Digimon Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Life sucks! Insanity rulez! ❯ The Seven of Chaos ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Life sucks! Insanity rulez!


Lady Espelle


PG-13, will eventually become R, if not even NC-17


Sailor Moon; Dragonball Z; Weiß Kreuz; Digimon; Harry Potter

[Attention: It is not required to know all those anime. You should have read Harry Potter though, because this is where this fic will take place…]


The `Seven of Chaos', a group of troublemakers, have overstepped the border. As a last option in order to make them `normal' again, the headmaster of their school sends them to Hogwarts for help. The only thing is; they don't want help and they don't want to be normal. Being determined to block out whatever will be tried at their new school to change them, they vow to spread havoc.

Disclaimer: *rummages through cardboard-box* …no, this isn't it…no, this isn't it either…oh my! My old teddy! But that isn't it either! … *looks up after a time, a defeated look on her face* OK OK OK!!! It seems that I really don't own all those animes and such! But I could swear I saw at least one of them in there some time ago… Oh well, I'll just search on while you guys read my fic, k?

DEDICATIONS: I thought that there are so many people out there who have given me so much in the last time, that it is time to name them and thank them now.

Deutschkatz: First off I wanna thank 'Deutschkatz' for writing a fic for me! It is so nice that you do this for me! And by the way; I love your fic!!! Danke, Shauna!

White Lily: Just for being my friend! You always make me laugh with every e- mail you send, and I wish we would live closer together. Let's always stay friends, no matter what, okay Claire? HDGDL FIUE UBAEDW

C.Queen: Thanks for helping with the other fic! And also thanks for hurrying with your story 'There for you'. I love it! Oh, and thank you for asking for my advice at times! It makes me feel special. All in all, thanks for all the small things you do for me. I hope you understand that I am well aware of all of them. They make me always feel better! Thanks, Alisha.

Lastly I wanna thank people who aren't authors at ff.net:

Jule: Thanks for always listening! No matter how stupid nonsense I talk, you are always listening to me. You are the only person I know that can really listen, and that makes you remember things about me I, myself, have already forgotten. Without you, I would have lost so many things, and couldn't remember even more. Thanks!

Katrin, Jule, Aka: Thank you guys for handling my personality. I know it's not always easy, but somehow you three always manage it. When we four are together, insanity is an understatement to describe it. I hope it will always stay like that!

Jessi: You are always the little angel on my shoulder who tells me to learn, to drink less and to stop doing-you-know-what. Too often I yell at you for scolding me, and I want to excuse for that. You deserve much better for staying with me then what you get, 'cause you really help me to stay a good person. Without you I would already burn in hell. Thank you!

So, I hope the persons mentioned know what I mean. And for the others, I hope you don't mind so many dedications. ^_^;; Oh, as for the characters in my fic: Consider Usagi as one of those totally crazed up Usagis you sometimes read about in fics. Not the innocent little bunny. Rika is kinda still the Ice Queen, but has found friends she gets along with. She is also crazed up, but not as bad as Usa is. Ryo is just not as happy as he usually is, but not the worst of the group. Matt is just the rebel he is, and has no happy-go-lucky attitude, while Trunks is a mix between Mirai Trunks and Chibi Trunks with a little darker side to him. Aya is . well, Aya.

Oh, and I noticed that I made some characters older then they need to be to go Hogwarts. But let's just pretend there are nine years at Hogwarts, okay? After all they don't need to study after they leave school, do they? I don't know! I didn't think I forgot so much about Harry Potter!!! But, well, since you all are good readers, we all just pretend that there are nine years at school, okay?

Okay, now let the story begin:

Life sucks! Insanity rulez!!!

by Lady Espelle

Chapter I

They sat in front of the office of the principal, waiting for their turn to get the usual speech about their habit of making chaos wherever they went. It was no unusual occurrence to see the group of teens sitting here after they played some kind of prank again.

Ishida Yamato (19) stood in one corner of the room, arms crossed over his chest, legs also slightly crossed, while his head hung down and his eyes were closed. He wore his usual dark blue trousers, the ones about which the elders always said that you couldn't walk in them because they hang at your knees, and a black shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his shoulders. His hair looked like spikes that stood away from his head in no order at all, therefore he was called 'Spike' by his friends. Like always, a huge cross, made from silver and richly decorated, clung to his neck. He never went out without it, 'cause it had been a gift from his 'little sister'. Of course he had no sister, but at some point during the last years the girl that was at the moment in the principal's office and he had gotten a relationship alike to one brother and sister would have.

