Digimon Fan Fiction / Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction / Slayers Fan Fiction ❯ The Harem's Christmas Special!! ❯ Stunned realizations, embarrassing stories and a talk. ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Important Note : While the characters in the Harem (like Slayers, Digimon, X-Men and so forth) aren't ours, the Storylines, Ideas, the Insanity Continuity, and the Original Characters of Lashana & Telca belong to US. Lashana's Parents actually DO exist, so don't take them away. Tempest, Rebecca, and Eve, are Original Characters of Tempests. David belongs to himself cuz he actually exists. Steal from us and face our wrath.

Stunned realizations, embarrassing stories and a talk.

Kang: *is still stunned* Y-You're Lashana's....Mother?!

Lashana's Mother: Yep. You can call me Diane ^_^

Duncan: *staggers into the Kitchen* Hewo? Weres Kebsin? I swill neeb an andihisstamid! ACWHO!

Kang & Diane: O.o

Kang: What the hell are you trying to say?

Diane: He needs an antihistamine.

Kang: O.o You understood him?!

Diane: *shrugs* I raised Lashana. I'm used to listening to bizarre babbling.

Kang: Point.


Malcho: *is singing along with the blaring stereo system as he holds a garland up around a doorway for Kenshin to staple. He's halfway through the second verse when a low rumble catches his attention*

Kenshin: What was that? *hops off the ladder and walks over to the closest window, staring out at the road that leads to the Palace grounds* Oh dear....

Malcho: What? *slithers over to join him and watches a black convertible take a sharp turn at a good 100mph, the tires unable to grip the ice and thus sending the car into wild 360 degree circles* O.o Carumba. *turns towards the Kitchen and raises his voice* The chica's have returned, mi amigos!!

Remy: *walks down the main stairs* De petits are back? Great. I need Telca's help in de Kitchen.

Malcho: *turns back to watch as the car plows through a snowbank and screeches into the Palace's driveway, barely avoiding the Silver Intrepid that's parked there before it slams straight into another snowdrift*


Lashana: *screeches in shock at the sudden cold and fairly leaps out of the snowbank, franticly rubbing her hands over her arms as she bolts for the front door*

Blackwargreymon: *grumbles and claws his way out of the snow, shaking it out of his hair before turning to help Telca and Nightcrawler out*

Telca: *shivers and runs into the Palace, literally throwing herself into a waiting Remy's arms*

Nightcrawler: *shudders and bamfs himself to the Palace*

Blackwargreymon: -_- *grumbles some more as he grabs the numerous bags and carries them into the Palace, grumbling even more when he sees that Lashana has taken refuge in Malcho's wings. He sets the bags on the floor and drops to his knees* Thank the Gods for unmoving ground.

Lashana: *snuggles back into the warmth of Malcho's wings and smiles over at Nightcrawler* It wasn't that bad, was it?

Nightcrawler: Naw. I liked the way you took that turn out of the parking lot. It was cool how we slid sideways around it ^_^

Remy: *under his breath* Glad I didn't go.

Duncan: *from the Kitchen* ACHOO!!!

Lashana: *looks up at Malcho* What's wrong with Duncan?

Malcho: *grins* Too many things for me to recount to you in the span of a few minutes, mi amiga.

Telca: *snickers*

Lashana: Good point. So any word from Wolverine and Zel? Does anyone know if they found a tree?

Telca: Better yet, are they still alive?

Kenshin: They left soon after you did, Telca-dono. It's only been two hours.

Lashana: *to Telca* We terrorized Wal-Mart and it only took us two hours! ^_^

Telca: ^_^

Malcho: I don't want to know what you did, do I?

Blackwargreymon: No. No you don't.

Lashana & Telca: *cackle evilly*


Lashana: What?

Kang: You never told me you bought the Dragonlance novels just because of me!

Lashana: *blushes* Who the hell told you that?!?!

Kang: Your mother! ^_^

Lashana: *buries her face in Malcho's wings* Oh Gods kill me now......she's telling stories.....

