Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ A New Story ❯ Miracles Exists ( Chapter 3 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Will you believe me that TOEI animations owns Digimon? Yeah,I now it's difficult but is true…

Alan and Reilmon characters were created by me, so don't steal them.

This story will involve romantic relationships, be it 2 humans, 2 digimons or crossed, but IT WILL NOT involve any lemons.

A New Story Chapter 3 - Miracles Exists

Day came once again in the Digital World, Alan was still asleep but Reilmon had awakened already, yet she decided to stay wrapped with Alan for many reasons, on top were being with her boyfriend and then the feeling of keeping him warm made her happy, that, and his arms were still around her, she watched her boyfriend sleep for a couple of minutes, before she licked his face, he then woke up...

"What did you do that for?" asked Alan a little angry for being woke up like that, while he never liked that someone or something liked his face, like a dog, receive the lick from his girlfriend made it pleasant for him.

"If I didn't do that you would never wake up" Reilmon smirked.

"...Well, shall we go out, maybe can find some clues on how I can get back" he said, Reilmon only got a little sad when she heard that, Alan noticed and was sure why she was sad...

"Don't worry, you can come with me if we find a way to bo back" he assured her, Reilmon couldn't help but to get happy again.

They both got up and kissed briefly before going out holding arms, when they stepped outside, Alan saw some footsteps which Reilmon recognised as Yashamon's, they were about to follow them.

"Wait! Let me grab some fruit first" Alan then rushed over to the tree which housed the 'digital' fruit that bloomed there, still the tree was a little higher than he thought, and he couldn't reach it, Reilmon smirked at the sight of this, since she could just jump and snatch a couple of thems, Alan couldn't...

"Here, let me help you" said Reilmon as she walked closer.

"No, wait" Alan answered back looking at a bokken lying in the floor, he guessed it was Yashamon's.

What could a bokken be doing here? Maybe because it wasn't with Yashamon when he was deleted it didn't disappear. Oh well, might as well take it, you never know when a bokken might come in hand, still, I won't fight against a digimon, I would only get killed...

Alan reached to grab the bokken lying in the floor, he got back to the tree and used the bokken to break the support of a fruit which fell down only to be catched by the boy's hand.

"Nice!" was all he said, Reilmon only watched as his partner now boyfriend was able to use what she thought was a weapon as a tool to get the fruit. Alan then proceeded to get a couple more of them. He never thought he would miss his backpack as he had no place to hold them, and only 1 could fit on each of his jeans pockets. He still was carrying an extra one.

"You want it?" he offered the fruit at Reilmon.

"No thanks, you eat it, I can get my own" and yes she did, she gracefully jumped into the air and grabbed a fruit, and landed down, both proceeded to eat their own fruit.

It didn't take them long to finish.

"I wonder how much these 2 fruits will last me..." he said.

"Don't worry, there's a lot of those trees growing almost everywere" she assured him.

This was like some kind of game to Alan, while on his world he just usually had to walk a few steps to find food, be it on his freezer or at any cafe here and there, he now practically had to hunt for it, but with Reilmon last comment he was sure hunger would not be a factor in this world.

Carrying a bokken, and a heavy one for that matter was not something Alan liked, but the thought of needing it to get food without bothering Reilmon or even to light a fire made those feeelings go away.

They were walking away from the cave hand-to-hand, occasionally Reilmon's furry tail would move to Alan's back or neck on an attempt to tickle him, which up to this point Reilmon enjoyed doing that, Alan enjoyed it too so they continued like that for a path neither of them knew where would they end, or what would they see along the way.

Night came as soon as day had arrived, but since they had walked this whole time, they just couldn't go back to the cave, and sleeping right in the open didn't seem like a good idea, neither of them wanted to be startled by a rogue digimon, so they decided to keep looking for a little more of time.

"Well, there is no cave nearby..." said Reilmon, just to quickly add...

"But there is a high tree that we might be able to use right there" she said.

"And how would I get up there?" asked Alan.

"That's easy, I'll carry you and jump there" she said.

"Are you sure about that?" he said looking up and down as if saying I'm heavy you know but Reilmon only nodded back.

And so she did, she lifted Alan and jumped to the top of the tree, where they both managed to positionate in a comfortable manner, that is to say, Alan was sitting on a not too confortable branch and Reilmon was sitting on his lap.

This place was like a desert, insanely hot at morning, but cold as hell in the night, they both snuggled, while Reilmon wore no clothes and Alan's weren't suitable for this kind of weather, and there was no fire lit, none of that mattered, as no blankets or the like were needed, the warmness from each other's love was all that was needed to keep themselves warm enough...

Time here passed about at double speed from the normal world, so it has been about 1 day and a half since Alan disappeared...


Where the hell is that guy?? were the thoughts that ran across a girl's mind as she entered her appartment, I don't think he ran away, he is not that kind of person, and I seriously doubt he was mugged or the like, what could he possibly have of any value? she smirked at that thought...

Even at the sight of the small laugh she was still angry at Alan for not calling or anything, Maybe what he said...Really happened...No, that's impossible, that couldn't happen, but he's not the kind of person who plays that kind of jokes... While she still couldn't believe what had happened to his best friend, she just couldn't accept it, it sounded way to strange for her...

Chris then entered her room, since she had nothing to do, and was still waiting for a call from Alan she decided to turn her computer, but instead of the normal loading a white screen was all that appeared.