To Yama's left sat a girl, with fiery red hair and lighter streaks in it, on a chair. Her face showed clearly that she was bored out of her senses. One hand supported her head, while the rest of her body just lounged in the uncomfortable chair. Her name was Nonaka Rika (16), but she was usually called 'Wildcat', due to Akiyama Ryo, who had nicknamed her with this name because of her attitude to get saucy. Rika still wore something alike to her old favourite outfit, but now everything had darker colours. Her trousers were a very dark blood-red, and her top was black with a bleeding heart on it and a dagger that had been shoved into the heart.

Life sucked, and she had decided that she wouldn't deny that fact. Neither would anybody else from the group, as it seemed. Of course, the other two girls could usually get the mood up with their silly ideas and their 'happy' natures, but even they just hid their frustration behind their attitudes.

Rika wore earrings that looked like skulls and a piercing with a blood red gem decorated her nose. She wore a pitch black cross around her neck that was turned around. It had no decorations to it at all. Her hairstyle had changed in the last years; instead of the old bun, her hair was now always down, but she always fixed it that it was straight down and that the ends looked like spikes, directed towards the floor.

Akiyama Ryo (18) stood to her left, lost in thoughts. Unlike most of the others he had no usual outfit. He just wore what he could find in the morning, although he was always checking that he didn't own any cloths that had any colours that could get associated to something 'happy'. His one piercing at the upper half of his left ear was a simple golden ring. The rest of the group had him mock-nick-named 'Prince', because it seemed to anyone that he always got what he wanted. That was if you didn't know him. He had really had a sucking life, like most members of the group. It was nothing rare that he argued with the others that the nickname 'Prince' would better fit to Trunks, since this boy really could get everything there was for money. But he had to admit; even if Trunks could get anything he wanted, he never took the money his mother offered him. That earned him some respect from the rest of them.

At the exact opposite side of the room, Tsukino Usagi (17) sat on the floor. She had one leg stretched out and the other was bent up, while her hands lay lazily in her lap. Her gaze was unfocused as she waited patiently for the same old speech to come over her. She was thoroughly clad in black leather; her black, tight leather pants, a tight, black leather top that showed too much skin for her parents to like it, and the long, black leather-coat contrasted with her blonde hair that went down to mid-back and was cut round there. Her soft blonde tresses fell from her head like an unruly waterfall, and some fell over her face that was accented with black eye-liner and mascara. Due to her sometimes bubbly character and her old hairstyle (which her friends had seen on an old photo), she had been nick- named 'Bunny'.

Brief Trunks (18) leaned against the doorframe that led out of the room the other way then into the office of the headmaster of Japan's magical school of witchcraft and wizardry. His lavender hair was cut to his ears and black spots were everywhere in it. He, too, wore black leather clothes, and a silver ring was pierced through the middle of his lower lip. 'Bloody' was his name in the group, for he somehow reminded Bunny and Psycho of a vampire at times. He couldn't comprehend their train of thoughts exactly, but he had given up at comprehending those two a long time ago.

Aya (19) stood somewhere in the middle of the room. He blended into the silence of the room perfectly, but that was no big deal, since he was usually the quietest one in the group. He was clad in mostly black clothes, too, but only the half long coat was made from leather. His violet/red hair was in the usual style; short to above his neck with two long strands on each side of his face. Only thing that changed was the fact that his long strands had streaks of a really light blonde, nearly a white. The girls had talked him into doing this, and he should have known that once they were determined to do something neither heaven nor hell could change this. The girls were also responsible for his nickname. After they once mentioned that his eyes somehow looked like frosty ice, he had been called 'Ice' since then. But, well, it could have come worse.

The door to the office of the principle opened a split, and his usually kind, round face looked through it, he motioned to them to come inside of the office and then disappeared behind the door once again. The group exchanged uneasy glances; for once the headmaster hadn't had any readable emotion shown on his face. And then why the hell did he want them all in there? Something wasn't right, and they didn't like this feeling one bit.

