!" TK scowled, as he turned and left the room, heading to the turbolift to take a nap before breakfast.
"Sword, guide Takeru Takaishi." Raul mumbled.
Ultramagnus stood, staring out the small office window. The construction of the 3.5 Digital World headquarters on the continent of Server was almost complete, probably taking a couple of hours or more as his contractors finalized things up and polished his new sanctum to perfection, but until then, Ultramagnus had to settle with his small-business adobe. A formally-dressed android plodded slowly up to Ultramagnus and whispered something into his ear.
"Change of plans," Ultramagnus muttered. "What do you mean, 'change of plans'? I know perfectly what I am doing!"
"Sir," The android squeaked. "You have to understand that a full-out attack on the fourth dimension as we are will be futile. Our android forces top off at 20 million, and while that is a generally large military force, the combined arms of the world armed forces could easily crush that if they wanted to. We'd be able to deal an enormous amount of damage, but they would remain operative while we are left completely defenseless to the Argetlahm crew."
Ultramagnus threw his fists together with an echoing crack. "So, big deal! I'll deal with what's remaining if I have to."
The android shook his head. "You know that Ultimanium and his forces will come and fight you alone. And, with their recent enhancements, it would be probable to say you don't have a chance."
Ultramagnus threw a hand to his side and blew off the androids head with a Ki blast. "I didn't want to hear that."
Another android appeared in the doorway. "What he means to say is that getting into the fourth dimension from the 3.5 Digital World using a Digiport may not be the most forward advance on the 4D. R&D seems to want to talk to you. They say they've found an archeological find outside of Fort Draconia."
Ultramagnus sat down at his card table and took a walkie-talkie, painted a tan color, from among the different handsets on his table. "What did you guys get?"
"I don't know," A voice crackled out. "Some kind of funny-looking weird blue crystal. My men say that they found it underneath a caved-in waterfall."
Ultramagnus fell out of his seat, but quickly leaped back in. "A blue crystal? Underneath a waterfall? Tell me what this looks like, in detail."
"It's a funny-looking argon casing. It's got these weird, twisted spires coming out of it. The spires look like they're trying to protect some spherical crystal inside of the casing. The sphere has pentagon-shaped sides on it all over the place. Did I tell you it glows and hums?"
Ultramagnus' eyes grew wide. A grin slowly crept up his face. "I want you to get that on the plane and get it to Digiworld HQ as fast as possible."
"Yes, sir. Over and out." The voice crackled and stopped abruptly.
"What is this treasure they speak of, master?" The android cooed. "You sound like you know it well."
Ultramagnus reached behind him and opened a shelf, taking a jewellry case out of it. "Why, my friend, what they have in their posession is the greatest dimensionsplitting device in recorded history. Screw the J2, J3, J2000, even. I have the real thing coming my way!" He opened the case, basking the room in a dull orange glow. Ultramagnus dumped a pair of small orange balls with stars emblazoned on their surface onto the card table. "And I think I have a little idea how I can activate it. Once we have this 'blue orb' under my control, my army will finally be able to raid the fourth dimension with now effort at all, and the Argetlahm band be able to do nothing about it! Ultimanium and his little posse are doomed!!"
"Sir, do you really know what this orb is?"
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Ultramagnus glared up at the messenger android with a menacing grin on his face.
"Why, it's the Chrono Cross, of course."
If we know anything, it's that the Chrono Cross can deal some serious damage to space-time itself. Will the Argetlahm crew be able to stop Ultramagnus in time before he activates the Chrono Cross? Will Takeru face his fears and stand up to the challenge of Seeker? These answers and more on the next Argetlahm Adventures!!
Day 18, 2:30 AM
Raul - (Voiceover) Last time on the Argetlahm Adventures... our heroes trekked around the Argetlahm in search of flags to cash in at my bazaar, everybody kind of hoping for new weapons of some sort. Glad to say, many groups found theirs, so I see a lot of arms manufacturing in the future! And when arms are manufactured, yours truly makes a buck!
