Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ *~DiGiTaL iNsAnItY~* ❯ Adventure in Ophanimon’s lending library! Where many books are overdue! ( Chapter 14 )
"Adventure in Ophanimon's lending library! Where many books are overdue!"
In the last episode the kids actually thought up some tactic against the Royal knights… too bad it sucked and they still lost… oh and Kouichi found out that he doesn't really exist in the digital world…
…they just described my whole life (*sigh*)
The chosen are stood outside the castle in a beautiful field of beautiful flowers, indeed life seemed beautiful.
KOUICHI: - (*Stood away from the others*) So … I don't really exist here…but where do I exist? (*Starts looking panicked*) Argh! What if I'm dead in the real world O_o;; ARGH! And I'm the WORST kind of dead person! I'm a dead person that didn't even know they were dead! (*Starts freaking out and crying catching the others attention*)
KOUJI: - (*Looking rather concerned*) Erm… Kouichi are you okay…your acting strange….r than usual…
KOUICHI: - (*Suddenly looking up with a very happy smile on his face*) nope I'm fine…
KOUJI: - Erm… kay lets go inside the castle now…
The group start to walk in but stop when kouichi starts freaking out behind them again.
TAKUYA: -_-;; Is he claiming to be seeing dead people again?
JUNPEI: - (*Shrugs*) who knows!
They all then go into the castle. They all gasp as they see tons of books around them.
IZUMI: - WOW! Just look at this place it's like a library…
JUNPEI: - I hate library's they give me the creeps
TAKUYA: - (*Stood by a desk*) Hey this IS a library…see… (*Holds up some pieces of paper*) Here is a list of all the digimon who have books overdue…
KOUJI: - (*Looks over his shoulder*) Ha! Lucemon has like 10 books overdue, man I wouldn't want to be resurrected with THAT bill, sheesh! O_o;;
TAKUYA: - hey Bokomon's name is on here too… it says that green book of yours is overdue by 3 years…
BOKOMON: - (*Quickly snatching the pieces of paper from takuya*) Erm…enough looking at that you kids should go and make yourselves useful and look for the data before those funky royal knights find it… cos if you don't the…
JUNPEI: - (*Totally interrupting Bokomon as he holds a book in his hand looking quite happy*) Awwwwwwwwww…. WOW! They have the newest Harry Potter book here and…(*his face chances to look very confused*)… "Harry potter and the Philosopher's kidney stone…?" Never heard of that title before…
TOMOKI: - (*Picking up another book*) Here's another one…"Harry potter gets stomped on by hagrid"
IZUMI: - Oh and this one "Harry Potter and the night he shared with Ron…?"
KOUJI: - Oh yeah I've read that one, Harry and Ron…(*Stops as he looks at the innocent inquisitive eyes of Izumi, Tomoki and Junpei looking back at him*)… erm…they just have a sleep over…that's all… a sleep over ^_^;;
TAKUYA: - (*Looking confused*) Really? I've read that one too and mine wasn't about that…mine had Harry and Ron having passo… (*Kouji quickly covers his mouth up*)
KOUJI: - (*Grinning nervously*) Hehehehehe! No yours was about the sleep over too…
IZUMI: - (*Not looking very amused*) Believe me boys, you two and darkness boy over there… (*Points to Kouichi who isn't paying attention to anything that's going on*) …have already corrupted our minds so whatever is in THIS book won't be half as bad… (*Izumi opens the book and starts reading…a few seconds later her face goes green and she slams the book shut*)…excuse me… (*Staggers off before throwing up in the corner*)
BOKOMON: - (*Not looking pleased at all*) Will you FREAKS just listen too me! The Digital World is in danger…this is the last piece of data the funky Royal knights need to resurrect Lucemon and all YOU can do is talk about stupid Harry potter Books…
TAKUYA: - Ah, don't worry, when lucemon sees that hefty library bill he's gonna wish he'd never BEEN reborn…
????? - Who dares enter Ophanimon's Lending Library!?!
All the kids look up to see a Nefertimon stood high above them.
TOMOKI: - Hey look a funny looking kitty!
