Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ *~DiGiTaL iNsAnItY~* ❯ Fight! Fight! Fight! IceDevimon scars us for life!!!! ( Chapter 8 )
"Fight! Fight! Fight! IceDevimon scars us for life!!!!"
NARRATOR RIKA: - So now the original narrator got the sack I'm here to take his place since I'm the narrator for the dub Frontier anyway… okay so in the last episode, Ophanimon fought Cherubimon and sacrificed her life but didn't leave without saying a few choice words about the children… then using the power of the spirits Takuya and Kouji hyper spirit evolved….
(*Pauses*)…what do you mean I'm boring!?!
Okay well back to the gang everyone is just staring up at Magnagarurmon and Kaisergreymon in amazement.
IZUMI - (*Going all sparkly eyes*) Awwwww…. Aren't they beautiful!!!!
JUNPEI - They look butt ugly if ya ask me…
IZUMI - Well I never asked you did I Junpei the magnificent!!! (*Kicks Junpei straight in the crotch*)
JUNPEI - (*In pain*) I wish people would stop doing that! (*Collapses to the ground*)
KOUICHI - So what are WE supposed to do while they fight Cherubimon?
IZUMI - I dunno…(*Looks board, then her face lights up as she points to a rock*) … I could help you set that rock on fire!
KOUICHI - (*Looking very happy*) OKAY!!!
Both walk off happily towards the rock, leaving behind an unconscious Tomoki and Junpei who's still on the floor in pain.
JUNPEI - (*Pouts*) Awwwwwwww…. The angsty guys ALWAYS get the girl, no fair!
BOKOMON - Maybe you should try being all angsty then…
JUNPEI - What do you think I'm doing NOW! After all this I'll probably never have children.
BOKOMON - Maybe that's a good thing…
JUNPEI - (*Not looking pleased*) Stupid digimon!
CHERUBIMON - Whahahahaha! Do you honestly think you can win against me with those fancy pants spirit tricks…I'm Cherubimon the all-powerful and I like to cross dress on Fridays!!!
KAISERGREYMON - Well that's rather more information than I'd like to know…
MAGNAGARURUMON - Maybe we should try it sometime
KAISERGREYMON - Yeah! My mum has this wonderful pink dress I just adore…
JUNPEI - (*Shouting up at them*) Oi! You two can discuss cross dressing tips some other time; now kick that digital bunny's ass!!!!
TOMOKI - (*Jumping up and down*) Yeah! Kick his ass! Kick his ass!
IZUMI - Aren't you supposed to be unconscious?
TOMOKI - I can only be unconscious for a certain amount of time before the producers get worried about me y'know…
IZUMI - Whatever…
KAISERGREYMON - Yeah! Lets kick this bunny's ass…
A fight breaks out, blah de blah, anyone who's familiar to my fanfics and/or Episode guides they'll know I'm not interested in writing fighting scenes really… so lets just skip it… MagnaGarurumon does one thing, KaiserGreymon does another, chrubimon disappears…for now and the whole place starts to shake and collapse.
KAISERGREYMON - Okay let's get out of here before we all get buried by rock or something…
KOUICHI - (*Still trying to set that rock on fire*) Awwwww… man! Wait a minute this thing won't burn! BURN DAMN YOU! BURN!
KAISERGREYMON - Kouichi come on! You can set fire to another rock…
KOUICHI - But I wanna set fire to THIS ONE!
JUNPEI - Just get your ass over here fire boy!
KOUICHI - (*Sulks*) Awwww… okay!
As kouichi goes to walk over to them the floor underneath him suddenly breaks away and kouichi does his slow motion falling thing…
KOUICHI - Oh great!
JUNPEI - (*As the others bow their heads in respect*) He was a good insane boy…and will be deeply missed.
KOUICHI - (*Still falling slow motion style*) I ain't dead yet!
JUNPEI - Soon will be though so buh-bye! (*Waves with a huge cheesy grin on his face*)
Suddenly Kouichi fells something grab his arm saving him from falling any further… he looks up to see MagnaGarurmon holding him.
KOUICHI - HEY! Thnaks! At least someone cares!
MAGNAGARURUMON - Ack! I only saved you cos mum would probably kick my ass if I let you die!
KOUICHI - Actually she probably would be happy… no more hefty arson fines to pay…
MAGNAGARURUMON - (*Sighs as he pulls him up*) Whatever!
As the two digimon magically float away in the air while holding the rest of the children a large clump of dust rises and knocks them all to the floor…laaaaaaadelaaaaaaaa!
PATAMON - (*Getting up from all the rock and dust*) Damnit! I didn't die again! Why do I have to live (*Starts crying*)
TAKUYA - (*Also getting up*) Bloody hell that was some ride and a half…everyone okay?
IZUMI - I guess
Suddenly the ground starts shaking and as the ground turns to ice and a towering figure…er…towers over them!
ICEDEVIMON - Whahahaha! I'm freeeeeeeee! (*Looks at the children*) Oooooh! And I have toysssssssss to play with! Wheeeeeeeeeee!
IZUMI - Boy this guy is way freaky…
JUNPEI - Even more freaky than the time I got my head stuck in that digimon's…
IZUMI - (*Interrupting*) Er…yes defiantly more freaky than that ^_^;; So lets not go there okay chocolate boy!