This chapter, Raul hands out the munitions... let's say some people are a bit TOO powerful, even for Ultimanium's tastes. However, it has to be realized that extreme power may just be needed to defeat Ultramagnus... his newest plan, invading the fourth dimension, has some schematics in it that may even be too much for Ultimanium himself! Can Ultimanium and his gang outfit the Argetlahm crew for the perils ahead? Read on, and find out!
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"Wakey wakey, everybody!!" Ultimanium yelled over the intercom. "Everybody get down to the mess hall now! Raul's got some presents for ya!"
Davis glared up. "About time!"
Conker looked wearily-eyed down on Davis. "If he was going to give us all rewards so late, we could have actually slept before we went down there."
All the male bunk members stumbled out of their bunks in a half-asleep stupor and drowsily stumbled over to the turbolift. "I sure as hell hope this is worth waking up for." Rodent slurred. "I need a damn better gun to use."
Veemon skipped ahead of everybody, hyperactive as he was. "Lessee.. what can I get... I know, I'll just ask for a huge battleaxe! That's it!"
"I don't really know if I could use a weapon," Goku sighed. "I'm way too accustomed to my bare hands..."
Vegeta folded his arms. "True warriors do not need weapons to do their fighting for them."
"With all the weapons being thrown around, I wouldn't mind one myself." Izzy commented. "I would like to try hand artillery some time."
The turbolift clicked to a halt, and everybody stepped out into the expansive mess hall. The turbolift across the room also slid to a stop and released its female passengers into the cafeteria. All the tables of the mess hall were stacked off to the side, save for 3 that were lined up in the center of the room. Behind it was an enormous rack of weaponry. Swords. Guns. Everything you could think of. Raul sat behind one of the tables with a cash register in front of him.
Kari drooped. "I thought we were getting freebies."
Raul nodded. "Whoever doesn't have weapons. If they want more, they'll have to pay for it. With a sizeable discount, of course. Everybody line up and I'll start issuing weapons. Chrono Cross personnel first."
Everybody else groaned as Serge, Kid and Karsh shoved their way to the front of the line. "Whatcha got?" Kid snapped. "Can ya find something to replace a Spectral Dagger?" Kid slid the gleaming prism knife across the table to Raul. Raul stared down on the table for a second before looking back up at her.
"I think you're pretty set for weapons." Raul said. "Just a second." He put his fingers to his mouth and whistled. Another rack slid out partially in front of the weapons one, lined with various sets of armor. "I trust you're a dexterous fighter," Raul laughed, eyeing a suit of heavy, dark blue armor at the far end. "Maybe you want something light?"
Kid shook her head. "Nothin' here's light. I'm not an armor person."
Raul took the helmet off the blue armor and tossed it to Kid. "Try this."
Kid prepared to brace herself to catch the heavy blue helmet, but caught it with relative ease. "Hey, this is light!"
"Mythril," Raul spoke. "Lightest armor a person can get. Moderate defense, though. It'll help more than that skirt will. Serge, toss me the Tetra Weapon." Raul put a hand up and caught the handle of the dual swallow. He took another Mastermune off the rack and charged it with a black and white light, both forming on opposite ends. With a blast of energy, Raul soldered the handle to the two of the Tetra Weapon. Now alongside the red, blue, yellow and green flaming blades, there were black and white ones. "Don't call it Tetra, call it Setra. Ah, yes, Karsh.." Raul struggled to lift a suit of purple-tinted armor off the rack, dropping it onto the table. "Adamantium armor. Toughest stuff you can get. It goes good with axes."
Serge, Kid and Karsh all carried away their new wares, Karsh struggling under the weight of the thick adamantium.
"Conker? Berri? Rodent?" Raul announced. "Can you all come up here?"
