Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Addicted to you ❯ Confusion ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I do NOT own Digimon and its characters, they belong to their great owners so we have such a great show. What happens if I happen to own it? The show would be rotten and I would got caught by cops! The song 'Addicted to you' isn't my property either, it belongs to the awesome Japanese singer Utada Hikaru.

Author's notes: This fic is originally for Kaden Zendi Fukuyama-san's Vampire Kensuke Fic Contest, but unfortunately school works stood in the way so I couldn't finish this in time........... I apologize for the delay, and I know I have been sending you mails about this. Sorry for the bothering.

Enough for that, back to the fic! I named this after one of my favorite song, because I really couldn't think of anything so I named it after the song I was listening to when I wrote this. You're correct! It's Utada Hikaru's 'Addicted to you'! And the version I'm listening to is called 'Up in Heaven Mix'! Cool name! Yay! I know it's kind of weird to be the name of my fic but it doesn't seem to get too far away from it, ne? *frown at boos* I'm sorry to use this song's name for my fic, but please don't let me affect your impressions for her! She's a GREAT singer and I can't help to fall in love with her songs!


Kazumi: *waves* Helllllllllllllllllllllllo everybody! Here comes my fic!

Daisuke: *whimpers*

Kazumi: *pats on Daisuke's shoulder* What's wrong Daisuke-kun? Aren't you happy? You're one of the main role being centralized!

Takeru: That's even wrose than not.

Kazumi: *tilts head to side innocently* How come?

Miyako: Isn't that easy to tell? I mean come on now look at your um........ what so called a fic of yours!

Kazumi: *Responds by looking at fic* Ya? What's wrong with it?

Miyako: *huffs* We're like idiots! How can you call yourself a fanfiction writer?

Kazumi: You are?

Miyako: *stomped out of room in frustration* You're IMPOSSIBLE! ERRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!

Kazumi: *puzzled* Hey where's she going?

Ken: Somewhere without your presence.

Kazumi: *turns to voice* Ken-san! You came!

Ken: If not why do you think I'm standing here?

Kazumi: Back to the topic! Takeru said it's wrose to be the focus in the fic than not to be, why?

Ken: *shrugs* Because you're a bad writer?

Kazumi: *stares at Ken with eyes the size of Miyako's glasses*

Iori: Honestly I don't think any of her fics is good. Look at 'My Precious Love' and 'Obstacles', they're the wrost Takari and Kensuke I've ever read. And also, *flips through Kazumi's fics, shook* look at all your writing disorder............ I kinda feel sorry for you............

Kazumi: *eyes watering* But I can't help it if English isn't my first language..............

Ken: But actually I kinda like 'When Love Goes Too Deep', coz I like how you characterized me there.

Kazumi: *eyes still watering* Really? So you like yourself being a psychopath?

Ken: *shrugs again* Well, it's OK for me........

Daisuke: *to Kazumi* Don't tell me he's like that in this one..........

Takeru: *hugs Daisuke* Don't worry, *glares Ken* I'll protect you from him.

Hikari: *pouts at the view* Takeru let Daisuke go, I don't think he can breath.............

Ken: *glares back* Keep your hands to yourself, he's mine.

Kazumi: *walks in front of the glaring boys and a scared Daisuke inside of Takeru's arms, covering them from the reader's view* Ah, anyways, here's my fic and please go ahead and read. Dozo dozo............

By Nagisa Kazumi

"God! What's wrong with you? Another one?" Miyako knocked her fist hard on Daisuke's head, sounding very pissed.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry! Stoppit!" The poor boy muttered out loud on his way out of the soccer field, along with his friends. He tried to keep up the flirtings and be the normal Daisuke he once were, but everytime his mind just got so lost at the thought.

Ichijouji Ken.

The Digimon Kaizer.

Another soccer game between Odaiba and Tamachi was held earlier of this afternoon and Daisuke felt sick of it because everytime he ended up losing.

So did this time, six against zero. A miserable loss.

