Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ "Party at Apartment 202!" ❯ Chapter 1
AUTHOR'S NOTE: I wrote this fic a long time ago. It uses the American dub names and I didn't mean for Tai to sound so… gay.
"Party At Apartment 202!"
SCENE 1 - 19:00, Davis' apartment.
Everyone has sodas. Tai is seated comfortably in a big armchair with his arms draped over it and his soda can open on the coffee table. He's staring at the opened soda can. Davis is seated on the sofa, near Tai, holding his open soda can. He's staring at the TV. Yolei is sitting in the armchair opposite Tai sipping her soda can and staring at the coffee table. Jun is leaning over the sofa, near Yolei, and fiddling with the tab of her unopened soda can. She's staring at the TV remote. All are silent. All are waiting for the other guests to arrive.
DAVIS: (Sips his soda) Glad that you guys could make it!
ALL: (Monotonously) Uh-huh.
DAVIS: So, when's everybody coming over?
JUN: (*___*) I hope that Matt's coming over!
DAVIS: (Disinterest in his voice) You would.
TAI: (Looking away with a smile) Yep. We all want Matt to come over...
YOLEI: (^_^) Actually, I think he's quite cute.
JUN: He is, isn't he?
DAVIS: Yolei, you think that every guy you meet on the street is cute!
YOLEI: (-_-*) I didn't meet Matt on the street, I met him at school!
TAI: Are we actually going to do anything tonight other than drink non-alcoholic sodas?
DAVIS: Yeah! (Reaches for the TV remote) We're going to watch TV! (Flicks through a hundred channels) I can't believe it! It's a Saturday night and there's nothing good on to watch! We have almost a thousand channels of nothingness!
YOLEI: (Gestures to Davis for the remote) Give me it here! I'll find us something good to watch! (She flicks it onto a soap opera. Tai and Davis groan).
Knock on the door. Davis leaps off the sofa and dashes to answer it. He admits entry to Izzy.
IZZY: (^_^) Hello.
DAVIS: (-_-; Disappointed) Oh, it's you. I was expecting somebody else.
IZZY: (^__^*) Well thanks! That's a warm welcome! (Sits down on the sofa, taking center seat). Hey Tai.
TAI: (^_^) Hey Izzy.
IZZY: (Davis hands him a soda) Oh, thanks. (Opens soda and sips it) So is this it?
TAI: Yep.
DAVIS: (^__^*) No it isn't! We still have Kari and Cody and... (Struggles to remember other guests' names)
TAI: (¬_¬) What about T.K. and Joe?
DAVIS: ...And T.K. and Joe... I was just getting to them!
IZZY: Joe's coming over? But I thought that he was still caught up with med' school?
DAVIS: He is! But even doctors have to have fun, right?
YOLEI: Shhh! Not so loud! I'm trying to listen to Lilia and Jeffrey! They're going to elope! (Stares intently at the TV screen)
SOAP OPERA: Oh, Lilia! After all this is over, remind me to ask you to marry me!...Yes, Jeffrey! I will! (Kissing noises)
YOLEI: (Davis and Tai grimace, but Izzy's actually watching it) Shut up!
SOAP OPERA: Oh my God! Emily! What are you doing here?!...I'll tell you what's what, Lilia! (Slaps Lilia across the face) You're a two-faced slut!...(Jeffrey looks shocked) Emily! What are you talking about???...Jeffrey, Lilia's been cheating on you with her cousin!...(Looks like he's going to faint) Michael! Oh no!...Jeffrey! Please listen to me! Emily's lying!...
YOLEI: (O_O*;) Lilia, you bitch!
JUN: I would never to do that to Matt. (Looks at Izzy) Is he coming over or what?
IZZY: I don't know! Don't ask me!
TAI: Matt said he was busy.
JUN: (Goes over to the telephone) I'll make sure that he's not busy! Tai, what's his telephone number?
TAI: (O_O;) You mean you don't know it yet???
JUN: (^__^*) I'm too angry to remember! Just give me his damn telephone number!
TAI: (^_^;) I don't have it on me!
JUN: (Towers menacingly over Tai) GIVE IT TO ME!!!
TAI: (^_^;) 555-1625!
Knock at the door. Davis leaps off the sofa and dashes to answer it. Admits entry to T.K. and Kari. Davis is overjoyed to see that Kari's turned up.
DAVIS: (Takes Kari by the hands) Kari! I'm so glad that you could make it! I almost thought that you weren't coming!
T.K.: (Rolling his eyes) So did I...
KARI: (Laughs and looks at T.K. @^_^@) Well, you know me! Always keeping you in suspense!
DAVIS: Yeah! (Pulls her into the apartment, T.K. follows) And sometimes the suspense is killing me! Can I get you something to drink? How about a soda?
TAI: (¬_¬) That's all he has.