All three stood up to the table. "Whatcha got for us, Raul?" Conker asked.
Raul dipped beneath the table for a second, and rose again. He placed three small, pitch white balls on the table.
"We don't use bebe guns." Berri scowled.
Raul grinned. "I wouldn't take these lightly. Anti-matter shells. Before you shoot it, it looks like a white pea. Upon impact, the explosion radiates to... I would say around the size of Jupiter. One each. I'll keep them for now, though... I don't imagine dropping one of these would be too pretty for the Argetlahm."
All three walked away. "He's gotta be kidding." Rodent groaned. "No bullet's that powerful."
Conker frowned. "I don't know, I've seen those Raul and Ulty use some pretty weird techniques."
"Digidestined." Raul barked. Davis, Tai, Cody, Kari, Izzy and TK all rushed up to the table.
"Takeru," Raul spoke. "You aren't getting your weapon right now, I'll show it to you after. Trust me, it's something special." TK stumbled away, growling.
"This had better be worth it." TK moaned.
Raul folded his arms. "Alright. Davis, Tai, since you already have weapons I can't give you freebies. You can have a 65% discount, though."
Tai held out a plastic slip. "Do you take credit?"
Cody sweatdropped. "...Tai, where did you get that?"
"Berri's bunk, where else?" Tai said, nervously. "It was the only drawer that was open.. you can't blame me..." (A/N - Chapter 4)
Raul nodded. "Yeah," He passed a card scanner up to Tai. "Don't bother with the PIN, I can always just hack it.... okay, what are you getting?"
Tai threw his arm on Davis' shoulder. "Another Ragnarok for my friend here."
Davis twitched. "ANOTHER one?"
Raul slid another long dark greatsword across the table. "Going the double-sword route? Don't feel too worried, Dave, some of the greatest asskickers of medieval times were double-sword wielders."
Davis struggled to stay standing with Ragnaroks in each hand. "...it's not that.... it's... heavy!"
Raul turned back to Tai. "Anything for you?"
"Nah, I'll be alright," Tai shook his head. "We could use some of that Mythril Armor though."
"Coming right up." Mythril armor crashed to the ground in front of Tai and Davis. Both digidestined eyed the armor ravenously before scooping it up to try it on.
Cody glanced down at the floor. "I don't think there's much here for me."
"You're only saying that because you can't afford it," Raul laughed. "If I give you the same discounts would it change your opinion any?"
Cody's eyes brightened. "Do you have anything that would suit me?"
"Oh, yeah, you're a Kendo initiate, I forgot. Here, I have just the thing for you." Raul reached over and detatched an obscenely long samurai sword from the rack and placed it onto the table. "A traditional Japanese sword would do the trick. They call it Murasame."
Cody glared down on the 5 foot long samurai blade with glossy eyes. Even throughout his days in Kendo class, no one was stupid enough to lend him a real sword to practice with. Glowing with enthusiasm, Cody swiped the blade up with surprising grace and joined his friends.
Izzy stepped up. "You have anything for me? Any good guns?"
Raul nodded. "Ah, yes. Izzy. Artillery, you said?" He stood and removed a clamp-like apparatus from the top of the weapon shelf and placed it down on the table. It had extremely complicated laser sighting equipment on the side, dwarfed by the 180mm cannon that lied immediately in front of it.
"Gods!" Izzy yelped. "What is that?"
Raul rapped down hard on the device. "They call these things Gunarms... hand mounted heavy weapons. I saved the best model energy Gunarm I had for you. Izzy, I present you the Missing Score."
Izzy glanced questioningly at the Gunarm for a second. He scooped up the heavy blaster and clamped it onto his arm, his hand disappearing into the end of the end of the cannon. "Hey, this is light!"
Raul shrugged. "It's only an energy weapon. Next?"
Veemon bounded forward, knocking Izzy out of the way. "Hiya, Raul! Got any weapons I can use?!"
