Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ *~DiGiTaL iNsAnItY~* ❯ Omphanimon’s Digimon Frontier rumble arena – Popcorn edition!! ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Omphanimon's Digimon Frontier rumble arena - Popcorn edition!!"

NARRATOR: - In the last episode, Kouichi went crazy and attempted to attack Cherubimon a few times by waving a lighter in front of him but kept getting blasted off scenes which team rocket would be proud off… then he received the purified darkness spirits and kicked Cherubimon's digital butt…
…Tomoki and Junpei were knocked unconscious…izumi is queen of the world… Takuya continues to watch kouichi and Kouji battle for possession of the lighter…(*long pause*)…I need a better job…

Now we join the kids as they travel to that Venus Rose place…

TAKUYA - Since when were we going to a place named Venus Rose?

The others just shrug, as they are walking kouichi, who's looking rather shifty, comes up behind his brother and puts his lighter to his bandana.

TOMOKI - (*Sniffs the air*) I can smell something burning….

JUNPEI - (*Sniffs also*) Me too…(*sniffs again*) …smells like chicken…(*eyes light up*)…ohhhh with spicy sauces…(*drools like homer Simpson*)

All the kids stop walking and turn around to see smoke coming up from kouji's bandana with kouichi sniggering behind him.

TAKUYA - (*Looking rather calm*) Kouji…your bandana's on fire… for the 5th time today….

KOUJI - (*Panicking*) Argh! Put it out! Put it put! (*He starts running about in circles waving his arms in the most silliest of fashions*)

JUNPEI - But there's no water around here…

IZUMI - (*Looking at her digivice*) Maybe I could use the water spirits… (*Everyone also looks at Izumi's digivice as Kouji attempts the drop and roll technique behind them*)…hummm, maybe not…

The fire on kouji's bandana eventually goes out. After it does he gets up and walks over to Kouichi, who's now looking nervously at his brother.

KOUJI - (*Flicks his brothers nose*) Don't do that again…

Kouji turns to walk away but as he does kouichi once again lifts his lighter up to Kouji's now rather burnt bandana. Kouji swiftly turns around and sees kouichi looking angelic behind him.

KOUJI - You didn't do it again did you?

KOUICHI - (*Not looking at his brother*) "N…. no…

PATAMON - (*Flying by Kouji's head*) It's smouldering…

KOUJI - (*Not looking pleased*) This isn't very funny…

With that he drops to the floor and attempts the drop and roll technique again.

OMPHANIMON - (*From Digivice*) Erm…hello… while your peeing about I am wasting away in a cage of light as we speak…I need RESCUEING!!!

TAKUYA - Your in a cage of light…?

OMPHANIMON - (*not sounding all too pleased*) Yeeeeeeeeees… what? Did you guys think I actually LIVED in these D-Scanners or something…?

JUNPEI - Well… yeah!

OMPHANIMON - (*Sighs*) I had to get stuck with the thick children didn't I…? Where's Ken Ichijouji and Izzy when you need them…

IZUMI - Ken Ichiwho and what? Who are they?

OMPHANIMON - (*sighs*) Never mind…just get your butts here on the double… (*mutters*)…stupid children…

TAKUYA - Well you heard the rather rude digimon…off to rescue her we go…

Takuya walks off but is stopped by Izumi.

IZUMI - Kouji hasn't finished putting the fire out yet

TAKUYA - Guess we'll wait then..


A few hours and one tied up Kouichi later….

TAKUYA - Horaay! We are here at Venus Rose at last….

KOUICHI - (*With a gag in his mouth*) Mmmufff muffmuhufm mfu fmmfhfu…

IZUMI - What did he say?

KOUICHI - (*After Junpei takes the gag from his mouth*) I said I wanna burn this place down!

JUNPEI - (*sighs*) whatever! (*He shoves the gag into Kouichi's mouth*)

Suddenly a bunch of Phantomon surround them.

KOUJI - Today is just gonna get worse, isn't it…?

TAKUYA - (*Whispers to Kouji*) When this is all over I'll make up for it… (*winks*)

KOUJI - (*getting a happy yet sly look on his face*) Okay! (*Gets out his D-Scanner*) Spirit evolution time!

KOUICHI - Mufmfhfum hfufmfhu fmufhfum fmfhfufhfu!!!!!

