Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Angels Acceptance ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
What passed before: In an attempt to defeat an ultimate evil, TK and Kari were critically injured. To save their lives, Angewomon and MagnaAngemon performed a life DNA Digivolution - a one time, permanent merger with their human partners. Now the Digidestined must learn to accept what has happened.


Angels Acceptance

By Time Lady

Izzy and Davis lay Tai down on the lower bunk in the bedroom. Ken and Michael pulled the mattress off the top bunk, then Willis and Joe lay the unconscious Matt on it. Yolei and Mimi sat down on the floor trying to get their tears under control. Everyone sat there numbly for a while.

Until the ringing of the telephone made everyone jump. Izzy maintained some sort of composure and picked up the phone. "Kamiya residence. . . Oh, hello Mrs. Kamiya." Everyone's hearts literally stopped. "Tai? Well, he. . . um. . . fell asleep after a long morning playing soccer. Kari? Well, she's. . . uh . . . out with Yolei and Sora. . . . Yes, I'll tell them. Okay. Goodbye Mrs. Kamiya." Izzy let out a long breath as he set down the receiver.

"How do we tell them?" asked Cody. "We're going to have to tell their parents."

"What are we supposed to tell them?" asked Joe. "Mr. and Mrs. Kamiya, Mr. Ishida, Ms. Takaishi, your children were nearly killed trying to save the universe. Their digimon merged with them to save their lives, and now Kari and TK are half human/ half digimon hybrids?"

"What else can we tell them but the truth," said Sora as she looked at the camera in her hands. A tear rolled down her cheek.

"First things first," said Michael. "First we need to wait till Matt and Tai wake up and deal with them."

- - -

Carried in the arms of angels to a place of safety. Toy Town was one of the few places left untouched by the previous war. Two angels carried several of their injured comrades there, where Monzeamon welcomed them. He offered them a place to rest and recuperate.

Kari/Angewomon and TK/MagnaAngemon tirelessly worked to make the wounded digimon comfortable. The two were glad to be kept so busy. It prevented them from thinking about the sudden, unexpected, irreversible changes in their lives. The injuries ranged from cuts and bruises to lacerations and broken bones. What they all needed was sleep. And while the injured digimon slept, two angels watched over them.

- - -

"Matt's coming around," said Joe. He removed the cold compress he had put on Matt's forehead.

"Unnggghh. . ." moaned Matt. Propping himself up on his elbow, he looked around. All of his friends were there. Everyone except. . . "TK!"

"He's in the Digital World," said Sora softly.

"Oh God. . . it wasn't a bad dream . . ." muttered Matt.

"No. It all happened," said Ken quietly.

Sora came over and put her arm around Matt as he began sobbing uncontrollably. Everyone felt as helpless as they had before it had happened. How do you comfort a person whose brother wasn't truly his brother anymore? The sound of Matt's sobs woke Tai. Looking around at his friends, his eyes fell on Matt. Tai rested his head on his knees. Mimi, who had been sitting by Tai with a cold compress, wrapped her arms around him.

It was nearly ten minutes before anyone spoke. "We need to face facts," said Izzy calmly.

"Izzy's right," said Cody. "We're going to need to accept that what happened has happened. You two have to be strong. Especially when telling your parents."

Both Matt and Tai looked up, their faces pale. "My mom will have a heart attack," said Matt.

"I don't even know what my mother will do when she finds out," said Tai, remembering what happened when Kari was rushed to the hospital ill.

"Your parents aren't due back till tomorrow," said Davis. "At least you don't have to tell them yet."

"It would probably best if you broke the news to all of your parents at once," suggested Michael. He and Willis felt like intruders on this closely knit group. "Matt, it might not be a good idea if you went home tonight. You also might want to make up some sort of excuse for TK."

"My mom's out of town until tomorrow too," said Matt. "TK was staying with me and Dad."