"Not really," Raul sighed. "Ulty told me not to give weapons to you. He's got a surprise for you though. Just step outside."
Veemon skipped away from the booth, and stopped a short distance outside the mess hall door. "Hey, Ulty? You here?"
Ultimanium dropped from the top of the open door and drove another needle into Veemon.
Ultimanium pocketed the needle, grinning. "Don't worry, Veemon. That's the last needle I'm giving you. I assure you, you are the most powerful Digimon alive right now, do you know that?"
Veemon stared at Ultimanium. "...um, no. Wait a minute, that last shot you gave me, that's what made me DNA digivolve, right?"
"No, that was the first one," Ultimanium snickered. "The second one and this one have yet to react with each other. Let's just say your Rookie form is going to be feeling Mega by tonight."
"What do you mean by that?"
"Give it time," Ultimanium laughed. Before Veemon could speak again, Ultimanium had already phased to the bridge.
"....ah, forget it." Veemon huffed.
Raul dropped a glowing white orb down onto the table. "C'mon, guys. Revel in your true power."
"What do you mean by that?" Agumon blurted.
Raul stood, the orb floating up to his chest.
"Digicores for all!!" Raul yelled, as the orb let loose a blast of rainbow light that sheeted the room.
Agumon.... warp digivolve to...
Patamon... warp digivolve to...
Gatomon... warp digivolve to...
Tentomon... warp digivolve to...
"This ain't normal, guys!" Seraphimon yelled as the white aura settled to the ground beneath him.
"I can't say I've felt power like this in ages!" HerculesKabuterimon gaped. "Still... I can't say the mess hall will retain its structure much longer if we stay like this..."
"It is a bit cramped in here..." Magnadramon said, in a powerfully deep voice. "Could we at least go back to normal for the time being?"
"You're telling me!" Wargreymon groaned, crushed against the wall by Magnadramon.
Raul rubbed his chin. "Hmm... good point."
HerculesKabuterimon was bending over just so his head wouldn't punch through the celing, Seraphimon was having trouble moving, the dragon Magnadramon took up nearly a quarter of the mess hall. Wargreymon was feeling it, of course. All four digimon returned to their Rookie levels, still woozy from the massive power surges they received at Mega level. "...trippy..." Patamon slurred, before collapsing.
Raul nodded. "Just to even things out a bit."
Agumon glanced back at his three fellow digimon, asleep from exhaustion. "What do you mean, 'to even things out'?"
"If you had any idea what power Veemon contains within him right now, you'd see why."
Everybody stood off in a corner, staring with wide eyes at the four digimon.
"Hey, any idea what we'll get?" Duo shouted.
"I'm heading down to the hangar right away," Raul responded. "I'd be more than happy to armor up the Gundams further, and maybe bless some of your weapons, if you're nice enough."
Duo grinned. "Sweeeet..."
"That is all," Raul spoke. "You have all been granted your enhancements, save for Takeru. I will be personally seeing to his reward. I trust you all want to get back to sleep. Good night, and I'll see you all at breakfast."
Everybody except for TK turned and started toward the turbolift. As TK turned to speak to Lord Raul, he spotted him and Magnus in a conversation.
"Hey, Raul. You got weapons for me?"
Raul grinned. "Of course." He took a pair of metallic-looking red gloves from under the table. Circuitry laced the surfaces of the gloves, pulsing with an eerie green glow. "We know you're a melee fighter. The most powerful fist weapon in existance - the Ehergiz."
As Magnus slid on the gloves, the glow expanded and a ring of green flame erupted around Magnus' knuckles. "Bitchin... That's raw Ki energy right there! How did you do that?"
"My secret."
Magnus shifted off to the bridge. Raul turned to his side to find TK standing there. "Oh, yes, Takeru. Would you like your weapon now?"
TK shrugged. "Is there a reason why I wouldn't?"
