Digimon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ *~The TAD Fics~* ❯ Ash and Misty get a Tad Scarred for Life ( Chapter 8 )
DISCLAIMER: Don't own Pokémon I borrowed them and then scarred them all for life (*laughs*)
NOTES: I thought of this while having a conversation online about Henati sites. Now I'm a person who gets a little nervous round these kinda...er....things and I have seen a few (*cough*) pictures which will assure the fact that I'll never look at butch, cassidy or Mondo the same EVER again! I learnt my lesson! So I wrote a fic about making the twerp trio see one of these sites (*laughs insanely*) I AM SO EVIL!!!!!!!
It's another lovely day in the Pokémon world. Ash and his twerpy little friends are taking the time to visit Professor Oak in his laboratory in Pallet town.
"NO BROCK! I wanna look at the Pokémon trainer sites" moaned Ash, as he and Brock fought over Professor oaks brand new computer.
"No ASH I'm looking at Pokémon breeding sites" Brock snapped back.
As they fought Misty took a look at what was on the screen.
"Hey Brock, since when did Pokémon breeding have anything to do with Prima being naked?" she asked her squinty eyed friend. Brock just developed a sweatdrop and blushed, then he quickly clicked off the site. Togepi, who was sat by the computer just sighed and looked at Brock.
Brock just snorted at the evil egg. "Well at least I don't take secret pictures of Jesse and James NAKED!!!!"
"So sue me, it's a hobby!" Togepi snapped back. "Anyway you can talk, you take pictures of Misty when she's in the shower!!!!"
Misty's face just froze as those words came out of her young togepi's mouth. "What ... did ... you ... say?" She then got angry and pushed Brock out of the chair and sat down in front of the computer. Brock just lay dazed on the floor and Ash groaned.
"When do I get my turn!!!!!!"
"QUIET YOU!!!!" Misty snapped, making Ash cower with fear. she then began to surf the net. Eventually she hit a site which was called "HENTAI PICTURES". Misty looked at it looking all confused, then turned to her friends.
"Hey guys...." she began. "...what does "Hentai" mean?"
"Isn't that when Tai from Digimon has a hen on his head?" guessed Ash.
"Yeah, sounds about right" replied Misty. "Wanna have a look?"
Brock, who was now stood by Togepi, just smirked as Misty began to enter the site. he then turned to the evil egg.
"Are you gonna tell them?" he asked him.
"I won't if you won't!" came the egg's reply. Both of them resumed to smiling evilly. pikachu, who was sat on the floor, just looked at them both.
"You guys are so evil!" he said to them. "Why do you have to be like that?"
"Cos it's in the job description, rat!" replied Togepi. Pikachu just rolled his eyes and walked off.
"Hey cool a picture is downloading!" screamed Misty happily. Both of the young teens watched as the picture downloaded bit by bit, then something caught Ash's eye.
"Isn't it a drawing of team Rocket?" he asked as he continued to watch the picture download on the web page. Misty nodded in agreement.
"Hummmm....they don't seem to be wearing much, do they?" she said.
"They don't seem to be wearing anything" replied Ash. Then suddenly their faces dropped and total horror overtook their faces.
"They're ...... they're..... NAKED!!!!!" stuttered Misty in shock.
"And ..... and ...... doin' stuff to each other!" Ash added on. "Ewwwwww....look where Meowth has his head!"
"EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!" screamed Misty. With that Ash felt sick so ran off and threw up in the corner.
"CLICK IT OFF! CLICK IT OFF!" he screamed, trying his best not to look at the screen. Misty quickly moved the mouse and clicked the picture off the screen. Ash then joined Misty back at the computer. Neither of them noticed Brock and togepi who were almost in stitches laughing!
"What the hell is wrong with people?" Ash asked Misty, still very much disgusted. "What would make them draw something like THAT!!!!!!"
"I know I'll never be able to look at Team Rocket the same again!" cried Misty, she then stopped crying and her face lit up. "Hey cool look our names are here!"
"Cool!" replied Ash as misty clicked on the link, totally forgetting the experience they just had with the previous picture. They waited patiently as the image began to load, then once again their looks of wonder and excitement turned to pure disgust and shock.
"EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!" They both screamed, which once again made Brock and togepi laugh hysterically. Ash and misty just ran out the room, looking and interesting shade of green. Brock then quickly sat back down at the computer and gauped at the picture.
"Oh YEAH!" he said to himself, his face then lit up even more. " I wonder if there's any pictures of me and Nurse Joy!"
As he began to look Togepi just frowned and developed a sweatdrop.
"Okay...?" said the egg nervously. "I'm....er...leaving now!"
He then slowly began to walk away from Brock, then turned and ran for his dear little life.
Outside Ash and misty ran screaming past Tracey, who was out in the garden feeding Nidorans. he watched them run past then knock over the fence in the tauros enclosure. This made the tauros go wild and stampede in tracey's direction.
"Oh sh......" began Tracey, before getting trampled by the Tauros.