"What's wrong with this thing?" she said angry at the sight that her computer apparently broke, she turned it off and started to do her homework, Might as well do it now, who knows, my computer might 'recover' by the time I finish my homework...


It was night in the digital world, and both Reilmon and Alan were sleeping, well, for a matter of seconds it would remain like that, while they were sleeping they heard a sound like a tornado of some sort, when they finally awoke it was too late...


It also was night on the real world, Chris was already sleeping, but she suddenly woke up because of a light in her face, when she finally regained her vision she saw the computer was also shooting some kind of light, at the sight of this she couldn't help but to shiver in fear, What the?! This is just like Alan said happened to him, maybe he wasn't lying, but still, what will happen next?? and with those last words the light became slightly more intense, but now a sound could be heard.

She walked closer to her computer and listened to the speaked, she could barely make the sound of 2 screams, one male and another from a female voice, as seconds passed by, the sound got louder and louder, by the time it was like if a person ws screaming right in her ear, she stepped back, the light suddenly iluminated all the room making it impossible to see anything but pure white around.

The light was finally starting to subside, but the effect in the eyes of Chris was still there...

"What the hell was that?" she asked at no one, or so she thought.

"Chris?! Is that you?" came from a voice she knew well.

"ALAN!! WHERE THE HELL WHERE YOU!!!" she screamed not caring about anything, the light finally subsided, while she was ready to see Alan there, she never expected to see what looked like a fire-colored furred digital fox...

"Aaahhhhh!!!" she screamed even louder.

"Calm down! She is not bad!" he screamed trying to beat her so she listened, and he succeded.

"Huh?" was all the girl managed to say.

"She's Reilmon, but don't worry, she won't hurt you" he said trying to make her feel safer, Reilmon then bowed in sign of respect...

"I'm Reilmon, nice to meet you" was all she said.

"...I'm Chris, nice to meet you too, I guess" she still was shocked for seeing a real digimon.

"But where were you?" she asked.

"In the Digital World!" he said remembering the past events, she now finally understood that has friend didn't played a joke on her, He actually traveled to another dimension! was all she thought, until now she hadn't realized Reilmon's tail was wrapped around Alan's back and that they were holding hands.

"Can I ask why....um...Reilmon's tail is wrapped around your back and you are holding hands?" she asked kind of fidgety and blushing at the same time.

"Well, let's just say she is... kind of... my... girlfriend..." he said in a very low tone, Chris wasn't able to understand any of that.

"What?" she asked.

"Ummm... Nevermind, I'll tell you later" said Alan, he glanced at a clock on Chris room which read 2:37 AM, he didn't wanted to go back to his house right now, especially since he was away a couple of days and going back in the middle of the night wasn't a good idea, he decided to wait until next morning, still...

"Chris, do you think we could stay here for the night?" he asked.

"I don't see why not, but promise me to tell me why are you holding hands, I don't care if later, just promise, ok?" she said, she still wanted to know why no matter what.

"Sure, I'll tell you tomorrow maybe" he said back.

"Um...I only have my bed and the other one there, so..." she asked kind of sorry thinking one, probably Alan, would sleep on the floor, she just didn't expected the next part.

"Don't worry, we'll sleep together" said Reilmon, speaking for the second time since this conversation started.

"Excuse me?" Chris couldn't grasp the words, she tought she heard they would sleep together.

"Yeah, we'll sleep together" said Alan now, Something weird is going on here... Oh, well, he promised he would tell me the story behind this... was all she thought.

"Ok... Good night" she said.

"Good night" said both Reilmon and Alan in unison.

The 3 of them then went to sleep, even thought it wasn't as cold as the digital world, and they where under a blanket, it has become some sort of habit for Reilmon to wrap her tail around Alan's back, and even thought the beds were on the same level, neither Alan nor Reilmon cared if Chris saw them, sooner or later she would know the truth...


Morning soon came, and since it was Friday, they had to go to school, but Alan wasn't going to, he was going to use this day to tell his parents about this little 'adventure'...

"Hey, why don't you at least get ready to go to school" said Chris in an angry tone, it was already late for her and Alan seemd like he didn't cared about it.

"I'm not going" was all he said, he was already up, unlike his digimon, which still was fast asleep.

"What?" said Chris, not believing his words.

"You heard me, I'm not going, I'm going with my parents to tell them about this, they must be worried to death" he said back.

"Ok". At this point Reilmon woke up. "

Good morning" she said.

"Good morning" said both Alan and Chris back at Reilmon.

"What's with the yelling?" Reilmon asked a little annoyed, up until now, Chris hadn't realized she had been yelling most of her questions.

"I'll tell you in a while, ok?" he said.

"Sure, ok" said Reilmon back. As Chris finished getting ready, the 3 of them exited the apartment.

"Bye, I got to hurry or I will be late, see ya!" she said a little too happy, Alan already knew why she said it like that...

"So what were you arguing about?" asked Reilmon. Alan then explained the whole situation to her, as well as he explained the concept of what school was, somehow, they managed to walk without being noticed, especially Reilmon. They finally reached Alan's apartment.

"Well, I finally came back" he said standing just outside the apartment....

...It's not so hard to remake a complete chapter, oh sure, I had to check whenever a line ended to separate the rest, I changed a little thing here and there...blah...blah...blah *falls asleep on desk*

*Wakes up* Uh?? Oh, yeah, hope this story is good for you, up to this chapter...

Alan - grayfox_2510@hotmail.com