Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ A Suprise Visit ❯ A Suprise Visit ( Chapter 1 )

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Hey here's a short story I wrote while doing another fic at the same time! Hope it's ok

Oh and by the way the website mentioned in this fanfic exists! You can find it at: www.geocities.com/samkamiya

Go check it out it's a cool site. Well enough of that on with the fic…

A Surprise Visit

By: Sam Armstrong

Kathryn had just turned ten and she was obsessed with Digimon. You name she had it! From digivices to videos, she even had her computer desktop covered in her favourite character and digimon:

Daisuke 'Davis' Motomiya and Flamedramon

One day Kathryn was on her computer like always, she had her favourite digivice on her a D3 that looked just like Davis'. She stood up to get something from a shelf above her computer and her digivice gave off a bright light she looked at it in amazement

Kathryn: it never said anything like this in the instructions.

Then Kathryn's computer screen glowed a bright white, Kathryn backed away thinking the computer was going to blow up but it didn't instead a group of people came out of it.

Kathryn watched as the group landed with a loud thud on her floor *-lucky mom's not home-* she thought. The group began to get up and slowly Kathryn began to recognise them she gasped but only loud enough so she could hear it. *-Is that Davis or am I seeing things?-* she thought *-get a hold of yourself Kathryn! That can't be Davis… or can it?-*

As the group finally stood up Kathryn could properly see who they were it WAS Davis and TK and Kari, Cody, Yolei and Ken! But what were they doing in her room not that she minded that is, Kathryn just stood completely still trying to get over the shock and they hadn't noticed her yet.

Davis: hey this isn't the computer room where are we? and where's DemiVeemon?

Kari: good questions

She turned round to explore and try to figure out where they were, and then she spotted Kathryn

Kari: hi

Kathryn didn't move or make any attempt to speak it was like she had been turned into a statue, the others turned round as soon as they heard Kari say 'hi' wondering who she was talking to.

Cody: hello

Still no reply and Kathryn was looking straight at Davis *-whoa! He's a lot more cuter in real life-*

Davis could see Kathryn was staring at him and wondered why she was

Davis: what'd I do?

The others looked at him as far as they could tell Davis hadn't done anything

Davis: she keeps staring at me

Answering their unasked question

They all looked back and realised that Davis was right

Ken: maybe she staring at something behind you. Move and see what see does

Davis: k

So Davis moved to his left and Kathryn's eyes followed in fact whichever way Davis went so did Kathryn's eyes.

Yolei: well we found out one thing

Davis: what's that Yolei?

Yolei: she's defiantly staring at you

Davis: I think we all figured that out Yolei

TK: goodness knows why though

Davis: very funny TA

TK: that's TK

Davis: yeah yeah TP

TK sighed

Finally when some of the shock had subsided Kathryn pointed to Davis

Kathryn: your - your Daisuke Motomiya aren't you

Davis: huh? Me?

TK: no stupid she means someone else

Davis: oh who? And don't call me stupid TJ

TK: it's TK, TK

Davis: yeah yeah whatever

Cody: she meant you Davis

Davis: oh

Kathryn: w-w-w- what are you guys doing here?

Davis: if we knew that we wouldn't be here

At this comment Kathryn put her head down and sounded like she was crying but she wasn't she was just upset at what Davis said.

Kari: now you've done it

She went over Kathryn

Davis: what'd I do?

Ken: that wasn't very nice Davis!

Davis: what?

Ken: that comment you just made

Davis: it was just a joke

Yolei: well it wasn't a very nice one

Davis sighed and went over to Kathryn to apologise when her digivice caught his eye

*-hey is she a Digidestined? Her digivice looks just like mine-* he thought

He continued toward Kathryn and stopped right in front of her.

Davis: hey I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you

Kathryn raised her head

Davis: to be honest we don't know how we got here

Kari: are you ok now?