NEFERTIMON: - DO you strange creatures have memberships with us?
BOKOMON: - Unfortunately only I do -_-;;
NEFERTIMON: - And you are…?
BOKOMON: - (*Freaking out*) Erm…er…erm…I'm… Patamon… yeah my name is Patamon and I get out books on ..er… cooking…
PATAMON: - (*Whacks Bokomon with his ears*) Don't use my name again (*To nefertimon*) …his name is Bokomon and he owes a lot of money for that green book he's holding…
BOKOMON: -_-;; Thanks for ratting me out PIG
PATAMON: - Anytime…
NEFERTIMON: - But the rest of you don't have memberships…
KOUJI: - Erm…well we need to save the digital world first… afterwards we'll make memberships cos I really wanna take this book out (*Holds up a book with the title "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Sexy Hot Magicians"*)
NEFERTIMON: - Very well…
TAKUYA: - Yeah…we gotta go find the digicode for this place now…cya! (*Turns to the others*) Well we should split off into groups…I naturally will go with Kouj…
KOUJI: - (*Interrupting Takuya*) I'm gonna go with kouichi
Takuya falls down anime style.
KOUJI: - Man your REALLY not paying attention to this episode huh? Either that or the author replaced your brain with the brain of Ash from pokemon…
AUTHOR: - (*Tries to hide the obvious scalpel behind her back and whistles while trying to look innocent*)
KOUICHI: - (*After a long pause*) …huh?
KOUJI: - Oh just come on… (*Drags Kouichi off*)
TAKUYA: - ARGH! Stupid lover twins!!!! >_<
IZUMI: - (*Grabbing and dragging off Takuya*) Well I'll pair up with you…. We can have some Takumi fun…
TAKUYA: - (*Looking quite fed up*) Sure… sounds like…er…fun…
All that's left is Junpei and Tomoki as they stand side by side looking puzzled.
JUNPEI: - How did we get paired up?
TOMOKI: - Dunno but wanna have some Tomopei fun?
JUNPEI: - Is that what our couple is called?
TOMOKI: - (*shrugs*) Dunno… the author just made it up cos she can't be bothered to look for it…
(*Fade out*)
(*Fade in to see the twins climbing a rather freaky staircase*)
KOUJI: - So if you had to date one of the Royal knights which one would it be?
KOUICHI: - Humm…
KOUJI: - (*As they stop on the stairs*) Hey…are you SURE your okay?
KOUICHI: - (*Turning around and smiling at kouji*) Yeah sure I'm sure… I've never been more okay in my life…why'd you ask?
KOUJI: - Well first of all we're surrounded by books, books are made of paper, paper burns well…catch my drift…
KOUICHI: - Er ^_^;; Maybe I'm just growing out a pyromania…
KOUJI: - Kouichi people just don't grow out of Pyromania…they get therapy for Pyromania…
KOUICHI: - Well maybe all that therapy I had before I came here is working…
KOUJI: - You told me the last time you went you burnt your therapists Porsche and then set the receptionists hair on fire… -_-;;
KOUICHI: - Ah, yeah… (*Turns away from kouji*) I forgot about that…
KOUJI: - (*Walking up behind his brother and placing his hand on his shoulder*) Kouichi… I…
Suddenly there's a loud cracking noise and then a huge THUMP. Kouichi turns around to see that the stairs below Kouji had given way and now his twin is lying dazed amongst a bunch of books.
KOUICHI: - Are you okay?
KOUJI: - Yeah, these books broke my fall…(*groans*)…too bad they were hardbacks… (*Passes out*)
(*Fades out*)
(*Fades in to see Junepi and Tomoki just looking through some random books*)
TOMOKI: - Hey I found Ophanimon's diary… (* Opens it up and reads it out*) …December 22nd… Life sucks, life sucks big time…Cherubimon is now an evil assed bunny clown thing and all seraphimon wants to do is go in the closet for…er…random things… why can't I be a normal digimon with normal digimon friends…
JUNPEI: - Hey Tomoki wanna find a closet and do random things…
TOMOKI: - (*Looks excited*) Like play Monopoly?
