Digimon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ MST3K “Fun”fiction ❯ The Commitment of Love by ruddykitty ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 2: The Commitment of Love by ruddykitty

Disclaimer: Once again I was unable to contact the owner of my next target. If ruddykitty would like me to take it

down, I will. Just leave a review saying so and I will. Also I STILL don't own Mystery Science Theater 3000 or


In the not-too-distant future, way down in Deep 13,

TV's Frank and Dr.Forrester were hatching an evil scheme.

They hired a temp by the name of Mike,

Just a regular joe they didn't like.

Their experiment needed a good test case,

So they bonked him on the noggin and they shot him into space!

MICHEAL J. NELSON: Get! Me! Do-o-o-o-own!

TV'S FRANK: We'll send him cheesy movies,

DR. FORRESTER: The worst we can find.

FRANK and FORRESTER: La-la-la!

He'll have to sit and watch them all, and we'll monitor his mind.


Now keep in mind Mike can't control where the movies begin or end,

FRANK and FORRESTER: La-la-la!

He'll try to keep his sanity with the help of his robot friends.


CAMBOT: OH MY GOD, I'M BLIND!!!….oh, the lens cap was on.

GYPSY: I'm not decent!

TOM SERVO: I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay…

CROW T. ROBOT: What do you mean eew, I don't like spam.

If you're wondering how he eats and breathes and other science facts,

FRANK and FORRESTER: La-la-la!

Then just repeat to yourself, "It's just a show, I really should relax

For Mystery Science Theater 3000!"

(Scene opens on the SOL with Mike and Tom in the bunk beds. Mike on the top bunk, Tom on the middle bunk, and Crow's ruffled sheets and pillow on the bottom bunk. Both are sleeping peacefully, After all, Crow wasn't in the room.)

Crow plays the Revelie.(Military wake-up call) at an ungodly volume right in front of bunks.


MIKE: *pant* What's the matter with you crow??!!

TOM: Yeah, you almost caused me to reboot.

CROW: Well I tried to nudge you awake, scream in your ear, dip your fingers in warm water…

MIKE: What was that last one?

CROW: Scream in your ear.

MIKE: But I thought you said-

CROW: Look, you over-slept. Gypsy's furious with you guys.

TOM: Why?

CROW: Because you said you'd help clean up the SOL, remember?

MIKE: Oh, yeah.

(Tom, Mike, and Crow enter into the room with Gypsy.)

TOM: Heh-heh… hi Gyps, how's it goin'?

GYPSY(infuriated): Don't hi Gyps, how's it goin" me Tom! I've cleaned up half of the entire SOL by myself! You two, grab a feather duster and a broom each. And-

(The mads appear onscreen)

DR.FORRESTER: Okay you lazy Marys, you over-slept! Get into the theater now! The fanfic is The Commitment of Love, by ruddykitty.

TOM, CROW, and MIKE(whining): But it's first thing in the morn-


(lights flash and sirens blare)

MIKE: Whether we like it or not, we've got fanfic sign. Hey guys, at least we don't have to do work.

(All move into the theater and take their usual seats.)

The Commitment Of Love

>Muffled footsteps of padded shoes drew themselves closer.

CROW: Closer to what?

>The blonde boy turned his head to one side, scanning the approacher in the corner of his eye.

TOM: Wouldn't it be easier to just turn around and look at him?

CROW: You obviously have no flair for the dramatic.

>Seeing his love scampering up behind him,

MIKE: Matt saw himself?

TOM: I think he means Tai.

MIKE: Oh GAWD, another Taito?

CROW: Looks like it.

> the blonde turned away from his red sports car and graced Tai with a smile.

MIKE: Red sports car, huh. Looks like somebody's over-compensating for something.

>"Hi!" Tai slowed to a stop in front of his boyfriend.


> Tai planted a kiss on Matt's lips,

TOM: And nurtured it with Jove Plant-food sticks and Miracle-Gro

>and Matt embraced him, pushing against the other boy's lips.

