Digimon Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The Second Annual Mediaminer.org Big Fanfiction Contest/Award Ceremony/Oscars/Emmies/Golden Globes Thingie! ❯ Suspense ( Chapter 5 )
Special thanks to all participants
Special thanks to all judges
Special thanks to Microsoft for sponsoring this event
Special thanks to NBC for letting us have their auditorium
Special thanks to all the fans of Doctor Who
No thanks to Brannon Braga and Rick Berman for ruining Star Trek
No thanks to the people who made the movie Quest for Fire. I mean, for God's sakes...
Fanilia came on stage, smiling happily. "Welcome back, everybody! Our next category is Suspense, the ever-ticking time bomb of- hey, wait a minute, wasn't Action and Adventure supposed to be next?"
Psy came onstage and whispered into her ear before leaving the stage.
"Oh." Fan said, sighing. "It seems Lady Mars did not send the winners for Action/Adventure, so we wish to convey our deepest apologies to those of you who submitted entries and did not receive a winner. Please contact PsyWeedle or myself if you wish to still be compensated in some way. And now for the winners of Suspense, here's Veggie Trunks-"
Psy came running on stage, whispering into Fan's ear once more. She sighed and lowered her head to the podium, annoyed by yet another turn of events. Psy ran away as Fan brought her head back up to the microphone.
"Okay, it would appear that Veggie Trunks didn't send Psy the winner of this category, but you know what? There were only two entries anyway for one of the two awards, so, you know what? Lady Pesh and Shaneyell BOTH win! There, ya happy now you heartless bastards?! As soon as I find VT I'm going to..."
Fan mumbled and growled as she walked off stage. Psy winced and took the podium, biting his lower lip.
"So, um, yeah, Lady Pesh's story `The Ember' and Shaneyell's story `True Protector' are the joint winners of the He's Got a Gun! Award. So, I'm sorry about all of this, and I hope there won't be any more problems for tonight. Stay tuned, all of you perverts and geeks out there, since now we're moving onto the hentai section!"
The shadowed- actually, they lit up the room to see where they were going, but I'm still not going to tell you who's talking, so nyah.
"Mwahahahaa! Our sabotage is going perfectly!"
"Yes, and the Mistress has arrived! She's HERE!"