From side gaze Takeru witnessed every little change in the maroon head's eyes, from twisted with confusion and fear into cloudy. He couldn't help but to frown, his lover has been acting like that after that day, the day he unusually walked home alone right after school, not to mention skipping the soccer practice. The worst of things was he refused to tell him anything about it, and that was the day.

That was when he started occasionally drifting himself into the world of emptiness.

"Come on Miyako! It wasn't his will to lose the game!" Hikari snapped the dreaming Motomiya and deep in thought Takaishi back to reality. They stole each other a glance, exchanged a questioned look before looking back to the now very attractive concrete ground, neither of them wanted to deal with each other at the moment. "By the way Daisuke, where're your goggles?"

"Emmm......... just left them at home. They were too tight it gave me headaches."

They continued their way out of the field, which seemed to have took forever. Miyako kept her scoldings to Daisuke while he ignored it with his busy brain, Hikari kept trying to calm her down without succeed. Talking about luck of the day, they encountered the boy on their black list in the exit, or he was the one waiting to "flirt" with them a *little*.

Ichijouji Ken.

The Digimon Kaizer.

He tilted his head, pulled a wicked smile up his face, then made an intentional slow approach to the gang. Every one step he took towards them, Daisuke did the opposite. All he wanted was to flee himself from here, but he just couldn't abandon his friends like that.

"Ichijouji Ken." Takeru growled under his breath, clearly showing his anger. Ken's smile deepened, if it was possible.

"Yes, that's my name all right, Takaishi Takeru."

Takeru balled his hands into fists at the sides of his body as the Kaizer gave his friends a good lazy glance, his eyes focused on his target at last, making the Keeper of Courage to wince.

Satisfied. The evil genius felt his pleasure shivering down his spine at the timid look on his face. Obviously the leader of the Digidestined was *afraid* of him. "I'm impressed, you just keep improving everytime we meet, Motomiya-kun." Another wince from the mentioned person, "last time it was eight against zero."

"Stop it." Was Daisuke's simple but whispered reply, the genius was even more satisfied at the tone of his voice.

Like anyone could demand him to do anything, "you just keep me wondering," smirk. "You're so amazing.........."

"Bastard!" Iori broke out, he couldn't tolerate the taller boy's insult any longer.

"Not a proper vocabulary for a little kid like you." No one would *ever* laugh at his satire joke. He looked back at his target, "looks like I'm not welcomed here." He cast another annoying smile, if the last one hadn't been annoying enough. "See you around then, Motomiya-kun." With one final stare at the mentioned person he turned to his way home, leaving the furious crowd behind.

"Urgghhhhhhhh....... that evil cute guy, I'll show him!" Miyako exclaimed through her gritted teeth. All the others rolled their eyes at the fact she *still* had a crush on the Kaizer, after all the things he had done. Takeru took the opportunity to steal another glance at Daisuke, and all he could see in his eyes was a thick fog. He quickly turned away when Daisuke made a move.

"Sorry guys, I need to go home now." Daisuke said tiredly, Takeru started to worry.

"What? You owe each of us an ice-cream cone for losing the game!" Miyako huffed for the additional anger.

"I'll pay for it, ask me for the money tomorrow 'K? I'm so tired."

"It's all right, go home and rest." Hikari said softly, patted Daisuke on the shoulder. "I know it has been a long day." He smiled in return, then stepped on his way.

"Wait, I'll come with you." They all stared at Takeru.

Daisuke shook, "no need for that, I'm fine."

With that Takeru kissed him on the cheek. Iori was the first to widen his eyes, blush and turn away at the same time, while Miyako soon mirrored and Hikari simply kept staring.

"What about that?" The blond smiled sweetly, "can I come with you now?"

Daisuke stared at him, when the taller boy had his mind on something, there was nearly impossible to stop him with any excuses, or even with any real reasons. He sighed, giving in seemed to be the only choice that was left to him. Takeru took the darker boy's hand, turned to his friends. "Enjoy your snacks!" Then the two boys stepped on their way.

Miyako kept staring at their backs, her eyes now the size of her glasses. "I'm so surprised when their news first came into my ears you know. Both of them were like, having a big crush over you?" Miyako half-heartedly swung her arm over Hikari's shoulders, making her body to bow at the loss of balance.