As they entered through the door, the first thing they noticed was their 'little charge'. Since she was the youngest of the group (15 years old), the others had developed some kind of protectiveness about her. She and Bunny were the middle of all the chaos the group produced, but she usually had the craziest ideas, for she was . well, a psycho. She herself said that she was insane, but she had a pretty good worked out theory about insanity, and insisted on insanity being a good thing. When her brain worked at full capability, there was no one who could comprehend her thoughts, for her brain seemed to work after its very own system.

Right now she sat in the huge chair in front of the headmaster's wooden desk. Her hair was brown with an uncountable number of bloody-crimson and white/golden streaks. Today it was in two short, low ponytails that spiked out from the ribbon that held them together on. She had her eyes underlined in black and wore fitting black lipstick. She wore something that looked like a really creepy school's uniform. It consisted of a school-uniform's skirt that went to some inches above her knees and was green chequered in red, a short white blouse that showed of her navel-piercing as well as much of her chest region, because it was unbuttoned at the upper part of her chest, but it showed not too much in Psycho's opinion. The sleeves of the blouse had been cut open until up to her shoulders and she wore a long leather coat much alike to Bunny's over it. Black boots with one and a half inches high heels went up to just below her knees. A black leather collar with silver spikes all around it and leather bracelets that looked much the same like the collar added to her outfit. All in all she looked really freaky, like she had come straight from the cemetery for stuffed animals.

The look on the girl's face told her friends immediately that they had been right about the feeling they had; her eyes showed a mixture of fear, sickness and dark foreboding. Not a good combination. Not at all.

The professor and headmaster had seated himself on a comfortable and huge chair behind his desk, and now just looked at his students, without any hint about what he was thinking. They just looked back at him, a dark foreboding making itself comfortable in their stomachs. Just when the first thought they wouldn't be able to take it much longer, the old man began to talk:

"You surely know why you are here this time, don't you?" When there came no answer he continued:

"Of course you know it. After all you must've had much fun, walking through the muggle-world, doing magic whenever a chance was there, in front of all the muggles!!! Can you imagine how much difficulties the ministry of magic had correcting the damage you had already done before we found out about it?" by now you could see that the old man was getting angrier and angrier with each word he spoke, but he still stayed unusual calm.

"As I already told your friend here (*motioning towards Psycho*), I can't take it any longer. Just one more prank from your kind and I will totally go insane! Therefore I will send you to Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry in Britain and to its headmaster Professor Dumbledore, an old friend of mine, in hope that he can fix these misled brains of yours." Several gasps could be heard from the group of pupils in the room. That had definitely not been what they had expected. They had expected a harsh punishment, like always, but as it seemed, their headmaster really couldn't take up with them anymore.

"Professor Dumbledore is a very qualified person, and I have hope that he can bring some sense into you, I see no other solution for this. I already talked to your parents and they agreed to this, so I expect you to be ready to leave with the train on Sunday at 10 o'clock. You are dismissed."

After the talk with the principal the group of seven had gone to their meeting-spot under a large willow and had discussed their new situation. They didn't believe that this Professor Dumbledore could help them, but still no one of them wanted to leave their home. Not that there was anything special about this place, and as long as everybody of them went was nothing to miss here, but they had lived here for so long and knew this place better then anybody else, they didn't want to leave it! They had thought about possible ways to get out of the situation, but the only one that came to mind was begging for forgiveness, and that was not an option. Not for 'the seven of chaos' anyways. When there was one thing that was more important then chaos to them, then it was their pride as chaos-maker, and they were not in enough need to give up any of those two things. So they had decided that there was no way out of this, and since that decision had been made, silence reigned over the teens.

"Say, at Hogwarts they have to wear robes, right? Then we, too, have to wear robes, haven't we?" Bloody, a.k.a. Trunks, asked out of his thoughts.

"No way in hell that I wear these silly robes!" Bunny declined. She wasn't some kind of filth as to wear those stupid looking . 'things'!

"Why should we anyways?", Psycho asked. "After all we go there because we are troublemaker, so why the fuck should we now start abiding to the rules?" you could easily hear that she was really pissed by the news that she had to leave, and her friends could well imagine what went through her head right now: 'This Dumbledore will have a hell of a year! I'll show them that I'm not some ill girl that has to be healed, or helped at that! Dumbly- boy, watch out. Here comes a student you will not be able to handle.'

