Digimon Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The Second Annual Mediaminer.org Big Fanfiction Contest/Award Ceremony/Oscars/Emmies/Golden Globes Thingie! ❯ Conclusion ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

"Prepare for trouble!"

"And this time it's double!"

Ash, from one of the tables, perked his ears up.

"Team Rocket?" he called out.

The lights suddenly came back on. It wasn't Team Rocket from Pokémon. It was, in fact, three horribly evil entities that had appeared and were now more than ready to continue their minor disruptions that they had caused throughout the show! Well, not really throughout, more like just at the beginning, but still, it was kind of evil what they did and what they were.

Well, okay, it wasn't evil.

The truth is, they were three staple guns. One of them was white, one was red, and the other was black. Everyone facefaulted at the same time, annoyed by the fact that the three staplers that had disrupted last year's show were back once again.

"Yes!" the white one shouted. "Fear our evil new forms!"

"We've digivolved!" the red one laughed.

Psy stared at them. "You're Digimon?"

The staple guns stared at Psy.

"No, of we're course we're not. Wait, what?" the black one asked, tilting itself to the side in confusion.

"Oh, for crying out loud, didn't you get the idea last time that we didn't want you around?" Psy asked, helping Fanilia back up.

"Indeed, we did lose last year to your weapon Mr. T. However, this time, we were recruited by a dark mistress who you wronged, Psy!" the red staple gun yelled.

"Who?" Psy asked, scratching his head.


All eyes turned onto the dark figure that had now walked onstage. She had pale skin with dark hair, and demonic wings that sprung forth from her back. Her entire body reeked of lust and pure, raw sexuality. She was the Dark Mother, the First. She was also from the fic A Shade Darker by Elf No Shin.

"Lilith." Elf sneered from the audience.

"That is correct, author who gave me life. I have come back in search of revenge against Psy, the one who wronged me last year after he fired a shotgun into my face. The staplers found my corpse and stapled me back together, leaving my face the stapled mess that I look like now." Lilith growled.

Fanilia raised an eyebrow and blinked. "But you haven't got any staples on your face."

"SILENCE!" Lilith yelled. "Staple guns, distract Mr. T!"

The staple guns responded in kind, leaping at Mr. T, who tried to bat them away without much success. Lilith began walking towards Louis, who merely stood and smiled at the approaching woman. Just as she was about to slash her hand across his face, two fists slammed into either side of her head, one with strength and power, the other with electricity and metal.

Lilith fell to the ground in pain and looked up at her assailaints. The first was a boy no older than fourteen, with a golden gauntlet wrapped around his right arm. Electrical sparks danced around it before shimmering away. The other was a taller man, mid-twenties. He wore a brownleather jacket, brown leather pants, and wore long, blonde hair. Psy grinned and put his arms one the shoulders of the two.

"Lilith, allow you to meet my associates in case Mr. T was incapacitated." He said.

Psy pointed to the fourteen year-old. "This is Louis Williamson, AKA the Linkara from my Angel Armor book. That gauntlet was imbued by angels and has a nasty defense mechanism for shooting out electricity at anything that touches it except him."

Psy then pointed to the leather-clad man. "This is Ace Rimmer from the Red Dwarf TV series. He spouts off one-liners as he saves the universe countless times over and has a habit of being brave, charming, and overall fabulous. What a guy."

Psy then grinned down at Lilith. "Louis? Ace? Care to take care of this woman?"

Ace grinned. "Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

The two lunged at her, and Ace immediately got her in a vice grip. Lilith struggled against his arms as Louis' gauntlet extended a blade from itself, as if it were a katar. He aimed the blade right at Lilith's face.

"Life's a bitch..." Ace said.

"...And so are you." Louis finished.

And with that, Louis rammed the blade through Lilith's face, killing her instantly. They dropped her dead carcass to the ground and scraped the dust off their hands in victory. Meanwhile, Mr. T was crushing the staple guns in his hands.

"I pity da fool who sends staplers at me!"

"We're not staplers, we're-" the white staple gun tried to say.

"Shut up, FOOL! What'd I tell you last year about drinkin' milk?!"

And with that, Mr. T destroyed the staple guns forever and ever. After that, all the judges came out on stage and bowed to the audience, who had long-since lost interest.

Thanks again, everyone! And to all the winners, remember - your place is now set in the Featured Fanfiction section until they are replaced by something better!