Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Alone in a Desert of People ❯ Prologue

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer= nothing. I own nothing.

Author's note= angst. Sad. Depressing. Three words to describe this fic. It made me sad too. I tried to explain why Matt is always the "loner one"; I tried…and this came out. Hope you like it! <hope is for weak girl!> Why did I have to have such an annoying little helper?! <because this is the life> ALONE IN A DESERT OF PEOPLE

The lone wolf.

This is what I am.

Six billions of people on this planet.

And I feel lonely.

You can say my family, my little brother, my friends are all my life.

I guess you're right.

But why do I feel so empty?

My music helps me, but when I play my heart out I realize that nothing has changed.

People always frightened me.

So many faces, strangers' faces; so many empty smiles, so many icy looks.

One day I lost myself in them.

I was alone in that desert of people.

Grey clouds surrounded me.

Someone grabbed me. Took me away. Away from the grey clouds, in the darkness. Cold and unwanted darkness.

I wanted to feel the sun on my cheeks again, to feel the warmth on my skin, the light in my eyes.

But there was nothing except unnaturally darkness, and cold; it was so cold…so cold…

They found me next morning, cold, used and alone. I had being left again.

I hated being alone.

On that icy glares I saw pity and compassion.

I hated their pity.

I hated them for making me being frightened by them now.

And this is my story.

I now isolate myself by them, by all.

They can't hurt me now.

I'm with myself.

But myself isn't as much powerful as I thought.

I'm surrounded by them, by the crowd.

But they aren't with me. I'm still alone.

Their faces are as grey as ever.

Nobody can feel the black loneliness in my heart. They try but they simply can't.

They can't feel the desert I'm walking in. A desert made of grey faces.

And I'm alone in a desert of people.

Teti= Poor Yama ;_; poor, poor Yama. I wish I could help him…<listen to me, it's better you didn't try> Why? <'cause you'd make the situation worse> I think I should take another helper…<you're lucky you've found me, 'coz nobody would work with you> And I ask myself why I keep writing angst -_-