ICEDEVIMON - (*Picks up Takuya and Kouji*) Ooooooooooh! Dollies! I must dress them up for the ball…(*Begins to dress Takuya and Kouji then puts them on the ground and makes a strange blue shield around them*)
TAKUYA - What the…!?! (*Looks at what he's wearing*) I'm dressed in some kinky housemaid's outfit…
KOUJI - (*Not looking all that pleased with what he's wearing*) At least your not dressed in a skintight leather cat suit… it's quite uncomfortable…
TAKUYA - (*Grins*) Yeah but quite a turn on (*Elbows Kouji suggestively*)
KOUJI - Ack! Not now Takuya! Or haven't you noticed that we're being held captive by some perverted digimon who's even worse than duskmon ever was…
KOUICHI - Hey! Nobody can beat my Picard/Riker/Stick routine!
TAKUYA - (*Elbowing Kouji some more and winking as well*) Well I won't of noticed if you haven't, get it!
KOUJI - Bloody hell your being extra frisky today aren't you?
TAKUYA - The author's annoyed at her computer, the internet, her dad, her brother, her chest infection and is on her 3rd glass of grapefruit juice plus it's like midnight while she's writing this…. That's probably why…
KOUJI - Ah! I see! (*Nods*) Bad combination…
TAKUYA - (* Elbowing kouji again*) So what do ya say, ey? ey? Wanna make out?
KOUJI - (*Looking nervous as he tries to fend off Takuya*) Erm… okay I'm all for a little takouji but this is getting too much!
KOUJI - (*Squeals and runs off with takuya following closely behind…but they're in that blue shield thing so neither can run far*)
ICEDEVIMON - (*Smiling*) My dollies are funny!
TAI - (*With a hen on his head walks in*) Did you call for me…?
JUNPEI - Er…not really…
TAI - Oh…okay then…(*walks off*)
ICEDEVIMON - (*Pouts*) Awwww! This is boring now! All they're doing is chasing each other…(*Makes blue root things grab hold of Kouji making him scream*)..there better!
TAKUYA - ARGH! What are you doing to my poor Kouji-Chan!?!
KOUICHI - That's it! I've had enough of this perverted freakshow!
JUNPEI - What? Takuya?
KOUICHI - (*Sighs*) No I actually meant the ice guy…
IZUMI - Whatcha gonna do burn him…
KOUICHI - Well I was just gonna spirit evolve and kick his ass but now you mention the burn thing…that would be more affective…
TOMOKI - Do both! BOTH!
LOWEMON - …LOWEMON!!!! Feel the wrath of my lighter hentai liking beast! ARRGGGHHHHH!!!!
Icedevimon steps casually to one side as lowemon slams into the blue shield thing releasing a dazed kouji and even more feistier takuya.
ICEDEVIMON - Ha! Missed!
LOWEMON - I think not Ice thing…. ARRRGGGHHH!
Lowemon starts waving the lighter at him and Icedevimon begins to melt…
ICEDEVIMON: - ARGH! I'm Melting! Melting! (*Digicode rings around him so lowemon gets out his black -Scanner*)
LOWEMON - You're a bad bad ice hentai liking dude so now I will scan your digicode and it will go into my D-Scanner… DIGICODE SCAN!!!!!
JUNPEI - O_o;; His Digicode scan scenes seem to get worse and worse…
IZUMI - He's only had two!
Suddenly lowemon collapses to his hands and knees and de evolves back into kouichi who's trying to catch his breath…
KOUICHI - That's…(*gasp*)…the last… (*Gasp*)…time I …(*Gasp*)…do that!
Kouichi then looks up as his brother's shadow looms over him only to find Kouji holding his hand out to him, offering him to pick him up.
KOUJI - (*Giving his brother a lop sided grin*) Hey that was pretty cool! Oh! And you'll have to tell me how you fall in slow motion…
KOUICHI - (*Nods*) Sure!
Kouichi holds out his hand to grab his brothers but suddenly takuya flies out of nowhere and tackles Kouji to the ground. So kouichi just gets up himself and wonders over to the others.
IZUMI - Damn it! I wish I had my camera!
KOUICHI - Are they….always like this?
JUNPEI - Pretty much!
TOMOKI - (*With a huge smile on his face*) They've warped my fragile innocent little mind!
IZUMI - Tomoki be quiet (*Hits him over the head. The boy falls unconscious to the ground…everybody laughs*)
TAKUYA - Whoooooooooowheeeee! The author misses out more episodes….
KOUJI - 37 and 38 to be exact… hey she's missing out Cherubimon's defeat by us! That's not nice!
KOUICHI - Ah! She just wants to get to episode 39…she can do loads of Star Trek references! Whoooooooooopie! (*Runs around like mad!*)
JUNPEI - O_o;; Oh great! Just what I'm looking forward to…
TAKUYA - Next time it's "The Search for Star Trek!" And I'm sure kouji and I will have more for you Takouji fans ;)
KOUJI - Wha!?! Good god it's hard to keep up with Takuya….
TOMOKI - Feisty!
YAY! For Takouji! (*Does a little dance*)… liked the takouji ey? ey? Thought I'd make up for it being so slim in the past few episodes… oh well I can do Star Trek references in the next one ^_^ Whooooooooooopieeeeeeeeeeeeee!