JUNPEI: - (*shrugs*) How about strip monopoly…?
TOMOKI: - Okay!
(*fades out*)
(Fades in to Takuya and Izumi who are sat in the middle of some books*)
TAKUYA: - (*Looking through the books*) Pride and prejudice, sense and sensibility, some… other books… geez this sucks…
IZUMI: - Wanna make out…
TAKUYA: - (*Who wasn't really paying attention*) Yeah sure…(*Then realizes what she said*) Wait! I mean No NO I only wanna make out with Kouji KOUJI DAMNIT!!!!
Izumi is now getting rather uncomfortable close to Takuya as he squirms back nervously.
TAKUYA: - ^_^;; oh er…look at the time, it's time for my nap…goodnight (*Shuts his eyes and starts snoring*)
IZUMI: - (*Looking mad*) HEY! Don't pretend your asleep mister….I wanna make out damnit! (*Takuya only responds in more snores*) Humph! Well fine then…
Later on it's now night and all the kids met up again.
KOUJI: - Nope…none of us found the digicode…although now I have myself a nifty hurt back…(*cringes in pain*)…ouch…
JUNPEI: - (*Who's stood there in only his underwear*) And I lost to tomoki while playing strip monopoly…
IZUMI: - And Takuya won't let me have an Takumi fun with him…
TAKUYA: - (*Pulls a face at Izumi*)
BOKOMON: - (*Sighs*) You're all useless…
TAKUYA: - Well look at it this way… if WE can't find the digicode…then chances are the Royal knights will find it hard to find it as well…
EVERYONE: - (*All cheer and throw their hands up in the air*)
BOKOMON: -_-;; Er…yeah…(*Looks over towards Kouichi who's stood on his own staring into space so walks over and tugs on his shirt getting Kouichi's attention*)… I know what LordKnightmon said to you…
KOUICHI: - You heard that? (*Looks really sad*) I'm just worried I'm dead… then I'll never get all the brother stuff I'm getting now…and my mum will eat more sugary things…and then the little Pyromaniac leprechaun friend of mine will go crazy without me and set the world on fire… ARGH! I'll never be able to watch Pokemon again! (*Pauses*)… on the plus side I could haunt and freak out people ^_^ That would be so cool!
BOKOMON: - Awwwww… poor Kouichi-Han (*Hugs Kouichi's leg*)
KOUICHI: - O_o;; Erm…okay Bokomon you can let go now… bo…bokomon…?
BOKOMON: - (*With a huge smile on his face*) You're leg is soft…
KOUICHI: - ARGH! GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF! (Starts shaking his leg to try and get Bokomon off his leg*)
Morning quickly sets in…
TAKUYA: - Hey? Do we GET to sleep at all in this show …?
AUTHOR: - No… anyway you've already slept…bad Takuya bad! (*Hits him over the head with a book*)
TAKUYA: - Ow….
Suddenly there's a HUGE explosions and the Royal Knights are stood by the hole they've just made…
DYNASMON: - Prepare for TROUBLE cos we're NUMBER ONE
LORDKNIGHTMON: - (*Holding up a white flower he got from the fields*) And make it DOUBLE I`m wearing a thong…
KOUJI: - Oh I could of done without hearing that…
DYNASMON: - To defeat you kids that's our law
LORDKNIGHTMON: - Last night with Dynasmon I did score…
DYNASMON: - (*Now not looking pleased*) We are feared throughout the digital lands
LORDKNIGHTMON: - Dynasmon can do amazing things with his hands…
DYNASMON: - (*Looks like he's about to explode*) Grrrr… Dynasmon…
LORDKNIGHTMON: - I'm Lordknightmon, Dynasmon's bitch extraordinaire…
DYNASMON: - Grrrr… >_< We're the Royal Knights now that's all done and said…
LORDKNIGHTMON: - I'd like to state that dynasmon is good in bed…
PATAMON: -_-;; Kill me now PLEEEEASE!!!
DYNASMON: - Grrr…why do you ALWAYS have to talk about our sex life you stupid pink …thing!
