Digimon Fan Fiction / Gunsmith Cats Fan Fiction ❯ The Freak ❯ Pure Blood ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

At D's house, D and Jun were together in D's room, talking

"Are you sure you want to do this?" D asked. "You know that once its done, there's no turning back."

"Yes, I want to be with you forever." Jun said.

"We might not be together forever you know." D said.

"I'm willing to risk that." Jun said. "But I think we will. I love you."

"I love you too Jun, but I just want to make sure." D said.

"I'm positive." Jun said.

"Very well." D said. Just as he finished, he moved in and bit Jun's neck. As he was sucking her blood, he felt a rush.

'WHOA! Only one type of blood can do this to me!' D thought.

'OH MY GOD! I FEEL WONDERFUL!' Jun thought as she felt as if she was being reborn. The experience she was feeling was pure bliss as she felt D sucking her blood from her neck. When D stopped, both were exhausted.

"That… was… great." Jun said. Just then, she felt a sharp pain. "AHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

"Jun, I'm here. The pain is normal, especially with your type of blood." D said.

"My… type? AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Jun said as another burst of sharp pain came.

"You're a pure blood Jun. A pure blood is someone who, in every past life, has done nothing but good deeds." D said.

"What? But… what does that have… AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Jun couldn't finish do to the final and sharpest pain she has ever felt.

"When ever a pure blood is bitten, they change." D said.

"Into what?" Jun said. "And why do I feel weird?"

"Jun, there's something I have to show you." D said as he left the room. He returned a few minutes later with a mirror.

"D, I won't be able to see my self." Jun said.

"Yes you will. You see, this type of mirror detects magic and supernatural elements. For example, it shows the demon form of a friend possessed." D said. "They can try to deny being possessed or controlled by magic, but the mirror never lies."

"So you're saying…" Jun said.

"This is the only way vampires can see themselves. They're very rare." D said. He flashed the mirror, and Jun saw her self.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH! WHAT DID YOU TURN ME INTO?!" Jun said. Her new form looked like a little like Rouge the Bat from Sonic Adventure 2 (Sans the out fit, she's still wearing her school fuku).

"I didn't know that you were a pure blood." D said. "That's the side effect. Vampires usualy find out that their date's a pure blood when it's too late. I'm sorry. But…"

"SORRY?! SORRY?! I'M A FREAK! I CAN'T GO OUT LIKE THIS! I WANT TO BE NORMAL!" Jun said. Just then, she felt weird again and turned back to normal. "How?" Jun asked.

"That's what I was trying to say." D said. "Pure blood transform into bat creatures like wears transform into their animal. There are some advantages."

"Like?" Jun asked.

"Come with me to the roof." D said.

"Why?" Jun said.

"You'll see." D said smiling.

*************************************************************** *********

On the roof, Jun is still skeptical.

"What are you…?" Jun couldn't finish though, as she was stunned by seeing D with huge bat wings, floating in mid air.

"This is one of the advantages Jun. You can do it too." D said.

"I don't know." Jun said.

"Jun, trust me." D said.

"Alright." Jun said as she transformed again, closed her eyes, and opened her wings.

"Open your eyes Jun." D said. Jun opened them and saw D's smile and that she too was flying.

"OH MY GOD! I'M FLYING! I'M ACTUALLY FLYING!" Jun said excitedly.

"Was there any doubt?" D said. "I think its time you saw this town in a whole new way."

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"OH MAN! THIS IS AWSOME!" Jun said as she did mid air tricks and felt nothing but pure joy as she and D flew around the town.

"Hey, look!" D said. They looked down and saw Tai and Sora sharing a shake and smiling at each other.

"I knew they'd get back together." Jun said.

"That's nothing. Look over there." D said as he saw TK and Kari walking around the town arm and arm.

"Can't you just feel the love?" D said.

"I can see it over here." Jun said as she and D saw Izzy and Mimi leaving the movies.

"God, it's like that song. Love IS everywhere." Jun said.

"Even up here." D said just before he and Jun kissed. However, something cached Jun's eye.

"D! LOOK!" D looked and saw Tom attacking a woman.

"I see him." D said as D and Jun moved in and landed and shrunk their wings into their backs. Jun however turned totally back to normal.

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"Come on baby. Once you go Oni or Vampire, you never go back." Tom said at the blonde woman.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" The woman shouted as she ran. However, Tom cut her off.

"Now, how about a kiss?" Tom said.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH! HELP ME!" The woman said.

"KISS THIS!" D said as he came out of no where and side kicked Tom so hard, that he crashed into a brick wall, leaving the woman time to run.

"YOU!" Tom said. "Why do you waste time with them? They're nothing but our toys." Tom said.

"To me, they're my friends." D said.

"Why do you fight for them? You're book has you as their murderer Dracula." Tom said.

"That was fiction. This is reality." D said as he tried to punch Tom, but he dodged it and D hit the wall. Tom then spotted Jun and grabbed her.

"One more step and I'll kill her Dracula." Tom said. "And this time I'm not bribing."

"And this time, you don't have a normal human." D said. Upon saying that Jun smiled knowing what to do.

"What?" Tom said shocked as Jun transformed into the bat creature, and tossed Tom on to the ground. He immediately got up, only to be side kicked by Jun and knocked out.

"I'm a pure blood." Jun said smiling.

*************************************************************** *********

A few minutes later, Tom was being arrested by the police, and D and Jun was talking to the officer in charge of the arrest.

"We'll notify you if he knows anything about this 'New Order' D." The officer said.

"Thanks." D replied. He then checked to see if the coast is clear.

"Ready to go home?" Jun asked.

"Not yet. I have one more thing for you to see." D said as they flew off.

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"OH WOW!" Jun said as she saw the whole city from the top of the Tokyo Tower.

"Bet they don't let you stay on the roof during the tours." D said.

"No. WOW! This is a great view." Jun said. D just looked at her and kissed Jun.

"I love you." D said.

"And I love you." Jun said. And the two left the tower and headed for D's house.