Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Adventures of the Destined ❯ That Years Six Years Later ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 4:

That Day Six

Years Later

Shawn had been with Myotismon for a few monthes under six years earth
time. It's hard to tell how he could know but in Digiworld's time it's
milleniums. He was now incharge of Myotismon's army and Myotismon's
most trusted minions. Along with this Shawn had begun to act older
than he was. But Shawn was missing something, he needed a vacation.
Myotismon refused to give him off because of Shawn was very valuable
to Myotismon's plans. "Master, I must have a break from my duties or
else I'll be too tired to serve you." Shawn pleaded. "That maybe true
but how do I know you will come back." Myotismon countered. "I shall
be back no later than one digiworld years. And if I'm late then I will
serve you three more years than I must." Shawn said. "Ahh, I see you
realize I will no longer be needing you and that I will set you free,
yes, you may have your break and if you do not return in one year, you
must serve me three more years than I need you." Myotismon told Shawn.
"Thank you, Master." Shawn said as he went to his room and took enough
supplies for a couple monthes.

Hours later Shawn was walking really nowhere. He was in almost to the
area where Etemon was incharge. Suddenly a presence of a darkness like
Shawn's appeared. Shawn turned and sent a Dark Prince beam at the
presence only to see another Dark Prince. "Impossible!" Shawn yelled.
"No its not. Justice Blade!" the other Dark Prince said as he slashed
at Shawn with a long sword. Shawn blocked with his sword but found the
other Dark Prince was almost equal in strength to him. "Thiefmon, a
little asistance, please." the other Dark Prince suddenly said. "Thief
Blade!" another voice came as Shawn was slashed from behind. "Ahh! Can
it be...you're a digidestend, too." Shawn suddenly realized. "Correct,
and this was quite an interesting battle. Being I already know you,
I'll introduce myself. I am Seth Roithenburg and this is my digimon
Thiefmon." he said taking off his hood and his digimon getting beside
him. "And your crest is the crest of Justice, I take from your attack
Justice Blade." Shawn told Seth. "Very good observation, Shawn." Seth
told Shawn as he put his sword in its sheath. "And I guess Genni
trained you." Shawn said. "Yes, and he's currently training Katie."
Seth informed him. "Thats got to be interesting." Shawn said as he
took a closer look at Seth, "You worked for Devimon, didn't you?"
"What!!! How do you know?!?" Seth asked surprised. "I sense a great
darkness around you, and you're eyes are showing signs of long
exposure to the Dark Prince World." Shawn explained. "Yes, Devimon
trained me horribly there. I constantly was tortured by him if I
couldn't defeat every enemy in my way." Seth explained. "Yes,
Myotismon did the same almost to me." Shawn related. "Hmm, and I do
feel sad that your digimon ran away." Seth said. "It's for the
better." was all Shawn could say about it. "Oh, by the way Genni needs
us. I tried to ask Devimon to let me off but he almost did his touch
of evil attack on me, so I stormed out and I no longer work for him.
So we better get to Genni's lab quick." Seth told Shawn. "I agree."
Shawn said as they rushed towards the area where Genni's lab was.

The lab hadn't changed at all. Everything was the same to Shawn. As
usual it was full of Genni's kind checking readings on things. The ony
thing strange was a door leading out to an open field was open.
"Wonder what's out there." Seth said. They both walked out the door
only for the door to shut. "What the.." Shawn said then a figure in a
white robe attacked them. "Seth, I'll take this guy on." Shawn said as
he charged to do a Dark Prince beam but the figure did a strange
attack that disabled Shawn's beam. "Hmm, an attack with the attribute
of light...well, time to fight old school!" Shawn yelled as he pulled
out his sword and slashed at the figure. The figure tried to dodge but
Shawn was too quick. Shawn moved back from the figure as the figure
fell forward. "Ahhh, can't believe this, I failed at protecting this
place." the figure suddewnly said with a sad soft voice. "Katie?!?"
Shawn said realizing the indentity of the figure. "Shawn!?!" she
suddenly said as Shawn took off his hood. "This is strange, and I have
a feeling Genni had a part in this little trick." Seth said looking
around the area. "Yes, Seth, I did plan this trick. I wanted to see
how strong Katie would be against a Dark Prince like you or Shawn."
Genni's voice came then he appeared. "And how did she do?" Shawn
asked. "Well, she was able to stop your ability temporarily to use
Dark Prince beam. But being each Dark Prince has a different weapon or
attribute besides the Dark Prince ones she isn't ready." Genni
explained. "So that all you needed me for?" Shawn asked. "No, I need
you to fix some data I just scanned. I need you to remove a certain
flaw from one of the panels so we can seperate the data." Genni told
Shawn. "But, I'm only an expert on digital technologies..." Shawn
tried to remind him. "Yes, but you also are very good with computers."
Genni reminded Shawn. "Oh...yeah." Shawn said realizing Genni was