"I was wondering if you would be able to handle a sword with this heavy an enchantment..." He reached behind him and slowly drew his sword from a sheath on his back, it making a sharp ring as it uncovered itself. Raul gently lowered the sword down unto the table. "Takeru. I would like you to have this."
TK's eyes grew wide. "...But that's your sword!"
Raul shrugged. "Nah, I'm getting pretty tired of it. I've been wielding it for the past several millenia."
"But you..." TK froze. "...millenia?"
"The point is, I think my sword, the Sword of Truth, needs to find a new owner. I believe you have the mental and physical skills necessary to wield the Sword of Truth properly. Come with me, Takeru. I shall take you into the training gym. I need to tell you some basic guidelines using the Sword of Truth. Follow me." Raul walked around his table and headed for the turbolift.
TK glanced down on the gleaming longsword placed on the table ahead of him. It was a fair-sized sword, about an inch and a half across, and 3 feet long, with the blade narrowing at the top to a fine point. The handle was wrapped in standard smithing iron, but the word TRUTH was emblazoned on it in a gold-type substance. The hilt curved upwards at both ends in a cresent, various runic letters inscribed on it. TK reluctantly reached forward and picked up the blade. Immediately he could feel some force of light course through him momentarily, before subsiding. He lifted the surprisingly light sword onto this shoulder and left after Lord Raul.
"You wield the Sword of Truth," Raul spoke, command in his voice. "I hand down the title of Seeker to you."
Raul paced by TK, sitting on a bench in the gym. "The Sword of Truth hones an enchantment not like other swords. The Sword of Truth is a weapon of retribution. The system by which it deals damage is unique from other unique weapons. Let's keep it simple - the sword remains neutral, a sword just like any other, under normal circumstances. By placing you under the title of Seeker, I hand the power to affect the sword's action down to you. The sword will only exert its true power on those who you deem truly evil. As well, an amount of rage needs to be directed towards the target for the sword to do its maximum effect. On the opposite end of the scale, it is virtually harmless to those you align with the good guys, or friends. Against neutral forces, or enemies you have little knowledge of, the sword will perform normally, just as the Ragnarok."
TK scratched his arm. "The neutral part didn't hit me too hard."
"Look at me, Takeru," Raul said. "You don't know me. You don't really know my true meaning on the Argetlahm, do you? I could be plotting to backstab Ultimanium for all you know. Still, I have helped on multiple occasions, which clouds your vision."
"Well, now that you mention it, you do act pretty funny."
Raul spread his arms. "Do your worst, Takeru."
TK blinked. "...huh? You mean, like slash you?"
"Attack with the Sword of Truth, Takeru," Raul commanded. "If you cannot understand neutral through words, than experimentation is in order."
TK bit his lip. Hesitantly, he reached back behind him and picked up the Sword of Truth. He examined the blade for a short second, before jogging up to Raul with the Sword in hand, stopping several feet away from Lord Raul. Closing his eyes, he spun and struck Raul as hard as he could with the Sword, expecting to see the enchantment come into effect. Nothing happened.
"Exactly," Raul said, nodding. "That is the neutral effect of the sword." The sharp edge of the Sword had impacted harmlessly on Raul's thick armor. While his armor was generally tough, even a sword travelling at the velocity TK threw it would make a sizeable dent in it. No sign of damage was visible. "I see," Raul commented. "You trust me somewhat, yet not enough to merit on the Sword. That is all I will tell you about the Sword. As Seeker, it is imperative that you learn the remaining secrets of the Sword on your own."
TK glanced across the room to see Vegeta training by himself. "Just a second." Cautiously, TK snuck up slowly behind Vegeta, him throwing punches and kicks into the air. "Hey, Vegeta! Heads up!!"
Vegeta turned to face TK as he brought the bright blade down on Vegeta's head. As the Sword beckoned down unto Vegeta's skull, a small burst of light was released, and the Sword froze in the air where TK held it, a good several inches away from Vegeta. As much as TK attempted to push the blade forward, it stayed where it was.
