Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ *~DiGiTaL iNsAnItY~* ❯ Gonna Wash Those Trailmon Wagons!!! ( Chapter 3 )
"Gonna wash those Trailmon wagons!!!!"
NARRATOR: - Erm…we missed the last… (*Counts on fingers*) … 8 episodes so here's a brief recap… The kids got sucked into …er…Mercuremon's beast form… where the kids had to battle guardians of each section…of course all of them got their asses kicked and Beowulfmon is still kicking Duskmon's ass…somewhere… geez can't anyone give me better information than just some lame scribbles on a piece of tissue paper… O_o;;
Izumi, Junpei and Tomoki are walking through some dark danky looking place with Bokomon, Neemon and kawaii little patamon.
IZUMI - So why are we walking through this dark and danky looking place again?
BOKOMON - We are going to the trailmon graveyard, we are needed there!
JUNPEI - And why aren't takuya and Kouji coming again?
BOKOMON - Er… ^_^;; They need some alone time…
PATAMON - What kind of alone time Mama?
BOKOMON - O_o;; I'll tell you when your older…
PATAMON - (*Pouts*) Awwwwwwww…but I wanna know now!
NEEMON - They're Gay!
BOKOMON - ARGH! (*Covers Neemon's mouth*) Pleeeeeeease don't corrupt my little baby's mind!
PATAMON - What does Gay mean?
BOKOMON - ^_^;; It means they're happy! Very very happy!
JUNPEI - (*Under his breath as he rolls his eyes*) Yeah, I can imagine… no actually I don't think I wanna imagine it!
PATAMON - I'm happy! Does that make me Gay?
BOKOMON - (*Slaps his hand to his face in disbelief*) Oh for the love of… being a mother is a lot harder than I thought!
IZUMI - Shouldn't of let yourself get knocked up then…
BOKOMON - Damn right!
PATAMON - (*Bursting into tears*) Whaaaaaaaaaaa! Mama doesn't love me anymore!!!!!
BOKOMON - (*Running after him*) ARGH! Wait!!!!
IZUMI - (*Watching as Bokomon chases Patamon around*) Remind me never to have kids!
JUNPEI - Ditto!
Suddenly Ash Ketchum comes out from nowhere!
ASH - Ditto? Where?
He then trips up and lands on his face as Izumi, Junpei and Neemon look down at him.
JUNPEI - That was unexpected…
TOMOKI - Hey guys look what I found!
The others turn around to see Tommy holding Pikachu tightly… then Pikachu lets out one HUGE Thundershock…shocking everyone, even Bokomon and Patamon.
JUNEPI - (*As his hair smoulders*) I take it back…THAT was unexpected!
Meanwhile Takuya and Kouji were in the dark forest reading comics…
KOUJI - Oh and for the record… I have no idea Duskmon is my brother… or that I have a brother at all… and he's not my twin he's a year older…
TAKUYA - But in the past fics you said…?
KOUJI - (*Interrupting*) Oh don't fiddle with details Takuya!
TAKUYA - Anyway shouldn't you be kicking Duskmon's ass or something?
KOUJI - I've been kicking his ass all week takuya, I'm having Sunday off!
TAKUYA - Fair enough!
It then goes deathly silent.
KOUJI - Wanna make out behind the bushes…
TAKUYA - Sure…
They walk off.
Back with the others they have finally reached the Trailmon Graveyard.
IZUMI - Creeeeeeeepy! It's full of broken and rusty trailmon's
JUNPEI - Useless pieces of junk
Junpei then kicks one, which makes the train scream.
TRAILMON - Owie! Do you mind I came here to die!
JUNPEI - Oh erm ^_^;; sorry!
IZUMI - So Bokomon what's our mission here anyway?
BOKOMON - Why to restore all of these dead and dieing trailmon of course!
IZUMI - O_o;;
TOMOKI - O_o;;
JUNPEI - O_o;; Your kiddin' right?
BOKOMON - Nah! I'd be kidding if I said I didn't want to snog Neemon right now…
NEEMON - Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!
PATAMON - (*With a huge innocent smile on his face*) I'm Gay!
BOKOMON - (*sigh*) I have a feeling I'm not going to get any grandchildren… (*Turns to the others*) … Now come on! Chop! Chop!
IZUMI - (*as she and the others walk away*) Okay! Okay! We're going!
JUNPEI - We help save the digital world and THIS is how they repay us! Geez!
PATAMON - (*Dancing about*) I'm Gay! I'm Gay! I'm Gay!
BOKOMON - Pleeeeeeeeeease stop saying that!
Bac k with Takuya and Kouji they're back reading the comics…
KOUJI - (*Throwing the comic he was reading aside*) Ack! I've read all these already!
TAKUYA - Then maybe we should read THIS!!!!
With that Takuya brings out a badly drawn comic from behind his back after he does kouji squints his eyes so he could read what was written on the front cover.
KOUJI - Takuya's comic of complete and utter Yaoi goodness… (*Looks at Takuya*) You did this comic yourself?