KOUJI - (*sighs*) Okay, somebody untie Kouichi first (*looks at his brother*) But if you start even ONE fire you'll be regretting it…


All the kids evolve to their human digimon forms and proceed to try and kick the Phantomon's asses… but every attack they try misses.

BLITZMON - I think my biorhythm is really off today…

EVERYONE ELSE (*Including the phantomon*) - O_o;;

As everyone stands shocked trying to think what a "Bio rhythm" is Lowemon sneaks up behind the phantomon and set their cloaks alight.

PHANTOMON - (*Flying around in a panic*) ARGH! We're on fire! We're on fire! Put it out! Put it put!

WOLFMON - (*sighs and shrugs*) All I can say is welcome to my world!

The phantomon then black out as their digicode shows up.

LOWEMON - YAY! I finally get to do my hella cool digicode scan scene (*Pauses*) Now what should I say…. (*Sits down and thinks*)

AGNIMON - How about you scan their code before they recover LOWEMON!

LOWEMON - (*standing back up*) Fine! Fine! (*Gets out his D-Scanner*) You guys are evil evil ghosts and I will scan your digicode now and it will go into my digivice…DIGICODE SCAN!!!!

The others just have huge sweatdrops on their head.

WOLFMON - Well I guess there's nothing like telling it how it is

FAIRYMON - Guess so!

AGNIMON - Now…off to save Omphanimon!

They all run off and appear in a strange room.

CHAKMON - Boy, since when did that happen?

LOWEMON - (*Looking pretty smug as he walks ahead of the others*) Ah! Teleportation the only way to travel!

???? - Who goes there?

LOWEMON - Erm…it is I…Lowemon… a humble warrior of darkness…

BLITZMON - Talk about stealing lines from Aladdin…

GOATMON - (* As he emerges from the shadows*) Ah! The Legendary warriors, I've been expecting you!

PATAMON - (*Looking happy*) YAY! Goatmon! (*He flies towards the big goat thing as Bokomon starts to panic*)

BOKOMON - Argh! Patamon! Come back you don't know where that thing has been!!!!

PATAMON - (*Landing on Goatmon's head*) Don't worry! This Goatmon is my bitch…

AGNIMON - O_o;; What IS it with these angel digimon and their "Bitches"

GOATMON - Yes I am one of the many… (*sighs and rolls his eyes*) …"Bitches" of the 3 great angel digimon… and now I'll show you the way to Ompahnimon… follow me…

All the other digimon just look at each other then shrug and follow the Goatmon. Eventually they reach a room filled with light…the light is coming from a cage, which holds Omphanimon.

OMPHANIMON - Well FINALLY! I thought you'd freaks would never get here!

AGNIMON - Okay! Okay! We're here! Lets just free you, kick cherubimon's ass and get outta here!

OMPHANIMON - Actually we can't do that…

CHAKMON - Awww…. Why not…

OMPHANIMON - Cause I have to pointlessly tell you everything you pretty much already know…

EVERYONE ELSE - Awwwwww… man!

So they all sit on the floor as Omphanimon starts her story….

OMPHANIMON - Once there was a Great War between human and beast digimon…. (*Two hours later*)… and then Lucemon was defeated by the ancient 10 warriors and…

AGNIMON - (*Interrupting omphanimon*) … Wolfmon just take something off will ya!

WOLFMON - No I'm not cause your cheating Agnimon!

AGNIMON - But I got 5 pairs of Charmanders and that means that you're supposed to take something off…

OMPHANIMON - (*Not sounding pleased*) Are you all playing some strip Pokemon game while I'm trying to explain something important!


FAIRYMON - Oh! Oh! I got Five Pikachu cards…. That means I get to see what kind of underwear wolfmon wears….

WOLFMON - Argh! Everybody quit pickin' on me!!!!

BOKOMON - (*Looking confused and disgusted at the same time*) Can these digimon even remove their clothes or armour or whatever…?

NEEMON - Who knows…

OMPHANIMON - Fine! Since you guys obviously have the attention span of a fish…I will do the rest through a flashback sequence…

LOWEMON - Whahahaha! Not me! (*gets out his trusty "Flashback gone" pills*) I still have these from when I was Duskmon! Suckers!