Telca: I want to hear this! *runs into the Kitchen, dragging Remy and Nightcrawler with her*

Kenshin: *follows a curious Blackwargreymon into the Kitchen, leaving Malcho and Lashana behind*

Malcho: *looks down at the Elf* It can't be THAT bad, mi amiga.

Diane: *from the Kitchen* ....and then there was the time when she was a toddler and she terrorized the dog and stole his milkbone cookies. We had to put one of those gates up to protect the dog from her!

Lashana: *pulls away from a snickering Malcho, walks over to the nearest wall and starts to bang her head against it*

Lashana's Father: *walks into the lobby/main entrance and sees his daughter trying to knock herself out* O.o Do I even want to know?

Malcho: Her mother is telling stories.

Lashana's Father: *sees Malcho* O.O

Lashana: *gives up on trying to knock herself out...mostly cuz all it's doing is giving her a headache* Dad, meet Malcho. Malcho, meet my father, Pete.

Malcho: Ah! So you are mi amiga's father. I'm honored to meet you, senor. *holds out his right wing, the pinfeathers forming an imitation of a large hand*

Pete: *still slightly stunned. He shakes hands/wing with Malcho, then looks at Lashana* So is there anything I can help out with?

Lashana: Um....You can stop Logan from eating the decorations for one *points to the dog that's chewing on a string of popcorn* Other than that there's not much we can do until Wolvie shows up with the tree. You might as well go join the other's in listening to Mum's Tales to Embarrass Lashana.

Pete: *grins* I saw them first hand, why would I need to hear about them?

Lashana: Go watch a DVD or something -_- *glares at Malcho* If you don't stop snickering I'm gluing Xellos to your chest.

Malcho: *silence*

Lashana: Good. Now... *looks around the room* Well....we might as well finish up here.... RAYWING! *grabs the staple-gun, flies up to the top of the stair case and starts stapling the garland in place*


Kang: Wait, wait. You're telling me that Lashana, OUR Lashana, played the part of a singing flower in a school play?!

Diane: *nods* She was so cute. ^_^


Lashana: *from the entrance* I HATE YOU ALL!!!!

Blackwargreymon: *glances at the closed swinging door worriedly*

Telca: *rolls her eyes* Oh get a grip, you big wussy turtle.

Duncan: ACHOO!!!

Nightcrawler: Aw, dude! My arm! That's so gross!! *teleports over to the sink and washes his arm off*

Diane: *hands Duncan a pack of Kleenex, then moves out of sneezing range*

Duncan: Dansk.

Blackwargreymon: It's too quiet out there. I'm going to go check on Lashana.

Remy: De olde ball and chain routine.

Blackwargreymon: Hey shut up!!

Telca: Ball and chain?! Is that what you think?!

Diane: Hmpft.

Remy: Uh.....

Kang: *to Blackwargreymon* I'll come with you! *mutters* Anything to get out of range of these females....

Duncan: ACHOO!!!

Nightcrawler: ~BAMF~ *teleports out to the entrance, startling Malcho* Whoops. Sorry. Where's Lashana?

Malcho: *points up to the Elf that is fiercely stapling a garland into the wall. He seriously doubts that anyone will ever be able to remove it*

Nightcrawler: O.o Uh oh.

Blackwargreymon: *walks out of the Kitchen and looks around* Lashana? *lets the door swing closed to slam into Kang's face*

Kang: OW! Watch it! *shoves Blackwargreymon aside*

Blackwargreymon: *snarls*

Malcho: *rolls his eyes* Mi amigos this is not the time to---

Kang: *snarls*

Lashana: *blinks and looks down at them* The testosterone levels just boosted right through the roof in here.

Nightcrawler: *bamfs up to her* You okay?

Lashana: Peachy. *puts one more staple into the wall then flies down to land next to Malcho*

Malcho: *looks down at her worriedly and lowers his head to be at eye-level with her* Mi amiga?

Lashana: M'okay. I'm fine. *looks over at the two snarling males and summons a fireball* If you two don't SHUT UP, I'm going to FIREBALL you! *silence* That's better *lets the fireball fizzle out* Now, I am going to go see if I can find Wolvie and Zel. Someone help Malcho to finish decorating the inside of the Palace. *opens a portal and leaps through it, closing it behind her*

Nightcrawler: I get the feeling that we did something wrong.