Suddenly, Bunny stood up from her seat on a root of the willow and exclaimed determined: "Psycho's right! Why should we care about their stupid rules? We didn't until now, and I don't intent on changing that. We are not called 'the seven of chaos' for nothing here! Let's show them why the people here can't handle us! Let's make our reputation known to them!"

At hearing this, Psycho's facial expression changed from one of depression to one of mischief. Her creativity was in full flow once again and when her gaze met with the one of one of her best friends, Bunny, and the two locked with each other, she could see that her friend had nearly the same thoughts rushing through her head. Once again, she felt the familiar feeling of craziness flow through her body and she jumped up, continuing her friend's speech:

"They think they have to heal us from something, just because they can't understand us! Our teachers think we are something that shouldn't exist! Our parents decided long ago that they don't want us as their children! Why shall we still care what they do and what they think? What do we leave back here when we go to this new school anyways? We have ourselves, we have each other, and that's all that counts! Let's show 'em that we don't need healing, but that they need to finally accept us the way we are!!!"

"Nice speech you two. And by the looks of it you already have something in mind to show them who we are. Tell us! I don't know about the rest of us, but I will not let those people put me down! And like hell they will change me to some mindless puppy that I don't wanna be! Let's show them that we won't ever become what they want us to be; brainwashed faces in a crowd where you can't distinguish the one from the other!" shouted Wildcat.

The three girls were the best friends, and if Bunny and Psycho were so sure that everything would work out after all, then Rika had no point in telling otherwise. And they were right; as long as they were together, nothing could put them down. As she thought about it, it wouldn't be the wisest thing to do to divide the group anyways. She imagined what she would act like if she had been the only one to leave this place; most likely she would go on rampage. Of course, she would still be the troublemaker, but there wouldn't be any fun in it anymore; it would be deadly serious. She mused that the others might act just like that, once they were divided from the group.

Wildcat felt really pity for the youngest of the group. Psycho was one year younger then she herself, and if Rika got hysterical by thinking about the fact that the group couldn't stay together much longer, for the older boys would be leaving school next year, and then lastly only she and Psycho would be together, then she had no fun imagining what Psycho felt like. At her last year at school she would at least have one of her friends still there, while Psycho would most likely be alone. Rika hated thinking about that, but the first ones would already be going in one year counting.

She was pulled out of her thoughts by Prince, a.k.a. Ryo, waving his hand in front of her unfocused eyes, obviously lost in thought. As she snapped out of it, she threw the rest of the group questioning glances in return to their expecting ones.

"What did you guys say?" she asked, not having any clue as to what had been said.

"We asked if we should go there like there was no reason as to why we were thrown out of this school and then throw in the great shocker that they got a bunch of insane teenagers, or if we should start our plan of conquering the new school on the train already." Prince explained to her.

"Well, I don't know." Wildcat shrugged. "I'm usually not the one to plan the chaos! What do you say, Spike?"

"I think we might as well wait and look what is the best, once we are on the train. And what the fuck is well planned chaos? I've faith that Bunny and Psycho will show real insanity, and this might produce more chaos then anything else, even if we didn't plan it out." Spike, a.k.a. Yamato, stated. He looked around the group until his gaze landed on Ice who hadn't said anything in the whole discussion.

"What do you think, Ice?" he finally questioned, first only receiving an emotionless glare from his best friend. Since there were four boys in the group, they became kind of two pairs of best friends; Spike and Ice (Yamato and Aya), and Bloody and Prince (Trunks and Ryo). It was the most logical evolution, since Spike and Ice were in the same class, as were Bloody and Prince.

After a moment Ice stopped glaring and answered: "I'm sure we don't need a plan. We will see what the two chaotic chicks decide on the train and play along. It always worked this way and I see no need to change it." For this he received several nods from his friends.

"Okay, then I take it we have a plan, haven't we?", Bloody asked no one in particular. Again, several nods made the answer.

"Hey, if we change the school anyways, why should we still go to school? I think that our dear principal doesn't want to have us around anymore anyway, so we can as well stay away, eh?" Bunny suggested.

"Sure! Why should we go to classes? I'll stay home tomorrow. Who else will?" Rika spoke up, looking at the rest of the group expectantly. 'Me neither.'s, 'I don't see why not.'s and 'Cool, sleeping till noon!'s were mumbled throughout the group, and so it was decided that there was no more school for any of them.

