Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ A Digimon's Story ❯ Chapter 9 ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Skadumon could only stare in complete fear at what she saw standing before her. A large yellow dino digimon with blue stripes and what looked like a dark brown skull with horns. It covered most of his head, leaving his bottom jaw in view. What scared her the most were all his sharp teeth and claws.

"U-ummm....w-who...a-a-are you?" She stuttered, backing up a few paces. The digimon smirked.

"I'm Greymon. Champion level. And who might you be little lady?" He asked in mock politeness.

"Skadumon.....rookie level....heh.....and, I don't want to be rude or anything, but I must go now." Skadumon slowly turned around and walked away as calmly as she could. She almost wet her pants when Greymon dashed past her and skidded to a halt, causing dirt to rise up, making it a little hard to see. When it cleared, Skadumon was staring at an advancing digi-dino.

"Awe, why are you leaving? We just met! Don't you think we should get to know each other?" He asked in that mocking tone again. She was petrified now. He was toying with her and Skadumon knew it. She had to do something.

"Yes, I know. But I gotta go. You see I'm searching for someone, and I'm in a big hurry. So, if you don't mind...It was nice meeting you Greymon." Then she quickly walked past him, ready for him to attack at anytime. As a digimon she knew when he was playing and when he wasn't. Now he wasn't.

"Oh, no you don't! You're not going anywhere!!!" He charged after her, but was cut short when she did something unexpected. She quickly spun around and thrust her hands forward, palms out.

"ENERGY WAVE!!!" She yelled. You could actually see ripples in the air race toward Greymon at a rapid speed. Greymon simply jumped high enough for it pass without hitting him and fell right back down causing everything to shake in a two mile radius. He smirked down at Skadumon.

"Nice try honey, but that was pointless. Now, why don't you just go along with it and stay still so I can eat in a peaceful manner?" Skadumon grinned.

"Why are you smiling like that?" She pointed behind him. Greymon looked behind him and gasped. She hadn't aimed for him at all!!! She had aimed on the collapsing cliff behind him! He turned and glared at her.

"Why you-!!" He didn't have time to finish because the cliff was falling right on top of him.

"Gaahhh!!! NOOO!!!" His screams were muffled as he was buried beneath the rocks and dirt. Skadumon, who had taken cover behind a rock, came out and stared at the huge pile of red debris.

"I may be small and weak compared to someone like you, but I'm very cunning! Apparently you were to stupid to know that I wasn't aiming for..." She would have continued if reality hadn't hit her.

"My God....I'm talking to a dead digimon...This heat is REALLY getting to me! I better get going." She had no idea that Greymon was still alive until it was too late. Skadumon felt a huge rumble and quickly looked over her shoulder to see the, suppose to be dead, digimon jump right out of the pile of boulders and land right behind her with deep gashes and wild eyes.

"I'm going to take my sweet time killing you little girl..."He growled menacingly. Skadumon's green eyes grew hugely.

"Aww....c'mon..... I was only playing with ya...you, of all digimon, should have known that..." Her ears drooped limply when he towered over her, his teeth bared and his eyes narrowed.

"...help..." She squeaked in a high, scared voice. Greymon roared.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!" Skadumon screamed and took off as fast as she could with the huge beast hot on her heels, snapping his jaws at her whenever he close enough. She was able to keep this up for awhile.



Beelzemon looked into the distance, confused as hell. He almost fell of Behemoth (motorcycle) when a large earthquake had hit, then followed by some kind of tremor. He got over his puzzlement and was about leave when he heard screaming.

He smirked. How he loved to see another digimon in trouble. Just then, a couple of digimon ran by. He watched them for a moment. It was a Greymon chasing some tiny digimon. He couldn't tell exactly what it was. It had a white tail, white ears, and brown hair. It was wearing a long yellow T-shirt and some ripped jeans.

"Humph. Why would he waist his time on such a puny thing. He's better fighting someone like me." Beelzemon just sat there and watched with some amusement. They were going around in circles now, every once in awhile the little one would trip or stumbled, but it was able to get back up and still maintain a good distance from the rampaging beast. This kept up for some time until the little digimon started to slow down.

"Heh, to bad...good thing that isn't Skadumon or I would have blasted that idiot to hell." (Meaning Greymon.) Then he heard it scream as Greymon picked it by the tail


"Thats funny, I could have sworn that little digi called out...to Impmon..."He was silent for a minute.

"OH, DEAR GOD!!" He shouted, "That IS Skadumon!!! HANG ON!! I'M COMING!!!"


Skadumon heard something in the distance, but she really didn't give a rat's ass at the moment. She was in the middle of pain seeing how all her weight was being supported by her tail. Greymon started to swing her back and worth knowing it was causing her some excruciating pain.

"Let go!!!" She cried, hot tears dripping onto the dry ground below her. He kept swinging her with a wicked grin.

"No, I think I won't. I'm just starting to enjoy this. Now you know what I felt when I was crushed under all those rocks!"

"You started it though!! It was coming to you! NOW LET GO!!!!"

"Heh, I don't think so. I think I'll do this until your tail detaches itself from you." She knew that would never happen, but the pain was so extreme that she thought it WOULD come off. She kept crying to herself at all the pain she had received over the past few years. Her and Matt's arguments. They caused her such deep depression and anger. The time when she met Impmon. He almost burned her tail OFF!!! Then the pain of Impmon leaving her and now this!!

"It's not fair..."She whispered to herself, "Why am I always the one to be tortured. I haven't anything to deserve this....nothing..."

Pain shot up her spine along with her rage. It was true, she had done nothing! All she ever tried to do was to protect Matt and try to become what he wanted and that was a strong, unbeatable digimon. She had tried her hardest, but that wasn't good enough for him so he decided to get rid of her!

Her tears suddenly stopped and she glared at nothing in particular. It was Matt who created her and yet it was him who didn't want her! Skadumon clenched her paw like hands into tight fists as her anger swam through her body causing her blood to boil. She was suffering for no reason at all!

"It isn't fair...I did nothing!!" She screeched.

"Yes I know, life is never fair my dear, but being someone like me it is, 'cause I'm big and tough. Other creatures will always give me what I want." She wasn't listening; she couldn't hear a thing or even see for that matter. She saw only whiteness before her eyes. Only one word was going through head. Nothing. Then something happened. She felt strange all over, like someone had just poured warm honey down her throat.

"I....did...NOTHING!!!!" She screamed. Then she was engulfed in a bright light, catching the big bully off guard.

"What the-?!!" Greymon shouted. Beelzemon wasn't to far away when he quickly screeched to a halt. He stared in shock. She was digivolving!

"Skadumon digivolve to..." Suddenly Greymon was kicked in the face, causing him to drop the glowing creature.

"GAAAHHH!!! My face!!!" He cried out. When the glowing subsided, there stood a tall girl with waist length blue hair and narrowed green eyes.

"Ombremon..." She said in a low but smooth gentle voice. Beelzemon and Greymon both stared with mouths practically touching the ground. She slowly walked over to a recovering yellow digimon, her eyes hypnotizing.

"Now its my turn," She whispered. Even though she was still filled with rage her voice came out calm and smooth.