Kang: No shit, Fuzzy.

Blackwargreymon: What was your first clue?

Nightcrawler: -_-

Diane: *sticks her head out of the Kitchen* Where's Lashana?

Malcho: *answers for the group* The muchacha went to go find Wolverine and Zelgadis, senorita.

Diane: *stares at the 50 foot, 950 lb purple winged snake for a moment before smiling* Malcho, right?

Malcho: *slightly shocked* Uh...si. How did you know?

Diane: Oh, Lashana was obsessed over you too. She watched those two episodes of Aladdin so many time that she not only memorized the entire script but the wore out the tape too.

Malcho: Really? ^_^ *pauses and sends a wary glance at Blackwargreymon* Um....

Blackwargreymon: *twitches*

Diane: *doesn't miss the look in Blackwargreymon's direction* Oh, get a grip. Just because she's Bonded to you doesn't mean she isn't allowed to care about other males.

Blackwargreymon: *glares at her for a moment before her return glare forces him to lower his gaze* Fine. Alright....You're right. But it's just.... *pauses and looks around* Hey. Where the hell did Kang go?

Nightcrawler: *who had seen Kang sneak out to follow Lashana* I dunno.

Diane: *winks at the teen before ducking back into the kitchen* Duncan! What in the worlds are you doing?! You can't put bacon on a turkey!!

Telca: See? See? I TOLD you!!

Duncan: But it's how my mother used to make it! *looks at Diane* You go get your own turkey. Then we'll see whose right!

Telca: Good idea. *pulls a defrosted turkey out of a portal and hands it to Diane* There ya go ^_^

Duncan: *blinks* Why the hell didn't you do that for me!? I had to go running around the forest at 7 in the morning to catch a stupid bird!!

Telca: Cope =P

Duncan: -_-


(Somewhere in the snow-covered wilderness)

Lashana: *trudges through the snow* Wolvie!! Zel!! Where the hell are you?!? HELLO??! *mutters under her breath* Better yet where the hell am I? WOLVIE!!! ROCK-BOY!!! WHERE ARE YOU?!?!

Kang: *from behind her* You keep doing that and you'll start an avalanche.

Lashana: AACCKK! *spins around and lashes out to smack him* Don't DO that!!

Kang: Sorry! Sorry!! *holds out a thick black leather coat with soft lining* I thought you'd need this.

Lashana: So you followed me out here just to give me a jacket? Are you daft?!

Kang: *as she snatches the coat out of his hands and pulls it on* Probably. I have been living with you for a while. Maybe you've corrupted me.

Lashana: Har har har. *zips up the coat and shoves her hands into the pockets as she turns to keep trudging through the snow* Thanks for the jacket, Kang. You might as well head back. There's tons of stuff that needs to be done at the Palace. *ducks under a snow covered tree branch* WOLVIE!! ZEL!! C'MON YOU GUYS!! WHERE ARE YOU?!?!

Kang: *winces* Lashana keep it down.

Lashana: *rolls her eyes* There can only be an avalanche if there's mountains. There aren't any. And why the hell are you following me?

Kang: *shrugs and moves to walk by her side* Thought you could use some company.

Lashana: *stays silent for a bit before nodding* Thanks. But I'm okay.

Kang: You're sulking.

Lashana: I am not! *gets a glare as an answer* Well okay maybe just a little. But I'm allowed dammit!

Kang: For what? Because your mother's telling stories?

Lashana: *grumbles*

Kang: *smirks* I'll take that as a 'yes'.

Lashana: *growls* I hated that play with a passion

Kang: *doesn't have to ask which play she was talking about, so he skips that touchy subject* And what else?

Lashana: *defensively* What are you, my shrink?

Kang: *grins toothily* No. *sobers and looks at her* But I do know a thing or two about group morale. And I know that while you're out here moping and trudging through the snow, Blacky's probably sitting somewhere in the Palace blaming himself over nothing, and that Malcho's playing the part of diplomat to keep people from guessing where you are so you can have time to yourself. Granted once Telca finds out she'll probably drag you back there. *watches her closely for a moment before daring to put his right arm around her shoulders* You have got to relax. Else you're going to drive yourself completely insane.