In the lab Shawn sat going through files to trying to find the flaw in
the panel. Shawn was quite bored and was getting tired. Suddenly Shawn
found the flaw. "A tracer!?!" Shawn yelled. Shawn removed the tracer
program just by typing a few keystokes. "Now, who would put a tracer
in this panel. Wait....that tracer had the symbol for......The Dark
Masters!!!" Shawn realized. Suddenly the computer loaded all the data
seperate. On the screen was now profiles of eight children scanned
recently by Genni. Shawn then saw a report on what happened. "NO! This
can't be!" Shawn yelled as he suddenly looked at the picture of a
young boy with red hair. "Shawn, whats wrong?" Genni came into the
room asking. "Why, Genni?" was all Shawn could ask. "Shawn, I couldn't
control who was scanned. the computer chooses the ones scanned. I'm
sorry Shawn." Genni told him. "I never wanted him to expirence what I
did!" Shawn yelled. "He won't, because him and the other eight won't
come for awhile." Genni tried to calm him down by saying. "I hope
so...I better get some sleep while you put the data in the digieggs
you chose to use." Shawn said as he left the room.

Monthes had pasted since that day. Shawn and Seth stood in a room with
a darkened window on the lab side. They watched as Genni and his kind
watched reading and data on the panels of the lab. "Are you sure, it
was a tracer from the Dark Masters?" Seth asked. "Yes, and they will
be here, any day now, they know the digieggs are going to hatch and
the chosen digimon will be ready for the chosen digi-destineds to
come. So the Dark Masters will come and stop it from happening." Shawn
explained. Suddenly an explosion happened. Shawn and Seth watched
through the window as robot digimon, such as a group of Mechaknorimon,
attacked Genni's kind. Then after two minutes the leader of the Dark
Masters, Piedmon, floated toward the glass container where the
digieggs, digivises and crest were. He destroyed some of the glass and
took seven of the eight crest. As he went for the last crest Genni
came rushing towards him with a sword. Piedmon laughed as Genni came
to attack. Piedmon dodged genni and put a small black sphere into the
back of Genni's neck. Genni screamed but then ran towards one of the
Mechaknorimon, opened in dome and threw the bakemon pilot out. Then he
jumped in and piloted it to the glass case and grabbed the digieggs
and digivises and flew away through the hole in the wall of the lab.
Piedmon ordered the remaining mechaknorimon to chase Genni, and as
they chased after Genni, he dropped one of the digieggs. Piedmon had
noticed Genni also dropped the last crest on the floor of the lab. As
he walked over towards the crest to take it, he was hit by two Dark
Prince beams. "Err, who dares to attack me!" Piedmon yelled. "We do,
Dark Master!" Shawn and Seth yelled as they revealed themselves with
their robes on and hoods up. "Two Dark Princes...Well this is
interesting." Piedmon laughed. Shawn saw he was going to take the last
crest and sent a dark prince beam at him and dashed at Piedmon and
grabbed the seven crests he held and the one one the ground. "No! Die
Dark Princes! Attack them!!!" Piedmon yelled and he backed off and
disappeared, but as he did a lone mechaknorimon attacked them.

Shawn and Seth looked at the mechaknorimon. It was no ordinary one, it
had been upgraded and the pilot was most likely not a bakemon. It
fired four missles at them but as they exploded Shawn and Seth were
launched back through the window into the room they had been in
before. The mechaknorimon flew over towards them and looked at them
then flew off out of the lab.

The lab was totally destroyed when Seth and Shawn woke up. Shawn still
had the crests in his hand. Suddenly as they walked outside Devimon
appeared. "Dark Prince, you will pay for betraying me!" Devimon told
Seth. "Wait, Devimon, let him live. I have something that you will
find interesting. Legends say you will be defeated by the
digidestineds. These crests are their's. We will give you them if you
let my friend live." Shawn said. "What!" Seth yelled. "Hmm, you are
the Dark Prince of Myotismon. Yes, its a deal. Give me the crests, for
I will hide them so the digidestineds will never find them." Devimon
said as he held his claw out to take the crest. Shawn put seven of the
crests in his claw and hid the eighth in the sleeve of his robe.
"Remember this, Dark Princes, I will return one day to destroy you
both, this deal is only temporarily, at least till the digidestineds
are destroyed." Devimon said as he flew away.

Katie stood on a cliff above the sea watching the sun rise. "There is
nothing as beautiful as this." she said to herself. "Not true, for
there is at least one thing more beautiful than this sunrise." Shawn's
voice came from behind her. "Genni escaped to File Island if you were
wondering." Katoe said without turning around. "Katie, you don't have
to be afraid. Go to where Genni is, then when the time is right I'll
come with Seth so we all can be together for the dangers that will
help." Shawn told her. "Um, I should also mention a boy named
Nicholli, came a few monthes before two came to the lab. He's one of
the two others from the excavation. He refused to let Genni train him.
He went to File Island to train. If I go find Genni, I'll find him,
then when you two come for me he can be with us then." Katie said as
she turned to Shawn, "And please do come back quicker this time." "I
can't yet. So good bye." Shawn said as he walked away.