LORDKNIGHTMON: - (*Obviously in a world of his own*) Cos I think our love is wonderful and should be known by all…
TAKUYA: - Well actually we don't want to know about it… ^_^;;
TAKUYA: - Geez! Okay just saying…grouch!
DYNASMON: - Anyway I'd like to say that last night meant nothing to me…
LORDKNIGHTMON: - Not even when I brought out those cattle prods…
DYNASMON: - O_o;; Er…well…erm… er…
TAKUYA: - (*Now looking quite disturbed*) ARGH! THAT'S IT! JUST TAKE THE DATA AND LEAVE YOU FREAKS COS I DON'T WANNA HEAR THIS ANYMORE… (*Pauses*)… wait…I shouldn't of said that…
KOUJI: - Noooooooooope!
DYNASMON: - Oh well thankyou gogglebrat! (*Quickly sacrifices Nefertimon and takes the digicode of the whole area*)
LUCEMON: - (*As he appears in front of the kids*) Whahahahahaha! I'm free to wreak havoc again…and rule this… (*Looks at the area around him*)… area of nothingness… (*Shrugs*) Oh well… it's still all mine to play with, hehehehehe!
LORDKNIGHTMON: - You said that with more force than you needed too…
DYNASMON: - Don't be jealous!
TAKUYA: - What? That's Lucemon? That little freak angel thing is THE Lucemon… (*Starts laughing*)
LUCEMON: - What? What's so funny?
TAKUYA: - Hahahahaha! Did mummy let you out to play, ey? What time does little Lucemon have to go to bed…?
KOUJI: - (*Laughs and joins in*) Yeah, must be near your curfew now so you'd best just go on home, Hahahahahaa!
LUCEMON: - GRRRRR. I'll teach you to MOCK ME!
With that he shoots a beam at the kids, which hits them and sends them flying up into the air.
TAKUYA: - (*Gets out a notepad and a pen as they fly through the air, and he writes as he talks*) Note to self: Do not taunt the cute Psycho angel…
LUCEMON: - Ah, now I can really get down to playing some fun games…(*whips out a monopoly set and turns to the Royal knights*) …Anyone wanna play strip Monopoly?
LORDKNIGHTMON: - (*Jumping up and down getting all excited*) YAY! YAY! ME! ME!
DYNASMON: - (*Sighs and just walks off*)
TAKUYA: - We bugger off to the yellow moon for a while cos lucemon is a scary little brat…
KOUJI: - Cute…but scary…anyone else think he's cute? ^_^
KOUICHI: - But then the royal knights come…then fall… the lucemon evolves Eeeeeep!
IZUMI: - My GOD falldown mode is ugly
LUCEMON FALLDOWN MODE: - Well I think I'm very handsome…
JUNPEI: - Yeah you would…(*mutters*) …Myotismon wannabe…
LUCEMON FM: - For that comment I shall eat the small child…(*Points to Tomoki*)
TOMOKI: - (*Screams and runs off*) ARGH!!!!
LUCEMON FM: - (*Chases after him*) Awwwww…. Come back I just wanna chew on your data for a while…
TAKUYA: - Er… `kay O_o;; Next time it's "The Royal Knights die FINALLY! Lucemon's ugly evolution!" Until next time…
LUCEMON FM: - For the last time I'm not ugly…I'm a sexy bitch…
KOUJI: - Yeah ^_^;; You keep thinking that!
FREAKY NAKED KID: - Hi! I'm a freaky naked kid and I'm here to tell you about the new anime that's replacing Digimon cos it's useless… but I don't know much about my own anime except it requires me to be butt naked with EVERYTHING showing in the previews…
FREAKY NAKED KID: - ARGH!!!! (*Runs around in circles with kouichi following him with the lighter*)
TAKUYA: - Man we should keep Kouichi on a leash….
KOUJI: - (*Holding up a broken leash*) He WAS on a leash (*Shrugs*) Oh well might as well join in (*Brings out his lightsaber and joins Kouichi in running after the freaky naked kid*)