Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ A Digimon's Story ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"She was right here though!" Calumon protested. He had found everyone from tamers to their digimon at an abandoned church. He told them of Skadumon and Takato started saying, "See! I told you she was real!" So Calumon showed them the place where he had last seen her.

"Yeah right. Lets just go home and get on with the rest of our lives!" Rika said.

"No way! We need to find her, there's no telling what could happen if she ever digivolved!"

"Digivolve into what? A full-grown house cat? Listen Takato, I'm sure she's real and everything, but with a description that you gave us, she's nothing more then a pest to us. Heck, from what Calumon told us she was injured by that purple rat, Impmon!"

"Yes, Rika, but Impmon is more than what he seems. This could be the same way with this other digimon." Renamon said.

"So do we look for her?" Jeri asked.

"We should. There's no telling what could happen." Leomon said. Everyone nodded.

"Then lets go!" Takato said.


"Yeah Guilmon?"

"I'm hungry." Everyone face faulted.

"Alright, lets get something to eat first, THEN we'll search for Skadumon."

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Skadumon sat in a cave somewhere miles from the park. It was dark and damp, but it was better than nothing. She had been healing her tail with some herbs she had found on the way. She recognized a few from a plant book that Matt had used for a science project.

Skadumon sighed and stood up. She was slowly regaining her strength and the pain was disappearing quicker than she had originally thought. She walked over to the "door" of the cave and looked up at the sky.

The sun was already setting and it would be dark soon. Suddenly she heard a rumbling and some cursing not to far away. Growling at herself because she couldn't resist her curiosity, she ran, or tried to anyways, toward the disturbance.

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"Gaaahh!!! Damnit!" Impmon yelled, "Why did that lizard have to be near this cliff?!"

Impmon was walking through the forest hoping to find something to blow up or scare away. He had found a chameleon near a cliff that looked sturdy enough to take on one of his blast, but he was dead wrong. He didn't see that there were many cracks at the top from erosion, so when he threw a fireball at the reptile, which he unfortunately missed, and collided with the cliff, it started tumbling down on him. He was amazed that he didn't get squashed by the huge chunks of rock, but he did manage to get a leg caught under one.

Impmon looked up and cursed again. About 60 feet above him was a HUGE chunk of rock that hung mysteriously on the cliff. The bad part about it was that it was slowly breaking off and when it fully fell, it would fully land on his body. Just then Impmon heard something in the tall grass on his far right.

"What's goin' on here? Who's there?" He recognized that voice from somewhere before, but he couldn't put his finger on it. Then he knew whom it was when she stepped out into the open. Brown hair, white cat ears, feet, paws and tail. All had blue stripes. She was dressed in the same clothes the first time they had met only they had few holes and some smudges of dirt on them.

She wasn't wearing the glasses or the cap anymore, so he could clearly see her slitted eyes. They were a lovely shade of green. Because she didn't have the cap, her hair would keep falling in her face, making her push it back a few times.

"Oh, it's you." She said dully.

"Yeah, it's me! And if ya haven't noticed, I'm in a great need of HELP!!" Impmon screamed.

"Funny, first you attack me yesterday night for no apparent reason, then you leave me all alone in a helpless state. I could have been kidnapped or worse! Now you want MY help?"

"About last night. I'm sorry! I really am! If you don't help me now, I'm gunna be a pancake!" Impmon pointed to the boulder at the top of the cliff. It had about a few more inches to go before its free fall. Skadumon gasped and ran over to Impmon.

"Why didn't tell me this when I first got here?!" She screeched as she tried to roll the boulder off of his leg. Impmon helped as much as he could.

"Tell you what? That my leg was stuck or my fate that is about thirty seconds from falling on me?"

"If your leg were the only problem, I would have just left you to defend for yourself. Just like you did me, 'cept you would be aware of the things around you unlike I was." She pressed her back against the boulder and pushed with all her might. The virus growled and kept pushing until it amazingly rolled off.

"Aha!" Impmon cheered. Skadumon ran behind him and grabbed his underarms and started to drag him away.

"Don't start celebrating now! We still have to move!" She breathed. They were about eight feet away from danger when the other boulder came crashing down right where Impmon would have been.

They stared in awe for a few seconds, then Skadumon helped Impmon to his feet. Impmon put all his weight on his good leg and dusted himself off. Then he looked up and stared Skadumon straight in the eyes. He found himself thinking about all the innocence he saw in them.


`His eyes hold so much anger, sadness, and loneliness. All wrapped up into one. Impmon is full of so much pride and deviousness.' Skadumon thought as she stared into his eyes. Soon both digimon came to realize who they were staring at and quickly turned their gaze onto something else.

"Um, I guess I should apologize from before. You know, when we first met." Impmon struggled to get out. How he hated to say that stupid word. Skadumon looked at him again and grinned, showing off her tiny fangs.

"Why thank you! Never thought I'd hear that from someone such as yourself." She said. Impmon shrugged and moved his gaze to the ground.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't get use to it though," He paused for a moment, "Guess I should thank ya, too. If ya hadn't come along and helped me, I would have been a goner!" Skadumon smiled sweetly. Something she had inherited from Matt's mom. It was a smile nobody could resist, but she wasn't doing it on purpose.

"No problem!" An awkward silence fell between them, making them both nervous. Someone had to break it or Skadumon thought she might run off, which would be very rude.

"So, do you think you'll need help? Your leg is in pretty bad shape. If you want you can come with me. I found a cave not to far from here. You can stay until it heals." Impmon didn't know what to say. Know one had ever asked him stay in their home, well it wasn't actually a home, but its better than nothing!

"Sure. I need a place to stay anyways." He smirked and stared at her again. Skadumon walked to his side and wrapped an arm around his waist as he draped an arm around her neck.

"It's not to far. About three minutes from here." Impmon nodded and they both walked slowly and carefully in the direction of the cave.