TAKUYA - Yep! It's still work in progress but what I have in here so far is utter yaoi gold!
KOUJI - (*Moving over to takuya and sitting by him*) Hey! I wanna read it! Hutch up a little will ya!
So the two boys began to read Takuya's little Yaoi comic thingy. They become so engrossed in it they don't notice Duskmon who walks up behind them and starts reading it too.
DUSKMON - A Yaoi comic? (*reads more*) Pah! Like that thing between junpei and grottomon would REALLY happen!
TAKUYA - (*Not noticing it's Duskmon*) Well in this comic it CAN happen! (*He suddenly realizes who it is and jumps up pointing towards him*) ARGH! It's Duskmon…Kouji kick his ass! Kick his ass!
KOUJI - (*Not really paying attention as he eats a chocolate bar and continues to read the comic*) Remember I'm having Sunday off!
TAKUYA - FINE! I'll do it myself!
Takuya holds up his digivice ready to double spirit evolve but doesn't get the chance cos Duskmon just snaps his fingers and Takuya simply…disappears!
KOUJI - (*Jumping up, thowing the comic to the ground and looking around*) Hey! What did you do to Takuya?
TAKUYA - (*Off-screen*) I'm down here!
Kouji looks down to see Takuya's little image in his little yaoi comic. Kouji picked it up as a sweatdrop formed on his head.
KOUJI - (*sighs*) Oh boy!
TAKUYA - Kouji! Get me outta here! Grottomon is doing things to my leg, which I'd rather not repeat, even in a yaoi comic…
KOUJI - (*rolling his eyes*) It's gonna be one of THOSE days!
************************************************************ **
Back at the Trailmon Graveyard…. The kids are all prancing about singing…
JUNPEI AND TOMOKI - (*As they wash one of the trailmon*)
Gonna wash this wagon,
Gonna wash it good,
To stop Bokomon's nagging,
We're gonna drown in suds
They're gonna wash that wagon,
They're gonna wash it good
To stop Bokomon's nagging
They're gonna drown in suds
They all suddenly dance arm in arm, changing partners as they do.
Gonna wash this wagon
Gonna wash it fine
Gonna use a tough little cleaner
cause these stains cross the line
They cross the line,
They all dance again!
IZUMI - (*To the Trailmon they were washing*) There you go you're all fixed and squeaky clean now!
As that trailmon leaves another one appears. The kids hold their noses as a strong horrible smell filled the graveyard.
JUNPEI - Oh boy! This one Stinks! It's almost as if it hasn't been washed for years!
SMELLY TRAILMON - 203 years to be exact!
All the kids sweatdrop and look at each other.
IZUMI - Looks like we'll need a stronger power to clean THIS trailmon!
They all get out their D-Scanners and spirit evolve.
FAIRYMON - (*Washing the trailmon with a huge brush*) Oooooooh! This is gonna take some time….
Chakmon then faints overcome by the smell of the trailmon.
Back to everyone's favourite Goggleboy and Lonewolf….
TAKUYA - Oh Kouji please DO something, I want out of here!
KOUJI - God damnit Takuya I'm thinking! Don't rush me!
TAKUYA - I'm not rushing you!
KOUJI - You are!
KOUJI - Are!
KOUJI - (*Grabbing the comic*) Do you WANT me to rip you up!?!
TAKUYA - (*sweatdrops and blushes*) Er…no! But can't you just make Duskmon turn me back? Ask him nicely if you have too!
Kouji looks up to where Duskmon is sat. Beside him is a huge fire that used to be the comics Kouji and takuya were reading. In his hands he was holding "Riker" and "Picard" Star Trek figurines.
DUSKMON - (*As Riker*) Picard, I've come into your ready room to tell you something very deep and personal, I love you and I want to marry you! (*As Picard*) I would take you up on your offer but I'm already engaged to this stick! (*Duskmon throws Riker away and picks up a stick… he moves the stick and Picard together and makes kissing noises*)
KOUJI - (*sweatdrop*) Er… Duskmon is … kinda busy at the moment! (*Kouji then looks back at the comic Takuya is in and gets angry*) TAKUYA! Are you making out with Raven from Zoids!?!
TAKUYA - (*Nervous*) Er… no… Why would I…er…wanna do that!
KOUJI - Pah! You can stay in that comic now for all I care! (*He places the comic on the ground and turns away from it*)
TAKUYA - Awwwwwww…. Come on Kouji don't be like that!
KOUJI - I'm not listening to you….
TAKUYA - But I need your help!
KOUJI - Well ask that Raven for help then!
DUSKMON - (*Turning to look at kouji*) Ooooooooh! Lovers tiff! (*Gets popcorn out of nowhere and starts eating it while watching Kouji and Takuya argue*)
TAKUYA - I've got an idea! This comic isn't finished so why don't you just finish it and maybe that'll get me outta here!
KOUJI - (*sighs*) Well okay…but I'm ONLY doing this cos I want to kick your ass once your out! (*He flicks to the first blank page and gets out various pencils and crayons and starts drawing*)
TAKUYA - (*Giggles*) Kouji that tickles… keep doing it!
