Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ 2nd Run ❯ Disaster Strikes ( Chapter 2 )
Hey TOEI owns digimon, I just borrowing them... Well, the ones they made...
Alan, Reilmon and Chris are characters were made by me, don't steal them. If by any reason you want to borrow any of them, mail me (In case you wonder, my mail is at the bottom)...
Kitsunemon is property of Talismon2k1.
2nd Run - Sequel to "A New Story" - Chapter 2, Disaster Strikes
The game finished loading and the screen appeared showing how the Digital World was, but this wasn't what any of them were expecting, the storm only got worse, before it ws only a black sky with some thunder, now parts of the land were completely barren, the thunders were fiercer, and no Digimon could be sighted...
"...." Reilmon was speechless at the sight of her homeland almost completely destroyed.
"How could that happen?" asked Kitsunemon, he knew well none there could answer his question.
"Um... I think something is about to happen..." said Alan, a couple of seconds later the earth of the Digital World shaked fiercely.
"The Digital World looks pretty messed..." Chris was abruptly interrupted by a loud, and a really loud for that matter, thunder from outside.
"What the hell?!" said Alan as he quickly rushed to the window, followed by the rest, and sure enough, the sky was very dark also...
"It has only been less than five minutes since we entered? How could the sky get so dark in such short time?" said Chris.
"I don't like this..." said Kitsunemon, little after a rain started, in less than ten seconds they could not see more than a meter away from the window and rain was pouring in really hard...
"Do you think that somehow the events of the Digital World are linked to this?" asked Chris.
"It would seem so..." said Alan back.
"Well, we can only for it to get..." Reilmon was interrupted by a stomp that was heard from the roof.
"What was that?" said Kitsunemon.
"Let's go check" said Alan as he grabbed an umbrella. Both Reilmon and Kitsunemon didn't liked that idea much, since they were covered in fur and getting their fur wet was surely not fun...
They quickly exited the building, Reilmon grabbed Alan as she jumped to the roof, and so did Kitsunemon holding Chris, they entered what seemed like a mist field, the floor was wet inside, but no rain entered there.
"He was right, you would be quick to come..." said someone hidden in the shadows.
"Who's there?!" asked Alan at whoever was there. The figure stepped out of the shadows, to reveal a huge red dinosaur, his torso was covered in a metal plate with two sort of openings, his arms were also encased in metal, but had a huge blade on the back of each. He had a metal pointy tail. He was known as WarGrowlmon.
"What is a WarGrowlmon doing here?" asked Kitsunemon at the rogue Digimon.
"That is none of your business! Now, prepare to die!!!" WarGowlmon yelled as he charged towards them. He quickly slashed one of his claws as he swiped at the air, neither of the 4 was there.
"Flaming Fox Leaf Arrowhead!" yelled Reilmon as she jumped as high as the barrier let her and charged energy, as she released it, small crystal appeared and were sent flying towards WarGrowlmon, the crystal started to burn while in mid-air, and as they reched WarGrolwmon, they exploded.
"Well, the records were true, you are strong..." WarGrowlmon said as he got up.
"What records?" asked Reilmon a little concerned about that.
"Nothing you should care off!" he yelled back as he dashed again, but...
"Inferno Crystal!" Kitsunemon yelled, he stomped the floor and crystal materialized in the air, they went to what would look as air, but WarGrowlmon crossed just at the right time, so the crystals got him. He was sent flying to the side of the building, if the barrier hadn't been there, he would have fall...
"Flashing Fire Kick!" Reilmon yelled as she tried her new move, which she had been practicing before in case a Digimon attacked them in the Digital World, it consisted on doing either a frontal or backwards somersault and engulfing her two legs in flames as she fiercely landed on whatever she was going to, in this case, it was WarGrowlmon's back, delivering one painful blow.
"Argh!" yelled WarGrowlmon. "How can this be happening, I'm being defeated by two damned rookies... Well, since I'm about to die, I might as well tell you..." he managed to say.
"Tell us what?" asked Kitsunemon.
"Don't...Interrupt...The records I...Told you about...They are from...The time you...you...y..o..u.." he said as he exploded into data which just floated away into the dark sky like shooting stars...
"Wait!" yelled Reilmon at the air as the barrier disappeared...
"Now I'm sure this has something to do with the Digital World too..." said Alan.
"Well, we should go back..." said Chris as she was cut off by the rain, the barrier had fully disappeared and it was still raining as hard as it was. All 4 got back down and entered the apartment.
"Damn, I hope this storm stops" said Chris trying to get all the water out of her hair.