She regained her balance uneasily before answered, "I don't know." She said sullenly, staring at the two figures, principally at Takeru, disappearing into the sunset with sad eyes. "I really don't know." She was honest, she really didn't know. And when she realized it was already too late to change anything. She still treated them as if nothing had happened, but the pain was more than she could bear.

Miyako snickered at her best friend, "someone is *jealous* here......." With that she got a nudge from Iori. The taller girl finally came to her senses, she frowned at the brunette headed girl as the guilt trickled in her heart, knowing she went too far.

"Let's go." Iori said, hurried to the opposite direction of where the boys have gone to. Miyako dragged the heart-broken Hikari with her and followed close behind.


Takeru started to feel the idea of walking Daisuke home was useless, since neither of them spoke on the entire way. Usually it was Daisuke who came up with endless topics to chat on but honestly Takeru didn't expect any of that from the shorter boy today. He rolled his eyes, he wasn't here *only* to walk him home. The thing was Daisuke hadn't noticed Takeru had leaded him to the park, which was a place that shouldn't have existed on his usual route.


No respond from the marooned head, he gave it a second try, louder this time. "Daisuke?"

"Ah! Sorry, what is it?" He said abruptly, giving Takeru a clear idea: his mind wasn't anywhere nearby a second ago.

"What happened on that day?" He asked the thousandth time since the mentioned date.


"The day you skipped your favorite soccer practice."

"......... nothing particular........" Takeru just rolled his eyes, his friend can be *so* stunborn at times.

"You just won't tell?" He sounded firm, but not too critical to scare the shorter boy.


He suddenly pulled Daisuke to him and kiss him deep on the lips. Daisuke's eyes widened in shock for the abrupt move but he didn't move himself. Thankfully no one was anywhere in sight.

Takeru parted their contact at the loss of air, both of them were panting for the *breath-taking* kiss.

"Well?" The blond asked once more.

"......... but there's nothing special to tell you........."

Takeru knew how to put it up with another sealing kiss, although he was still pretty short of air. Daisuke was stunned at his second kiss in the same minute. When he pulled away, Daisuke struggled if it was only his imagination or what the color on his friend's slightly purple face was real.

This time his friend only stared at him and said nothing, panting heavily for air. He did the same.

"............ do I...... really have........ to tell?"

The Keeper of Hope moved closer again, brought his lips to Daisuke's. Daisuke didn't give up until his friend was TOO close once again. "Okay, OKAY now, I surrender!" Takeru halted his movement, but didn't move away. There was a long pause between those two.


Daisuke looked up, meeting his love's eyes in several inches. He opened his mouth, closed it again with nowhere to begin. He took a deep breath, gathered up the courage that was left. "It was just 'Nee-chan getting into some stupid trouble." He could see a suspicious look in those cerulean eyes, that stupid excuse certainly didn't satisfy him.

"What did Jun 'Nee-san get into?"

"That's........... private! You know........... she said she'll kill me if I ever tell anyone!"

An awkward silence filled the place, a pair of sparkling blue eyes gazing at his chocolate brown ones. Neither of them made a move before Takeru leaned in and kissed Daisuke once again. This time there was no force to it, just tender and sweet. The taller boy closed his eyes, wrapped his arms around the goggled head to feel his warmth on his chest, the shorter boy melted into it with his arms gently around his waist. The air was sufficient, the height was just perfect and the passion was deluging. All the factors have made this the sweetest kiss Daisuke had ever had.

All happened too soon that Takeru pulled away, concerned look in his eyes. The guilt in Daisuke's heart started to spill but he hided it with his contented smile. "That was........ great. Where'd you learn all of that?"

Takeru shrugged with a smile, "somewhere you don't know." He cupped the darker boy's face with both of his hands, preventing him to avert his gaze, his face became serious but still soft. "I'll give you three days, after that you'll have to tell me every detail about what had happened."

Daisuke sighed hopelessly, he knew it won't be *that* easy to skip. He didn't want to hide the truth from him but he just didn't know how to tell.