He's about to take them when Goatmon headbutts him and they all spill out onto the floor and roll away.

LOWEMON - Oh f…. fudgesticks…


OMPHANIMON - (*Voice over*) After the whole human/beast/lucemon/10 warrior thing…we 3 angel digimon took over the reign of the digital world…but back when cherubimon was all sweet and kute lookin' we could tell he wasn't happy…

The 3 angels are all sat around a table.

CHERUBIMON - Argh! Damnit why do I always have to be the baby when we play house!

OMPAHNIMON - Cos you're the one who most LOOKS like a baby out of the 3 of us… and Seraphimon and I are best suited to be the mum and dad…

CHERUBIMON - Pah! You two only say that cos you want the best parts that aren't totally humiliating! Hummm… maybe I could blackmail you two with those pictures I took of you…. Remember…one sunny day in the park… wink wink…

SERAPHIMON - Flippin' heck! Not those pictures! Anything but that! Fine you can be the uncle…we'll get Sorcerymon to play the baby…

OMPAHNIMON - No Seraphimon! He can take those pictures to the Digimon Paparazzi for all I care…he can't blackmail to get his way all the time!


Storms out of the room slamming the door as he does. Later on Omphanimon and seraphimon are out on the ledge to their beautiful castle.

OMPAHNIMON - Oh where is Cherubimon, shouldn't he of come back by now…

SERAPHIMON - Who cares if he comes back! He was cramping our style anyway… now how about we make out in the closet…

As they talk Cherubimon is sat up in a tree listening to them, and not looking all too pleased. He then sulks off and sits on the end of some cliff or other.

CHERUBIMON - (*sulking*) Awwww… man, they're always picking on me! And Omphanimon will never know how much I love her…

Then a dark cloud engulfs Cherubimon corrupting him YAY!!!!! (*I have no idea why I cheered that O_o;;*) Anyway he returns to the castle with a whole bunch of other digimon and the two remaining angel digimon release their own army.

OMPHANIMON - (*As the two groups fight - cheering them on*) That's it! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! Knock their heads off! (*Gets out popcorn and begins eating it*)

SERAPHIMON - Omphanimon…these maybe our last moments together…sure you don't wanna… you know…

OMPHANIMON - Oh just shut up Seraphimon! I'm too into this fighting to bother about anything you want to do…I think I'll make this digimon fighting rumble thing an annually event… (*Gets all excited*) That's it! KILL 'EM ALL!!!!

Just then a dark lightening bolt hits Seraphimon making him fall to the floor.

SERAPHIMON - Owie…that hurt!

OMPHANIMON - Geez your such a crybaby! (*Turns back to the action*) LAY THE SMACKTH DOWN!!!!!


FAIRYMON - Well that sure does explain a few things…

AGNIMON - (*To Wolfmon*) Hey Wolfmon, when we get back home…wanna come round to mine and play house…?

WOLFMON - (*Face lights up*) Sure!

CHERUBIMON - Whahahahaha! Well I'll make sure you won't be able to go back! Wahahahahaha!

Cherubimon then appears in front of them.

BLITZMON - Flippin' heck! I forgot how huge he was!

AGNIMON - And this is a great time to end the episode…buh-bye! (*waves*)



TAKUYA - We all fight Cherubimon…what fun it is!

KOUJI - But no matter how hard we try we just can't beat him…

KOUICHI - Even my lighter is no match :p

IZUMI - Well that's stating the obvi… oh…wait…you mean that your lighter is no match for Cherubimon… ^_^;;

JUNPEI - And to save us Ompahnimon dies…

(*Everyone pauses - then they all suddenly cheer and throw streamers and balloons every where - they all go into a conga line and start chanting*)

EVERYONE - Ompahnimon is dead YEAH! Omphanimon is dead YEAH! Ompahnimon is dead YEAH!

TAKUYA - Next time it's "Hooray! Omphanimon dies! Kouji and Takuya's nifty new evolution scene!" Keep watching ya `ere…

TOMOKI - (*sulks*) Awwww… you get a nifty new evolution scene? I want one…


So how did ya like that one? Yeah I know the Takouji is a little thin at the moment…but they ARE trying to save the digital world after all…
…oh well Ompahnimon dies in the next episode so HORRAY!