They all had sat under the huge willow some time longer, talking about this and that; discussing what they would do once they arrived in Hogwarts, what they would take with them, and things like that. Some of them would just sit in silence and enjoy the company of their friends. With the time it had already began to darken, and one after another they left the old meeting- point.

At the end only Spike, Ice and Psycho were left of the group. After Rika had left, they sat in silence for a while, each one of them at their rightful places. It didn't really seem like that, but the familiar willow was indeed one of those willows with their own mind. It had been very dangerous to come near it, and it still was, but 'the seven of chaos' had tamed it, and now it was nearly as much a member of their group as the teenagers themselves. They were sure they would miss their old friend.

Suddenly Spike cut through the silence: "Say Psycho, don't you have to be home soon? It is nearly eleven o'clock and you still sit outside. I don't think Dora will like that." Dora was Psycho's 'aunt'. The girl lived with her since her parents had died, but nobody had a clue as to why Dora had taken her in, since she wasn't in any kind related to her, as far as Psycho knew.

Psycho groaned at the thought of going home. She didn't like it there one bit. "I don't wanna go home! Screw Dora! As if she cared!" she exclaimed.

"Hey, alright, it's none of my business anyway! But I'll be on my way home now, maybe Dad is home today. So, ja ne!" with that Spike stood up stretched, gave Psycho a peck on the cheek as a sign of 'good bye', and left, waving to Ice over his shoulder. Ice just made a nearly invisible small gesture with his hand in return.

"You know Ice, I really think you shouldn't be so reserved. We are your friends, remember? In front of us you don't need to wear this 'I-don't-like-anybody-on-this-damn-planet-and-I'm-nearly-dead-anyways'-mask . I mean, you don't even show me what is behind this mask, and I'm usually the one that knows every secret in this group. Everybody tells me every secret they have, but you rarely show me anything of yourself." Psycho said after a while. She knew that Ice had shown more of himself to her then to anybody else, but what she had seen had been a wonderful person, maybe even more wonderful then the person she had known in him until then, so she always tried to see him more often like that. Unfortunately she only succeeded when they were alone, otherwise Ice was always cold as ice and as emotionless as a spoon.

"Hn." Came Aya's comment.

"Not very talkative today, eh?" she tried again, but the result was still the same. She knew by now that he wasn't really in the mood to talk today; hence she decided that she could better leave him alone to his thoughts. So she stood up, gave him a peck, hugged him tightly and walked away while lighting a cigarette.

It had been three more days until they were to get the train to Hogwarts, since Hogwarts' school-year started later then Mugen's (I thought I might as well call the school like that. I read it in another fic, and thought it was a good idea, I hope you don't mind that I didn't create a new, fancy name.). Hence they would have the whole year there instead of starting there in the middle of the year. The time had rushed by and soon it was Sunday morning, the day when they would leave to Hogwarts.

They all met at the train station at 9.30, and they all had packed what they would need in the new school. Hogwarts was a boarding school, unlike Mugen that stood in the middle of Tokyo, protected from the muggles by all kind of spells. At Mugen they had stayed at home when there was no school, but at Hogwarts they would live in the school, too.

They all had decided that they would keep their old animals and not buy new ones just because Hogwarts had other ones. At Mugen there had been much more animals to choose from, and so Bunny, for example, had a black cat with silver eyes by the name Nevla, while Wildcat had a crow with red eyes that was called Veldan. Psycho had a little dragon that was black, but on its downside it changed colours every second, just like its eyes did. It was just one and a half feet long with and went by the name of Cruczz. Ice had chosen a black snake back then that had poisonous green eyes, was about four feet long and was now called Ceteareth. His best friend Spike had gotten a black raven, which he had named Laurate. Bloody's pet was a little dinosaur that had wings like Cruczz (a bat's wings, for example) and a black colour that changed under the right light into a dark violet. 'Ether', as it was called, was about two and a half feet long. It was best friends with Cruczz. Lastly was Prince who held an enormous wasp as pet. It was over one foot long and belonged to the name Dexty.

"I heard that the train will pick us up here and then it'll stop in Britain to pick the other pupils up.", informed Prince the others as they made their way to the platform where their train would wait for them. Bloody's and Wildcat's mothers had been the only parents that had bothered to show up at all, but as their kids had met up with their friends it had become too dangerous and they had left together, perhaps to drink a coffee together somewhere and to complain about their brats.

