Digimon Fan Fiction / Gunsmith Cats Fan Fiction ❯ The Freak ❯ Strike Two ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"GET A WAY FROM HER!" Matt yelled as he shoved Tai.

"MATT! All we did was dance!" Sora said.

"YOU'RE SUPOSSED TO DANCE WITH ME! YOU'RE MY GIRL!" Matt shouted as he grabbed Sora's wrist.

"Matt, you're hurting me! Let me go!" Sora said trying to break free of Matt's grip.

"Matt, let her go, you're hurting and scaring her!" Mimi said.

"SHUT UP YOU DITZ!" Matt shouted.

"MATT! I suggest you calm down or…" D said as he was about to grab Matt, but Matt…


…hit D so hard, he literally flew across the room, and…


…landed on a table.

"T-that's not possible!" Joe said.

"Not unless you're a werewolf." Matt said as he transformed into his gijinka form. "Lets go." He said as he took Sora with him.

"MATT?! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!" TK asked out of shock.

"NO! LET ME GO!" Sora said.

"LET HER GO MATT!" Tai said as he leaped on to his back, but Matt grabbed Tai and tossed him half way across the room. Mimi tried a sidekick, but Matt grabbed her leg, pulled her in, grabbed her neck, and chock slammed Mimi to the dance floor.

"MIMI!" Izzy shouted while everyone was taken aback. Izzy then tried to stop Matt, but got a fist in the face.

"Losers. Now, honey, let me take you home." Matt said.

"NO! GET AWAY FROM ME!" Sora shouted.

"NO! YOU'RE MINE!" Matt said.

"NO!" Was heard after that. Then everyone saw D get up, and jump over Matt so high, he almost touched the ceiling, and landed facing Matt, and showing his fangs.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!" Ken shouted.

"ITS D! AND HE'S A VAMPIRE!" Cody shouted.

"In all the centuries I've existed in, when ever a woman said no, they mean no!" D said. "So let her go!"

"NO WAY DRACULA! SORA'S MINE!" Matt shouted, as he went into a full werewolf form.

"DRACULA?!" All the DD's said out excitement.

"So, D is not just a vampire, he's Dracula?" Yolie asked.

"He's not the only one with fangs!" Tai said, as he, Mimi, and Izzy showed their fangs ready to fight.

"D, be careful!" Jun said.

"Trust me." D responded.

"You think you can take me down?" Matt said. "Not while I have her!" He then scratched Sora.



"No, you turn into a wear when you are scratched, but it you don't nessarily transform into the were that scratched you." D said. "She can turn into a wolf, a fox, or a cat." D said.

"SORA!" Tai yelled. "Matt, why?"

"BECAUSE SHE'S MINE!" Matt yelled.

"Just because you scratched her doesn't' make her yours." Tai said.

"SHUT UP FANG BREATH!" Matt said as he hit Tai with a right hook.

"TAI!" Kari yelled as she rushed Matt. But Matt grabbed her and slashed her.

"KARI!" TK said as he was about to lunge for Matt, but Davis and the others stopped him.

"TK, you'll wind up as hurt as Kari." Davis said.

"Best you leave this fight to D and the others." Cody said.

"And us." A female vampire said as half the club tried to rush for Matt.

"YOU WANNA PIECE OF ME?!" Matt said. "COME ON!" And, one at a time, member after member rushed Matt, but Matt took them down with blow after blow.

"WHO ELSE WANTS SOME?!" Matt asked, and he got his answer…


…when Mimi jump kicked him, causing Matt's nose to bleed. D noticed the blood.

"KEEP HIM DISTRACTED!" D said as he rushed for the blood.

"D?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Jun asked.

"NO TIME!" D said as he drew a circle in Matt's blood as Tai punched Matt in the jaw.

"THAT was for Kari and Sora." Tai said.

"YOU LITTLE…" Matt said, but a werefox tackled him before he could finish as D drew a diamond in the circle.

"WHAT EVER YOU'RE DOING D, HURRY!" Jun said as D drew a plus sign through the pattern.

"DONE!" D said.

"YOU ARE GOING…" Matt said, but then he flew out of the club before he could finish.

"What did you draw?" Jun said.

"That symbol means 'All aren't welcomed.'" D said. "However, for a specific person, you have to draw it in that person's blood. It then sends that person out side, and a force field that blocks that person is formed."

"LET ME IN!" Matt shouted as all ran outside to see.


"LET ME IN OR I'LL KILL YOU!" Matt said.

"That little out burst was strike two. Come back in a year, or when you've curbed that temper." D said.

"Matt, you need help. What if you killed Sora?" Mimi asked.

"Or TK." Tai said.

"Or Kari." Jun said. This caused Matt to look at what he did, and turn back to normal.

"I-I…" Matt said.

"I'm sorry Matt, but you're out for the year, no exceptions." D said. As Matt left, in shock over what he did. But…



"CRUD! It's happening already." D said.

"What?" Jun said.

"Kari and Sora are transforming." D said.