MIKE(Tai's lips): Hey, don't push me you big bully!

>They pulled away slowly and saw a handful of people staring,

TOM(Matt): Hey, what's the matter, never seen two underage boys make-out before?

CROW: Sadly, two parish priests raised and quickly withdrew their hands.

>but they couldn't care less.

MIKE: They had the freshmaking power of Mentos.

>Matt found it amusing, actually.

TOM: He always had enjoyed embarrassing Tai.

>He smirked at them, then turned back to his brunette boy and held him tighter.

MIKE(Matt): Hold still. Maybe if we stay still long enough, they'll leave.

>He turned his face back to greet the crowd.

CROW(Matt's face): Hello, hi, nice coat…..

"Mine!" he shouted, and everyone shrugged and walked on.

TOM(Crowd): What a weirdo.

Tai giggled.

MIKE: He was gitty like a school girl.

>Matt let his grip loosen; his arms limp around Tai's waist.

TOM(Tai): Thank God, my liver was turning blue.

>"So what's up?" the blonde asked, his blue orbs for eyes looking at his love.

CROW(Tai): Take a look down.(imitates cheesy porno music.)

MIKE: Crow…

>"We have a book report to finish, remember?" Tai asked, unsure if Matt had forgotten or not.

"Oh that's right!" Matt gasped as he pulled one arm away from holding his love loosely and hit himself in the forehead lightly with the ball of his hand.

TOM(Matt's hand): My ball!

CROW: That was a cheap shot Tom.

>He let go of Tai and opened the driver's side door and scooted himself in. Tai walked around and got in the passenger side. Matt started the car and they took off.

CROW: …all their clothes.



>Matt sat frozen in front of the computer screen,

MIKE(Matt): Can't move…Tongue stuck to monitor.

>his fingers clicking the keyboard while Tai read what they had of the report to him, so it could be printed and look nice.

CROW: I thought he was frozen.

TOM: We have a three sentence pile-up on the intersection of 63rd and May.

>Tai stopped suddenly, got up and looked over Matt's shoulder at the glowing screen.

TOM(Tai): Ooooh, pretty colors.

>He wanted to see how it looked so far. Matt finished typing in the last sentence Tai had read to him and skimmed it over.

MIKE(Tai):…….such was the pride, such was the prejudice. You hack.

>"It looks pretty good," Matt said more to himself than Tai.

CROW: With Matt, it's always about him.

>Suddenly, he arched his back and whimpered.

MIKE(Matt): Oh, I've got an itch, I've got an itch.

>Tai licked lightly behind his boyfriend's ear,

TOM: Aw, how sweet, he's trying to groom Matt.

MIKE: We should be so lucky.

>a spot he knew from past experience Matt liked. He slowly kissed his way down the nape of the other boy's neck, then under the jawbone. He enjoyed hearing Matt's little cries of pleasure.

MIKE: Kind of ironic, seeing as how we're crying out in pain.

CROW: Great, here comes the bouncy bouncy.

>"Tai.." Matt whispered,

TOM(Matt): Stop, this is nasty.

>then pulled Tai's face close to his own. He pushed up at Tai's lips, then licking them lightly. Tai cracked open his mouth and let his lover explore inside his steamy and moist territory with his slick tongue.

MIKE: That last sentence really creeped me out.

>They exchanged saliva while their tongues wrestled for dominance.

CROW: In this corner, weighing in at 2.5 ounces, Maaaaaaatt's toooooooongue. And in this corner weighing in at 2.3 ounces, Taaaaaiiii's tooooooooooongue.

>Tai rubbed his hands up and down Matt's chest, having his make moaning sounds into Tai's mouth.

MIKE: What?

>Tai broke the kiss and led his boyfriend over to the bed.

MIKE: You break it, you buy it.

>Matt threw his green vest off on the way over.

CROW: Tonight he's going for the full monty.

>He jumped on Tai and the make-out continued.

TOM: Dogpile!

