Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ A Little Over the Top ❯ One-Shot
A Little Off Over The Top
by Nefertanya dragongurl Ahhotep
"Are you sure he wants to do this?" the bewildered girl asked the taller of the two blonde males in her company for the third time.
"Definitely!" he chuckled, lazily twirling a roll of duct tape. "He's perfectly all right with this."
The younger blonde finished patting down a strip of the silvery tape around the ankle of the brunette in question with a satisfied grunt. "Think that'll do it, Matt? Or do you want me to use another roll?"
"Naw, TK, that should be enough. We'll save this roll just in case."
Taichi Kamiya growled, unable to speak due to the fact one of the first things the brothers had done was duct tape his "big mouth" shut.
"Just relax, man!" Matt smirked as he clapped a hand on his friend's shoulder. "You're in good hands!"
*"Famous last words."* Tai thought bitterly. And to think this had been *his* idea! Well, sort of, anyway. Sora had mentioned how much she had liked the cut of this one guy's hair. It *would* happen to be the head of his school rival, Gary! The only other guy Tai thought might have a shot at going to the prom with Sora besides him.
He'd made the mistake of complaining to Matt, and mentioning the idea to him. Matt had been *more* than enthused, unfortunately, and even called *his favorite* hairdresser to make the appointment.
So here he was-strapped down by two full rolls of duct tape, the petite-framed hairdresser hesitantly poised behind him with a comb and scissors, and his beloved hair sopping wet.
His hair. The hair he hadn't changed since he was seven. Terror surged through him again, and he struggled against his bonds.
Yukio, the best stylist in the district, was almost as nervous as her charge, and she quickly withdrew. "Maybe we should do this another time?"
Matt's face grew serious as he shook his head. "No. It's now or never."
He leaned over his wild-eyed friend. "Tai, believe me, it's going to be okay. Yukio's the best. Just think of Sora's face when she sees your new look."
Tai scrunched his face and thought hard. Slowly, his muscles relaxed, and Yukio stepped forward again. She quickly ran the comb through the brown mane, and.....
The brown-eyed boy shrieked and began struggling anew. Matt rolled his eyes as poor Yukio leapt back and glanced at him apologetically. She wasn't used to such unusual circumstances.
"Sorry, Matt."
The tall blonde smiled wearily at her. "Don't worry about it. I know you're not used to having such a difficult customer." he glared at Tai. "At *this* age!"
Hey, I got an idea!" TK piped up, nabbing the last roll of tape out of his brother's hand. "You know how they get scared horses out of burning barns? We'll just do the same thing!"
And with that, he tore off a length and plunked it directly over Tai's eyes.
"Heh. That'll sting when it comes off!" Matt mused with a grin.
Yukio shrugged and moved in again. "I'd better be getting one hell of a tip her, boys."
Bound, gagged, and blinded, Tai could only sit and seethe. That, and whimper as Yukio began to cut his precious locks.
*I'll get you for this, Ishida.*