Kathryn: yeah I'm fine thanks, my names Kathryn by the way Kathryn Incay

TK: hi Kathryn, I'm TK Takaishi

Kari: Kari Kamiya nice to meet you Kathryn

Ken: Ken Ichijouji

Yolei: I'm Yolei Inoue

Cody: hello my names Cody Hida please to meet you

Davis: me I'm…

Kathryn: Davis Motomiya

All: huh?

Davis: yeah but how did you know?

Kathryn laughed

Kathryn: I've been watching you guys on TV ever since I can remember

Kari: TV? Us?

Ken: you must be thinking of someone else

TK: we've never been on TV

Kathryn smiled

Kathryn: I bet I can name all of your digimon

Cody: you know about digimon?

Kathryn: of course

Davis: betcha can't

Kathryn: that sounds like a challenge Davis

Davis just smiled

Yolei: don't encourage him

Kathryn gave a little laugh

Kathryn: ok here goes:

Davis your digimon is Veemon, you have the Digieggs of Courage and


Cody your digimon is Armadillomon, you have the Digieggs of Knowledge

and Reliability.

Kari, Gatomon is your digimon, you have the Digiegg of Light and the

Crest of Light.

Patamon is your digimon TK, you have the Digiegg of Hope and the Crest

of Hope.

Ken your digimon is Wormon, you have the Crest of Kindness.

And Yolei your digimon is Hawkmon, you have the Digieggs of Love and


Everyone was shocked how did this person know so much about them?

Kathryn: am I right? I know I gave a little more information than I said I would.

Davis: er… yeah

Kathryn: told ya

She walked over to her bed and sat down that's when the others noticed her digivice

Ken: hey Kathryn what's that?

Kathryn: what's what?

Yolei: that on your trousers

Kathryn looked down

Kathryn: oh you mean this?

She picked up her D3 and showed it to them

Davis: hey that looks just like mine

He held up his digivice

Kathryn: I know that's why I got it

All: huh?

Kathryn: hey let me show you guys something

She went over to her computer and showed them her desktop wallpaper

Kathryn: well what do ya think?

Davis: whoa! That's me!

TK: and Flamedramon

Kathryn: yup my two faves

She smiled

Kathryn: I got it from a site called 'Sam Kamiya's Wallpapers'. I asked her to make

it for me

Cody: so Kathryn are you a Digidestined?

Changing the subject

Kathryn: me? No unfortunately

Ken: but you have a digivice

Kathryn laughed

Kathryn: what this?

She held it up and they all nodded

Kathryn: it's not real unlike yours mines just a game

TK: Kathryn having a digivice isn't a game

Kathryn: but it's not even real TK! Although I wish it was! I'll prove it

Kari: how will you do that?

Kathryn: watch

She held her D3 toward the computer

Kathryn: see nothing

Davis: aren't you forgetting something

Kathryn: oh…and that would be…

Davis: Digiport Open!

Kathryn: see I told you

She sighed

Kathryn: you guys are so lucky

Yolei: I guess… we are

Then Kathryn heard the front door closed, her mum was home.

Kathryn: you guys better go my mom's home

TK: ok then

Kari: it was nice meeting you Kathryn

Kathryn: yeah you to

Ken: hope to see you again sometime

Yolei: Digiport Open!

All: bye

In a flash they gone

Kathryn: bye guys

A tear came her eye

*Knock Knock* 'Kathryn are ok in there?' it was her mum

Kathryn: yeah mom I'm fine

Kathryn's mum: ok, dinner will be ready soon

Kathryn: k mom

Kathryn went over to her bed lay on her stomach and looked at her D3 digivice and sighed *-I wonder if I'll see them again-* she thought *-hmm yes I think I so-*. Her eyes were closing and she was nodding off to sleep but before she did, she got an email.

'You have one new mail' the computer said

Kathryn: huh? An email? I wonder who it could be?

The email read:

Hey Kathryn,

It was nice visiting you. We should meet up again sometime


Kathryn smiled then lay back on her bed, fell asleep and dreamt of meeting up with Davis again


What do ya think? Any good? I think it's ok but not my best of work but leave it up to you guys to decide. Please review. Catch ya later gotta work on other fic.