"Great, then we can already get a look at what we have to deal with the next year!" Bunny shouted somewhat too exited.

As the group got into the train, they chose the last compartment as theirs. Each one of them put his or her luggage away and sat down. Psycho had been too occupied with looking around the train, so as she came into the compartment with six seats, there was no more seat for her. On the left side of the compartment sat Bunny, Wildcat and Prince. (Bunny at the door, Prince at the window). On the right side, Spike sat at the door, Bloody at the window and Ice in between the two of them. Now she stood in the door, looking as if they had just sliced open her white, fluffy, little bunny- pet.

"Hey, and where the bloody hell shall I sit now?" she asked the others. How she hated it when she felt like she wasn't part of the group!

"Not our problem when you are too late to get a seat!" Prince teased her, but guessed that it hadn't been that much of a good idea, for Psycho turned around and attempted to leave, nearly heartbroken. You could see it if you knew her, because every time you hurt her, her facial expression became emotionless and she looked at everybody, before leaving without another word. But Spike had seen this, and since he sat next to the door, he grabbed her around the waist when she was about to leave and pulled her into his lap.

"How about you sit just here, eh?", he suggested in a tone like he talked with a little child and said that it would get an ice-cream if it stopped crying. In some way, it was just like that; at times you really had to speak with Psycho as if she was four years old, while at other times, she seemed older then all of them together.

At the moment it was definitely one of the times where she was a little child; she sat tensed up in his lap, arms crossed in front of her chest and gaze straight ahead. Bunny saw this and shot Prince a death glare for saying what he did, then she turned to Psycho and tried to get through to her:

"Hey, darling, don't listen what Prince says. You know we all love you and want to have you with us. And I'm sure even Ice would offer you his lap since you have no seat. We just don't want you to leave us." Psycho looked at her friend for a moment then she shot Ice an uncertain glance. After a moment when she didn't react, Spike tried again to sooth her:

"Hey, sweetheart, why should I have pulled you onto my lap? Mh? Because I want you to be here with me, of course. We all want you to be here! Prince just wanted to tease you." he whispered into her ear, while his arms were slung around her waist to keep her from going away.

Psycho had to admit, she really liked sitting in his lap. She felt warm and protected, and she wasn't so sure if that was only how she would feel towards a brother, but she was sure that it wasn't love. After all she had noticed that the other boys of the group weren't bad-looking either, and they were nice, too.

But she would sure as hell not even consider Bloody or Prince, because she knew that her friends were interested in those two. While Bunny told them that she really liked Bloody, Wildcat hadn't said anything so far, but the 15-year old knew more then what was told to her. It was obvious that Prince liked Wildcat, and it was only a matter of time until Wildcat finally showed that she liked him, too. Bloody didn't show much if he liked Bunny or not, but Psycho was sure she sometimes caught him staring at her, or blushing at her.

That meant of course that she wouldn't lay an eye on those two. It was an unspoken rule that you stayed away from any guy your friend had thrown an eye on. Friendship was more important then love-life. Point.

But even if she was sure about her friends' feelings, that was not the case about herself. She really liked Ice and Spike, but she wasn't sure if she liked them like brothers or more. But she just shrugged it of, because the chances that they liked her back were non-existent. They were four years older then her after all! And which one of them would she choose if she really liked them more? There was no way she would ever destroy her brotherly relationships with them. That wasn't worth it.

Lost in her thoughts, she hadn't noticed that she had already relaxed into Spike's embrace. She first noticed it as her gaze locked with Bunny's, and her friend her silently told her with her gaze something like: 'Enjoying yourself, are we?' Even if Bunny kept a straight face and didn't move one muscle, they had that kind of friendship where you don't need to talk to know what the other meant. So she understood her quite well just by looking in her eyes. She could nearly tell which words Bunny used in her mind.

Bunny had a hard time not to smile at her friend right then. She knew that Psycho wasn't sure about her feelings, and Bunny considered that it might be this phase in puberty where your emotions are a rollercoaster. Then again, she wasn't sure about that theory. She turned her gaze from Psycho's and towards Wildcat. She seemed to have noticed the same thing, judging by the look of it.