DAVIS: (-___-;) That's not true!
KARI: (^_^) Then make it two sodas, please. (Cody appears behind Kari)
CODY: Make that three would you Davis?
DAVIS: (^_^) Cody! You came! You're pretty late!
CODY: (Checks the time on his watch) It's only eight o'clock.
DAVIS: Yeah, but the party started an hour ago!
YOLEI: (¬.¬) You know that parties don't start until late, Davis! Something like eleven o'clock! You're lucky that so many people turned up this early!
Jun slams the telephone loudly and startles everyone (^_^;). She looks ticked off.
JUN: (-_-*) Matt's busy!
TAI: What did I tell you?
JUN: (-_-*) I'll call him later! (Opens her soda and sips it, hand on her hip)
Davis gives Cody a soda and Kari two sodas. Kari passes one to T.K. and they both open them. Kari sits next to Izzy (on his right) and T.K. perches on the arm next to Kari. Davis sits on the left side of Izzy and watches Kari sip her soda. Cody just stands by Tai's armchair and sips his soda silently.
T.K.: What are you guys watching anyway? It looks like a soap opera!
IZZY: That's because it is a soap opera! Lilia and Jeffrey were going to elope, but Emily told Jeffrey that Lilia had been cheating on him with her cousin Michael.
T.K.: (^_^;) Oh.
SOAP OPERA: Catfight between Emily and Lilia. Jeffrey tries to separate them but he's knocked out.
YOLEI: (^_^*) You go girl! Tear that bigamist bitch apart! Yeah!
T.K.: (^_^; Transfixed by the cat fight) I swear that's real hair... Do they do this for real?
DAVIS: (Sarcastically) Come on!
TAI: (Gazes at his half-empty soda unenthusiastically) We could sure use some beer.
DAVIS: Joe said that he'd bring some over.
TAI: (Sits up o_O;) REALLY?
YOLEI: (^___^) Cool!
IZZY: (^_^;) No way!
DAVIS: (Proudly) He did! (Beams at Kari ^_^) Don't you think that's cool, Kari?
KARI: I didn't know that you drank beer, Davis.
DAVIS: (^__^) Sure! I drink beer all the time!
T.K.: (¬_¬;) Oh? Then why isn't there any beer here?
DAVIS: (^__^;) Like I said! I drink beer all the time!
CODY: Then that explains a few things.
Everybody laughs, then there's a knock on the door. Davis dashes to there to answer it.
DAVIS: (Peers through the peephole) It's here!
Admits a couple of guys carrying a crate of beer each, with two more at their feet.
GUY 1: Is this your beer?
DAVIS: You bet it is!
TAI: (Leaps off his armchair to the door) Were these sent by Joe???
GUY 2: The one and only.
IZZY: Hmmm, prodigious, the guy has his own delivery service... (Finishes his soda) Hey Davis, do you have another one?
DAVIS: (Takes crate from Guy 1, finds it heavy, but he deals with it to impress Kari) Uh, sure! Jun, would you get Izzy another soda?
JUN: (Huffs -_-*) I am not your slave, Davis!
YOLEI: (Stands up ^__^) I'll get it!
IZZY: Thanks Yolei. (@^_^@ Yolei hurries to the refrigerator.)
Tai takes the crate from Guy 2 and he and Davis dump them on the coffee table. The coffee table begins to buckle.
TAI: Quick, everyone! Grab as much beer as you can!
DAVIS: And grab lots because my mom will kill me if this coffee table is destroyed!
Everyone grabs some beer. (A lot of beer.) Coffee table is still buckling, so Davis grabs some more beer and hands it to the two guys just as they dump the other two crates on the kitchen counter.
DAVIS: (^_^) Here! Have some beer on me for your trouble!
GUY 1: Thanks.
GUY 2: There's more where that came from.
DAVIS: (Shocked o_O;) What???
GUY 1: Don't worry. Only two more.
DAVIS: But that's...! (O_O;;) God knows how many beers!!!
IZZY: Ninety-six. Meaning one hundred and ninety-two beers in total.
DAVIS: (^_^;) ...Uhhh...
TAI: That's humongous!
JUN: (Opens a beer ^___^) Don't worry! We'll manage it all!
GUY 1 and 2: (^_^;) ...
YOLEI: We sure will! (Drinks her beer) But wait a second! (^___^) Ta-da! (Produces a huge bag of munchies from behind her armchair).
DAVIS: (*___*) Yolei! You're the greatest!
YOLEI: (@^__^@) I know!
DAVIS: (^___^) Now we have ourselves a party! Wohoo! Yeah!
AUTHOR'S FINAL NOTE: I'm ignoring most Japanese customs here. For instance, the neighbours aren't complaining, no one bows (they'll all be too drunk for bowing anyway!) and there is no curfew!