Digimon Fan Fiction / Utena, Revolutionary Girl Fan Fiction / X/1999 Fan Fiction ❯ Blindness & Anarchy ❯ Blindness & Anarchy 03 ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
SEMI-SERIOUS NOTE - Take heart... for there will be yaoi in future chapters. *sigh* I can't believe it. I'm actually writing about yaoi... And this is my second time. Oh, and Juri Arisugawa from RGUtena makes a cameo. Juri-sama rocks!


written by K-chan

He sat on the passenger side, staring boredly out the window at the cool night. He saw a few people littered about the streets, but a Tuesday night did not compare to those on the weekends. No matter what day it was, he was in the mood to go out and get a drink, but unfortunately, he didn't realize the destination until it was too late. "Look," he began, speaking to his friend who was driving, "I said I'd get a drink, but I didn't expect THIS place."

The car pulled into a vacant space in the parking lot as Yamato emphasized neon yellow sign that flashed 'White Rabbit', obviously a gay bar. The driver smirked, opening the car door, "Yama-kun, just live with it. You have so far, putting up with me, so why bother with it now?" Before he shut the door, he leaned back in to a hesitant Yamato, "C'mon now, lighten up. After a hard day's work, you deserve to relax."

"Ken," the blonde growled and finally got out of the car. It wasn't that he had a problem with gays or the gay bars because he had gone to 'White Rabbit' a few times, not to mention Ken, his gay friend, was a regular there. But a drink was a drink, right? And a bar was a bar, whether it was gay or not, right?

"What the hell!" he groaned, following Ken to the entrance doors. He was already there, and it didn't look like Ken would drive him home now, and he didn't feel like taking any alternate transporation. And what kind of friend would he be if he ditched Ken right now? He knew the dark-haired man needed his company since he wasn't faring well with his acting career.

The two were friends way back in high school and even attended the same acting school together, and yes, Yamato knew his friend had a different sexual preference but didn't reel in disgust because of that. He could live with it, and besides, Ken had good fashion sense and gave excellent advice too. Despite the different theatrical groups they worked for, they were still good friends and kept in touch often.

Lately, Ken hadn't received any good offers that boost his career, and with the few that he did get, he was better off doing some lame-o television commercial. Compared to Yamato, he didn't have much of character variety since they usually cast him in female roles because of his feminine appearance. That didn't bother him as much because he enjoyed the attention and flirting from guys, and even women were jealous when he looked prettier than they did.

Just as they entered the bar, some brunette decided to hit on Yamato already, but the blonde put a hand in defense, smiling nervously. "Sorry, pal, but I'm straight. If you don't believe me, then I'm with him," he pointed to Ken, who rolled his eyes and chuckled.

"NOW you give US a chance," he teased, and Yamato blushed. It was so weird the first time Ken had told him how cute he was, and he would go after blondes in a heartbeat. That was Ken after all; he loved to tease and flirt, but nonetheless, Yamato enjoyed his company.

They made their way over to the counter and ordered some drinks while the jazzy music settled them in the cozzy scene. It wasn't so bad, just like any laid-back bar but more friendly.

"So how does it feel to share the same stage as Miss Tachikawa?" Ken mused.

"Not sure," he said casually.

"What do you mean 'not sure'?" he mimicked his friend's tone, "I would give up my wardrobe to even be on speaking terms with her! Have I told you how lucky you are?"

"A thousand times."

"There's already gossip that you two are an item."


"What was it like kissing her?"


"That kissing scene."

"Oh. But aren't you gay?"

Ken rolled his eyes again, "Last time I checked? YEAH! But I wanna know!"

"It was..." he paused, thinking about the scene earlier that day, which was hard to forget. He remembered Gennai shouting happily how perfect it was, but it was the brief confusion on Mimi's face that was clearly etched in his mind. He had stared at her coolly when she looked away from him, finding the props of dishware interesting. She then abruptly announced that she needed a short break, and that sort of was good because Taichi was off talking on the phone.

Taichi would supposed to come into the scene by dropping by the apartment to visit Mimi and find out her ex-boyfriend was back in her life. How dramatic would that be when a possible lover comes in and finds the woman he had been pining for still had feelings for her ex -- definitely a soap opera.

Just the look in her eyes, he knew her whole life was becoming a soap opera, itself. And that kiss Ken was pestering him about... A sweet, delicious kiss of forbidden fruit. It was in that one breath taking moment that shattered his idolization of the woman in his embrace. She had been much more to him that just the idol that everyone adored. She was...

"... nice," he finished.

"NICE?" Ken stared at him unbelievably, "All you can see about kissing Miss Tachikawa was NICE?!" Yamato pleasantly sipped his drink while Ken glared at him, finding the answer unacceptable. "You're falling for her, Yama-kun," he said and found more comfort in his drink and the other men around them, "Idol or not, you are."

Yeah, problems were better recognized when alcohol was in the system, but it usually led a person down the wrong path for solutions, only making it worse. He would just drink enough not to have a hangover the next day. It had only been a month into rehearsals, and already he could see the long hours and months ahead. He would just keep it cool; he always had, and why would this be any different? He was an actor, and acting he would do.

"Apple?" the strawberry blonde woman asked, peeling the skin off the red fruit. She didn't look over to her patient lying on the couch to know what sort of response she would receive. Dr. Juri Arisugawa knew the woman for over six years already, around the time the actress's career was picking up. At that time, it was the stress that brought her to the psychiatrist's office, and she soon became one of Juri's regular and unique patients.

She heard Mimi snort in disgust at the offer and hid her amusement behind a mask of blankness as she finished off the apple. "Orange?" she offered once more, going more for a personal attack.

"No, thank you. I had a satisfying lunch," she answered as Juri sliced a part of the fruit and started eating it in a refined manner that made her appear more of a lady of high society than a psychiatrist. After a small taste of sweetness, she put the apple and knife back on the plate and adjusted her round glasses, which only made her beauty and intelligence appealing.

"I haven't had mine," she shot back calmly, "but I feel fine. My 'clients' are more important, especially you, Miss Tachikawa. I always enjoy a good bitching session during this hour." Mimi opened her mouth to retort, but nothing came out. Juri decided to cut the chit-chat and went straight to the day's problem, "So tell me... where's Mr. Takaishi these days?" She began flipping through her notes on the last session as Mimi began to explain.

"Last Wednesday, he left to Beijing to cover a story," she said curtly.

"And?" Mimi was quiet while Juri adjusted her glasses again and politely said to her, "Miss Tachikawa, if you don't tell me, then how am I supposed to help you?"

"We had an argument," she sighed, "I don't even remember what it was about."

"Most likely stupid for both of you, and it lead up to the whole commitment thing, right?"

Mimi bolted straight up in her seat, frowning at the doctor, "Well, quite a lucky guess for someone who hasn't dated in... what? Almost a decade?"

Juri clenched her teeth; her jaw muscles tightened visibly. She took off her glasses and refrained from hissing at the woman, "I believe that will be enough for today." Mimi didn't hesitate to grab her things and leave, but she was stopped at the door by the dangerous tone of the doctor, "Mimi, your own insecurities are making your AND our lives hell. As much as I enjoy your orange pies, that fetish of yours must be thrown away. Most NORMAL people have hobbies, so why don't you try it too? Surfing sounds nice."

Mimi gave the woman one last glare before turning away, muttering something about paying a few hundreds just to be told to go surf in the middle of autumn. Some session it turned out to be, but quite better than a few they had before, that nearly turned into catfights.