At that moment the blond remembered when Wildcat and she had talked about the situation at hand. They both hadn't known what to think about it, but they sure wished their friend to be happy. The question had been, even if Psycho had really developed a crush, or two crushes at that, would any of those two return those feelings? Spike seemed to act more like a brother towards her. He really liked the young one that was for sure, but was it just like a brother, or not?!? Well, then there was Ice. He had no emotions at all, as it seemed, but then again they had the suspicion from what they had heard, that he actually had some, but that no other then Psycho had come to know them. Did that mean anything else but that they were really close friends?

This was all a mystery for Bunny. 'It won't be easy to hook my friends up', she decided. 'The first one wouldn't admit her feelings to save her life, the other one doesn't know what exactly her feelings are. This is just great!' she gave a silent, exasperated sigh. Why had everything to be so difficult?

Soon enough they all had made themselves comfortable, and Wildcat had fallen asleep. Fortunately she had fallen to the right side when in her sleep, so now she leaned onto Prince's shoulder while taking a nap. Soon after the redhead had fallen asleep, her human pillow had been so lost in his dreams, that he, too, had fallen asleep.

"Don't those two look just cute like that?" Spike asked the others. Psycho half-laid in his arms, so that he had his chin on her right shoulder, his arms still safely around her waist. By the looks of it she seemed ready to doze off. Suddenly she jumped up a few inches in Spike's lap, fully awake again. She stared a while into space, before she asked:

"Has anybody seen my cigarettes?"

"No, but how about you just take one of mine, before you search through all our luggage?" The blond underneath her suggested. One year ago or so they all had smoked, just to be the way their parents didn't want them to be, but Wildcat and Prince didn't smoke anymore, while Bloody and Bunny smoked every now and then, not really addicted, but not really out of it either. Spike, Ice and Psycho smoked still.

"Thanks!" squealed Psycho as Spike had gotten to his cigarettes and given her one. He held one out for Ice to take, what he did with a nod that was supposed to mean something like 'Thanks'. He pulled one out himself and soon the smoke filled the compartment and rushed out of the open window.

"You think it is allowed to smoke inside the train?" asked Bunny casually.

"Doesn't matter." came Psycho's answer as she was still in bliss of finally having a cigarette again. Suddenly the train pulled to a stop and as the wake ones looked outside they saw ever so many pupil standing outside and waiting to get in, while mothers cried and hugged their children to death. Bunny rolled her eyes at that, just like the rest of them did, too.

"Hey, doesn't this wonder-boy Potter go to Hogwarts?", Bloody asked his friends casually.

"Yeah, I think I heard about that, too." answered Spike, his warm breath tickling Psycho's neck, also causing a tickling sensation in her stomach.

"That will be fun, we can tease lil' wonder-boy!" mentioned the 15-year old, giving Bunny a mischief-look. The blonde gave a sly grin in return, as the wheels in the two girl's heads once again began their disastrous work.

"Finally the train is there!" exclaimed Hermoine as the train came to a stop in front of them.

"Since when does the train come here? Usually it's already there when we arrive, isn't it?" questioned Ron as he wondered about the occurrence.

"You mean you didn't hear it already?" asked in a tone that said 'of course you two didn't hear anything in the holidays, like always!!!'. As she got blank stares from her two friends Ron and Harry as an answer she began explaining: "There is a group of pupils that transferred to Hogwarts from Mugen in Japan. I don't know why exactly, but they go to Hogwarts now instead of their old school. So the train must fetch them, of course, before it fetches the pupils from this station."

The three were now in their last year at Hogwarts, and Harry and Ron were 19, while Hermione was still 18, but would become 19 in two months.

"Let's see if we can find those mysterious new students! Perhaps they can tell us why they changed school, and perhaps they are nice and we can become friends with them before Malfoy finds them and bothers them to become his friends." Ron suggested as the three entered the train.

"Sure!" replied Harry, as he led the way through the train, looking in each compartment, searching for new faces.

Mmh, what might happen there? I don't know! Okay, I'm the author, but even I don't know what will happen until I wrote it! That is my craziness. I hope you don't mind. ^_^;;

Eh, if you have any ideas as to what might happen, tell me! If you guess right, you get a surprise from me! We will see, when the next chapter comes out, if your guess was right. Until then I would be glad to get some ideas, eh . guesses! Whatever!

I hope you people out there read and review!!!

Love y'all!


Lady E