They arrived at Motomiya's resident by taking a good thirty-five minutes more than usual. They stopped at the doorway, Takeru handed him back his backpack and Daisuke thanked him to send him home.

"See you tomorrow." Daisuke greeted with sleepy eyes, he was tired.

"Hai." Was Takeru's short but enough reply, he brushed his lips on the cheek of the boy with his backpack in his hands. After that he stepped into his house and closed the door, leaving a worried blond at the doorway outside. "Three days Daisuke, remember." Then he started his gait to his own house.

Lying on his bed now, he let the guilt hidden inside to wash him over. That *memory* he so wanted to forget was too bothering to be wiped out of the edge of his brain. He shifted to a more comfortable position, just that his neck ached for the wound that *someone* previously left there. He pulled down the collar of his vest to have a better access to the wound, two small holes on the pulse of his neck. He was afraid, but luckily he didn't notice any changes of appetite has took place, and the wound was fading out, but it still hurted. Hurted. He sighed, he didn't deserve what he has now. When his parents were having a talk out about divorcing, when he was in the hole of despair, Takeru came to him. He stretched out a hand, telling him that everything will be okay if he kept up his hope, and pulled him out of the black hole into his puddle of love. He felt warm, he felt protected, but he didn't deserve it.

Because he was the only one giving out love in this relationship, all Daisuke had was only thankfulness. And because of the same reason, he hated himself, for not giving the same as what he received. Yes, he kissed Takeru with passion, however that was nothing more than for the haven he provided. He liked him, as a best friend and not in the way like he offered. He wanted so badly to tell him his true feelings, but he knew that would hurt him, a lot.

His heart twisted in confusion and fear, not purely for the relationship he was now facing, but meanwhile he was too exhausted for it. His eyelids grew heavier as seconds passed by and soon they met a world of relaxing blackness.

The room was in total darkness since no lights was on and the sun has set completely. He was now deep in his sleep, unaware of his surroundings while the computer screen at the corner of the room suddenly went bright on itself.

~To be continued~

I didn't realize I've put three kisses (five if you count the ones not on the lips in) already in the very first chapter, and it's not even for Kensuke goodness! I think I might've put in too much Takesuke stuff (you said it's okay to have other couplings, ne Kaden-san?) but please kept reading! This is actually more like the prologue of the story, I'll start to put in Kensuke stuff in the next chapter! Please read and review! Tell me if I did good in the kissing part?


Kazumi: Haha! Didn't notice putting in FIVE TAKESUKE KISSES! Haha that was fun.

Ken: *narrows eyes dangerously at Kazumi* This is suppose to be a KENSUKE fic isn't it?

Kazumi: *turns to Ken, stutters* Um......... sorry coz didn't try writing any Takesuke so give it a try but turns out too long Kaizer-sama not happy and he has his whip I am so dead no slashes no slashes..............

Iori: *shook at the miserable Kazumi* Now look at her talking disorder..........

Takeru: *still having Daisuke in his arms* Look how sweet we are in the fic Daisuke, don't you agree?

Daisuke: *stares at Ken with scared eyes* Ya.............

Hikari: *eyes start to water* Takeru..........

Ken: *takes out whip* Now I give you one last chance Kazumi, write it into a Kensuke and tell the world Daisuke is mine, then I'll forgive your sins...........

Kazumi: *more babbles when sees whip* OK trying to please no angry Kaizer-sama no slashes I remember it's Kensuke no slashes not Takesuke but make it more twisted so put it in will become Kensuke centralized and Takeru not getting the candy so no slashes no whip no slashes no whip...............

Takeru: *startled* NANI?!!!

Ken: *smirks* Now THAT'S better.

Hikari: *stars in her eyes* Really?

Daisuke: *keeps staring at Ken while he stares back*

Miyako: *peers outside of door frame* So, is it over yet?

Iori: *shook at tragedy* Chapter 1's history but Chapter 2's coming up.............

Miyako: *screams hysterically and takes off*

Kazumi: *not yet recovered* Read together review if not Kazumi not happy Miyako runs off again why I don't know my fic is so bad but mama said keep writing Kazumi trying best flame if you want to I know it's bad please Kaizer-sama put whip away...............