Lashana: *weakly* I already am insane.

Kang: I meant in a bad way. And don't turn that into a joke. *lets her fall silent for a few minutes as they continue to walk through the snow before trying to broach the subject again* So what's really the matter?

Lashana: *shrugs* Nothing.

Kang: *sighs in exasperation* Lashana.

Lashana: *grimaces* Blackwargreymon......

Kang: *sighs* Keeps treating you like a possession?

Lashana: *nods* It's not like I'm gonna run off with every guy I see! I mean geez. Would it kill him to TRUST me?!?

Kang: Want to know what I think? *when she doesn't answer he takes that as a 'yes'* I think he's afraid that he's not good enough for you, that you'll want someone better. That's why he's always so possessive of you.

Lashana: *grumbles* Well if the big stupid moron would get his head out of his arse he'd realize that I don't want anyone else!

Kang: Have you told him that? *silence* That's what I thought. You two have GOT to talk to each other.

Lashana: That's easier said than done.... *trails off and pulls away from him, looking around warily* What in the world?

Kang: What? *growls as a portal opens in front of them, pulsing brightly before it dumps a form in the snow and vanishes* What the hell was that?

Lashana: *blinks at the black leather duster wearing male* Oh dear....

Angel: Oh man...Weasly has to work on his spells..... *raises his head and sees Lashana* You!

Lashana: Uh....hi! ^_^ *waves*

Angel: *leaps to his feet and grabs the collar of her jacket* Where's my car?!

Lashana: *hesitantly* It's safe....

Angel: Where?!

Lashana: *even more hesitantly* In a snowbank.....

Angel: WHAT?!? O.o My car!!

Kang: *knocks him away from Lashana, tossing him into a pile of snow* Get away from her!

Lashana: Thanks. *looks over at Angel to see that he's landed in a beam of bright sunlight* O.o

Angel: *gets to his feet and notices the sunlight* ACK! *dives under a tree before realizing a very important fact* HEY! *grins* I'm not on fire! ^_^ I'm not on fire!! WOO-HOO!

Kang: O.o

Lashana: I need a vacation. *turns around* WOLVIE!! ROCK-BOY!!

Zel: *from far away* Don't call me Rock-boy!

Lashana: *grins and grabs Kang's arm* C'mon! RAYWING!!!

Kang: Ack! *gets pulled along as Lashana leaps into the air and flies towards the spot where she had heard Zel*

Angel: *running after them* I may not be on fire but I still want my car back!!


Duncan: Deck the halls with boughs of holly! Fa lala lala la la lala!!

Telca: Will you stop singing that damned song?! *shoves a stick of butter into his mouth*

Duncan: *gags and spits out the butter* Ech! Yuck!

Remy: *rolls his eyes and wipes up the butter with a rag* Dat was disgusting, Duncan.

Diane: *to Telca in a whisper* Duncan CAN cook...right?

Telca: *shrugs* No one's died of food poisoning yet.

Diane: That's not entirely reassuring. *looks towards the door as Nightcrawler wanders in*

Nightcrawler: Hey Telca. Beast wants you to go check out the decorations outside to see if he forgot anything.

Telca: You mean he's been out there all this time and no one told me?! Oh dear gods! *grabs a mug of hot coffee and a scarf and runs outside*

Diane: Oookay. *cutting up an onion and starts on the celery*

Remy: What you be doin chere?

Diane: Making the stuffing.

Duncan: I don't know why you're bothering. My stuffing's the best.

Remy: Oh I don't think so, mon ami! Remy's stuffing is de best!

Diane: *arches an eyebrow curiously* Is that a challenge?

Remy: Oui! *remembers who he's dealing with* Uh....I mean....

Malcho: *sticks his head into the Kitchen* Are you gringos annoying Lashana's Mother?

Duncan & Remy: *innocently* Us? Never.

Malcho: *hisses lowly*

Diane: =P

Duncan & Remy: -_- At least we know where Lashana gets it.

Diane: ^_^