Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ All is fair in summer and love ❯ They shoot pt 1 ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 7: They shoot pt. 1

Kari was back home. Tai was on the couch sleeping. She looked at the TV and saw that he was watching a porno. The woman on the tape was masturbating. Kari watched with interest. She shook her head and went to her room. She thought about the surprise Tk gave her. No one had ever done that. She flew onto her bed and sighed with a smile.

(2 weeks later)

Davis was rushing to get his hair fixed he was late to Matt's birthday party. Suddenly his phone rang. He picked up. "Hello?" "Yeah Davis it's me, Tk. I was supposed to pick up Kari but I forgot. This place is too far for me to go back. Please go pick her up!" "Alright." Davis hung up and ran into his car.

Kari was angry. Tk was late and she didn't want to miss Matt's party. She heard a horn in her driveway. She ran outside to see Davis's car. She ran to his window. "What are you doing here?" She asked. "Get in! Tk isn't coming!" She ran over to the passenger's side and got in.

They were on the highway and hadn't said a thing to each other. Then the gas sign lit up on the car. "Aw man!" They were miles away from any gas station. "I can't believe you didn't fill up your tank!" Davis pulled off to the side of the road.

They both sat there for a minute. She looked at Davis for a moment. "Aren't you going to do something?" She yelled at him. "I'm thinking!" He said. She picked up her cell and called Tk. No one answered. "This is just great! We're stuck here in this car in the middle of the highway!" Kari yelled again. Davis looked at her. "Get out." Kari looked confused. "Get out." He said once again. "Who the hell are you talking to?" She said getting very mad. "All you've been doing this whole ride is bitch! Since you don't like me so much, you can just get the hell out of my car!" She looked down. "I never said I didn't like you," she said very quietly. He looked at her and put his hand on her back. "I'm sorry about what I said. I am just frustrated at Tk. We haven been communicating well for a while." "I'm sorry too. I had every right to say that, but I should have kept it to myself." Kari looked up and tried to keep from laughing. "See? You're smiling." He moved his hand to her thigh. She moved it away. "We can't." she said. "I'm sorry," he said looking down.

(2 hours later)

The two were on the side of the road waving their hand for a ride. "Man, no one is gonna stop. We've been out here too long. I'm going back into the truck." Davis walked back to the car and folded down the back seat. He lay down. Kari finally gave up about five minutes later and went to the back with Davis. He was watching Spongebob on the car TV. "I love Spongebob!" She said and lay down next to Davis. They were silent while watching. Then they both looked at each other. "What happened to us?" Davis asked. "I made a mistake, a big mistake." They leaned their heads towards each other and kissed softly. Kari broke away and got up. "We can't do this. We have other people in our lives," she said. Davis got up and looked her up and down. "Kari, I still love you. I tried to bury it but this time I've spent with you has rekindled it. I made the mistake. Not you. I'm so sorry for leaving you. I love you and that will never and can never change." Kari looked at him. "Davis, I don't know what to say. My love for you is just the same for Tk. I don't know who to choose." "I'll give you some time, but remember this." He leaned over and kissed her one more time.

Another 2 days had passed and Davis broke it off with Mimi. Surprisingly she understood and said she didn't want him if someone else had his heart. Kari told Tk about the thing with Davis, He was a bit shocked. He thought he had her heart completely cleansed of feelings for Davis, but obviously wrong. She decided to talk to Yolie about it. "Well, go with your heart," Yolie simply said. "That's just it. My heart loves them both equally. I don't know who to choose." "Well you've got a really big choice on your hands," Yolie told her. "I think I wont pick any of them." "No! That's the worst choice you could make. That would just confuse your heart about everything!" Kari looked at her watch. "I got to go. Thanks for everything Yolie," Kari said as she walked out of the door.

Davis was in his room with his stereo blasted on loud. He was listening to Eminem's superman. The song reminded him of Kari. He loved her so much. He called her up. "Hello?" "Yeah, Kari? It's me Davis." "Hi, so what's up?" "I was wondering if we could walk in the park for a while tonight." "Um.. Sure." "Cool."

They were walking hand in hand through the park and just smiling at each other. "So have you made your choice?" Davis asked. "No, not yet." "Oh…" They heard something in the bushes and stopped. "What was that?" She asked. "I have no idea." Then a shadowy figure jumped out of the bush with a gun in hand. "Give me your money!" The man said. Kari got behind Davis. "Dude, I have no money! Just let her go and I swear I wont tell anybody," Davis said trying to compensate with the man. "Go on girl!" The man said. "Do what he says Kari." Davis told her. She looked at him and he gave her a nod. She ran out of the park. "As for you, you are gonna get punishment for not giving me what I want." The man raised the gun again and shot. Davis blacked out.

To be continued….

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I bet you all hate me now for leaving you with a cliffhanger. Well the next chapter will be the last and don't expect anything! And it will have a preview for the sequel to this.