Digimon Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Hazards through the sand ❯ Prologue: New beginnings ( Prologue )
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Hey everyone, here is my first Gundam wing/Digimon 04 cross, totally screwing with ages and when things happened; yet another twisted fic for all you to read.
Note: Ages for Prologue:
When Gundam wing/endless waltz happened:
Quatre: 12 Duo: 13 Heero: 13 Wufei: 14 Trowa:
Ages when Digimon 03 happened:
Takato: 13 Rika: 13 Henry: 14 Ryo: 15
Hazards through the sand
By Firehedgehog
Prologue: New beginnings
Quatre winced as the space shuttle he was in began to enter the Earth's atmosphere; he knew this wasn't good. This shuttle was the colony to colony type; it didn't have the right built in shielding to survive the entrance to the atmosphere.
The normally platinum haired boy wanted to swear the situation was so dire, but he wouldn't... after all after fighting in the wars with the other pilots he was not afraid of his own death.
Thankfully he would be the only one to die in this trip; everyone else had been taken off the shuttle only an hour before. He remembered the sleeping gas leaking into the compartment; the grogginess that over took him as it dragged him into the darkness of his own mind.
When he awoke he was alone, the rest of the shuttle was empty... even of the pilots. He remembered finding the shuttle guidance system destroyed with one last coordinate in it.
He was to die and there wasn't even any way to contact the other pilots, as the place heated up he took one look out the window... below the earth was a beautiful sight. His last sight he knew, he closed his eyes a sad smile on his angelic like face... then the shuttle shook and a painful darkness overtook him.
For hours upon hours the four Gundam pilots searched the wreckage for their friends body, yet nothing was found. They searched for days; yet with no clue of where Quatre body could be found.
Finally they came to the final conclusion, if Quatre had been dead they would have found his body, after all while the atmospheric entrance should have killed him there would still be a body.
So where was it; so they came to their conclusion and the right one... Quatre was live... but the question was where had he vanished.
One year later:
Takato sighed and he thumped himself onto his bed, another boring all too normal day at school. Thankfully he and the other Tamers had met after at Guilmons shed, boy had his partner been happy to see him... but Guilmon was always like that.
He ran a hand through his messy hair his eyes watching this as best as he could; it was then that his eyes caught sight of something. He sighed and walked to his room's mirror, just as he thought.
A streak of Platinum blond hair was just barely showing, looked like the dye was starting to come out. The goggled boy sighed; he would have to bye more... or show everyone his real colouring.
He shivered at that thought; for some reason he was paranoid of showing people his real hair and eye colouring. He had been so paranoid that his adoptive parents had suggested to dye it... it had helped.
Takato only wished that he could remember the reason he was so paranoid about his true appearance. But that wouldn't happen; for one thing one year ago he had woken up in a local Japanese hospital with total amnesia... no one knew who he was. With the wars with the colonies just over paperwork had been lost... lots of it, so it wasn't that hard to believe that his life had probably been lost due to all the files lost in the war.
Takato sighed again; he had to stop thinking such depressing thoughts. Feeling sleepy the thirteen-year old pulled out his reddish-brown contacts, gentle green-blue eyes were revealed.
`I'll get the dye tomorrow' Takato thought, and with that Takato who had once gone by another name fell asleep his past forgotten.
FH: If you haven't figure it out Takato is an amnesic Quatre, as for the age thing I wanted Takato to have time to grow up with the tamers some before the real story started... that is why everyone in Gundam wing are so young.
R.Calumon: Okay everyone, slash or not straight... so send in the votes on who should be with who.
Ja ne