"Well, since your dad is still comfortable remembering the Digital World, you could tell him you and TK are spending the night there doing something," suggested Joe. "Then we get all parents to one place at the same time and break the news."

Willis nodded. "That should give you two enough time to get your wits about you."

"Speaking of parents," said Michael, "I know of three pairs that will be extremely worried when they find their children aren't in their beds in New York."

"We'll have to go through the Digiport," said Willis. "Mimi?"

Mimi thought a moment, deciding what to do. Her parents still remembered the Digital World, and would probably be all right if she decided to stay in Toyko another day or so. But going back through the Digital World would also allow her to check on TK and Kari. She wasn't exactly sure how to refer to the two anymore. "All right," she said. "But first I want to check on things in the Digital World."

"I'm coming too," said Tai. He started to get out of his bed.

"Oh no you don't," said Joe. "You're staying right where you are."

"I'm going," snapped Tai.

"You're staying," said Davis levelly. "I knocked you out once and I won't hesitate to again."

Tai slumped back. "It's just that. . ."

"You're worried. We all are," said Sora. "Tai, the adjustment you have ahead of you is nothing compared to what Kari and TK are going to be going through. Give them some time to acclimate themselves. You and Matt aren't going to help matters."


"How are you doin'?" Demiveemon asked TK/MagnaAngemon.

The large angel regarded the in-training digimon. "I'm. . . trying not to think about it right now. Everything still seems surreal."

"How is she doin'?"

"About the same. I don't think either one of us is ready to accept our new . . status just yet."

"Does it feel like a regular DNA digivolution?" asked Demiveemon.

TK/MagnaAngemon thought a moment. "No. I feel like. . . like TK's mind in MagnaAngemon's body. The memories. . . and feelings from Patamon are there. . .sort of merged with the memories of TK. But then the last few hours are just TK. Patamon's soul is a part of mine, but it's as if he has sacrificed his consciousness for mine. It isn't easy to explain. . ." A loud snore interrupted him. With a smile, TK/MagnaAngemon pulled the covers around Demiveemon. "I guess I talked him to sleep."

In another room of the Toy Town building being used as a hospital, Kari/Angewomon was checking on Wormmon, who asked her how she was doing. "I'm fine," she replied. It wasn't in Kari's way to let anyone know something was bothering her. Wormmon was recovering from two broken legs. There was no need to worry him. She put on a smile and acted if her new state was the way she always was.

Biyomon, who was in the same room, knew better. She had traveled with Kari and her digimon enough to know Kari wasn't telling everything. "Sigh. . . " said Biyomon after Kari/Angewomon left on the pretext of going to check on Koromon and Tsunomon.

"What's wrong?" asked Wormmon.

"She's hiding how she feels," said Biyomon. "She's done it before. Once Kari was incredibly ill, but she didn't say anything was wrong because she didn't want to slow us down."

Kari/Angewomon walked down the hall. She forced a smile as Monzeamon walked past. Inside she felt like anything other than smiling. Her mind was a jumble of thoughts and worries. A tear rolled down her cheek. Suddenly she heard someone calling "Hello!" Quickly she brushed the tear away. Thankfully the helmet covered her eyes. She glanced out the window and saw Mimi, Michael, and Willis coming towards the hospital.

TK/MagnaAngemon, Kari/Angewomon, and Monzeamon met them at the door. Despite the fact that the two were currently rather imposing angel digimon, Mimi hugged both of them. "I'm so glad to see you," she said.

"It's only been a few hours," returned TK/MagnaAngemon.

"I know, but it feels like so much longer," replied Mimi.

First order of business was a visit to check on the Digimon. Terriermon, Betamon, and Palmon were all sound asleep. The humans decided it was best not to wake them. Monzeamon escorted everyone to a dining room, then began serving tea.

"We really can't stay long," said Willis.

"We understand," returned TK/MagnaAngemon.