While they kissed, Tai slid his hands up Matt's shirt, stroking his spine lightly.

MIKE: Aaah the spine, a commonly overlooked erogenous zone.

>This sent shivers all over Matt's body,

CROW: From utter disgust.

>which gave Tai the opportunity to turn Matt over and make himself dominant.

MIKE(Tai): I'm the king of the ass!

>Matt smirked as Tai threw off his own vest and his shirt,

CROW(Someone else in the room): My eye!

>plopping themselves somewhere in the room.

MIKE: Who, the vest and shirt, or Matt and Tai.

>He then leaned back to Matt and forced his shirt off. Matt gasped as Tai kissed his collarbone, gliding his hands over Matt's erect nipples.

CROW: Bet that's not all that's ere-

MIKE: Crow T. Robot, don't you dare finish that sentence.

CROW: -ct.


TOM: Now you've done it Crow.

>Tai smooched his way down his love's chest, then he lightly began to suck on Matt's right nipple.

MIKE: This whole fic sucks.

>Matt let out a strangled cry as Tai encased the stiff nub in a cage of his hot breath, running his pink tongue up and down it.

TOM(The Smashing Pumpkins): Despite all my rage I'm still just a nub in a cage.

>Matt reached around and grasped at one of Tai's butt cheeks,

CROW: Get your hands off my Heini, baby.

>making him arch his back and gasp loudly.

MIKE: Also causing him to realize how nasty this was and run out the door.

>Matt used this time to push Tai up to a sitting position and unzip his tan pants. Matt slid his pants down to his knees,

CROW: Also known as the floor.

MIKE: I give up.0

>the head of Tai's penis poking out of his boxers.

TOM: Awww, there's the little DICKins.

>Matt smeared the heated clear liquid into the crown of the head.

CROW: Damn, that was quick!

MIKE: Even I'll agree with you there, Crow.

>"Ohh Matt!" Tai shouted loudly as Matt pulled his boxers off, lowering them to meet his pants.

TOM(Tai): Stop, this has gone too far.

>Matt groped his lover with one hand, the other probed its index finger in the tight ring of flesh.

MIKE: Oh no, I hope he means his mouth.

>"Aaaaugh!" Tai toppled over Matt. Matt removed his hand from groping his boyfriend to rubbing the small of his

ALL: Aaaaaaahh!


ALL: Whew!

one of Tai's sensitive spots. He added another finger to the probing job.

TOM: Don't trust him Tai, he's an alien.

His fingers slid in deeper, Tai's muscles tightening over Matt's intrusion.

CROW: Intruder alert, intruder alert, all personnel report to the colon immediately. Intru-

>"Mmm.." Matt moaned while Tai panted overhead. He felt Tai's face burning on his chest, the trickles of his

ALL: Aaaaaaahh!


ALL: Whew!

Matt stroked his

ALL: Aaaaaaahh!

back lightly,

ALL: Whew!

TOM: Hey, we're in a rut.

>as if to tickle him while adding a third finger into his love's anus.

MIKE: 1 hour later…adding a eleventh finger to his love's anus.

CROW and TOM: Huh?

>Tai sat on top of the three fingers and undid the other boy's pants and lowering them and his boxers, revealing Matt's begging cock.

Mike: Oh great, I knew this fic would bring in farm animals sooner or later.

CROW: Okay cock, now sit, roll over…good boy.

TOM: It was begging for this to be over.

>Matt hissed through his teeth as Tai played with his pulsating member gently.

MIKE: Watch out Tai, he's in attack mode.

Matt dove his fingers deep into his boyfriend,

TOM: And the judges give Matt's fingers a…10…10…10…10…10…10…10…10&# 8230;10…7.5 of course from the Transylvanian judge.

>his middle finger rubbing over a certain sweet spot that drove both of them mad.

MIKE: Weird, both of them?

CROW: Yeah, they're conjoined twins, that's why they're never apart.

TOM: CROW! You just turned this into gay incest.

CROW: What have I done?!


