Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ A Simple Kiss ❯ A Simple Kiss ( Chapter 1 )
Author's notes : This story is based on a yaoi manga I read and bought in Paris while staying at my grandparent's house. It's yaoi (as usual, God forbid if I ever wrote a straight fic. I will shot myself first.) with Jyoumato (JoexMatt) pairing and one side Taito (TaixMatt). This has Taiora (TaixSora) too so you know on what side Taito is. Phrases between /…/ are the thought of the
characters. It's only my third attempt at a Digimon fic don't be too harsh on me please… And there may also be a bit of OCC… Don't be mad please ^.^ ;;
Disclaimer : I do not own Digimon so don't sue me. It's so boring to say that on each fic…
Rating : NC-17 ! Meaning lemon ! *evil laughter*
A Simple Kiss
By Shadow of Arashi (aka Shadow Moon)
Chapter 1 :
Today was a bright, sunny day but Matt Ishida didn't care. Matt Yamato Ishida was sitting near the classroom's window watching his best friend Tai Yagami as he played soccer. Matt sighed as he watched his secret crush when a light blow in the chest woke him from his daydream.
"What?" he asked, checking for the source of the blow.
A blue haired boy was bent toward him, gazing at Matt before saying in a whisper, "wake up Ishida. We are in class, remember? Even if it's almost break."
"Oh. Sorry Joe," the blonde said more quietly. Joe just smirked and pushed his slipping glasses back on his nose before looking back at his book. Matt looked outside one more time but Tai saw him. He waved at him and Matt waved back discretely, smiling. When the class was over, Matt almost ran out of the class. He wanted to see Tai before he left for home and tell him how he felt. /Maybe today will be THE day. I have to try anyway. I must let him know how I feel before it's too late. /
Matt made to leave the school and catch Tai outside, Joe following him, though he didn't notice it, when he found Tai in front of a classroom talking with Sora. The girl was smiling and she was holding Tai's arm with her own. The two seemed pretty happy and close, which caused Matt's good mood to drop.
/Sora… What if Tai liked her already? Oh god please no… Anything but that./
Matt stayed motionless, trying to decide what to do but the leader of the Digidestined didn't let him.
"Oh hi Matt! What are you doing? I was just talking about the last soccer game with Sora…"
Joe, still unnoticed, watched as Matt's face seem to fall when he saw Tai with Sora and felt his own heart ache. Poor Matt had the biggest crush on Tai and that baka was totally clueless. On top of it, Tai had already chosen Sora as his girlfriend. It was pretty obvious that Matt didn't stand a chance, and it hurt Joe to see his friend hurting like this. Not to mention that Joe had his own crush on the bearer of the crest of Friendship.
He was the only one who seemed to know exactly what everybody thought or felt. A sort of observer. And it was starting to piss him off royally. There must be something he could do to make Matt understand that Tai wasn't the one for him. Then he saw Matt force a smile on his face.
"Me, nothing. I was just wondering what you were planning to do but you seem to have something already in mind with Sora so…"
Tai smiled at him sheepishly.
"Yep, that's true. We wanted to go to my house and talk but I think we will hang around here a little more. We have things to work out. See you later!" Then Tai placed his arms around Sora's waist and they left the two other boys alone, Sora still smiling. Matt watched them with tears in his eyes before simply turning on his heels and running into one of the empty classrooms. Joe watched him, pain written on his face and in his eyes.
Inside the classroom Matt let himself fall into a chair and dropped his head against the table in front of him, sighing.
/You are an idiot Ishida. Sure that Tai will choose Sora over you. She is a smart and nice girl. And you… Argh! To hell with it! Why is love so complicated?/
He stayed like this for ten good minutes just thinking, when a voice he knew well spoke from behind him, startling him.
"Joe?" Matt asked, turning to face the door. Joe was standing there, a serious look on his face
"I think there is something you may want to see"
Puzzled, Matt followed Joe obediently. It wasn't like Joe at all to act like this but Matt was as curious as a kitten. They walked together in silence until they reached another classroom. There Joe stopped.
"Look inside"
Curious and wondering what was so important, Matt did as he was told and looked through the glass on the door. And what he saw definitely broke his heart for good. Inside the classroom, Tai was holding Sora by her waist while she had her arms around his neck and they were kissing.
Matt just stared silently when he felt Joe's hand on his shoulder, and he broke down. He let his head fall on Joe's chest and cried silently while Joe was now caressing his hair in a soothing gesture. At last he stopped crying and realized what he was doing.
He raised his head from Joe's chest and pushed him away with his hand. Joe had a pained look in his eyes and seemed concerned about Matt, but the blonde didn't seem to care. He just walked back to his classroom and took his school bag before leaving in a sprint.
/I'm such an idiot! I can't believe it. Maybe I should thank Joe after all. He spared me the humiliation of my life./
Matt kept running till the warmth of the day and his effort left him breathless and sweating. Then he stopped and tried to catch his breath. That's when he noticed that Joe had followed him. The blue haired boy was in pretty much the same state as him, but strangely seemed to deal with it better than him.
"Matt? Are you ok? I mean, I know it mustn't be easy for you but…"
"No, it's ok Joe. Don't worry about me. I'll survive. Thanks anyway. Now I know what Tai is feeling and it will prevent me for doing anything stupid in the future. Sorry to have broke down on you like that," Matt said while trying to smile at Joe. He was still feeling stupid for his earlier break down and was pretty embarrassed. So he decided not to wait for Joe's answer and made his way to leave when something stopped him. Startled, he looked back to see that he had run into the school park and that a small branch had caught in his shirt. He was now trapped.
Joe watched him a second before letting go with a mildly annoyed sigh.
"Don't move Matt. I will take care of that." Then Joe was behind him trying to get rid of the branch. After two minutes Matt was free.
"Thanks," Matt said, not looking at Joe.
"You should be more careful Ishida. That also works in the love department."
Matt looked at him in surprise, then dropped his eyes again.
"What do you mean ?"
"I mean that you should fall in love with people that can love you back and care for you. Taichi is a jerk and doesn't deserve you."
Matt raised his eyes again, in shock this time.
Joe just smiled and bent toward Matt, pushing him against a tree. Matt stared at him and blushed when he realized just how close their faces were now.
"I meant just what I said" Joe said, then he bent a little more and his lips brushed against Matt's. Matt watched him, then something seemed to snap inside him and he closed his eyes, advancing his head just a little and then they were kissing.
It was strange at first, to kiss Joe when he had dreamt of Taichi for so long, but then Joe started to kiss him more forcefully and pressed him against the tree with his body and all thoughts left his mind.
Matt held onto him tightly so he wouldn't fall when one of Joe's legs forced itself between his thighs and different feelings were fighting inside him. Confusion, pleasure and uncertainty were all fighting for the first positions. Then Joe pulled back and Matt fell on the ground. Joe just smiled at him and helped him up.
"I meant what I said and I meant what I did just now. Don't forget it Matt." Joe then walked away, leaving Matt to ponder the new turn of events.
To be continued…
Author's notes : Yep ! Don't hurt me ! I know I said that there will be some lemons but I didn't said when ! Hopefully it will be in the next chapter. Now be nice and review please ? or e-mail me at shadow.arashi@wanadoo.fr I love e-mail !