"As long as we had to come through the Digital World to go home, we thought we'd check on you," added Mimi. "Everyone is very worried about you. They haven't said anything to your parents yet."

The two angels felt a chill go down their spines. "Our parents will go crazy," said Kari/Angewomon.

"Everyone's agreed to tell them at one time when all parents have returned," said Michael. "They're making up an excuse about TK and Matt not going home tonight."

"Dad should be all right. . .," said TK/MagnaAngemon. "Mom though. . ."

"I know," said Kari/Angewomon.

"Do you two still have the D-terminals?" asked Willis.

"Yes. Why?"

"In case the others need to reach you. There is a television nearby. I'm going to work tonight with Izzy on a way for you two to communicate through the computer, so your parents can talk to you for themselves," said Willis.

The angels nodded. "We'll stay here, at least a couple of days," said TK/MagnaAngemon.

"All right." Willis looked at his watch. "We should be going. Good thing tomorrow isn't a school day."

"Can't we stay a little longer?" asked Mimi.

"Mimi. . . ." Michael and Willis glared at her.

"Oh all right," said Mimi. "You two email me soon."

With a last hug, the three humans returned to the Toy Town television and opened the Digiport.


It was two hours since Mimi, Michael, and Willis had left Japan. Most of the Digidestined were moping around the Kamiya's apartment. Izzy, Yolei, and Cody were working on the computer, trying to make sure there would be a way to communicate visually with the Digital World. Tai and Matt lay there like lumps, staring at their friends and trying not to think. Sora and Joe attempted to scrounge together a meal while Ken tried to keep Davis from falling into a deep funk.

"If only I hadn't been so absorbed in watching Magnamon," lamented Davis.

"There still wasn't much you would be able to do," returned Ken. "From what I've been able to tell, there has always been something unique about TK and Kari. Maybe this was what was supposed to happen."

"Come on Ken, that's ridiculous. How could anyone be destined to merge with their digimon?"

"I mean destined to be angels. Remember, if they had died, they would still be angels. This way they are living angels."

"But what about their digimon? I mean, if this is like the other DNA Digivolution, then they're kind of one mind, right?"

"Normally, I would say yes. But this was a permanent DNA Digivolution between a human and a digimon. Who knows what the results will be."

"HEY GUYS!" shouted Yolei from the bedroom. "WE HAVE AN EMAIL FROM MIMI!"

Dropping what they were doing, Sora, Joe, Davis, and Ken ran into the bedroom.

"What does it say?" asked Joe.

Cody read the message:

"Hi everyone! We found the Digimon in Toy Town. They're using it as a base for now. Thought you would like to know how everyone is doing:

Koromon - cuts, bruises, exhaustion
Tsunomon - same
Demiveemon - extreme exhaustion
Wormmon - two broken legs, one sprained, several cuts
Biyomon - broken wing
Palmon - deep cut with stitches
Hawkmon - sprained leg, several cuts, concussion
Armadillomon - extreme exhaustion
Gomamon - cuts, bruises, exhaustion
Motimon - extreme exhaustion, concussion
Betamon - several deep cuts requiring stitches, exhaustion
Terriermon - concussion

"According to Monzeamon, everyone should be fully healed in a week."

"What does she say about TK and Kari?" asked Sora.

"I am not sure how well TK and Kari are adjusting," read Cody. "They were smiling and acting as if nothing was wrong. I would have stayed longer and tried to talk to them more, but Michael and Willis were worried about our parents missing us. I do think they need more time than a few hours to adjust. Monzeamon promised me he'd watch over them for now. Love and kisses to everyone, Mimi."

"And that's it?" asked Tai.

"That's it," returned Izzy. "While we three work with Willis on the program, the rest of you need to work on what to tell the parents tomorrow."


TK/MagnaAngemon watched Kari/Angewomon. He knew she was distressed and trying to hide it by a flurry of activity changing bandages and dampening compresses. "You need to rest sometime," he said.

"I'm not tired."