TOM: Exactly.

>Matt!!" Matt turned Tai over and made him place his knees on the bed, his back horizontal and his hands supporting his weight.

MIKE: Dang, that's quite a maneuver.

TOM(Matt): Okay now do a torso-axial flip with a half gainer.

>Matt got up and, on bended knees, slid himself inside Tai's hole.

CROW(Butt-head): "Hole"

TOM(Beavis): Heh-heh, heh-heh "Hole".

MIKE: Grow up.

>"AAAH!" Tai cried out loudly.

MIKE(Matt): Ow, my ear!

He felt Matt grab his hips as he pumped himself inside Tai. Tiny beads of sweat broke out all over Matt's forehead,

MIKE: Wow, he sweat-dropped without anyone doing anything embarrassing.

>sliding down his face in a racing fury.

TOM: And it's my lunch in the lead, followed closely by brunch and afternoon snack.

>Tai panted heavily, his breath fast and hot while Matt constantly hit that spot deep inside of him that felt so good.

Tai cried out every time Matt plunged and hit that sweet spot.

CROW: Okay, we get it, he's hitting the sweet spot.

>Matt would pull himself out completely, except for his head, and would hump him again.

Matt reached around his love's hip and grasped at Tai's forgotten cock.

MIKE: But missed.

>He rubbed the head smoothly with his palm. Tai whimpered at this pleasure,

TOM: Once again, ironic because we are whimpering too.

feeling himself throb in Matt's smooth and silky hand.

CROW(Redneck): Yer sof n' deleecut like uh womun.

>Tai bit his lower lip, blood gushing out of the self-engorged line.

TOM: Anything to find an excuse to get out of this.

>He rocked in tune to his lover's thrusts and to the rubbing of Matt's soft hand.

"Matt..I….AAAUUUNGG!!" Tai exploded his climax in his lover's hand, white fire escaping his slick and youthful body.

CROW(Fly from Joecartoon.com): My dick is on fire, my dick is on fire!

>Matt moaned as he felt the creamy liquid spill over his hands, and screamed out his own cry of triumph as he thrust one last time in Tai and fired his thick seed into his anus.

MIKE: We feel like screaming too. As a matter of fact, 1,2,3-

ALL: Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!

>He rode the wave of ecstasy for as long as he could before he collapsed on top of his boyfriend.

TOM(The Safaris): Hahahahaha wipeout. Duh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh…

>Matt slid his limping member from the other boy and turned him around to meet his gaze.

MIKE(Dracula stereotype): Look into my eyes.

>Matt kissed him deeply.

"Matt, that….was…incredible," the brunette panted when Matt finally pulled away. Matt smiled and gently pecked his forehead.

TOM(Woody Woodpecker): Huh huh huh heh huh, huh huh huh heh huh, huh huh huh huh huh huh huh.

>"It's only because I love you," Matt whispered in the brunette's ear. Tai hugged him.

"I love you too."

MIKE: But you can't have my beer.

(Mike, Tom, and Crow exit the theater and sneak to their room.)

MIKE: Almost their guys.

(They are intercepted by a very angry Gypsy)

GYPSY: And just where do you think you are going?

CROW: To our room.

MIKE: Shut up Crow, you're just making it worse.


(After an hour of work, the mads appear on screen)

DR.FORRESTER: Better get some rest guys, Tomor-

MIKE, TOM, and CROW: Thank god!


MIKE: Gypsy's gone insane.

TOM: Yeah, she's forcing us to clean up SOL without food or rest until it's done.


CROW: We're going insane.

DR.FORRESTER: No! Stop her Frank! If she drives them insane, we'll need a new temp!

GYPSY: They've only got another hour's worth of work! THEY WILL WORK!

DR.FORRESTER: Okay, heh-heh. Guys, you're on your own.(She's gone crazy. Just do what she says until you're done.) Tomorrow you will watch First Times by an unknown author. By the way, it's Pokemon, not Digimon.

(Hey, it's good to be back home again!)