"Stupid child!!" Vegeta screamed. "What are you trying to do, get me killed?! Get the hell out of here before I get angry!!"
"Yaaah! Geesh!" TK scowled, as he turned and left the room, heading to the turbolift to take a nap before breakfast.
"Sword, guide Takeru Takaishi." Raul mumbled.
Ultramagnus stood, staring out the small office window. The construction of the 3.5 Digital World headquarters on the continent of Server was almost complete, probably taking a couple of hours or more as his contractors finalized things up and polished his new sanctum to perfection, but until then, Ultramagnus had to settle with his small-business adobe. A formally-dressed android plodded slowly up to Ultramagnus and whispered something into his ear.
"Change of plans," Ultramagnus muttered. "What do you mean, 'change of plans'? I know perfectly what I am doing!"
"Sir," The android squeaked. "You have to understand that a full-out attack on the fourth dimension as we are will be futile. Our android forces top off at 20 million, and while that is a generally large military force, the combined arms of the world armed forces could easily crush that if they wanted to. We'd be able to deal an enormous amount of damage, but they would remain operative while we are left completely defenseless to the Argetlahm crew."
Ultramagnus threw his fists together with an echoing crack. "So, big deal! I'll deal with what's remaining if I have to."
The android shook his head. "You know that Ultimanium and his forces will come and fight you alone. And, with their recent enhancements, it would be probable to say you don't have a chance."
Ultramagnus threw a hand to his side and blew off the androids head with a Ki blast. "I didn't want to hear that."
Another android appeared in the doorway. "What he means to say is that getting into the fourth dimension from the 3.5 Digital World using a Digiport may not be the most forward advance on the 4D. R&D seems to want to talk to you. They say they've found an archeological find outside of Fort Draconia."
Ultramagnus sat down at his card table and took a walkie-talkie, painted a tan color, from among the different handsets on his table. "What did you guys get?"
"I don't know," A voice crackled out. "Some kind of funny-looking weird blue crystal. My men say that they found it underneath a caved-in waterfall."
Ultramagnus fell out of his seat, but quickly leaped back in. "A blue crystal? Underneath a waterfall? Tell me what this looks like, in detail."
"It's a funny-looking argon casing. It's got these weird, twisted spires coming out of it. The spires look like they're trying to protect some spherical crystal inside of the casing. The sphere has pentagon-shaped sides on it all over the place. Did I tell you it glows and hums?"
Ultramagnus' eyes grew wide. A grin slowly crept up his face. "I want you to get that on the plane and get it to Digiworld HQ as fast as possible."
"Yes, sir. Over and out." The voice crackled and stopped abruptly.
"What is this treasure they speak of, master?" The android cooed. "You sound like you know it well."
Ultramagnus reached behind him and opened a shelf, taking a jewellry case out of it. "Why, my friend, what they have in their posession is the greatest dimensionsplitting device in recorded history. Screw the J2, J3, J2000, even. I have the real thing coming my way!" He opened the case, basking the room in a dull orange glow. Ultramagnus dumped a pair of small orange balls with stars emblazoned on their surface onto the card table. "And I think I have a little idea how I can activate it. Once we have this 'blue orb' under my control, my army will finally be able to raid the fourth dimension with now effort at all, and the Argetlahm band be able to do nothing about it! Ultimanium and his little posse are doomed!!"
"Sir, do you really know what this orb is?"
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Ultramagnus glared up at the messenger android with a menacing grin on his face.
"Why, it's the Chrono Cross, of course."
If we know anything, it's that the Chrono Cross can deal some serious damage to space-time itself. Will the Argetlahm crew be able to stop Ultramagnus in time before he activates the Chrono Cross? Will Takeru face his fears and stand up to the challenge of Seeker? These answers and more on the next Argetlahm Adventures!!