"Oh come on," he returned. "We're _not_ tireless. We spent the whole night fighting evil digimon, went through a very traumatic experience, and have spent the rest of the day caring for our injured comrades. It's time to get some rest."

Reluctantly she followed Monzeamon to a comfortable looking bedroom in the building. She slipped inside and closed the door behind her. Admittedly, she didn't really want to be alone or resting. Both gave her too much time to think. After pacing around a bit, the bed began to beckon her. She was more tired than she though. First she tried lying down as she was. The helmet rapidly became annoying, as did the rest of the outfit. After getting out of bed, she found she could remove her helmet, which she sat down on the dresser. Kari/Angewomon stared at the woman looking back at her in the mirror.

For the first time she was able to appraise her appearance herself. Angewomon's hair had been a deep, golden shade. Now it was the rich chestnut color Kari was born with. While she had never seen her eyes uncovered, they quite definitely were chocolate brown. She ran her fingers over her facial features. Was she Kari, or was she Angewomon? The angel turned away from the mirror. She didn't want to think about it anymore. Instead she concentrated on figuring out if the rest of her clothing was removable. Feeling around for few moments, she found closures on the back and opened them. The body suit came off, followed by the boots and gloves. She laid the clothing on a chair and turned back to the mirror. Kari/Angewomon blushed briefly as she looked at herself in the mirror. No longer an adolescent girl. This was quite definitely a woman in the mirror - a woman with wings, but a woman nonetheless. Turning sideways, she saw her wings were quite definitely a part of her. Tentatively she spread the wings and observed how they moved. She also found she could fold them closely against her body, making her movements less restricted by their presence. Deciding sleep was the best option, she found a hospital gown in one of the drawers. It opened in the back, allowing her wings to move freely. The gown was less than comfortable, but it was something. She put on the gown and climbed under the covers. After tossing and turning for a while, she found a comfortable position lying on her stomach, then fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

In another room nearby, TK/MagnaAngemon was facing a similar crisis. His was compounded by the additional armor worn by MagnaAngemon. After searching for catches for 10 minutes, an idea struck him. Angemon didn't have quite the amount of accouterments MagnaAngemon did. Could he devolve? He concentrated for a few moments, then searched his memory. Devolving was like releasing excess energy not needed for battle, or a loss of the same energy. He closed his eyes and concentrated again. He felt his adrenaline level decrease, much in the same way as when he cooled down after a hard game. As this occurred he felt this body changing. Everything felt lighter. When he opened his eyes, he realized he had devolved to Angemon. "Awesome," he thought. "Izzy would have a field day analyzing this. I wonder if I can devolve back to Patamon." He spent another hour concentrating with no effect. "I guess Angemon is as far back as I can go," he thought as he removed his far less cumbersome helmet. After spending some time in the same type of self-analysis as Kari/Angewomon, TK/Angemon also found a hospital gown and somehow managed to fall asleep.

The next morning was an adventure in returning their uniforms to their natural state. Once this was accomplished, they emerged from their rooms about the same time. "TK what. . . ?" began Kari/Angewomon in surprise.

"I figured out how to devolve last night. It was easier than trying to take off all of the heavy armor," he replied.

"Do you think I could devolve to Gatomon?" she asked.

"I don't know. I couldn't devolve past Angemon to Patamon," he returned. "Izzy's going to have a field day. Come on, let's see about breakfast and check on the others."

Monzeamon was already up preparing breakfast for everyone. "Good morning," he said cheerfully.

"Good morning," returned the angels.

Monzeamon reacted only with a little surprise to TK/Angemon's devolution. "When a digimon reaches a certain point," said Monzeamon, "that form becomes default. I wasn't a Monzeamon originally. But as I trained and developed, that became my default form. If I were to digivolve further, should something happen, I would devolve to this form, rather than my previous form. Your life DNA Digivolutions probably took you a step further than you had been. Angewomon's previous state was her champion form of Gatomon. MagnaAngemon's previous state was his rookie form of Patamon. His next natural stage would be Angemon, rather than MagnaAngemon. However, he will be able to digivolve to MagnaAngemon as easily as Patamon digivolved to Angemon previously. Am I making this clear?"