Kouji continues to draw then once he's finished he draws a small pond so Takuya can have a look at himself.
TAKUYA - Argh! I have a NOSE! But… (*Begins to admire himself*)… I do look damn good! Since when could you draw, Kouji?
KOUJI - (*shrugs*) Picked it up somewhere I guess!
TAKUYA - (*Looks at his deformed hand*) Erm…is my hand supposed to look broken?
KOUJI - Okay! Okay! So hands are the ONE thing I can't draw, sue me!
TAKUYA - I will!
KOUJI - Well FINE!!!!
Bac k at the graveyard….
FAIRYMON - (*wipes the sweat from her forehead*) Phew! That took some time but the trailmon is now clean at last!
SMELLY BUT NOW CLEAN TRAILMON - Thankyou sweet butterfly!
With that the angry Fairymon kicks the trailmon and the trailmon falls to a million pieces and all the pieces land in a Puddle of Mud…
BLITZMON- (*Singing, out of tune I may add*) "EeeeeeeeeeeeeeeVeryThiiiiings so BLLLurrrrrryyyyy, and EveryyyyyyOnes so FAAaake…"
Suddenly all the windows in every Trailmon there shatters making everyone cringe.
CHAKMON - I don't think she meant THAT kind of Puddle of Mudd…
BLITZMON - Oopppppps!
Then Bokomon walks up to them holding a cloth and a broom for the three digimon to clean up the mess they had just made. They all just sigh in response and reluctantly get back to work….
Once again…back to the boys…Kouji and Duskmon are now fighting over the comic, pulling it on both sides….
DUSKMON - No! I wanna burn it!
KOUJI - Your not gonna burn it!
DUSKMON - Well at least let me put some Star Trek references in it!
TAKUYA - (*Looking a bit ill in the comic*) Augh! Please…stop fighting, or I'm gonna throw up!
KOUJI - (*Giving one last strong tug*) GIVE IT!
DUSKMON - (*Giving a strong tug back*) NO!
Suddenly the comic rips and the pages fly everywhere, leaving Kouji holding onto one page.
KOUJI - (*Panicking*) Argh! Takuya! Where's my Takuya - Chan!!!!
Kouji falls to his knees and starts searching through all the pages on the floor as Duskmon watches.
KOUJI - (*Almost on the border of tears*) Oh my dear sweet Takuya-Chan! Will I ever see you again!?!
TAKUYA - (*Off-screen*) Hey! Kouji! I'm down here!
Kouji looks down to see Takuya's page in a small puddle of mud
KOUJI - (*Starts singing*) Everything's so Blurry…
TAKUYA - This is no time to sing Kouji!
KOUJI - Heh! Right!
With that he turns towards duskmon, who realizes he's in trouble now.
DUSKMON - Uh-oh! I'm in trouble now!
Duskmon starts running but Kouji jumps him and the two fall to the floor… Kouji then starts pulling his hair making Duskmon scream.
KOUJI - Turn Takuya back to normal!
KOUJI - (*pulling harder*) DO IT!
DUSKMON - I said NO!
KOUJI - (*Pulling even harder*) DOOOOOOOOOO IT!
DUSKMON - ARGH! Fine (*Clicks his fingers and takuya comes out of the comic and lands in the mud*) Now GET OFF ME!!!!
Kouji gets off Duskmon and runs over to Takuya as Duskmon runs away. Kouji then hugs Takuya after he has stood up (*All together now: "Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!"*) Then kouji suddenly pushes Takuya so he falls back into the mud.
KOUJI - That's for making out with Raven!
Just then the others walk up to them covered in dirt and…various other things. They then just collapse onto the floor in exhaustion.
KOUJI - What happened to you guys?
JUNPEI - You don't wanna know…
IZUMI - Now lets never speak of this again!
Then everyone starts laughing…for no real reason. Only Bokomon isn't laughing and he looks very confused.
BOKOMON - What's so damn funny!?! (*No one answers*) Well fine!
Bokomon just puts his hand to his face in disbelief.
TAKUYA - Duskmon/Velgmon is back and looking to kick some serious ass…
KOUJI - Well so am I! And (*Flicks through the script for the next episode*)…. OH MY GOD DUSKMON IS MY BROTHER!?!?!?
IZUMI - You've just realized that? Everyone else knew ages ago….
KOUJI - Pah! Nobody tells me these things! >_<
TOMOKI - And Patamon's gonna try and commit suicide…
JUNPEI - Yes DIE! DIE! (*Everyone looks at him*) What? …Something needs to die…I'm getting board!
TAKUYA - Next time on Digimon Frontier "Suicidal Patamon VS. Insane Velgmon!" Keep watching… Oh and I'll make sure you'll all get more fan service… (*winks*)
IZUMI - (*Whacks Takuya around the head*) Don't still lines from Evangelion!
TAKUYA - (*Sulks*) But I wanna….
Wh at do ya think? Like the Takouji goodness ^_^…
…no! Well get used to it ^_^