"Um..." said Reilmon as she moved her paw up and down at herself like saying How can I get dry now? both Alan and Chris knew how both Kitsunemon and Reilmon used to take off the water from themselves.
"You can use the bathroom, I'm sure my parents won't mind if the walls are all wet..." Alan said as he smirked.
"Ok, thanks" said Reilmon as she headed to the bathroom, she used to shake like a dog to get dry, not as hard as a dog, but alike, so did Kitsunemon, sure enough, the walls were now driping water...
"What time is it?" asked Chris at Alan, as he turned to see a watch.
"6:32" he said back, time sure flew past, especially with the last fight.
"My mother will get angry, can I use your phone?" she asked, even though she was sure of the answer.
"You know you don't have to ask" Alan said back.
Chris headed for the phone Alan's family had in the living room, she dialed to her home...
"Mom?"..."Yeah, it's me Chris"..."Yes, I know, but I can't go back in this weather"... The conversation followed a couple of minutes, Chris only lived with her mother, her father had died in an accident about 6 months ago, it still hurt her, but she didn't wanted to worry others with that.
"Hey Alan, could we stay here for the night?" asked Chris while holding the receiver away from her mouth.
"Sure, I don't think my parents would mind, besides, I don't it would be easy to walk in this storm..." he said back.
"Yes, he said his parents wouldn't mind"..."Ok, I'll call you tomorrow"..."Yeah, yeah...Bye!" Chris said at her mother as she hanged up.
"Thanks for letting me stay" she said as Kitsunemon and Reilmon entered the room.
"Thanks for what?" asked Kitsunemon.
"Since we can't go back in this storm, we are spending the night here" Chris said back.
"Ok" was all that Kitsunemon said.
"So, what are we going to do now?" asked Reilmon at the three.
They spent about two hours doing almost nothing at all, most of the time they just were sitting talking, at some point of the day, Alan's parents showed up, driving in that kind of weather sure wasn't easy, so they took more time than usual to get back from where they where.
"Chris, what are you still here, it's pretty late, your mother must be worried" asked Lucia at Chris, who was sitting next to Kitsunemon.
"I'm spending the night here, since the storm it's pretty bad, I can't go back... And my mom already knows, she said it was ok" she answered back.
"Oh, ok" said Lucia as she headed to the kitchen.
It was about 8 PM and things showed no sign of getting more lively, as Alan's apartment was pretty quiet. Reilmon and Alan were engaged in a spy-eye game, Chris and Kitsunemon looked at them, both showed a lot of determination to win as the game started about 30 minutes before and none had lost yet... But it ended two minutes later with Reilmon bursting into laugh...
"Ok, that was the longest match I ever had..." said Alan as he layed back on the couch, hugging Reilmon who was next to him.
"Well, at least some time passed, I'm bored out of my mind, and the storm isn't getting lighter..." said Chris.
"Um, exactly where are we sleeping?" asked Kitsunemon at Alan.
"...Haven't thought of that..." Alan answered.
"Is this the kind of couch that opens into a bed?" asked Chris.
"...Hey, you are right. You can sleep here if you want" Alan said back.
"I suppose you are sleeping in your bedroom, right?" asked Kitsunemon at both Alan and Reilmon.
"We can sleep in the other couch, what do you say?" said Reilmon at Alan.
"Sure, I don't see why not" said Alan back, there 3 sofas, one that opened into a bed, and the other two were the common type.
"But it's pretty little" said Chris at them.
"We got used to sleep in small places while we where in the Digital World..." said Alan.
"If you say so..." said Chris back.
Even through it was a little early, the four went to sleep, being bored sure helped as they quickly fell asleep...
The storm was still out there, and still showed no signs of stoping, neither of getting stronger. Still, some questions were running through Alan's mind, on top being why did that digimon attacked them, and why was the storm the same as in the Digital World. He did not knew the answers, but another tale was about to unfold...
Ok, I admit it, I'm pretty sure this chapter was pretty bad, but I just couldn't find any other way to do this chapter... I promise the end will be a lot better, and a little dramatic too...
There will probably only be 4 chapters in this story, so I had 2 left to go.
I can't promise anything about next chapter, it might be better, it might now, one thing sure, it will be shorter than this...
Alan, Reilmon and Chris are characters were made by me, don't steal them. If by any reason you want to borrow any of them, mail me (In case you wonder, my mail is at the bottom)...
Kitsunemon is property of Talismon2k1.
Alan - grayfox_2510@hotmail.com