"As clear as mud," returned TK/Angemon.

"My head hurts," added Kari/Angewomon. "Explain it to Izzy later."

"Speaking of which, should we try emailing home?"

"It's still early. Everyone's probably asleep there. Let's take care of everyone here first."

In the rooms of the hospital, they found their comrades for the most part up and about. Those suffering from exhaustion previously were awake and starving. Everyone who had devolved to in training had digivolved back to rookie form. Wormmon and Biyomon weren't very mobile yet, but they were alert and talking to each other. TK/Angemon and Kari/Angewomon fended off the inevitable questions with food. All of the digimon were ravenous.

About mid morning, the angels realized their D-terminals were beeping. It was an email from Izzy, asking them to go to the nearest television. With a confused glance towards the others, the two angels complied, followed by a horde of other digimon. They turned on the television in the hospital waiting room. The TV seemed to connect to a monitor screen.


"I hope they got the message," said Yolei. She poured some juice for Izzy to take back into the room. "You three better eat something," she said to Tai, Matt, and Davis, who were sitting at the table staring at their food.

"I'm not very hungry," said Tai.

"Me neither," said Davis, who had spent the night at the Kamiyas' apartment, as did Matt and Izzy. Yolei, Ken, Sora, and Cody had come over first thing in the morning.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE NOT VERY HUNGRY AFTER I SPENT THE LAST HALF HOUR COOKING?!?" shrieked Yolei. Davis, Tai, and Matt practically jumped out of their seats.

"I'd eat breakfast if I were you," said Ken.

"Yes," said Cody. "You know how she is when she gets like this." Suddenly the three began shoveling their breakfast into their mouths.

"There, that's more like it," said Yolei with a smile. She took a tray with food into the bedroom, where Izzy had been working at the computer all night. "How is it going?"

"Willis debugged the program. I should be able to utilize two way communications with the digital world. I'll give them a few more minutes before I run the program. Thanks Yolei." Izzy took the juice from her. "How are they doing?"

"Well, I got them to eat. But otherwise they're sitting there like three lumps."

"Davis too?"

"Yeah. He's thinking that there was something he could have done. I think he's also realizing that now it can never be between him and Kari."

"Maybe talking to them will finally snap the guys out of it. Should I go get them?"

"Let me finish eating first," said Izzy as he took a bite of toast.

About 10 minutes later, Izzy called everyone into the bedroom. "All right. Willis and I have worked out a program that should allow us to initiate 2 way communications with the digital world, provided TK and Kari are near a TV. Here goes. . . ." Izzy double clicked an icon on his desktop. The doorbell rang. Cody let Joe in.

"Sorry I'm late," he said. "Had to get a lift from my brother this morning."

"Shhh. . ." said Tai irritably. "Something's coming up on the screen."


Everyone gathered around the TV. The screen began to grow fuzzy, then sharpened. "I guess this means I won't be able to watch my soap operas," said Tentomon as he munched on some cereal.

"Shhhh. . . ." said Hawkmon as Izzy's face came into view.

"Can you hear me over there?" said Izzy.

"We can hear you. Can you hear us?" asked Kari/Angewomon.

"SUCCESS - GAH!" Izzy suddenly found himself pushed away from the screen.

"Kari!" shouted Tai as he sat down in the computer chair.

"Tai, that was rude," she admonished.

"How are you doing?" asked Tai, ignoring Izzy's glare.

"I'm fine. You don't need to worry. I can take care of myself," she said as Matt began to push Tai away from the screen.

"TK! How are you doing bro?" said Matt as he tried to hold off Tai.

"I'm managing," replied TK/Angemon. The digimon watched as Matt and Tai began to wrestle for possession of the screen.

