Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Altnernate Dark ❯ Chant (prolouge) ( Prologue )
Kari ran. Were? She didn't know. She had to get away. But where could she go?
Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?, her footsteps seemed to say. Before she knew, she was at the center of spiral mountain. She felt something in the back of her mind. She knew needed to do. She didn't know why or how. And words unbidden came.
I know not why
I know not how
But this I know
The hour is now.
The reason that this has to pass
I don't much know or care
But come to me oh powers strong,
Hell is on the air.
Warmer powers of above
Fly to me on wing of dove
Colder powers knowth that
From me you'll fly on wing of bat.
To free my friends and end this fight
I sacrifice the child of light!
Watching from above, the digigods saw Kari. "Such a noble offering! She will forfeit herself for her friends and to purify the digital world. A human after my own heart." said the southern god. "Do not be deceived by that holy chant, my friend. If were to do as you think, the chant would be far, far from what this human is saying." calmly replied the eastern god. "How so? I hear no difference in the words!" " Firstly, only part of her will disappear. It will be part of her purity, her inner-light. This may be the down fall of all…"