"KNOCK IT OFF YOU TWO!" they heard Yolei shout. She rather forcefully dragged them away from the screen.

"Ahem," said Izzy as he resumed his seat. He noticed TK/Angemon. "Weren't you MagnaAngemon before?"

"Yeah. . ." He explained what happened, then what Monzeamon had tried to explain before.

"Hmmm. . ." said Izzy. "That might be true. It also might be that, with the infusion of the human DNA from the DNA digivolution, physically you can't assume a form that isn't humanoid. It's something to be analyzed at later date. Now, if we can get Tai and Matt calmed down for a minute we can discuss this evening."

"What's this evening?" asked Tentomon.

"We're planning to get all parents here at the apartment and break it to all of them at once," said Ken, who was leaning over Izzy's shoulder. "How is Wormmon?"

"I'm over here," Wormmon waved a cast towards the TV. "One of the bad things about having multiple legs is you have more to break," he said.

"You rest up," said Ken.

"NO! ANYTHING BUT THAT!" they heard Matt shout.

"WE'LL BEHAVE!" said Tai.

"Hi guys," said Davis as he took Ken's place. "Veemon, you're looking better."

"Hi Davis," said Veemon with a wave.

"Okay, that's settled," said Yolei as she came over. "They guys promised to behave or else I would do the most horrible thing I could."

"What's that?" asked Kari/Angewomon.

"Fix them each up on a date with Jun," replied Yolei.

"Hey!" protested Davis.

Tai and Matt took up positions over each of Izzy's shoulders. "Now," said Izzy, "if we can talk reasonably, we need to decide exactly what we're going to say to your parents tonight."


Around 6pm, Tokyo time, Mr. and Mrs. Kamiya arrived home after a weekend away. A message from Tai on the front table said he was over at Izzy's and would be home in a half hour. There was no mention of Kari, but they assumed she was out with her friends. A few minutes after they had put their suitcases in their bedroom, the doorbell rang. Mrs. Kamiya opened it to find Ms. Takaishi, TK's mother. "Hello," she said. "Matt called and asked me to meet him over here."

"Come in," said Mrs. Kamiya. "He must be with Tai and the other's at Izzy's."

"I guess. My ex-husband said the boys had spent the night at a friend's house."

The doorbell rang a few moments later. Mr. Ishida was waiting on the other side. "Matt said for me to meet him here. . . ." He suddenly found two very concerned mothers looking at him.

"Something must be wrong," said Mr. Kamiya. "Why would Matt ask for both of you to come over here? And why aren't they here already?"

Five minutes later, they heard a key at the door. Tai walked in with Matt and several other children all the parents recognized. Two people were conspicuously absent from the party. "Tai," asked his mother, "where's Kari?"

"And where's TK?" added Ms. Takaishi.

"You better sit down," said Izzy. "It's a long story. . . ."


Kari/Angewomon and TK/Angemon had spent the afternoon trying to keep themselves distracted. They didn't want to contemplate their existence or the upcoming breaking of news to their parents. Instead they busied themselves around Toy Town. At the time Izzy had told them, they were waiting in front of the television as they had been this morning.

TK/Angemon looked at Kari/Angewomon and could see her forcing back the same turmoil he was feeling. He reached over and took her hand. She smiled briefly.


"No. . . . no. . .. this can't be true. . . ." said Mrs. Kamiya as she paced the room. Between the kids they had explained what had happened to TK and Kari, but it wasn't exactly easy to accept that your daughter was now a human/digimon hybrid.

"Matt, how could you let this happen?" cried Ms. Takaishi.

"It wasn't as if he had much choice," said Ken. "The only ones with the choice at that point were MagnaAngemon and Angewomon."

"No. . ." said Davis. "I made the choice to ignore what was happening with TK and Kari."

"Davis, stop it," said Cody. "The only one to blame is MegaApocalymon."

"Where are they now?" asked Mr. Ishida.

"They're in the digital world," said Sora. "They've been helping the injured digimon."

Mr. Kamiya stood looking out the window. "There's nothing to be done now, is there?" he said.

"At least they're still alive," said Joe. Yolei wisely kept silent for a change. This wasn't a situation when she wanted to stick her foot in her mouth. "If their digimon hadn't made the choice to life DNA Digivolve, TK and Kari would be dead."

"They might as well be dead," said Mrs. Kamiya. "They can't come back here, can they?"

"They can," said Izzy. "Digimon come to Earth all of the time. However, at this point in time, I believe they need to be in the digital world. Emotionally and psychologically they both need to deal with the changes to their lives."

"Right now they need your love and understanding, not rejection," said Sora.

Everyone was silent for a few moments. "Can. . . can we see them? Speak to them? Or are we cut off from them entirely?" asked Mrs. Kamiya.

"You can see them and speak to them," said Izzy. "Willis, a digidestined in America, and I have created a program to allow us to communicate live with the digital world. There's also email. I'll send them a message to let them know we're going to try and contact them. We'll give them about five minutes."

The two mothers sat together on the couch trying to grasp what had happened. The fathers however went out onto the balcony. Mr. Ishida lit up a cigarette and took a long drag. "Do you believe any of this?" asked Mr. Kamiya.

"Yes," returned Mr. Ishida. "I remember when I first saw those Digimon. And the time I saw Patamon digivolve to Angemon and Gatomon to Angewomon. I've always felt something must be different about TK and Kari for their Digimon to be so human, compared to the others. And, as Joe and Ken said, the kids are still alive. One way or another, with what happened, they would be angels." He took another long drag on his cigarette. "We could be mourning their complete deaths instead of dealing with a change in bodies."

"I guess you're right. We've nearly lost Kari before, when she was little."

"I wonder how my ex is going to deal with this," said Mr. Ishida. "But then, she wound up leaving TK alone a lot before when she was working. Maybe the separation won't be as hard on her."

"We're through," called Yolei. Mr. Ishida snubbed out his cigarette before he and Mr. Kamiya joined the women surrounding Izzy.

"Oh my God. . . . Kari?" stammered Mrs. Kamiya. "Is that really you?"

"Yes Mama," said Kari/Angewomon. To prove it, she took off her helmet, as did TK/Angemon. Both mothers began to break down in tears. Cody brought over a box of tissues.

"How. . . does it feel?" asked Mr. Ishida.

"It feels strange," admitted TK/Angemon. "But being able to fly like this is incredible."

"I'll bet," said Mr. Kamiya.

The next half-hour was spent in small talk between the angels and their parents. Mostly they were trying to explain that despite their appearance, deep down, they still felt like the same people. Izzy listened intently, as did the other digidestined. They knew the angels were putting up a brave front for their parents. Finally, after promises to maintain communication through email and occasionally visually, the conversation was over. Rather than explaining the change in the two children, it was decided that people would be told TK had gone to live with his grandfather in France, while Kari would have gone to live with cousins in America. And with that, communications between the digital world and Tokyo ended for the night.

<to be continued>

Author's note: I didn't expect this one to be a 2 parter, but it will be. This story is just going to take a lot more to tell then planned. The second part will deal more with the psychological adjustments Kari and TK must make, as well as how this affects their relationship. There will be a lot more romance in the 2nd part. I should have the 2nd part up by next weekend. Also coming soon is "The White Gatomon," based on "The White Cat" by the Countess d'Aulnoy (one of my favorite fairy tales - if you want to see a version of it, get a copy of The Blue Fairy Book by Andrew Lang). Of course, Digiquest for Glory: So you want to be a hero chapter 3 is in the works as well. Future "A Teacher's POV" are in the works but on the back burner. I just have too many stories to work on. I do want to get Angels Acceptance and The White Gatomon up soon.